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Saturn Retrograde & in Cancer Now

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Good morning, Mark, Since you've called for Saturn experiences, here are some of mine, with some questions. In 1992 I was told that I'd entered into a Saturn cycle that would last for 20 (!!) years. That year likely was the best for me in terms of earnings, the likes of which I've not seen since and then my mother, who was the matrix of our family, died. The following year my house was broken into; later on I suffered an injury to the thumb on my right hand. As time went on I narrowly avoided going bankrupt, and eventually I quit the work I'd been doing for years when the local market took a serious downturn. In 1999 I sold my house, preparing to leave for the U.S., to make my fortune in the IT industry; four days later I was rear-ended while driving in my car to work and was seriously injured. Six weeks later the company for whom I'd worked my heart out, and which had hired me under false pretenses, fired me, just as I was to become a permanent employee. Down down down the spiral I went, but then because I could do nothing else but sit in my depression, with my physical/emotional pain and losses, I slowly began to cultivate and learn patience, began to observe my world more closely and to appreciate the smallest things that make up every day. I began to work on developing more compassion for others and for myself. However,

throughout the next six years or more, I had more difficulty with institutions like insurance companies, the government and so on, than ever in my life and when I eventually got a settlement on the first (yes, there was another no-fault one 4 years later that again caused me a lot of injuries and I had to start from scratch again) I received just enough money to fix my teeth (aren't teeth ruled by Saturn?). Rebuilding again but still unable to work in any of my professional fields, I met a teacher, attended her mystery school over more than 2 years and did a whole lot of personal work, emerging a better person, having dumped coping behaviours and patterns that no longer served me, and became the healer I had always been (but 'on the side'). Finally, I surrendered to my Creator and stopped trying to do things my way and realized that I had to trust in the Will of Heaven, to learn to work in co-creation with it and not push the river, as you described it so well. There is no doubt in my mind or heart that all that happened came from Higher Purpose and that holding to this belief helped me to come into alignment with my true purpose in this life, and enabling me to live my destiny. I work as a shamanic healer full-time, now live with a wonderful partner, in a beautiful place that lets me see the mountains daily, wildlife and to live in clean air and water, surrounded by wonderful people in this tiny hamlet. I find I am filled with gratitude each day for all that I have. Before I came to this, I kept trying harder to do work (another jyotishi had also encouraged me in it), but I kept encountering blocks and difficulties. So my questions: is it true that the Saturn cycle runs for a full 20 years? You mentioned that it ran for 18 years in something you wrote about yourself recently. We are contemporaries, Mark, and I see you too lost a parent during this maha dasa. My father died in August, 2005 and it was then that I really felt liberated from a conglomeration of very old family of origin patterns. How does Jyotish handle the questions of retrograde planets as they show up in western astrology's natal charts? Does Jyotish ever discuss the possibility of transcending one's chart without having to reincarnate a gzillion times? One last comment: I think Saturn is also about listening: first creating the silence necessary to be able to hear and then listening to what comes through in the way of inner guidance. And finally, to surrendering one's ego to that Higher Self which speaks to us, with trust and in the belief that it is not we who run the show here, but our Creator (use whichever name you choose). I've held back on writing until now, but see so many questions coming in about Saturn, I thought I might add some of my experience in a desire to assist any

who might find benefit from reading it. My DOB: Feb. 11.45 at 10:18 am Toronto, Canada Riesah Prock www.shamanikhealing.com markkincaid wrote: Saturn is Winter Part 2 Dear Friends: A couple of weeks ago I wrote this article on Saturn called “Saturn is Winter”.

As it turns out, it’s quite helpful to realize that many of the symbolisms of Winter are very similar to the symbolisms of Saturn. And where we may not be able to understand why we’re being Saturn delayed, frustrated or disappointed; when these same things happen to us in the Winter time, we can at least wrap our brain around it because we understand that this is part of Winter. A couple of years ago I realized that my historical, life-long dislike of Winter was probably due to my so-called challenged Saturn in the 12th House. But, because I’d already noticed much self-improvement as to my Saturn by learning some of it’s many qualities and characteristics I also realized that Saturn was Winter. So, one of my next Saturn remedies was to learn to appreciate and embrace the Winter. When we realize that Winter has an intrinsic purpose to lay the ground for the entire upcoming Spring and Summer, then we can appreciate more deeply it’s innate role in life. In that same way, we should appreciate our Saturn moments. They are the Winter times for us. The confusing part, of course, is that they come at many uncharacteristic times. In fact, any Saturn Transit or Dasa is likely to catch us by surprise because we’re not used to it, unlike Winter. Winter comes at the same time, generally each year, and though we may not like it either, at least we know there’s not much we can do about it! This of course, is the first rule of thumb regarding Saturn. Like the Winter, we need to accept it’s inherent nobility and timing. Understanding intellectually, also, allows us to accept this naturally winter like time. These are some of the things we talked about last time. Today, I thought it might be helpful to realize we’re again, right now, in another important Saturn time. Not only are we in the Northern Hemisphere

