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Happy New Year 2007! Make Your New Year's Astrological Resolutions!

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Reflections Upon







It’s so exciting reflecting upon the Astrology of our past

and future. It is said if you want to

understand the nature of the future, you only have to look into the

Astrological patterns and rhythms of the past.

This seems especially true for most individuals. The past Dasa and Transit periods are a good

indication of what one’s future Dasa and Transit periods will be





For example this last years Transits represented some very dramatic

changes. All of the normal planets went

through their various gyrations and in addition Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu

and Ketu all, changed major signs. Last year

Jupiter was in Libra and Saturn was in Cancer.

This was the first year in the last 5 where Saturn stopped

influencing Jupiter, negatively.

This was especially nice because Jupiter in Libra is sweeter,

easier for many then Jupiter in Virgo. The

main draw back with Saturn has been it’s movement through the Sign

of Cancer. Many, many people felt quite rough,

emotionally during these last 2 ½ years.


Right before Saturn went into Cancer in September of 2004 I

received some interesting predictions from some Jyotishees in regarding

Saturn. The main ‘warning’ was

Saturn’s transit through Cancer would wreck havoc emotionally for

many people as well as disasters in water. I

remembered this when we had a record number of some of the most

devastating Hurricanes in decades.

On a personal level I can’t remember a time when people felt

so distressed emotionally. Saturn’s

passage through Cancer, the home of the Moon, mind and emotions

represented Saturn ‘lessons’ of Cancer, the heart and

giving. For me, personally Saturn’s

movement through Cancer also meant that Saturn was going through my

10th House. That had special

meaning for me with a Libra rising and I learned that Saturn lessons in

career were of the top priority.

So, if we pay enough attention to our past and present periods and

understand both the Transits and Dasas then we can better interpret the

up-coming future. This is especially timely at

this time of the year when the ‘New Year’ beckons. So many go through the ritual of past year

reflections and even new year Resolutions just so we can get a better

handle and progress.

Let’s think then what this next year might be like. First we’ll talk about the major Transits

this year and then we’ll reflect upon how to better interpret the

Dasa Periods for ourselves. For all Jupiter

has moved into Scorpio while Saturn has moved into Leo. If Saturn represents “lessons of”, in

general, then Jupiter represents the “Knowledge and Wisdom

of”, something.

Therefore, this next year find the #8 Scorpio in your chart and the

#5 Leo. These ‘Houses’ of your

Signs will show you the area of your life in which these most fundamental

energies will be flowing. Jupiter in Scorpio,

generally represents the wisdom and knowledge of Scorpio. This next year is excellent to stimulate and

vibrate more with your own, personal Scorpio Convictions, Ideals, Beliefs

and Opinions. Saturn in Leo this next year

(and for much of the next 2 years), is about the many “lessons

of” Leo.

These may include lessons of arrogance, or humility and where

Saturn in Cancer pushed our buttons emotionally, Saturn in Leo brings the

lessons of Saturn to the ‘self, ego and I’.

A good way to interpret Saturn’s impact through Leo is in

terms of this being the time where more wisdom and Saturn Benefic ness

needs to be found in the self, ego and I. If

we don’t allow Saturn’s natural silence to grow then we may

experience, instead some of the negative consequences of


For example, 2 ½ years ago when

I first noticed Saturn moving into my 10th House and Cancer I

experienced Saturn has this huge ‘boulder’ inching its way

across my 10th House. I’d

been watching Saturn for many years and had become more familiar with its

unique vibration. I wasn’t surprised

that Saturn felt like a boulder. That quality

of boulder restriction is a common description of some of the negative

consequences of Saturn.

I was however, excited to at least be able to experience it. Then, later I began to think, “okay, this is

the lower end of Saturn but maybe there’s some potential for

goodness too that can come?” I therefore

took steps to allow more silence in my affairs at work and within a short

time began to notice that living Saturn presence changing.

First it became more soft, its boundries less rigid and harsh and

then more transparent. After while I began to

experience this deep, silent, vortex quality of Saturn and for the first

time I realized that Saturn is a window into the Absolute value of silence

and stillness. If we don’t have enough

internal silence then Saturn acts negatively until we put enough attention

on Saturn stillness.

This is the greatest of Saturn’s lessons. Saturn is the symbolism for developing inward

quietness, silence and calmness while Jupiter represents the areas where

we need to develop expansion, purity and spirituality. If we look this way at both of these Transits of

Jupiter and Saturn we can better interpret if those planets are acting

positively or not.

If these, or any planets are found producing negative malefic

effects then these ‘consequences’ are nature’s way of

showing us how we’re doing with these planets.

Once we determine which planet is responsible for the grief that

we’re going through then we can begin re-thinking how we function

and use that planetary energy.


Understanding Our


For 2007


Therefore as you look into your up-coming new year you need to know

2 things. #1 you need to know what Dasas will

you be running and #2 you need to know how the Transits will be effecting

you. So, once you reflect upon your 2007

Dasas, then figure out which of these periods will be stemming from your

Benefic Planets and which from your Malefic ones.

This will give you great power and insight into your


Secondly, look into your New year in 2007 in terms of what impact

the Transits will be having for you.

I find the best way to understand both the Dasas and Transits is to

first examine our previous periods. Take 2006

for example. Right down which months were the

most successful for you. These should be

corresponding with your Benefic Dasas and Transits.

Then, look at your frustrating periods as these should be

corresponding to your negative or malefic Dasas and Transits.





Flows From


Benefices &



One of the most important

principles in Astrology is that our success and failure flows

automatically from our Benefices & our Malefics.

Astrology understands that where we have our Benefices we’re

going to find success. Where, however, we have

our Malefics unless we learn to change those inside; we’re going to

be creating failure and unhappiness in spite of our best


One of the easiest ways of determining which are your Benefices and

Malefics is to have your chart examined in a reading.

I’ve decided to create a special very short reading for 2007

that will describe exactly which of your planets is Benefic and which



Have a Benefic &






For a very inexpensive

fee I will help you determine which of your planets are Benefic and which

Malefic. This way as you look into the year of

2007 you can maximize this entire year by knowing better which will be

positive and which negative.

Also, we will include an analysis of the positive and negative

effects of your planets.



Send in a thorough


Of which periods of








Include also your date of birth information, day, time and place

and your Jyotish rising sign if you know it. I

will then, look into your past 2006 in terms of your Dasas and Transits

and then into your 2007.

Be as descriptive as you can about both your successes and

struggles because one can hear in one’s descriptions the likely

planets that are responsible for both.

I will then, send you a detailed report of what all the major Dasas

periods will be for you this next year as well as what the Transits will

be like.



Dasas &






To order your 2007 Dasa

and Transit report, please go to my website www..com and

under the yellow link to the left:

“Contact us” send me an email with your interest. Then, you can pay for this report by sending money

to me c/o my paypal account at paypal.com

Once you’re in paypal then enter my username: kincaidmark.


Be sure that you only enter this

email address.



Dasas &


In-Person, Report





To add 15 minutes of

personal discussion along with your chart order of your 2007 Dasa and

Transit report, please add an additional $



Here’s Hopeing you have the most wonderful and

successful year, ever!





Mark Kincaid







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