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2-Rajiv: re.....Is their any solution of my problem? YES! M.Kincaid

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Respected Mark ji,

Namaskar,Rajiv: Greetings!

I had gone through yours email, with

due respect, I want your kind cooperation in finding the solution for

truer life purpose and dharma. Dharma

and life purpose are the intrinsic truest meaning of our charts. Of

coursemost often we look at the 10th House to describe career,

'dharma', in truth eachand every aspect of our charts represents our

full Dharma.I am just a common man, how can I find my

truer life purpose and dharma? My knowledge is very limited. Therefore I'd suggest you look at your chart this

way. Are you inclined to studyyour chart, do you just want

readings, or both? Please tell.How I can finalize

my truer life purpose and dharma?The

main way is to discover your complete Astrological nature.

Professional Astrologers attempt to help explain people's dharma to

them, by explaining thisand that, about our charts.As you

become clearer as to your multi-faced nature, you'll automatically

beginto know your dharma, direction and purpose.Do suggest the direction and purpose.Thanks &

RegardsRajivFinally, there

are a number of ways in which you can proceed.We can continue like

this.We can do any number of formal readings.Check out my

website at: www..com under Chart services for

details.You can take Jyotish classes, And you can get on-line at

InstantMessenger to talk personally sometime.Get

on-line at and download Instant messenger, then add my username kincaidmark.till the next time.markkincaid (AT) (DOT) com









Repected Mark Ji,

I had gone through your response. I wish to tell you more details

in this mail.


Rajiv: More details are always good. Because in the details one can get

a better handle on the exact Astrological reasons,

'why'. I had completed my school in 1987 and lost my

father in May 1989. After this death, as I am elder in home, I had to

manage his business i.e. dairy farm & transport (travel service). But

at the end of 1995 our transport business completely ended due to several

reasons. And in next two years we also have to close our dairy farm


There is

this habit in life, in society when crisises happen, that we have to do

the best we can do. But, from life's perspective, the real purpose

of life, is that each one of us is living an Astrological nature

that is the basis of our lives. So, if we get pulled off our

own life purpose, then all kinds of failures can


There is big loss from

both the businesses, the reason whatsoever it is. We take financial help

from our relatives and some on cash on interest.

I'm going

to analyse your thoughts here, but since I haven't done and verified

your chart formally, my thoughts may not be completely accurate. Some amount we had paid and balance is till date unpaid

with interest more than the principal amount. With the information you gave me on your chart, you have a

particular problem in business and career because your 10th House

lord Saturn is in the 12th House of loss. This means one has the

karmas of loss especially related to career. Side by

side, as I don't had completed my graduation and also have not any

technical qualification, I decide to learn typing and Computer basic

knowledge in April 1997.

We look

at education in the 5th House, and in your chart, again your 5th House Lord, Mercury is also in the 12th House. This would also bring the

karma of breaks in education, which too give losses in


After completing the training I

teached students for 7 years in one of the institutes.

In your

chart, teaching is strongly indicated. Jupiter in the 6th House of daily

work, and from that placement aspects the all-important 10th House of

career, and your 12th House which contains those too 5th & 12th

House lords. In other words, Jupiter is

more Benefic in your chart which you should realize.


But this also had not helped me to overcome

from my debt problem. My debt was increasing day by day.


In your chart you have 3 planets in your 12th House, of

debt and expenditures and you are certainly living the karma of

those planets.

At last I decided to change my

profession and from last three years, I decided to worked as a Freelance

Accountant but I am completely failed in that too. I try for the job but

my increasing Age and tensions in my life don't allowed me to take a job

of below Rs. 5000/- , as this not helpful in overcoming my problems.

As you've

described so well your career, and business life is very mixed up and confused. Partly this got started because of the emergency of your

Father's passing. But, also no one taught you what your truer Dhara and

life purpose is. As a result you've been flopping around doing this

and that, living the lower end of negative and malefic karmas and

not getting on to your true self-purpose.

