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2-Sal re. his Saturn 9/5

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Mark: Inquiring about my Saturn and its

implications,My Date Of Birth is 07/07/61 Time is

0121 hrs and Place is Brooklyn, NY [central portion, I

believe]. Please advise and thank you. Sal


Dear Sal:


Catching up with my emails, sorry it's taken so long to get back

with you.


Yours is a vey interesting Saturn.

On the day and year of your birth, 61, Saturn was in


This is normally a very good thing and indications that it's indeed

acting correctly, andbalanced and benefic for you will be you have

good luck, especially in your 10th houseof career, and though things

may develop more slowly, you both have the patience forit, and are

more mature that way as well.

However, at the same time that planets are in different signs,

they're also in uniqueassociations with other planets.

In your case, your Saturn, though by itself, may be pretty good,

it's also in conjunctionwith all important Jupiter, which is also in

your 10th house.

This is important for two reasons.

#1, Jupiter & Saturn do not like being so close


As a result they generally represent some tension between these two

very importantand personal planets.In the case of

Jupiter, Jupiter represents ability to expand, progress and to grow.Saturn, on the other hand represents retardation, contraction and

the rest phase ofexpansion.So, when they're in the same

house, it generaly represents some tension between thesetwo

abilities of rest and activity.

People generally who have Saturn & Jupiter together, even in

your case where Saturn'ssupposed to be good; often find that there

is so lacking of understanding regardingexactly when to rest and

when to do.Do you find that sometimes, either that you work

too hard, or that you don't know whento quit and take


Sometimes when Jupiter & Saturn are together like this, the

person feels some qualitiyof hardship because Saturn's holding back

Jupiter's nature.

At this point I'd love to get your feedback about the whole


You can respond here and I'd suggest you join both our Saturn group

I created this lastmonth and also join my Instant Messenger,

to talk about it personally.


KincaidSaturn group address:SurrenderingToSaturn/and my username:kincaidmark

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