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The Future of Astrology 8/21/06

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Future of Astrology


Dear Friends:

As the Moon moves into Cancer, today, I was reflecting on the future of

what we're doing with our Astrology. I feel so lucky and so blessed

not only that we’ve discovered ‘good’ Astrology; but

that we’re really learning the best that it has to


Reflecting on the Future of Astrology is both very exciting and

uplifting! For the first time in perhaps hundreds or thousands of

years Astrology is now becoming ‘Perfect’!

Previously, the entire field of Astrology has been in a mess! In the

West, about 1600 years ago, Astrological charts began to be calculated

from the Spring Equinox instead of from the first moment that the Sun

enters Aries.

As a result, now, 1600 years later, the calculations of the Astrological

chart, no longer fits the real sky! This has been a disastrous

consequence for Astrology because modern scientists and Astronomers refuse

to take Astrology seriously because it doesn’t refer to a reality

that can be independently studied and verified! Also, the

Western charts are beginning to really not ‘fit’ what people

are really living in their every day, real Astrology.


Today the Western calculations are about 23 degrees different then the

realities of the Sky. So far there’s only a beginning of a

difference. However, if things don’t change in another 1600

years there’ll be 46 degrees difference and there will be no

resemblance between one’s Astrological chart; and


Fortunately, there’s a very recent movement within the field of

Western Astrology and that’s the emergence of the Siderealists vs.

the Tropical Astrologers. There are a number of frustrated Western

Astrologers who feel this was a big mistake and are involved in trying to

return Western Astrology to its original roots. This is going to

save Western Astrology as more and more people catch on with this new


On the other hand, …..

The other great field,

branch of Astrology; the Eastern branch also has had very deep

problems. For a very long time it’s become generally believed

that Jyotish or Astrology was more about one’s fate then about

one’s future or opportunities. As a result Jyotish, Eastern,

or Vedic Astrology got out of touch with important and practical formulas

for self-improvement and development.


As a result, the

importance and practice of Remedial measures or Remedies has become

something an afterthought. I remember when I first started studying

Jyotish, over 18 years ago now. Every book that you’d pick up

would have 195 pages on the Astrology; the ideas, theories and

knowledge. Then, at the end in 5 lonely pages would be the

‘afterthought’ about how to change one’s


In other words, they didn’t think much about


But, today,

this great Eastern branch of Astrology is also going through a huge

catharsis! Recently within the last 50 years, the entire field of

Vedic Knowledge has started becoming re-enlivened. Where Vedic

knowledge had become known as the knowledge of Renunciation, and

De-tachment, now it’s beginning to be known for its practicalities

and relevant wisdoms and knowledge.

Where before a Vedic Astrologer

might say for improving one’s Saturn: “Ahh, on Saturday

feed the birds!” today the Vedic Astrology has a great chance to

become more practical.

For me, I have been very

lucky. When I first discovered Jyotish in 1988, I’d already

been practicing Vedic meditation, yoga and Ayurveda since 1970. As a

result of this long history of practical Vedic formulas for improving

life; it was very natural for me to think: “Maybe Jyotish

could do this, too!”

As a result we now

have Nature’s Astrology. Having studied both Western and

Eastern, all of my adult life; I can now say that the ‘best’

of both systems is beginning to come forth!

In the West, in spite of the

lack of correct ‘calculations’ the Psychology and Philosophy

of the West is more perfect. It’s not only true that life is

fate! Life is also free will and free choices. Sure, there is

a pre-conditioned aspect to life. But, it’s not the


In the West over the last 200 years we’ve seen a huge emergence in

prosperity and self-actualization just because the people’s in the

West did not believe in fate and the natural limitations that come from

such a stagnant view of life.

As a result, the Western mind-set contains the possibility to improve

one’s circumstances. In addition this healthy mind-set

permeates the Psychology and Philosophy of Western Astrology. That

attitude is infectious and is beginning to have a great influence on the

and even Eastern Astrology.


On the

other hand, the greater precision and exactness of Jyotish has come out

from the East and been embraced by many in the West. Many hundreds

of Western Astrologers are learning Vedic Astrology and they’re

learning all the great rules, principles and ideas of the Eastern


The best of the West is its attitude and

propensity to believe in choice, evolution and personal


The best of the East lies in its

understanding as to the exact, precise rules and principles of Astrology;

which after all, only represent the very laws of nature that exist in the

Universe, anyway.

