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Jan. 31st Full Moon & Next Jyotish courses, coming up!

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New Astrology Newsletter – Report For Transits, Charts

& Dasas: Full Moon,

Coming Up… How to Strengthen Saturn….and Next Jyotish

Courses coming…up….. Now!



Wednesday -…… January

31st - Feb. 2nd (Full Moon)….

(Thursday …… Feb. 1st

– Feb. 3rd

– in the



Can You Feel the

Moon Waxing Now….! Wow, it’s



Next Courses:

Still time to join!...



below…for details



Click on For Daily Up-to-date Picture of THE



Click on this link, for an up to

date picture of the Moon.!



Transits are Nature living Astrology! Full Moon coming



energy now!

Of course, most

people love the Waxing Moon….

The Full Moon is

the culmination of this entire Waxing period!

I hope yours is




Moon’s finishing in Gemini



pretty happy in Gemini, though this month and year, both and Rahu are

fully aspecting Gemini. So, expect a slightly

rough couple of days, or at least don’t be surprised…if you

encounter some…


Moon moves into Cancer, tomorrow.

Moon of course,

loves being in Cancer. (It’s own sign),

so expect a quality of special sweetness to be in the ‘air’ so

to speak.


Moon’s colliding with Saturn in Cancer


Since Saturn is

also right now, back in Cancer, pay special attention to where Moon

collides with Saturn in 2 days from now. Though tomorrow should be



New Courses coming up.

Right now

I’m planning special events for the next 2-3 months.

Next, course

coming up is the How to fulfill one’s New Year



resolutions are just another way of talking about our malefics. Where we have our malefics these are the areas in

which we’re not doing what we’d like or wish, and as a

result,…having ‘Resolutions’ that we wish we could

keep! The ability to solve any of one’s desires, or

resolutions is based on our ability to flow through a Benefic


In other words,

where we have our Benefices we’re already doing right and getting

our desires fulfilled in a natural way.

However, where we

have our Malefics, these represent where we’re either weak, or have

undeveloped parts of us, so that flowing through these is not successful

or happy.

The key to life is

learning how to create Benefices, out of our Malefics!


How to Fulfill any of one’s


Check this out





Strengthening Saturn!

Sun’s in Capricorn



movement through Capricorn is a very significant month of the


During this month

the Sun reflects the innate desires for all Capricorn accomplishments,

goals and ambitions.

As a result this

month is ideal to reflect upon one’s life Goals and


As a result,

we’ll focus on how we can understand one’s life goals and

ambitions by looking at our Astrological charts.


everyone’s goals and dreams in life are different.

For each one of us

we desire different things.

If we can see our

life through the eyes of our Jyotish then we have the best chance to know

more clearly what we’ve really come to accomplish in this


So, often we get

so wrapped up in survival mode, that we forget to stay focused on our true

life purpose.

In the Nature’s Astrology group and Saturn

group we’ll focus on Saturn during these next 6 weeks of the

Sun’s movement through Capricorn and


The real need of any and all Saturn struggles is

to learn how to literally, strengthen Saturn!


Life Purpose is Dharma.

This is the #1

goal in Astrology as it should be in life! We

all were born to live a unique and specific life.

For each one of us, the exact details of that life purpose are

unique to us.

Our charts

describe very precisely and perfectly ‘exactly’ what we came

to do, in this life.

Our Strengths

indicate the parts of us that we came in ‘developed’


Our Weaknesses

indicate those areas in which we came to develop or strengthen.

Our Dasas indicate

the exact time periods in which we are meant to focus on either our

Benefices or Malefics.

Our Transits

indicate the flavor of the World’s environment through which we must

travel to fulfill our desires and goals.


#1 Goal in Life and Astrology is to Know One’s Life Purpose or


If we don’t

know what are true Dharma is then we may be wasting our time. How many people get to the end of their life and

feel unfulfilled.

This is because

they didn’t understand what their true Life Purpose or Dharma


The #1 purpose of

Astrology is to help any person understand their Life purpose.

One can see,

‘exactly’ within our charts; what our true life purpose


When you have your

chart’s ‘read’ ask what your life purpose is.

When you’re

studying your own chart, study how your chart explains your true Life










During these

months of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, for the Northern Hemisphere,

these months represent the ‘end’ of this last year. These months then, represent a special opportunity

to reflect upon and plan for the emergence of the entire next year,


If you’re in

the Southern Hemisphere, you’ll be in the Spring and Summer months,

so your year is already unfolding. Capricorn

and Aquarius then, represent months of doing and accomplishing.

Mars for example,

is thought to be Exalted or strongest in the Saturn sign of


Therefore, the

energy of Capricorn must be especially conducive to doing and



Life Purpose & Dharma Course

The next course

we’ll be starting will be on How to Find One’s True Life

Purpose or Dharma. (Details will be coming


There will be 2


1) For

Beginners & Medium Students.

2) For

Medium and Advanced Students.

Primaring focus

will be on the Meanings of one’s Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, and

10th House and 10th House Lord.


These are the

primary Components of one’s Life Purpose or Dharma.


Strengthening Saturn.

These months of

Northern Hemisphere, and Sun in Capricorn & Aquarius represent an

ideal time to focus on Saturn.

If you have

‘any’ negative or Malefic indications or experiences of

Saturn, then you might consider Strengthening Saturn.

Of all the

Planets, most people have the most problem with Saturn.

Partly, this is

due to the age in which we live.

We’re not

taught how to be more in-tune with Saturn!


we’re encouraged to do, to be Marish, to achieve through doing and

the silent, non-doing Saturn part is left behind.

During this course

we will focus primarily on simple, and yet profound Remedies for

Strengthening Saturn.

Winter is the

perfect time to focus on Saturn.

It’s all

about us!




Astrology Survey.

A few weeks ago I

sent out an Astrology Survey to find out which areas of Astrology people

are the most interested in.

These are the

Initial Results of that Survey:

Areas Most

Interested in:

A) Life Purpose

Most people said they were the

most interested in how their charts could help them understand what their

life purpose is.

As a result, we

will focus on this during the next couple of months.

B) Making More


The 2nd areas people were the most interested in was How

can I make more money!

So, secondarily

we’ll focus on the Knowledge and Wisdom in our charts that relate to

the 3 Money Houses, 11th, 12th, and


C) Improving


The 3rd area people expressed interest in was related to improving

Inter-personal relations. Some wanted to

improve their relationships with family members.

Others wanted to improve their relationships at work. But, all people wanted especially to understand How

they Can improve their Romantic relationships or Partnerships.

As a result

we’ll focus on How Jyotish/Astrology can help us see 1) Why

we’ve had the past experiences we’ve had and 2) What we need

to do to attract and enjoy better success in all our



For any other

areas of Astrology, feel free to write in with your questions and

experiences. All areas of life can be better

understood by looking through our Charts.





Founder Nature’s








Questions, Comments &



Keep sending

them in!


PS….If you want to get

connected with me via Personal Instant Messenger, go to

and add my username:




























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