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Transits for Tomorrow Thursday June 1st (6/2 in the East)

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Tomorrow's Transit Report for AND TOMORROW, THURSDAY.....June 1st.....!


and tail end of today....Wednesday May 31st....




(6/1 today, and June 2nd tomorrow... in the Eastern Hemisphere)






Well, I got an email from one r yesterday who was able to hold on

to the beautiful, benefic side of Saturn!


(See below for here description)



Moon right now is at the 9th degree of Cancer...

which has a 'fine' feeling level.


Moon loves being in Cancer.


But, Moon's completely surrounded by strange and intense, I'll say,

often times, functional malefic influences.


Mars is at the 4th degree there, of Cancer

Rahu's influence is directly upon the 7:42 deg of Cancer...


Saturn's at the 13th degree of Cancer...


So, if you're experiencing any roughness especially on a feeling level.


This is why!


Will be better, pretty much immediately right after Moon begins to slide

past Saturn in 8 short hours from NOW!


If you can't wait, then, do anything to be more still.


My friends that I am staying with in Phoenix, who by the way tossed and

turned, slept in a little bit more.


I, who had some intense dreams and woke up more exchausted then rested,

meditated a little longer this am, too.


So, here's hopeing the rest of you, are fairing this momentary Planetary

War, Collision well!


Almost forgot to reflect on Tomorrow:



Tomorrow: June 1st:


In 24 hours from now, Moon will have climbed to the 22nd degree of Cancer.


So, you should 'feel' an immediate improvement over the last day and 1/2.


And, even though the Moon's still within 30 degrees of all those Malefic

qualities, still, the Moon, on the other side, has a much lighter, rapidly

improving quality!


Like when the Moon slides past the Sun on the New Moon, even 'now' you'll

feel better.


Moon spends 16 hours finishing with Cancer then it plunges into Leo, where

there's smooth sailing!


Now, malefic influences so look forward to 2 1/2 days of Leo bliss!








Mark Kincaid





Subscriber's Comments:




From Claire in Florida:


" Hi Mark,


Definitely got the deep deep silence aspect...yesterday felt very


and heavy.....this morning's meditation I extended long and felt like I

could go on evenmore but had work to do. I was planning to go out

shopping, but after reflecting

on the Moon transit I think I'll just stay inward today.




Claire "



" Dear Claire: I think you both because of your inner meditation work, and

because of your ability to sense this transit, have turned 'this' from a

potentially uncomfortable and stressful Cosmic 'moment'; into a more inward

and wonderful experience.


Well done!


If you get this email, let me know how you're fairing today, during the even

worst part of this 2 day transit!


Thanks for your experience and comments.



Mark K.






Transits for Tomorrow Thursday June 1st (6/2 in the East)

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