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9/16 Sun Moves into Virgo today (OUCH)

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DEAR MARK, the sun moving to virgo did ruffle up a few issues here at home.mate is libra lagna and every sun transit to virgo is a bit challenging.my scorpio nature flared up and to top it all , transit moon was conjunct my natal mars!!! so had to deal with some emotional baggage...anger more so!! regards rhoda markkincaid wrote: New Astrology Newsletter – Report For Transits, Charts & Dasas: Sun Moves into Virgo Today: Sun, Mercury, Mars & Ketu! There – As well. Starting…Saturday - September 16th(Sept. 17th – in the East) Sun Moves Into Virgo

Today! Click on For Daily Up-to-date Picture of THE Moon! That makes 4 Planets All in Virgo! Whew….start of an intense Virgo karmic time! Moon’s Very Small Now! Only a Few Days Away from Being New (On Sept. 22nd )… Find what House your Virgo and all that Virgo ness will be happening! #1 Aries: If you have an Aries Rising. If you have an Aries Rising, that’s the #1 first sign, so the #6th, Virgo sign will be in your 6th house. Therefore all these planets rushing through Virgo now, will be going through your 6th House of health and healing. This month would be a good month for you to focus on personal healing. However, you may also have some health complaints during this month. If you do, take more rest, and put some attention on the Virgo meanings going on beneath the obvious signs or experiences of your ill-health. For Aries Rising people ill-health can be due to being too Virgoish. This is especially the karma with so many planets in the 6th house. Good, important month to put attention on ‘perfecting’ your health! #2 Taurus: If you have a Taurus Rising. If you have a Taurus Rising, this is the 2nd Constellation or Sign of the Zodiac. Therefore that’s #2, so Virgo, being #6 will be in your 5th house. The 5th house is the house of education and children. This next Virgo month for you may involve some important experiences or karmic situations with either children or aspects of education. This would be a great month for you to focus on the Knowledge or Education of Perfection. You may even find yourself thinking about ‘perfection’. All these planets rushing through Virgo, represents both the karma of being out of balance with Virgo ness and also the opportunity to find the knowledge of perfection. #3 Gemini: If you have a Gemini Rising. If you have a Gemini Rising this is the 3rd sign so Virgo, the #6 will be in your 4th house. The 4th house has to do with home, hearth, heart, Mother and inner Psychology. So, this

next month all the Virgo ness goings on may come to you, via your heart. You may be feeling these pangs of discomfort on an interior level. This is because the karmas of Virgo are rushing to you in your 4th house, heart. Therefore, let you heart resonate with the true Wisdom of Virgo this month and see if that doesn’t help! #4 Cancer: If you have Cancer Rising. If you have a Cancer rising, that’s the #4 sign and #6 Virgo will be then

in your 3rd house. The 3rd house has more to do with communications, and younger brothers and sisters and such things as arts, music and courage. Therefore for you, all, this month may have more to do with communications. For example, you may find some people demanding that you be more perfect in your communications or deadlines. This of course is really all about Virgo. When Virgo is in the 3rd Cancer rising individuals have some kind of Virgo relationship with their younger brothers and sisters. See if you can feel your Virgo ness, there! #5 Leo: If you have a Leo Rising. If you have a Leo rising, that’s #5, so the #6 Virgo will be in your 2nd house. The 2nd house is the house of wealth. As a result during this month the pangs of Virgo ness may be flowing to you via, the realities and trials and tribulations of money coming to you. You may feel disappointed that you don’t have enough money. You may feel a kind of inferiority due to all that Virgo ness

there. Virgo is about self-examination. Virgo is about finding more and more. As a result of that search for perfection, we become a little disenchanted about the areas of life in which it obviously isn’t found. But each challenge is to help us find a different way. Virgo issues have to do with finding the truly meaningful and profound. #6

Virgo:If you have a Virgo Rising. If you have a Virgo rising, this will be a very intense transit for you. Virgo in the first house means all those planets, representing so many different houses in your chart, will all be colliding and confusing in your house of self. Personality will also be affected by all those Virgo planets. You’ll take it very personally either being criticized by others..or feeling self-pity and remore at something you don’t like about yourself. Virgo is not meant to be so critical, just because seeking the perfection it finds so little about it. The problem is not finding perfection we become a little pessimistic and jaded. Don’t let this happen to you. Instead of feeling bad or down, instead lift up your spirits to your true abode of perfection. It resides within! Finding it within, you’ll feel more relaxed without! And as a result, in your 1st house of

body! #7 Libra: If you have a Libra Rising. If you have a Libra rising, this means your #6 or Virgo will be in your 12th house. Virgo there means as all these planets rush in, you may be feeling a deep inwardness this month! I have this Libra rising and each year when any planets and especially the Sun goes into Virgo, I immediately feel like finding a cave somewhere, and sitting down and transcending. This is the nature

