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2-Bob re. how do I keep up! hehe 9/12

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Dear Bob:Glad to hear you're enjoying the groups

so far.What do you do for a living?Where do you live?And do you know your Jyotish chart yet?Mark

KincdaidHi!> I can't chat as much

as I'd like since I don't have internet at home and> can only do

this when I go into town, usually once a week. I just kind>

of scan the notices and once in a blue moon reply to something that> strikes me.> > Best of luck in all

your endeavors!> > Bob> >

markkincaid wrote:> > >

> Cool stuff, Mark. How on God's earth do you keep up with it

all?> all the best,> Bob Makransky (sidneylammas)> > HI Bob!> > I ask myself that quesiton

sometimes!> heheh> > Though learning how to

flow with the Stars is my way of staying balanced..> > I

give myself to rest when the stars are resting...> and I flow,

kick butt like now when the Sun's sooo good..> > Over

next 2 months I'll tend to disappear as the Sun moves into my 12th> house!> in a few days.....> > Mark> > hope you're enjoying our Astrology....> > Join my IM, sometime and we'll talk about your chart!> > my username is kincaidmark> > > take care> > >>>> markkincaid wrote:>>>>>> Introduction to our Nature’s Astrology>> Part 2>>>> Dear Sidney:>>>> I’m writing to you a kind of follow up to

your recent joining of one of>> our Astrology groups.>>>> I wanted to let you know of the complete list of

groups we have>> available.>>>> I

created a number of different ones because I found certain >> Astrology groups that were very big, were hard to follow.>>>> So, probably you joined our main group called

Nature’s Astrology. It’s>> the main group I

started with and is a group focused on especially>> comparing

the Western & Eastern approaches to Astrology.>>>> It receives my daily, weekly, monthly and yearly Transits

Newsletter as>> well as all my major Astrological articles,

papers and emails.>>>> Its web address, if you

haven’t joined it yet is:>>>>

/>>>>>> I also wanted to tell you about the other groups

that I’ve created for>> your enjoyment and learning.>>>> These first ones are the free groups I’ve

created.>>>> The second category is Paying ones

for those who want to study their>> Astrology more


Sincerely,>>>>>>>>>> Mark Kincaid>>>>>>

ps..Also..Let me know how you've enjoyed our Astrology groups so far.?>>>>>> Other Free Groups:>>>>>> o Nature’s Astrology #2>>>> I found some people liked my Newsletters, and Transit reports,

but only>> wanted to receive my mailings and not the responses

of other rs>> because of their limited time.>>>>>> Go here, to join and please respect

people’s desires here NOT to have>> many discussions.

I’ve set that up for the ‘other’ Nature’s

Astrology>> group.>>>>

1/>>>>>>>> o Ayurveda & Astrology>>>> This group I created for those interested in

studying the relationship>> between the Vedic systems of

Ayurveda and Jyotish. Ayurveda too has a>> lot to teach us

about how to create balance.>>>> When Astrology is

supplemented with good Ayurvedic remedies then the>> prognosis

part of Jyotish becomes healing oriented.>>>>

Check this one out at:>>>>

http://health.AyurvedJyotishYoga/>>>>>> o Astrology & Romance>>>> This group I created for those interested in studying the

knowledge of>> Romance, dating, relationships, contracts, and

marriage. We can see in>> our charts what’s more

compatible for us, in terms of relationships.>>>>

We can also see what our hang ups, or obstacles will be in terms of>> relationships, too.>>>> I find that

most people fail in relationships not because of a lack of>>

compatibility, but mostly because of a lack of skill!>>>> astrologyromance/>>>> o Change Your Stars>>>>

