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2-Brazen lady re. How to Deal with Saturn Winter! 1/26

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Hi Mark! Glad

you’re back online. Missed you!

Hi Amy! Thank you very

much.. I've been thinking of you, too.I was just

about to email you to see how you're doing.

And, poof, here you are! he, he.



across your Winter blog comment here today regarding

Winter.> Yes, I decided to start using my blog for a change to help keep

people up-to-date on what’s going on with me… especially for

those spread out on distant shores literally and figuratively. Nice to

know someone actually read it

..It's been a long haul for me this last year. Was a

fabulous year, had an amazing time doing Jyotish full-time and

accumulating research for my book, doing courses, and charts.

Amazing to me, especially since I was in a Saturn situation of Saturn

moving across my 10th House of career, year. But, I learned

about 3 years ago that this was going to happen. 3 years ago,

I first experienced Saturn moving into my Cancer, and having a Libra

rising I noticed that Saturn's influence was being felt directly across my

10th House.

At the time I felt this huge boulder moving into the area

of my career, energy and I laughed and exclaimed " Ah, there's

Saturn and he's inching his way into my 10th House! "

Now, that made me slightly nervous knowing that Saturn was supposed to

have an especially negative effect when moving into both Cancer (my 10th)

and one's 10th House, in general. And, now I was experiencing Saturn

as a boulder. This was a sharp contrast, by the way from when

Saturn had gone through my 9th House of Gemini, the 2 1/2 years

earlier. I've learned a truely amazing amount about

Saturn now, that I've watched 'him' move from Sagittarius to Capricorn and

Aquarius, then Pisces, Aries (1999), Taurus and then


This was however, the first time that I felt him as a

boulder. So, I was alerting myself that career might be all

slowing down and all that. But, then, I remembered that I

didn't believe in the necessary negative fate of the Planets, so I did a

little Mark's Jyotish on myself! He, he. I thouht,

" Okay, I know that Saturn has the potential to teach us where we need

more Saturn Wisdom. And, right now, Saturn's being that malefic

boulder goings on, so he must be trying to tell me

something. "

Then, reminding myself that Saturn's real purpose is to

teach us about where we need more inherent Saturn silence, at this very

time and circumstance, instead of resisting and struggling with that

Saturn boulder; instead I let go!


let go and accepted. I let go and surrendered my agenda, time table

and goals, especially regarding career and.....

And within a very few days I began to notice that my

experience of Saturn changed!

Where there before was this frustrating, irritating, delay

producing potential Saturn boulder, all of a sudden it had become a

beautiful, celestial portal.


looked more closely at it and realized it had become a portal into some

kind of inner quietness, silence and state of


It almost looked like a black hole. It was


It now, this living presence of


From that very moment I realized very deeply that Saturn

is the time table when and where we need to develop more stillness and


Like that, there are many Saturn moments where and when we

need to heed Saturn's vibrations.


Snip<Did you

see my article on " Saturn is Winter " I wrote awhile back?>

Yes, I did. I

saved it and actually have been studying it. Seems each time I read it, I

discover something new.

That's verrry good. Seems the more I live the more I

learn about Saturn too. Soooo fascinating how many different facets

Sani, especially has. I think, also, this growing Knowledge

and personal wisdom about Saturn is sooooo necessary for most people. See, we're not, generally, taught about Saturn. We're

taught about such things as Mars and the Sun, but not Saturn.

How often we hear " Stand up for yourself. Go out and make it

happen! (Both of which are classic Mars statements) But, how

often were we taught, " Oh, by the way rest is the basis of

activity! " Now, that's exactly what my first meditation

teacher said to me, in 1971 after completeing my first meditation

course. I remember thinking at the time, " What an odd

statement! " All these years now that I've been living

I've come to know many, many such beautiful and profound Saturn




also realized that those of us who especially dislike Saturn probably have

some important work to do with Saturn.> Yeah, we figured that out way

back. But I think I’m getting along a little better with Saturn now,

but realize that I still have a lot of work to do.

