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Theory of the Transits 11-27

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In the field of Astrology, what the Sun, Stars, Moon and Planets

are doing right now is called the Transits.

The Planets are transiting different spaces of the sky called

Astrological Signs and Houses and these transits are known to have very

repeated and predictable effects.

So, if you’re the kind of person with a smallish Moon in your

birth chart then the effects of the Moon and Stars will undoubtedly have a

strong influence on you. In our Astrology

Charts we have two basic qualities.

#1, we have strong, healthy or good Planets.

These represent parts of us where we’re already developed

whether it’s in our Intellect (Mercury), Self-confidence, (Sun), or

emotions, (the Moon) or our Hearts, (Venus).

However, then, there are the weaknesses in our charts. In fact, wherever we have what are called malefic,

inauspicious or undeveloped Planets these represent areas where

we’re sensitive or vulnerable.

When the Planets move around they effect all parts of us. Where we have our strengths, even

‘rainy’ days don’t bother us.

But, if we’re one of those people who are sensitive

emotionally, 2-3 cloudy days can have a strong negative influence upon


Therefore it’s very good to understand how to

“read” or understand the Transits.

One can look ahead for the positive and negative times for an

individual as well as a family or the entire World.

Many 'other' people are very sensitive to what’s

happening in the Stars!

Ever been at work when ‘weird’ things are happening and

someone says: “What’s up with the Stars

today!” Hospital, police and fire

personnel all will tell you that there’s definitely something to

that Full Moon thing!

Something strange and dramatic happens more often then not, on Full

Moons. Of course, in Astrology one also learns

that the New Moon too is a sensitive time of each month. In fact there are generally about 10 or 15 rather

Inauspicious or what I like to call “Delicate” times of each


On the other hand there are equally at least 10 or 15 rather

wonderful and Auspicious days of each month.

Imagine if you knew it was going to be sunny and delightful 2, 3 or

even 4 weeks ahead. What magic!

Of course it’s wonderful to know when it’s going to be

raining! Imagine if you could plan your

outdoor parties and picnics on the days which are really likely to be the

sunny kind!

Watch the Stars' transits for 2 or 3

months in a row and you’ll #1) See How much the Transits effect you

and #2) you’ll also discover how much other people around you are


Then, once you’ve discovered what your Transit Star pattern

is you can be more aware of which days will be more delicate for you. Finally, you’ll know through the Stars, which

Planets you need to strengthen in your personal life, anyway!

The Tranists are 1 of the 3 Most important parts of Astrology.

#1 We have our

Charts. These represent our Individuality, personality, mind and


#2 Then

there is something called the Dasas. These represent the various

Time Periods that we will be karmically going through based on the time of

our births. These time periods effect us 'emotionally'.


Finally, there are the Transits which are the Effects of the Stars and

Planets on us through the Environment.

All together these three

are the most imporant parts of Astrology.

Astrology is both “predictive” and

“Self-Development” oriented. Enjoy discovering how You

are an Astrological peson!





Mark Kincaid



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To start watching the



You won’t be

disappointed you did!




Oh yes, there are two

primary ways in which we can utilize this great knowledge of



1) We can

learn how the Stars affect us in a slightly more general way, each day and

month of the year.


2) We can

also learn very specifically, depending upon our Exact Rising Sign how the

Stars will be affecting us.


There are 12 major Star

patterns from Aries, Taurus, and Gemini all the way to Aquarius and



Whatever “Sign”

is in the 1st House in your Astrology chart will set up in

which area of your life are these Stars flowing.


So, if you have an Aries

Rising which is the #1 Sign, in the First House, then you have Scorpio,

the 8th Sign in the 8th House.


This House is also

important in determining the Positive and Negative or Each



For example Moon Transiting

through the Sign Scorpio often is a rough time for many people. However for Aries individuals that transit of the

Moon goes through secondarily that person’s 8th



The prediction is even more

pronounced for such a person.


On the other hand, someone

with the #8 Scorpio in their First House will often times experience the

so-called “rough” Moon in Scorpio transit, less severely. This is because of the difference in the Houses

being transited due to the different Rising Signs.


In addition to learning

about how to understand the Transits “theoretically” or in a

more general way; you can also learn how these transits will be affecting

you! Personally.


When you join, Send in your

Date of Birth Information. Please include your

Day, Time and Place of Birth.


We then, will let you know

what your Rising Sign is.





We use the Calculating

system of the Eastern Astrology system, Jyotish or Vedic Astrology. It’s been found to be more accurate in

predicting the Transits.







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