This is a group I started awhile back, because there’s this great>> misnomer that we CAN’T change our stars!>>>> The Truth is,… we were born for that! The nature of life

is to grow,>> and our charts are really about our

opportunities not just our fate!>>>> In this group

we’re talking about all the ways in which we CAN change>> our Stars!>>>>

http://health.ChangeYourStars/>>>>>> o Spirituality & Astrology>>>> This group I created to explore the relationship between

spiritual>> issues, realities and Astrology. Contained within

our Astrology charts>> is our path of Spirituality, for each

one of us!>>>> You can see one’s ideal

spiritual path in one’s chart, as well as the>>

obstacles that one will encounter and even when.>>>> Knowing what one’s obstacles are, for example whether one

strains or is>> impulsive or too critical or skeptical, with

lack of faith, is very>> helpful because one can get a better

handle on them with Astrology.>>>>

Spirituality_Astrology/>>>>>> o Meditation, the Development of Consciousness

and Astrology>>>> In this group I wanted to show

the deep relationship between the Vedic>> techniques of

Meditation, and Yoga, and the Self-Improvement aspect of>>

Astrology.>>>> In other words are charts are not

just about our fate, but about our>> progress and

self-improvement.>>>> Meditation is the #1 Best,

Vedic or Astrological remedy!!!>>>> Meditation is

the #1 best way to develop one’s inner resources,>>

unfolding one’s potential which will immediately improve all the

Planets>> Simultaneously.>>>> When the

mind expands due to meditation, this has a healing and>>

expansive effect upon the mind. As this happens one’s Moon, in

one’s>> chart directly improves.>>>> As the mind improves and becomes more still, the body becomes

more>> rested and deeply rooted stresses are eliminated.>>>> This provides a very healing influence on all

aspects of the body and>> mind. As a result the Planet Saturn

gets improved, greatly!>>>>

http://health.Transcendental-Meditation-Jyotish-Astrology/>>>> Recently I created 3 new groups which have to do

with Astrological>> remedies and important planetary

improvements.>>>> These are 1) How to Strengthen

Saturn, 2) How to become more In-tune>> with the Moon! And 3)

How to Become Your Own Best Astrologer….>>>>>> o Surrendering to Saturn>>>> This group is for all those who have ever experienced any of

Saturn’s>> negative consequences. If you’ve ever

felt delays, disappointments,>> frustrations, grief,

sufferings of any kind, ill-health, dis-ease,>> disease of

death!, then Saturn needs to be better understood!>>>> Saturn is for most, the most difficult and yet, the most

important of>> Planets.>>>>

SurrenderingToSaturn/>>>>>>>> o Become More In-tune with the

Moon>>>> In Jyotish, it’s often described

that the Moon is the most important>> planet. It’s the

source of our minds, and where our major attention and>>

efforts should be within our lives.>>>> Find the

Moon in your chart, and you will find your life’s work. The>> Moon also gives indications of strength of mind, and

emotional>> stability, happiness and even intuition.>>>>

http://health.BecomeMoreIn-tuneWithTheMoon/>>>>>> o Become Your Own Best

Astrologer>>>> Traditionally, for thousands of

years, Astrology has been practiced>> going to professional

Astrologers for wisdom and guidance.>>>> However,

in the last 50-100 years millions of people have begun the very>> fulfilling practice of becoming their own Astrologer!>>>> According to the Wisdom of the Veda, each person

is meant to become the>> Knower of Life.>>>> Each person is supposed to find their Higher Self and each

person is>> supposed to meditate, by themselves.>>>> Like that, I’ve found that each person

really is the best interpreter of>> their charts!>>>> In fact I’ve found that people

automatically speak out their charts.>>>> When I

discovered this, my Jyotish/Astrology changed immensely.>>>> Instead of trying to do all the work for the person; I realized

that I>> was only supposed to help the person see

themselves!>>>> This group is for all those who

have a keen, strong desire to know>> themselves more fully!>>>>

BecomeYourOwnBestAstrologer/>>>>>>>> Finally I have

created a Research Astrology that is>>

participating with me on collecting research for my new book coming out>> called: The Stars Within!>>>>>> o Research & Astrology>>>>

JoeTischResearchProject/>>>> In addition to joining this, feel free to join my

Instant>> Messenger so we can talk, chat, personally there.>>>>>> You need just to download the