Congratulations! You've achieved what few ever do in

life and even in Astrology. Very infrequently do people ever realize

that the Planets are about Where we can develop or improve




Ayurveda has some interesting things to say regarding the natural cycles

of the seasons. We have the natural pitta cycles of spring and

summer and the cool fall and winter greatly balance the excessive heat of

the earlier times.> Funny you should bring that up. Been reading exactly that topic in

the past few days in one of my new herbal manuals that covers vata, pitta,

and kapha and Ayurvedic treatments for each… not light reading in

the least, but fascinating!

Having been first exposed to Jyotish over 19 years ago

now, from an Ayurvedic course, I naturally began looking for the ways in

which they can be done together.

Ayurveda, for example, with it's extreme emphasis on

practical remedies and healing practices, has now, taught me that Jyotish

could do more of that! When, I first began studing Jyotish what

you'd read in the typical Jyotish books coming out of India would be 99%

on the Jyotish and then tacked on, at the end, would be something small

like only 5 pages of remedies.

Most books didn't have any and the few that did would have

5 out of 200 pages on remedial measures!

Even back then I thought that was grossly


Later I came to realize that it could be more like


Sure, spend 50% of your time finding the Understanding

regarding how one's Jyotish/Astrology, fits us, but then, spend at least

50% of the time on remedial measures, to try and heal or change our


Later, still, I came to realize that one only needs to

spend 10-20% of the time figuring out whether any planet is acting

negatively, or malefically.

Then, one can spend the entire time on healing and

self-improving that planet!

Snip<Finally, the last thing that's helped me, is realizing

whenever I experience any of the negative consequences of any of the

Planets, I take this as a 'sign' that, that planet is temporarily acting

malefically, and I need to increase the Knowledge and Wisdom of that

planet.> Yes,

that’s exactly what I’ve been doing. I understand from another

group that I am in that this is the Year of Saturn. Can you explain what

that means, as I cannot find any real useful information on


Again, congtats! It's such a rare and yet exciting

thing to help people realize that 'this' is really how we're meant to do,

our Astrology!

Regarding your question about what it might mean to be in

another Saturn year; Jyotish teaches that there are 2 primary ways to

determine which of the Planet's energies or karmas we'll be


There are the Dasas, and there are the


For everyone, we're all going through Saturn in


For all, we're all experiencing Saturn going retrograde

and back into Cancer, (as I've said on the group


So, find the #4 or Cancer in your Jyotish chart, and

that'll be the place where Saturn is right now!

I'll give you a hint! hehe In

your chart, you've got a #10 or Capricorn in your 1st House. So,

your #4 Cancer is in your 7th House.


Also, you need to look at your


Supposedly, based on the information you gave me during

your previous chart readings; you're supposed to be in a Rahu, Rahu, Venus

periods, right now.

Off the top of my head, generally, that's not such a poor

Dasa period for you.

But, I have to say, you still not finding work, is a

definite Saturn experience.

It's obviously one of the most frustrating of Saturn

moments being unemployed.

It affects our self-worth, what to say about our


But, don't forget you're on a

process of self-discovery, exactly, what would be more important for you

to do in terms of your career. Knowing then, what one's true

life purpose or dharma is, is crucial for really being a career success in


Unfortunately, we're rarely prepared

for the down or recession periods in life. And that's the real

reason why we suffer. There will always be Saturn moments. We have to be ready, for them!




that gray sky is very conducive to extra rest, meditating,

being more inward and being more focused on my inner

development.> Ah, learning to meditate has been most wonderful for me! I have

gotten on a regular schedule of starting my morning out with short

meditation to get me ‘ready’ for the day, and again in the

evening to unwind from the events.

I'm soooo happy for you. Of all the things I've

done, over my entire life; learning to mediate was the best thing!

Looking back now, I can clearly see that 36 years of mediation

has produced the most amazing results!


I have also found that

relaxing music and staring at the flames of the fire in my fireplace

(mostly decorative, not very heat producing fireplace) and/or at the

flames of candles also helps tremendously both before and after

meditation. And I’ve also employed so many more wonderful aspects to

help me de-stress.

