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3,4 & then 5 Planets all in Virgo, Soon! 9/14

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Sun moves into Virgo




Enjoy this farily

long article on Virgo ness which is very important since right now

there are 3 and on Sept. 16th then 4 planets will all be in







Moves Into Virgo



Dear Friends:


Big changes on the very

near horizon for all of us.


Soon, on September

16th, the Sun moves into Virgo for

its next Month of Transits. This will be quite

a shift from this last month of the Sun in Leo.


Sun in Virgo can be good,

only its nature and situation is different.


For this next month, find

the #6, or the Virgo in your chart.


If you have a Sagittarius

rising, that’s the #9, or 9th sign of the Zodiac. Virgo is the 6th one, so counting

backwards,…you’ll find Virgo, in your 10th house

if you have that Sagittarius rising.



Virgo is the only sign in

the Zodiac that expressly, seeks Perfection!

As a result it represents the perfect time to put more attention on

that which is ideal, or perfect.


Therefore this is

potentially a very great period coming up!


Only its nature as well as

purpose is very uniquely different.


Virgo’s Benefic



First let’s focus on

the positive side of Virgo, and the positive opportunities of this next

Month of transits.


Then we’ll go into

the negative side which will be good to know especially if you or anyone

you come into contact with is under any of the spells of the negative



First of all let’s

talk about that positive, spiritual side to Virgo!


As we said

before: Virgo Seeks Perfection!


But where is

perfection? Certainly not out here? The World, the environment, our rooms, our

offices….everywhere is constantly changing, raining, messy, dirty,

full of ups and downs.


So how can this all be



Virgo Perfection does exis,

but only on the inside, in our inner most personal, consciousness, or soul



Deep inside,….deep

inside of everyone is a field of Consciousness, that’s unbounded in

nature,…infinite,…smart!, all possibilities, and full of

Perfect Wisdom…


That field, we call the

Unified Field, or God by religious people, is the only true perfection in



Therefore to find

Perfection is not to try and become more perfect, out here but to find or

to experience, and to BE perfection inside.


The key then, for finding

perfection lies in the unfoldment or experience of that perfect, unbounded



Meditation, then, is the

perfect procedure for finding and stabilizing oneself in



By turning the mind

inwards…and learning how to allow the mind to experience quieter

and quieter stages of the thought process….


The mind arrives at the

door of the Absolute…


Deep inside every

person’s brain or mind, is the source of thought.


From where all our thoughts

come, a literal, inexhaustible source of energy and intelligence

that’s the real source of all thinking.


So we take a thought, call

it a mantra, doesn’t matter, and then think that thought in such a

way that the mind turns inwards…and the mind can be found moving

towards its source in a completely wonderful, effortless and even blissful



In my experience, and

I’ve been meditating now for over 35 years! wow…it feels

soooo good to say that….


I’ve noticed each day

and each month that flies by more and more inner silence, happiness and

bliss resulting.


Then when I added the study

of Jyotish or Astrology to that experience of meditation I noticed a

remarkable improvement on top of that!


Meditation is like personal

experience and a very important development of consciousness.


Jyotish or Astrology, on

the other hand, represents the Knowledge all about it!


And together they make an

invincible combination.


One great Vedic scholar has

said: “Knowledge is the greatest



I was very surprised by

this because I always thought that Consciousness development would be the

best purifier!


But, Knowledge, and Jyotish

or the Philosophy of Astrology; I realize is true Pure



Just understanding your

chart better can itself have the most profound influence upon



Like that, we’re

contemplating all about Virgo.


As you digest these ideas,

they will thrill your Being.


As you continue vibrating

with them, especially during the up-coming Month because of all the

Planets simultaneously moving through Virgo; you’ll feel a

tremendous growth of purity.


Now, back to the pure



My Guru used to say: “We don’t seek perfection in the

World. It only exists in the



I heard this way before

Jyotish and even way back then, I noticed this expression changed



Then, later when I studied

my Astrology, and discovered I had my Moon in Virgo, this made complete

sense to me.


That Knowledge of the

Wisdom of Virgo,…”don’t seek it in the world, but in

the absolute…” made a lot of

sense to me.


And, made a difference in

my life even though I didn’t quite understand it.


So, then when I started

studying Astrology and all about Virgo, I realized I needed some greater

wisdom as to my Moon & Saturn both in Virgo.