period of Saturn Winter, but we’re also in a more intense Saturn moment because of Saturn having recently gone Retrograde. The Saturn Moment Of Now! So, let’s review the different aspects and features of this slightly unusual and unique Saturn period that we’re now in. #1 Sun in Capricorn & Aquarius Every year the Sun and all the inner planets move through the ‘signs’ of Saturn. Capricorn and Aquarius are the two signs that Saturn rules. So, each year when the Sun and Venus and Mercury move through them, we’re apt to be prone to experiencing some of Saturn’s lessons. #2 Saturn’s Retrograde Many people notice that the Retrograde motion of any of the planets is an important transit time. In the case of Mercury all kinds of weird and undesirable intellectual and communicative glitches happen during Mercury’s retrograde. So, we shouldn’t be surprised that ever since Saturn began going backward on December 6th of 2006. At the time Saturn was in Leo, having spent the last 2 ½ years or so in Cancer. For those of you who thought you’d seen the end of this dramatic Saturn time, get ready for another Saturn in Cancer moment. Right now, Saturn’s at the 28th degree of Cancer and plans to continue being Retrograde until April 20th when it does direct. On that day Saturn will be at the 24th degree of Cancer. Then, it will begin the typically slow climb back out of Cancer into Leo again. Saturn will finally leave Cancer on July 15th, 2007! So, if you’ve noticed feeling more uncharacteristically delayed and disappointed since Saturn started going Retrograde, then take heart that this is the reason! #3 Saturn’s in Cancer Again The final Saturn flavor of this moment. now is because Saturn’s back in Cancer. For many people this last transit of Saturn through Cancer was bad enough. Now, that flavor has been extended for a few more months. Saturn in Cancer ‘flavor’ has a unique meaning to bring more Saturn silence into the very nature of the Cancer, Moon mind. Emotions and fine feeling level was often rough and unsettled during these last few years. That ‘quality’ came back the moment that Saturn started back into Cancer. With each Saturn meaning or symbolism there’s an inherent meaning for each one of us. Those, who are strong, positive or have Benefic Saturn’s in the birth chart; Saturn can be a glorious transit, dasa or Cosmic moment. For the rest of us, who experience any of the typically negative or Malefic Saturn experiences, knowing that there will be these durations of Saturn ness; can be extremely helpful. Life is a River Life is like a stream! Each day we’re paddeling across the river and one day the water is smooth and easy. Another day the rapids are rough and unforgiving. All the details of our ‘crossing’ depends on 3 primary aspects of our Astrology. #1 we’re starting on a part of the river that has its own

character, terrain, rocks and rapids. These characteristics of the river and bank represent our Chart’s. Then, there’s the flavor of our Dasas, which represent how we feel that day. This point of the river is the same, but how we feel on the inside is different depending upon what Dasa period we’re experiencing. Then, there’s the flavor of the weather upon us and the water, coming to us from the Sun, Moon and weather. This too effects the water, crossing and ourselves. We’re in one such big Saturn moment now. Over the next 45 days of Sun in Capricorn and Aquarius this will be a great time to focus on all the lessons and remedies of Saturn! Join me in reflecting upon Saturn during this ‘Saturn is Winter’ moment. Those who live in the Southern Hemisphere where Spring or Summer instead of Winter is your weather, I’d love to hear from you too. Saturn in general is different for Southern Hemisphere people. It’ll be fascinating hearing how you experience this Saturn time, as well. Send in Your Saturn Questions & Experiences… Now… And we’ll talk about how to make the most of this great Saturn time! Nice talking with you all. Sincerely, Mark Kincaid Founder Nature’s Astrology www..com Up-coming Events, Courses: New Course: New Year’s Resolutions Beginning Shortly Still time to join at: http://health.MakeYourNewYearsResolutionsComeTrue/

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