All sound like good things to do to be more in-tune with





will be plenty of time to be dynamic and active come the spring time.>

Spring! Rebirth!

New Life! Growth! Warmth! Sunshine!

See, we often crave for the spring when we're in the

Winter, but then when it comes, if we haven't used the Winter wisely

enough to rest and prepare ourselves for the next big Spring, doing and

activity cycle; we'll feel something's not right.

Certainly, Winter is the ideal time to rest and

recuperate. Though, the better prepared we are financially, makes

for a huge difference in being able to take advantage of this naturally

inward time!



now is a golden opportunity to bask in the beauty and the sublime special

qualities of Saturn!> Okay, I’ve been basking WAY too much. Saturn needs to

give me a break! I have rested long enough! I still have not gotten a job,

which going without this long is absolutely unheard of for me. I’m

not used to this.


know what you mean. Even in Winter, we can find ourselves in spaces,

especially, where we need to go out and do and stretch our legs!

hehe Though remember, we need to be more in-tune with Saturn as long

as the negatives or malefic signs predominate.

Remember, by the way, that we're only experiencing the

Saturn consequences of our actions; so don't think that Saturn is causing

these things. We did, and now we're experiencing the results, as

difficult as they may be.

The most difficult Saturn situation that people find

themselves in is when they find out they have a


Saturn represents stress, dis-ease and disease. So,

when anyone finds themsleves in the 3rd stage of Saturn imbalance, it took

a long time to get there. So, people shouldn't be surprised

it might take awhile to return to health or normalacy. Your

financial situation reminds me of mine these last many years. I've

known for a long time that my truest dharma was to teach meditation or

now, Jyotish. But, I was still not making enough money at it

to do it full-time. Therefore I continued with my

construction business which I've been doing on and off for so many years

to bring in money. You have that

practical accounting background which should give you the ability to at

least generate some money for yourself, even though you're working on a

better, more true dharma for Your self.


But, one thing very

important that I discovered just recently is my attitude toward the whole

process (DUH!). The longer I have gone without a job, the more depressed

and reclusive I have become.

Well, this is natural. It's very frustrating now

having an outlet to either do our dharma or practically pay our


I’ve applied,

applied, applied, gotten a few interviews, but no job. I now believe that

my depression and the resulting deteriorating attitude has been affecting

my lack of results.

Well, since it sounds like you're still trying to do your

practical accounting even though you have a greater clarity about a

better, more perfect future life career for


Just know that there 'is' some good lesson here, and we

either have 2 choices. Either we try harder or persist (which

is the Mars angle, by the way), or we let go, accept or surrender. (which

is the Saturn side). At every moment life presents us with

only these 2 alternatives.

So, I’ve been

doing some serious work on that, using positive affirmations, forcing

myself to have a more positive attitude, and even consciously telling

myself that is not allowed when I have a negative thought or statement,

and turn the negative thought or statement into a positive


Again, good job. You're really handing this

extremely well. Personally, I believe you're in the middle of

learning one of life's biggest lessons, and I believe, in the future, this

experience you're struggling through will be great experience for helping

other people!


But this time has also

made me realize soooo many more things about my life, my surroundings, and

so much more. I will be including some of those discoveries and

realizations in my blog… this message is getting quite lengthy as

it is!

You do have the right, good attitude! And that'll

help a lot!


talking with you!> Great to hear from you. I sent you a couple of emails to your

account, which I am sure you are still trying to work your way through.

Amazing how many emails come in when you’re away from the computer

for a few days!

Working on finishing my book, now is #1 but I like

corresponding like this. It's a great opportunity to keep practicing


Hope all is well with

you and you are getting settled back in! Oh, forgot... added a link on my

360 blog page today directing people to your website in case they need an

excellent astrologer!

I'm so happy right

now. Had a great year. Got my book all layed out, and starting

the final draft now. But, I too, am in the middle of Saturn

Winter, right now, and we all have to deal with that.

So, I rented a small room, vs. a bigger house, so I can keep doing what's

right Astrologically for myself. And my growing knowledge and wisdom

of Saturn has helped me realize how better to get along with life.

Brazen Lady take care! Mark

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