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2-Mika: Q Worried about my career! from Mark Kincaid 1/29

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need advice.....

Posted by: " mika81hakkinen "

mika81hakkinen mika81hakkinen


Jan 28, 2007 11:00 am (PST)

i ,m 25 years old and i

,m really worried about my career . my parents are even more

worried... i will complete my graduation this year... i started

engineering but could not complete it... now i,m doing BBA.. Dear

Mika:Whenever you want to know about your Astrology, listen to

your words or thoughts.You said here: " I'm really

worried, ...and my parents too even more worried.... " Worry, anxiety, fear these are all important Moon words.Though when I look at your chart, your Moon is Exalted in yours.So, normally this would represent someone with an extremely good feeling

levelmind, heart and intuition.However, that same Moon is

Waning, and in the last quarter on it's way to being a New Moon.This represents a Moon, then, though the quality is good, is slightly

tender or delicate.In other words do you get youf feelings hurt or

worry easily?These are " signs " that your Moon is

delicate.Therefore, regardless of what is happening on the

outer, it's a classic Astrological Signthat you need to strengthen

that Moon!, inside of you.Moon represents the mind, feelings

and heart and when small or aggravated in our chartsrepresents

something we should improve.Moon's size represents the

strength of emotional stability and mind.Therefore such

classic Vedic remedies as mediation could be crucial for you especiallyas you are just in the beginning of your life.There's much

evidence today to indicate that meditation is also extremely efficient at

unfolding many latent, unused natural abilities too. i ,m securing good . very

good grades in my presnt course....Now,

getting good grades is often due to a Mercury or good Jupiter

combination.In your chart your Mercury is in it's own sign Gemini

which represents goodintelligence and quickness of intellect.So, studying should be easy. i just want and advice

as to which area i should focus in my mastersI want to mention two more parts of your chart which are

crucial for your studiesas well as all future life.Your

5th House lord, Mars is in the 12th House, so there's a quality of loss

thatis there for you in studies. Mars also rules your 10th

House of career, so thisrepresents an important symbolism to figure

out.Also, your Jupiter's fully aspecting both your 5th House

and 12th House from itsplacement in the 3rd House, with Jupiter.Also, Jupiter and Saturn are only a few minutes of one degree apart, so

there is atension between Jupiter and Saturn in your chart and

life.Already you've seen a break in your education which is

a classic Saturn influence.For you, then, it's extremely

important that you become more in-tune with your Saturn as well as

Moon.In your chart, there's a tendency to not get enough rest,

or to even appreciate therole of silence or regular periods of

rest.As a result, you'll push yourself too hard, and wonder why

obstacles and delaysare going on in your life.I'd really

suggest you make a study of Saturn and seek to be more intune with him,

asap.There was an expression I heard when I finished my first

meditation course manyyears ago now, and that was: " By

the way, rest is the basis of activity " .That expression

was so foreign to me, at the time.Now, many Jyotish years later I

can see why.My own, Saturn was not very positive in my life and

since Saturn represents the appreciation and power of balance,

health, and timings, I shouldn't be surprisedthat expression

regarding rest and activity; appeared so strange.You're at a

crucial stage in your life, where you can understand your chart's

strengths as well as malefic weaknesses.Now, is a perfect time

for you to work on yourself, learning how to utilize your natural

Astrological strengths more and especially how to transform any of your

weaknesses, also into strengths.This is

the real purpose of Astrology; to help us live our lives, but.... unless

you learn how to change your malefics, they will continue haunting

you your whole life!The good news is

that we're all meant to learn how to do these things.It's written in

the Stars!, only....it's been greatly forgotten that self-improvement,self-development, ie. Jyotish remedial measures, is crucial to

Jyotish... and whether i will be able to

go abroad for further studies... MY details are

DOB: 28/7/1981 Time:5:35 AM Place: Nellore i thank

you in advice.....I'm actually very worried and it drains lots of

energy from me...Just know that this worry, is

primarily because of your delicacy of Moon,and out of balance

Saturn.You strengthen both these planets and you'll be amazed at how

different you willfeel!Sincerely,Mark

Kincaidfounder Nature's Astrologywww..commarkkincaid

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