See, the Virgo in our

charts is all about our seeking’s for Perfection.


Where we have the Sun and

Moon in Virgo or even Jupiter we may have a part of us that wants to be

perfect, but we don’t know how.


So, if we learn to search

for Virgo in the only place where it can be truly found; then the purpose

of Virgo can be fulfilled!


When I first realized this,

and then went into meditation with the intrinsic purpose for finding

perfection then the Virgo angst or lessons I had began to shift.



I even began to feel some

sense of real, personal satisfaction and fulfillment because I was finally

looking for Virgo perfection in the right place.


When I was younger I

remember my friends coming up to me in school.


I’d immediately grab

their shirts and straighten their clothes and say:

“Hey!,…who dressed you this morning!”


Of course from my side, I

was trying to help. Like a Mother, my Moon in Virgo wanted only to help!


But, Moon in Virgo helps

through seeing the faults. Ahhh, this

isn’t perfect, this isn’t perfect, so we try to straighten

things out!


But, no amount of

straightening will really get to the essence here.


In fact my friends used to

say: “Stop it,…who are you, my



I should have



Virgo does have some good

relative values, however.


For example because Virgo

is so intent on finding the perfection, it’s very aware of

details. Virgo is ruled by the Mercury

intellect so people generally with Virgo planets have good, strong Virgo



I was always good at

certain detailed things, and when I learned Virgo I found it was my Moon

that could study all the amazing details of Astrology.


However, the negatives of

Virgo are even more obvious.


Virgo’s Negative of Malefic



For example most of

people’s experiences with Virgo is of a slightly negative or malefic



The lesson to learn of

Virgo, is not to seek perfection in the World.


And the way it does this is

by giving back the consequences of where we’ve been doing it that



So for example if the Sun is in Virgo, like my Father, the lesson

can be to not be so judgmental. He always felt

we weren’t doing it quite right, or good enough, and that opinion of

his, and critical ness came through very often.


Then there’s the

Moon in Virgo which we discussed

earlier. The Moon in Virgo, feels so the

spontaneously that giving, or motherly side but of a Virgo quality. So, Moon/Virgo’s feel critical both upon

themselves as well as others.



The solution is simply to

stop being that way! We can transform it, to

transmute it, evolve it to the right Virgo perfection but the bottom line

is we need to stop that habit.


I’ve found this a lot

easier then it may sound.


Because it’s just as

easy to appreciate as it is to criticize. So,

instead of seeing the fault I make some small effort to have the first

thing out of my mouth be: “Hey how ya

doing! You look great!”


Be genuine; find the silver

lining, the gold tooth…whatever…something positive and

uplifting…and you’ll notice that immediately a vibration of

cool, up-liftment thrills the air.


Then, as the habit of

seeing the good, replaces the habit of seeing the bad, not only will you

feel better but your environment will react better to you.


Other Virgo planets that

tend to be of a malefic flavor include Venus, Mars &



For the Venus in Virgo person or

transit Venus is unhappy in Virgo because being an intellectual sign,

ruled by Mercury, or intellect, Venus there is like the heart that tries

to find the reasons for love!


There is that old expression:

“the heart knows no reason”,



So, if we’ve got

Venus in Virgo, even though it’s said:

“the heart knows no reason”, still, Venus in Virgo

gives us heart ache and criticalness in heart relations to show us to not

be analytic or critical in terms of love or relationships.


Then there’s the

Mars in Virgo situation. Being who are either too

self-critical, critical of others or seeing the fault in Virgo all of

these qualities are jacked up a number of



Mars in Virgo therefore, represents a Marish aggressiveness which

is unique to Mars and Virgo. Not only is the

person or transit intensely Virgoish, but the unique flavor of Mars bring

an intensity of Virgo ness that’s unique only to



Again, the solution is to stop being that way. Virgo purely seeks perfection and where the habit

has been to try and find perfection in the World, then various malefic

Virgo situations get created.


Finally there’s the situation when Saturn is in Virgo.

Saturn, because it represents

‘lessons’ means lessons of too much Virgo when Saturn’s

there. The solution of course, is to transmute

or refine Virgo ness.


Either go towards the light by finding true perfection, or

transform the habit of being so Virgoish.


