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New Announcements & Projects Coming Up! 9/5/06

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New Announcements:



Dear Friends:

I thought you might like to hear about the latest goings on.



Jyotish/Astrology research project is going ahead

very nicely. I’d say in a few more

weeks, we should be done! Thank you all,

who’ve been participating with this research.

Over 50 people have joined my IM to do the research

personally. Thanks again!


o The

Stars Within! After that,

I’ll go back to finishing my book: So,

look for my book to be ready, in about 2 months!

It’ll come out both as a book, and an e-book!




We’re starting a new Astrology magazine which will initially

come out as an e-magazine. I’m working

with one of our rs, a lady from

Utah who’s going to

help organize and write for this, too.


If anyone wants to help us

work on this, let us know.


We’re going to be

producing at least a once/month Astrology magazine which people can

for. It’ll include wonderful

articles all about Astrology, as well as Questions and Answers sections;

even sections on how to learn Astrology.


We’re going to need other Writers, computer people, to

help with the designing, and even marketing.


Email us at: markkincaid with your questions or comments.


o New

! 200 NEW


last month, alone! Please note that

we’ve started a number of new Astrology learning groups that

people can join. I’ll list the new

one’s below. PS... if you have any time to help organize and

communicate with new rs, let me know.



New Saturn group. Have any

problems with Saturn! Check this one out








New Moon Group: In Jyotish the Moon

is often spoken of as the most important planet.

In many cases I find this to be true, and yet, how often are we

encouraged to pay attention to how we feel, or our emotions?


In this

group we’ll focus on Strengthening the Moon!





New - Become Your Own Best Astrologer Group: This group is for

those who really want to learn their own Astrology’s. It’s a free group, though I will be using the

discussions as the basis of a new Instructional Astrology book

called: “How to Become Your Own Best







Finally, a New: Life Purpose

Group. This group is to

focus on the very important qualities of a person’s life






Website. Our new,

3rd generation website is almost ready for an initial

launch. Have finished all the beginning

descriptions in the site. Am now, beginning

the sections on REMEDIAL MEASURSES, and Astrological remedies. If anyone has any interest or capabilities with

computers and especially websites; let us know! Help us



Check it out at:





Need New Astrologers!.

We’re becoming so busy, that I need help in the actual

practice of doing people’s Astrology.

Anyone who has some expertise in doing Astrology and especially

likes my angle or emphasis on Astrological Self-improvement let me



1) Need

Experienced Astrologers


2) Willing

to train also.



Teacher Training Course Starting

September 7th, 2006!




I’ve created a new

, and Jyotish/Astrology course for anyone to become a

professional Astrologer.


This course is 12 months

long and includes 12 Monthly Blocks.


If you quality you can skip

certain blocks if you already have certain Astrological




Meditation. As some of

you know, I think of meditation as the literal, #1, Jyotish-Vedic and

Astrological Remedy that we can each practice!

Meditation is the only practice that has the ability to literally,

strengthen and improve all the Planets, simultaneously!


I recommend the highly

successful and available world-wide Transcendental Meditation


Over 40,000 teachers of

Transcendental Meditation have been trained and are opening TM centers in

your local areas. Find the TM center closest

to you! and check it out! Speaking as a

meditator with over 35 years of experience; I can’t recommend it

enough! Meditation is the the most highly well

researched technique of self-improvement in the World today.


Complementing meditation,

then with Astrology is a great supplement!


TM Course:

Already a few people have expressed an interest in learning

meditation. If you don’t live near where

I am, I’d recommend you finding a TM center near you. I’m going to be sponsoring some TM courses,

here in Phoenix that

you’re welcome to come and participate, soon.


Look for more details

coming up. I’m also considering

structuring a meditation and Astrology course that can be taken at the

same time.


If you have any interest in

meditation, let me know.




Finances. We need as

much money as possible to continue many of our activities and plans. We also have plans to develop CD’s and other

learning Astrology tools for you. Please order a chart today!

Or make a donation for our new

Business! It’ll be the best money

you ever invested!


Also, we’re going to

be starting a new World’s First

Astrological Multi-level business for those who want to

make money themselves, in inspiring other people about



If anyone has experience in

multi-level businesses let me know!




I hope you’re having

as much fun and progress as I am. It’s

such a great joy to find the Knowledge and the Wisdom that’s

necessary for Life!


Life demands more

Self-Mastery! Jyotish/Astrology is the most

wonderful Knowledge in the World!


Hope you continue learning

and growing with us!






Mark Kincaid










email me at: markkincaid


PS Other



o New

Astrology Dictionary I’ve been

working on a very detailed Astrological dictionary that’ll help the

learning of everyone with their Astrology.


o New

Astrological Calendar Another project

I’ve been trying to get to is creating the World’s First Real

Astrological Calendar. This would come out on

the real first day of the year, April 16th, when the Sun moves

into Aries!


If you've liked out

Transits Newsletters, and would like to help on this project for next

Spring, 2007, let me know.


This calendar will be a

great way for people to look at the Transits for the entire year! Let us know if you have any time or money to help

us with this project.




Finally, there are so many areas in which you can help. Trade your time for courses, for charts, for

Astrological services. For those of you whom

finances are tight, volunteer your time, and earn credit for any and all

Astrological services.



Partners! Do you enjoy

and appreciate our Nature’s Astrology!

We’re looking for partners in all fields of business to help

us take this business world-wide. Over the

next few years I hope to make this Astrology available for 100’s of

thousands of people! If you have any expertise

in any aspect of business, or finances, join us!


o Help

out! Have many more emails

to respond to than I can handle. If you have any time and especially

like our Astrology, then would love your help!





Jai Guru!


New Announcements

& Projects Coming Up! 9/5/06

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