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Saturn is Winter....article.... 1/14/07 from Mark Kincaid

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Saturn is



One of the most interesting ways of thinking about Saturn is to

realize how similar Saturn and Winter are. For

example, Winter is cold, contracting, silent, and still. These, of course are some of Saturn’s

qualities as well. Saturn is contracting

represents stillness and silence. And, if you

get out of balance with the ‘cold’ Winter, then all kinds of

Saturn dysfunction, grief, worry, anxiety and even depression


That’s sooo Saturnish. If

we’re happy, quiet, peaceful and balanced then we feel settled, at

home and nothing about the future or circumstances bothers us. Also, Winter is a natural end result after many,

many months of dynamic crops growing and being harvested. Then the land, the agriculture, the woods, trees

and crops all rest “for a long Winter’s nap”.

Therefore think of this Winter time as a wonderful Saturn

opportunity. During these long Winter,

over-casted sky’s one is given a tremendous opportunity to dwell in

the inward direction. Instead of resenting it

we should….


Embrace Saturn



As I’ve studied Saturn over the years and learned more about

its nature it occurs that Saturn teaches us about

‘surrendering’. When things are

NOT going our way and we wish things were different, we either can resist

that which is happening naturally, or we can let go and embrace what


Of course I’m not discounting the power and majesty of such

planets as Mars and Jupiter who’s nature is to do, to strive and to

accomplish. However, Saturn is there to teach

us when we need to let go. There’s an

expression in Christianity that fits quite nicely.


“Not my will oh,


but Thy will

be done!”


This is a wonderful Saturn expression.

Next time you find yourself in a crowed street and traffic is

snarling at a snail’s pace, and you have this and that to do; but

there’s nothing you can do, at that moment, then remember

Saturn. You’re now in the grip of a

Saturn moment. But, its up to you whether you

grind against what is already happening or you let go and accept this

opportunity for being more in-tune with Saturn.

When you let go and let go of impatience, you have a chance to

embrace more Saturn stillness. Saturn’s

truer, more Sattvic or Benefic nature is silence and stillness. If we have enough inner quietness, then the moment

things slow down, we will feel no impatience or frustration.

But, if we’re not rooted enough to our inner quietness, then

that slow down will make us feel impatient, nervous or anxious. Next time this happens, seize this moment to

embrace Saturn more fully. You’ll find

by surrendering to this Saturn moment that something wonderful


You may find that the traffic snarl frees up.

You’ll certainly find that ‘you’ feel more free

on the interior.

Identify the Saturn Moments

Then Do Something

To Embrace



If you feel cold, then wrap yourself up with warm clothes, drink

some nice, warm fluids and feel happy within.

If you’re feeling nervous, unsettled, anxious or worried;

Identify these as Saturn prompts and embrace their opposite.

If you’re feeling nervous, let go of that worry and be


If you’re feeling worried, let go of that and embrace your

inner happiness.


you’re feeling unsettled, be still, get some more rest, give up what

you think you want or wish to do or accomplish.

And, in embracing Saturn peacefulness, you’ll be

accomplishing something so marvelous and totally unexpected.


Saturn is



It’s up to us whether we fight against this Saturn winter

grief or we let go and embrace it’s Higher nature. Winter, in fact, is a great opportunity for

developing and unfolding more Saturn knowledge and Wisdom.

Saturn is the preparation, the rest phase of the entire up-coming

New Year. Starting in the Spring we’ll

find ourselves diving into many numerous and busy activities, again. Winter is the time to store up our acorns, and

hibernate. If we use this time to rest, to

recuperate, to rejuvenate and to heal then next year will be even more





The Rest Phase

Of Life


At every moment we’re involved with either a rest or an

activity phase. If it’s the day, then

that’s the activity part. The rest phase

was the night before. If we’re involved

in the Waning Moon, (like now), then this is the rest phase of the entire

month. Those who learn to rest with the Waning

Moon feel amazingly improved and fresh during the Waxing


Those who understand that Winter is the rest phase of the entire

year; take advantage to re-charge their batteries for the up-coming

Spring, Summer and Fall months.

Embrace Your Saturn Winter Moment




Mark Kincaid


I’m finally back home in my home town,




I’m now, emerging into my Winter hunt as a

preparation for this whole next year.


I’ll be available, but the emphasis will be

on growing within Saturn’s profound, positive qualities during these

Winter months.


I wish for all of you that you, too, can grow with

Saturn this Winter.

How will we know if we’re progressing? Any Saturn negative signs or experiences will begin

to go away.


o If

we’re tired, and we surrender to rest, the ‘sign’ that

it’s working is we’ll feel fresh!

o If

we’re stressed, upset or exhausted, then identify this as a more

deeply stressful Saturn sign. Therefore commit

yourself to an even deeper Saturn healing and each step of progress will

be followed by more and more relief.


Some great things to do this Winter to help will




Yoga, physical postures and pranayama; both extremely valuable



Meditation, the #1 Vedic Remedy for Balancing all the Planets! And…..


Ayurveda, deep clinsing, and healings are possible in the wonderful

science of Ayurveda. Winter is Vata deranging

so, study and balance Vata dosha during these Winter months.



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