Last year, I had cleared

National Stock Exchange of India Examination and one of the best leading

Insurance companies examination. And joined them as Insurance advisor but

I am also completely failed in this profession. Hope that I am getting

termination letter from company very soon. Seeing one's true life purpose is one of the most profound

of Astrology's goals and purposes. I'd still

recomend you have your chart, read more formally by me, because you

have good potential in your chart; but you have some major malefics

that unless you learn to change will continue undermining and creating

failure and unhappiness. At

present, now we had decided to sell our home and pay off the debt, as the

interest is increasing day by day with the principal amount. I think we

can do this in January 2007. I'll tell

you, from my side, as an Astrologer that your #1

need, is to understand what your true dharma

is. Then, secondarily, you need to understand your specific

malefics, because even if you find yourself in your more appropriate

dharmic field; you're still going to need to understand and transform your

malefics. This is big email, but I want

to discuss it with you may be its my last email to you. Because nothing is

going to be left after selling our home. I had sold each and every thing

of my father myself. Nothing is left.

I will

say one thing for you specifically, and that is one of the greatest needs

of your chart is not to spend money but to learn to save. You've

described 2 or 3 situations here in this email about how you're

trying to be responsible by taking care of your debt; but the greater need for you is to learn to save, and to

learn what your true life purpose is.

Last suggestion I want

from your side is that I want to settle abroad outside India, is that is

my correction decision. Please do me a favour as I am not in position to

take right decision. Please do suggest some right way.


As we've

been saying my #1 suggestion for you is to discvoer what your truer

life purpose and dharma is. You discover what your truest dharma is and

how to better manage your malefics and you can turn this around.

Thanks & Regards Rajiv





markkincaid (AT) (DOT) com




Respected Mark Ji, Namaskar, With due respect, I want solution for my

big problem which I have facing from last 12 years. I don't whether

this is a right platform to discuss my problem but I am sure and

hope that I will get solution from here. Dear Rajiv: Well, yes, I'd say this is the right

place...to come and voicesuch a natural question in life.If there's anything I've learned from Jyotish, it's #1, that all

our problemsand challenges can be seen in our charts....The

Benefices in our charts represent those areas where we're successfulwhile the Malefics represent where we're struggling, and having

problems. My date of birth is 10th April 1970 and time

is 8:27 a.m. and place Delhi (As I am not sure about my birth time

please use my brother's date and time for the solution. His details

are Deepak 26/9/1976, 3:02pm, Delhi). Sir, We are facing

debt problem from last twelve years. We had tried many things but

all are fail in our situation. At the present, last option we have

to sell our home and pay the debt as early as possible. I'm looking at you chart, and listening to your words

here: debt problems,and last 12 years gives a lot of hint as the

area of our charts that we'restruggling through.In terms

of debt we look at the 12th house. For you, you have perhapsyour

worst malefic Saturn in Aries there. So, it's not too surprising thatyou would have debt challenges.Also, in terms of the timing,

these last 5 years were a very difficult time,especially for many

people.In 2001, Jupiter & Saturn collided and since that time,

millions of peoplehave lost their jobs, and billions of dollars were

lost in all the World's stockmarkets.This

'mini-recession' that we've all been going through is the quality of

theenvironment, and adding on top of that, your particular karma for

debts,and you can see the probable reasons why. I just want to know is their any other solution to our problem,

as no body is near to us and no body is helping as or guiding us to

how to overcome this problem. Unfortunately, in traditional Astrology the only real

solution tends to beto tell people to try and weather the storms of

their malefic periods.However, I have a different orientation

towards Jyotish.I believe that we're meant to improve ourselves

during especially thenegative times that we go through.One can

look at malefic times as fate or as opportunities for working onour

particular challenges.In your case, you're experiencing one of the

worst symbolisms of Saturn,meaning high debts.You also

said that you tried many things and nothing has really worked.It's true for many people when they try and create new jobs and

endeavorsthat a very high percentage of new jobs don't work out.Please tell me more about the kinds of work you tried to do,

because itsvery important that we figure from our charts what kinds

of careers are moreideal for us. If you

have any solution for this do kind me a favour and guide me so that

we can overcome from this problem and save our home. Because you're describing a fairly complicated problem I'd

suggest some formalreadings for you to #1 identify the exact

planetary reasons why you're goingthrough what you're going through

and #2....what malefic functioning planetsneed to be strengthened

to produce different changes. Thanks &

Regards Rajiv Delhi ps....

There can be a variety of Astrological reasons for why we go through what

we're going through. This is why a deeper analysis of the reason is

so helpful. However, in the final analysis the most important lesson

is to learn how to strengthen those negative planets that are

literally causing us our problems. In your case, anything

and everything that you can do to strengthen and improve your

challenged Saturn in Aries, will be the main solution!

Sincerely, Mark Kincaid





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