Personally I found my Virgo spur was finally fulfilled when I

cognized and then experienced perfection on the



Now, the Virgo is there. It does have

some unique human healthy characteristics, but predominantly I don’t

allow it to get too anal!


So, consider all this when we think of all the Planets rushing

onto Virgo now. Every year of course, the Sun

and most of the Planets go into and through Virgo.

At these different times, the relative lessons of Virgo ness are

going to be coming to us during these times.


Last year Jupiter went

through Virgo.

People who have Jupiter in Virgo have a detailed or Virgo

spirituality that’s unique to Jupiter in



Now, this year we’re in a situation where right now, already

3 planets are in Virgo.


Right now, we’ve got Mercury, Mars & Ketu all in



Mars is at the 10th degree, and Mercury’s at the

8th degree and Ketu’s at the 1st



Oh yes, forgot to mention that there is one planet that loves

being in Virgo!


And that’s Mercury!


Mercury in fact, is said to be Exalted or in its best possible

place in Virgo.


This means that those who have Mercury in Virgo in their charts have very good intellects which is

what Mercury represents.


Sometimes however, I’ve met people with Mercury/Virgo, who

are enjoying the benefits, but do struggle still with some of the negative

sides of Virgo, only because that Virgo nature is so



But, because their Mercury’s are so healthy in Virgo, with a

short amount of Astrological ‘tweaking’ any shadow of

difficulty is easily balanced.


In Conclusion:


Therefore there’s an intense mixture of Virgoness going on

right now, that’s both uniquely positive and good and some

that’s negative and we should be cautious



So, Mercury in Virgo, being mostly good, therefore will give a

predictably good amount of clarity of mind, and ability of clear and

precise expressions right now.


However, that Mars in Virgo is especially troublesome, also

because it’s so close in degrees to where Mercury



Because they’re only 2 degrees apart right now, many people

will just feel spontaneously that Marish Virgo quality and that will zap

right into the Exalted Intellect.


So, even though you may feel “right”,…right

now, don’t be too pushy or aggressive about having to point it out

to especially others.


Now, soon, the Sun will enter into the big, Virgo mix. In fact, in 2 days the Sun will move into Virgo on

September 16th.


Then, we’ll have Mars, Mercury, Ketu & Sun all in



So, if you have any challenges with Virgo in your own chart; this

may be an especially challenging time for



The unique characteristics of Sun in Virgo will be that the soul

or ego feels that Virgo ness.


So, resist being too judgmental.


Instead use this Sun-soul time to seek perfection where it really

resides; on the inside.



And as you touch the soul of Heaven….in the inner graces of

pure silence, notice that the search for perfection finally can be



These next 4 weeks then as the Sun and all the planets go through

Virgo; this will be the time and karma where both positive and negative

lessons of Virgo will crop up!


If you get criticized, don’t over-react with a typical Virgo

retort. Instead, inside say: “Thank you for this karma, and try and stay

centered and appreciative.


This Virgo ness trait will continue until September

22nd when even the Moon joins the Virgo



On that day and even Sept. 23rd, the Sun, Moon,

Mercury, Mars, and Ketu will all be there!


What a fascinating 2 days that will



Fortunately the Moon moves fairly quickly and will be through and

into Libra on


Then on Sept. 25th…the Moon will narrowly escape

even as Venus plunges into the Virgo malaise.


What an interesting next couple weeks we’ll be



Sun, Mercury, Mars, Ketu, and now



This last planet, Virgo will probably feel the worse because the

heart feels so uncomfortable in the dryness of



Karmas of Virgo are coming up!


Good Astrological exercise in seeing the dangers and doing

whatever we need to avoid them.


You’ll notice a lot of people around you will not get why

they’re feeling irritable or overly



So tell them! Give them the blessings

of Astrology’s predictive and curative



They’ll thank you for this!







Mark Kincaid



PS… join me in the absolute, silent cave of pure silence

and delight,…during these next few



Normally even one planet going into my 12th house Virgo

makes me feel inward!


You may see me disappear over these next few



If you don’t hear from me for awhile, this is







From previous Transit Newsletter:



Next New Moon September


What an intense day

this will be. All these planets will be in

Virgo together! Sun (5th degree)

Moon (5), Ketu (1), Mars (15), and Mercury (21st) degrees! All

in Virgo! Wow!

Intense Virgo ness going on!


3,4 &

then 5 Planets all in Virgo, Soon! 9/14

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