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2-Riesah: re. Saturn experiences and how to deal with...

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Good morning,

Mark, Hi Riesah: Nice to

hear from you!


Since you've

called for Saturn experiences, here are some of mine, with some questions.



In 1992 I was

told that I'd entered into a Saturn cycle that would last for 20 (!!) years. I see

according to the chart info. you sent that yes you entered into Saturn

around 92. My program has you staring on Jan. 18th, 1993, and

lasting for 19 years until Jan. 18th 2012

That year likely was the best for me in terms of earnings, the likes

of which I've not seen Now, that's a

'sign' that the tail end of Jupiter was still probably goings on.

But, Mother passing is fairly symbolic of Saturn periods, and since

you've got your Sani in your 4th House of mother, it doesn't sound

too surprising. since and then my mother, who was the

matrix of our family, died. The following year my house was

broken into; later on I suffered an injury to the thumb on my right

hand. As time went on I narrowly avoided going bankrupt, and eventually I

quit the work I'd been doing for years when the local market took a

serious downturn. In both of our

charts, we have a strong 12th House/Saturn influence. As I said, I

have Saturn in my 12th, and for you, you've got your Saturn as the Lord of

your 12th House of 'loss'. In both cases, Saturn's malefic meaning

has a lot to do with 12th House losses or expenditures.



In 1999 I sold

my house, preparing to leave for the U.S., to make my fortune in the IT

industry; four days later I was rear-ended while driving in my car to work

and was seriously injured. Sometimes accidents are due to Mars,

but in many instances, accidents are more likely when Saturn's

acting out of tune as well. If Mars is physical impulse,

Saturn represents timings. Six weeks later the company

for whom I'd worked my heart out, and which had hired me under false

pretenses, fired me, just as I was to become a permanent employee.

And it's especially interesting listening to your experience,

because the flavor I sense in your experience is your source of

income, meaning job, went through a loss period too. To me,

this is very symbolic of Saturn ruling not only your 12th House of

loss, but also the 11th House which is the House of financial

gain. So, Sani ruling both of those houses seems to reflect in

losses of area of financial gain as well.



Down down down

the spiral I went, but then because I could do nothing else but sit in my

depression, with my physical/emotional pain and losses, I slowly began to

cultivate and learn patience, began to observe my world more closely and

to appreciate the smallest things that make up every day. I began to work

on developing more compassion for others and for myself.

Now, you're moving into the area of Jyotish and Vedic

remedies. It's especially true that within all malefic

'losses' there's some blessing in disguise there. The fact

that you could see something positive in all this is a credit to your

relatively good Jupiter. Your Jupiter aspects all your 3

Pillars in your chart, Sun, Moon & Rising sign.... which is

pretty amazing.



throughout the next six years or more, I had more difficulty with

institutions like insurance companies, the government and so on, than ever

in my life and when I eventually got a settlement on the first (yes, there

was another no-fault one 4 years later that again caused me a lot of

injuries and I had to start from scratch again) I received just enough

money to fix my teeth (aren't teeth ruled by Saturn?).

Yes,.... and government is ruled by the Sun, which

is in one of your Saturn signs, in this case Capricorn.




again but still unable to work in any of my professional fields, I

met a teacher, attended her mystery school over more than 2 years and

did a whole lot of personal work, emerging a better person, having dumped

coping behaviours and patterns that no longer served me, and became the

healer I had always been (but 'on the side'). What I tell people all the time, that the real purpose of

their lives.... is to balance or develop their planets and the jobs

or careers we do are really just for that... One of the

best things I can tell you about your chart too, is to strengthen your Moon! Moon's on a New Moon, with Sun and one of the most

important parts of your chart to develop.

Finally, I surrendered to my Creator and stopped trying to do things my way and

realized that I had to trust in the Will of Heaven, to learn to work in co-creation

with it and not push the river, as you described it so well.

Again, sign of your stronger, better



is no doubt in my mind or heart that all that happened came from

Higher Purpose and that holding to this belief helped me to come into

alignment with my true purpose in this life, and enabling me to live my

destiny. I work as a shamanic healer full-time, now live with a wonderful

partner, in a beautiful place that lets me see the mountains daily,

wildlife and to live in clean air and water, surrounded by wonderful

people in this tiny hamlet. I find I am filled with gratitude each day for

all that I have. Again, very symbolic

of your fairly good Jupiter... Though healing is an interesting flavor too. Healing comes from the 6th House and your Sun

rules your 6th House of healing. Also... your word,

" filled with gratitude " is very symbolic of Saturn's influence

as well. Saturn represents humility....and Jupiter



Before I came

to this, I kept trying harder to do work (another jyotishi had also

encouraged me in it), but I kept encountering blocks and difficulties. Well put. There are only two ways to

proceed... Either we do (Mars) more, or do (Saturn),

less..... This is why Mars is described as the planet of

persistence... while Saturn is described as the planet of

acceptance.... At some point, especially after trying and

trying we all need to let go and embrace what is.



So my

questions: is it true that the Saturn cycle runs for a full 20 years? 19 to be exact...

You mentioned that it ran for 18 years in something you wrote

about yourself recently. We are contemporaries, Mark, and I see you too

lost a parent during this maha dasa. My father died in August, 2005 and it

was then that I really felt liberated from a conglomeration of very old

family of origin patterns.


How does

Jyotish handle the questions of retrograde planets as they show up in

western astrology's natal charts? Not

quite sure what you mean here, but retrograde is a typical thing Jyotish

talks about.


Does Jyotish

ever discuss the possibility of transcending one's chart without having to

reincarnate a gzillion times? Not many

in the Jyotish field, yet! understand the potential of transcending

one's chart. But, as consciousness becomes more and more

enlivened, and people like 'us' who are coming from a consciousness

approach study and teach Jyotish, more and more people will come to

understand that transcending one's chart... is the REAL purpose of



One last

comment: I think Saturn is also about listening: first creating the

silence necessary to be able to hear and then listening to what comes

through in the way of inner guidance. And finally, to surrendering one's

ego to that Higher Self which speaks to us, with trust and in the belief

that it is not we who run the show here, but our Creator (use whichever

name you choose).


I've held

back on writing until now, but see so many questions coming in about

Saturn, I thought I might add some of my experience in a desire to

assist any who might find benefit from reading it. Thanks for sharing....


My DOB: Feb.

11.45 at 10:18 am Toronto, Canada




www.shamanikhealing.com Mark Kincaid

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