Finally, there is another aspect to Vedic Astrology which I believe is

very important; and that’s its ‘spiritual’ connection to

the rest of the entire field of Vedic Knowledge which includes such things

as Meditation, Yoga, and Ayurveda.

These, natural, more self-improving aspects of the

Vedic Tradition, if combined with the great prescriptive abilities of the

Vedic Astrology could propel Jyotish into what I believe is the real

potential of Life’s natural


This inclination, to look for remedies and ways to improve one’s

Astrology lead me to realize:

#1 The Malefics in our

charts are not just symbolic of our problems, No, these same

descriptions, of our problematic planets, are also a clear Astrological

perspective on what exact planets do we need to


If it’s really possible to improve the nature of life; then

Astrology should be more about that!

When I first picked up that ol’ Eastern Astrology book and

encountered only 5 lonely pages out of 200 I instinctively knew there was

something wrong about that!

Instead of only thinking of remedial measures about 2 or 5% of the time; I

realized after analyzing one’s Astrology, spend at least 50% of

one’s time in learning how to strengthen and improve one’s

weaker planets!

As it turns out, this is the true nature of

Astrology, as it is in life!

Life is not about only living a pre-determined, fated reality!

NO! It’s about our futures! It’s about changing

our ways. It’s about becoming better, and growing.

It’s about having a free will, and becoming more and more


This happens through hard work, through intense desire for

self-improvement. It doesn’t happen just be rolling out of bed

and descend upon me.

People ask me all the time, “When” am I going to get

married? Or, when will these difficulties end? I get so

frustrated because I see how ingrained those fated beliefs and

pre-conceptions are. However, if there’s one thing that the

West has to share with the East; it’s the fact that life is a field

of all possibilities, and we were destined to discover


Our destiny however, lies within us, within our choices, beliefs, and

strivings to become better.

As a result, these two great fields of Astrology are beginning to


You’ll see it reflected in the pages of the very popular Astrology

magazine: “Mountain Astrologer”. Regularly there are

many Eastern Astrology articles as well as Western ones. This

merging of these two great streams of ancient Astrology is going to change

Astrology forever.

I believe something like the following is going to be the


When Western Astrology gives up the ghost about how it calculates the

Astrological chart and, when East Astrology continues embracing the

self-improvement nature of life; then both systems are going to

dramatically improve!

Nature, herself, however, knows no problems of Astrology.

Fortunately, Nature herself, who is living spontaneously the literal

Perfection of Astrology, is showing us all the realities of the true

Astrological reality of Life!

For example, people being born each moment of every day, are living

spontaneously the realities of their Astrology. They’re living

spontaneously the different natures of the Astrological signs.

They’re also living spontaneously all the elaborate rules, formulas

and principles which Astrology has striven so hard to


At some point I discovered that people themselves spontaneously live their

Astrology. You'll hear people's chart's being spoken literally from

their mouths, words, ideas and feelings! When you experience this

level of Astrology you'll realize life is naturally


That’s why I like this concept of Nature’s Astrology, because

we don’t have to make anything up. It’s already

happening. And like modern science which realized that you only need

to pay attention to nature; great secrets and eternal laws of Nature can

be discovered!

This is what’s going to create, soon, a true, modern day Science of

Astrology and that’s going to be great news for this entire field

and all the people’s of this Earth.

Because contained within Astrology is the knowledge and wisdom of the

entire range of life. Every aspect of life, from one’s birth,

and latent beginnings, of health, to one’s up-bringing, inclinations

to study this or that, to picking a wife, or picking a career; all is

contained within this great field of


There is no other Philosophy of life, either from the past or in the

present that so profoundly captures the true Astrological nature of life

as Astrology itself.


Astrology only needs to be dusted off a little. Some dusting, some

new perspectives and the pure brilliance of this great field is going to

be available for all the people of this Earth, very


Those of you who are discovering this great Astrology are the true

Pioneers of this Knowledge. As you #1) Discover that your chart fits

you! And #2) as you discover that your chart is also about your

opportunities for self-improvement; you’re going to improve your


And, as you learn to do this for yourself, you’re going be seen by


You’re going to be asked: “Hey, what happened to

you!”? You’re so bright, and cheerful! What


Did you get married? Make a million dollars?


You’ll smile, and then tell them, I discovered my


It’s changed my life!

When you have this experience you’ll be living the true perfection

of Astrology!



Mark Kincaid




Nature’s Astrology

New Website: www..com

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Email address: markkincaid

1 641 472-0000.


Jai Guru!




(excerpts from new

book: The Stars Within,




The Future of Astrology 8/21/06

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