of the 12th house, the house of enlightenment. So this is a great month for inner self-development. However, this is also the 12th house of expenditures. So, don’t be surprised if expenses and debts come to you more during this month. This is the perfect time to search for Perfection within. The 12th house represents the transcendental Being or Absolute, so perfect time to be on the Self. #8 Scorpio:If you have a Scorpio Rising. If you have a Scorpio rising this means your #6 or Virgo will be in your 11th House of Gain. We spend or expend from the 12th house, and how we gain is seen from the 11th. Therefore this month all these commotions related to Virgo will be playing out in your 11th house of Labha! Labha means to gain, so how you gain will be affected by this Virgo transit. Allow yourself to not get too wrapped up in money worries, and be more patient

this month with financial gains that are supposed to be coming in, but are delayed. We’ve been talking about all these Planets in Virgo, but we should also mention that the very important Planet of Saturn is fully aspecting Virgo from it’s transit in Cancer. Therefore there will be qualities of frustration due to Saturn’s holding back, and delaying motions. #9 Sagittarius: If you have a Sagittarius Rising. If you have a Sagittarius

rising, this is the #9th sign so #6 Virgo will be in your 10th house. All these dimensions and characteristics of Virgo ness will be happening predominantly in your 10th house of career. Someone at work may be demanding more perfection from you, in career, so this is where you’ll be facing these dimensions. This is a great month for you to focus on your ideal or ‘perfect’ career or occupation. Don’t give up

and feel it’s all worthless or no good. Instead let yourself REFLECT on your perfection. #10 Capricorn: If you have a Capricorn Rising. This is the #10 Sign so #6 Virgo will be in your 9th house. All these Virgo concerns, lessons and trials will be coming through you via all the realities of the 9th house of spirit or spirituality. This is a perfect month for you to contemplate Perfection, spiritually. This

may feel like an important spiritual month, so be open to allowing yourself to perfect your experience of Perfection! #11 Aquarius: If you have an Aquarius Rising. This is the #11 Sign so #6 Virgo will be in your 8th house. Virgo issues for you this month may be wrapped around such things as compulsions, bad habits, and wishing and wanting to reform yourself of all these. Good month for you to work on improving yourself and your

discipline. #10 Pisces: If you have a Pisces Rising. This is the #12 Sign so #6 Virgo will be in your 7th house. All these qualities and karmas associated with Virgo will be coming to you this month, in your 7th house of partnerships. Challenges and situations with your spouse or business partner may pop up over this next month. However, don’t think it’s the spouse that’s causing this karma. You may even have a spouse that gets Virgoish on you and is demanding and seems so nit picky. Sure, this is the karma of perfectionism and its coming through the guise of the 7th house may confuse you! But don’t let it. Understand it for what it is, really the opportunity to become more perfect! Not on an outer level, dotting your t’s and I’s..but instead finding the true perfection inside. Perfection – Which is Virgo ….. If you Have any Planets in Virgo This is the time of the year, when the Wisdom and Karma of Perfection is rushing upon all of us. Let this critical, perfectionist karmic time, be about finding your true perfection, and if you do then the negatives of this Nature and period will be the

least. Virgo is the only sign that seeks for that which is Ideal and/or perfect. Virgo therefore feels dissatisfied with anything less then perfection. Virgo traits and Planets are often in the charts of very demanding, meticulous artists, musicians, even business men, home makers, etc. Virgo is good therefore for striving for perfection. Unfortunately if the wrong planets are in there, then this represents the karma of looking for perfection in the wrong place. The following will be some of the qualities of Planets in Virgo if you happen to have any in your birth or natal chart. Sun in Virgo If you have the Sun in Virgo in your chart, then this time where the transiting Sun is also moving through Virgo, will represent the time when your karma and lessons of Virgo ness will be coming back to you the most intensely. If you are balanced and have worked through your Virgo issues then this time can be about finding true perfection! The Sun wants it on a soul, I or ego level. The Sun in Virgo can therefore be so hard on oneself or the Selves of other people! See if you have any planets in Virgo in your chart…. And reflect on the issues for you during this month. Will be sending out detailed descriptions of the other Planets in Virgo soon. Sincerely, Mark Kincaid If you’re new to our Astrology Check out our New 3rd Generation Website at: www..com For Special New Sections click on the below: Subscriber's Comments & Questions Philosophy of the Transits: New Section: Transits, Dasas & our Charts: If you’re new to our Astrology newsletter: Check this one out: Philosophy of Astrology ALL SUBSCRIBERS: Anyone who has good

questions about life experiences and whether they're due, especially to either our Transits, Dasas or Charts, let me know at: markkincaid (AT) (DOT) com Or, if you have any suggestions or topics that you’d like to see explored? Enjoy! Sincerely, Mark Kincaid Founder Nature's Astrology http://.com/index.shtml Jai Guru! 9/13-17th Transits: Astrology Newsletter

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