Instant Messenger software, (it's>> free) and then add my

contact username:>> kincaidmark>>>>>>>> PAYING GROUPS….>>>> For those who are interested in studying their Astrology more

formally>> I’ve created a few ‘paying’

groups.>>>> This will allow me to raise enough

funds so that I can continue doing>> this.>>>>>> o Studying Your Stars>>>>

I’ve created this group for those who would like to study their

charts>> some each month. This is a 12 month study group, and

you will benefit>> from the regular study and attention. Even

one good Jyotish advice will>> be worth the subscription

here!>>>> Cost: $ 20.00/month - $ 240.00 for the

year, or one flat fee of $>> 150.00>> Which works

out to only $ 12.50 each month>>>> Also, you can

try for a couple of months two for $ 35.00>>>>

StudingYourStars/>>>>>> o The Stars Within>>>>

For those who’d like some more formal Astrology but not so

intensive>> this group was formed.>>>>

This has only a $ 40.00/ year fee>>>>

TheStarsWithin/>>>>>>>>>>>> 2

Up-Coming Jyotish-Astrology Internet On-line courses>>>>>> o Self-Improvement is the Nature of Life –

Astrology Course>>>> Starting September 7, 2006

for One Month to October 7th….>>>>>> This represents my next On-line Astrology course.>>

It has 3 Tracks, for>>>> 1) Beginners>> 2) Medium>> 3) Advanced students>>>> This course will focus on the literal Self-Improvement that is

necessary>> for each one of our lives!>> Contained

within our chart’s is not only a description of our Beneific>> Strengths and Malefic Weaknesses; but contained within those

same>> malefics,>> Is a strategy of

self-improvement which is crucial for our success in>>

life!>>>> If we don’t understand our

Malefics better, we will continue violating>> those laws of

nature governing those planets and suffer their negative>>

consequences.>>>> In fact this is the formula for

figuring out if we’re presently out of>> tune with any

of our Planets.>>>> If we’re experiencing

any of the negative symptoms or Malefics of any of>> our

planets, this is Nature’s way of showing us how in-tune we

presently>> are!>>>> As we learn how

to strengthen any of our so-called Malefic functioning>>

planets, the ‘Signs’ that we are becoming more in-tune will be

the>> immediate cessation of negative consequences!>>>> For example, as we learn how to balance our

Saturn’s the positive>> consequence will be the

negatives of Saturn will become less.>>>> Fatigue

and Tiredness will give rise to energy>> Delays, Frustrations

and Impatience will give rise to patience>> Worry, anxiety and

fear will give rise to hope and sweet presence of>> mind>> All sufferings, losses and grief – will give rise to


Jyotish_Self-ImprovementisThePurposeofLife/>>>>>> o Become A Professional

Astrologer>>>> The World has a drastic need for

more Professional Astrologers!>>>> This is my

first Astrology Teacher Training Course.>>>> This

will start also on September 7th, 2006 and will run for 12 Months.>>>> In this course you’ll learn everything

you’ll need to learn to then,>> start functioning as a

Professional Astrologer.>>>> o Become a

Professional Astrologer>> o Work with Nature’s Astrology

as an Astrologer Consultant>> o Add the Knowledge and Wisdom

of Astrology to your own>> Self-Help business>> o

Add the Knowledge and Wisdom of Astrology to your life as an>>

Educator, Parent, Counselor, Psychologist, Career Counselor, etc.>>>> Go to this link, to find out more about it:>>>>

http://health.BecomeAProfessionalAstrologer/>>>>>>>> PS…The 12

Blocks can be taken consecutively or one at a time.>>>> Also, if you’ve already mastered some or quite a bit of

Astrology you>> may only need a few blocks to graduate as a

Nature’s Astrology –>> Astrologer.>>>>>>>>>>

Sincerely,>>>>>> Mark Kincaid>>>>>>>>>> Welcome

again, to this wonderful and fascinating World of Astrology.>>>> I can only hope that you receive a small amount

of as much joy and>> satisfaction from its study as I have.>>>> Email me anytime with an Introduction of

yourself, your goals, dreams>> and desires, and what I can do

for you!>>>>>> 2-Sidney re. Complete

List of All Astrolgy Groups created 9/1>>>>>>>>

>> Stay in the know. Pulse on

the new .com. Check it out.> > >

> >

Everyone is raving about the all-new Mail.

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