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Philosophy of the Transits

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The Transits Newsletter is




Dear Friends and



As many of you know the Transits are one of the most powerful

aspects of Astrology. Every day we’re in

fact, living within some Transit moment. The

Sun, Moon, planets in our Solar system and Constellations are raining down

upon us their various unique characteristics and qualities.

Some are good and purposeful while others are negative and

destructive. You can feel this sometimes. One day you feel ‘good’ for no

reason! Other days you feel really

‘bad’ for again, no seeming reason.

Before we learn about these Transiting Astrological influences we

tend to blame how we feel on outside realities.

We find ourselves worrying and the mind picks something from our

World to blame the worrying on. I’m

worried and it must be because of my job.

We feel nervous or anxious sometimes and we need to find the true

Astrological reasons. The real reason why we

‘feel’ is because of the many changes of the Big Moon in the

sky. Watch the Moon for 2 months and

you’ll discover exactly how much of an influence the Moon has in

your life!

In general, I’ve found that the smaller the Moon is in our

personal charts’ the more affected we are by these transits. Also, if we have an aggravated Moon in our birth

charts, we’re apt to be more strongly or adversely affected by the

Moon. Finally, if we’re overly emotional

and especially unsteady on a feeling level then the Transits may be

crucial for you to understand.

Take another classic Transit experience.

Let’s say we’re feeling particularly angry or fiery

some time. This comes over us and for the life

of us, we can’t find the reason why.

We may even go to an Astrologer, (lucky us!) and they when they

look at our charts, say: “Ahh, the

transiting Mars is moving right across your Moon right now!” And, though you may not know what that means, but

it explains what’s going on in your life.

Especially, two weeks later when Mars is sufficiently away from

‘that’ Moon, you experience that fiery ness disappears!

Why? Because of these myriad shifts in the


But, where did it go? Why did it

come? And, how long it will last? It went the way of all Transiting Astrological

moments. It changed.

Each day, the Sun, Moon, planets and Stars are out there doing

their thing. Therefore we should have a

fundamental understanding of these Transiting Stars.

Once we understand how the Transits affect us and others, then we

can look ahead and know the specific Auspicious and Inauspicious or

delicate days over the this next month or year!


Real Purpose of the



The real purpose of all the movements of the Stars is to give us,

each one of us, an environment in which to evolve!

The Stars moving around is our World.

The Stars movements have a special relevance for each one of

us. There are in fact, two ways to look at

these Transits.


#1 For the



The transits reflect to the entire world the general realities

going on in the world. The transits radiate to

the Earth specific vibrations which effect and then affect everyone in the

World. The World evolves through the details

of the Transiting Astrological realities. The

most recent tsunamis and 2 years of extreme hurricanes was predicted in

the Transits.

I remember getting some emails from Indian Astrologers who said:

“Beware, in the next 2 ½ years some dangers in water like

hurricanes will be coming.” That was

before Saturn went into Cancer several years ago.


I remembered this when we had some of the worst tsunamis and

hurricanes over those two years of Saturn/Cancer’s


I also watched how different people ‘felt’ during this

same period.


#2 Second, Purpose of the



I also became aware that many people were feeling very rough,

uneven, sad, worried and even depressive during that period! It was like the New or Full Moon of each month;

when people go the most berserk, but it was happening all the


I had already been used to watching the Stars.

In fact, I’d been watching Saturn for over 15 years before

Saturn went into Cancer. So, I

“KNEW” these affects were due to Saturn’s movement into

and through Cancer.

Cancer, after all, is the home of the Moon in Astrology. So, it isn’t too much of a stretch to

understand why Saturn’s movement there might be having these

predictable negative affects.




Aspects of Astrology


There are in truth 3 most significant or major aspects of

Astrology. There are these Transits but there

is something else called the Dasa Periods. And

finally, there are all the realities of the details in our









Our charts are the #1 Astrological influence that we’re all

living. This means no matter

what’s happening with the Stars, out there, what’s happening

inside, here, is the most crucial. However,

it’s very difficult to talk about everyone’s charts in an

Astrological newsletter.

The Way

In which the


Affect us


We can talk, therefore about some more ‘general’ ways

in which the Transits will be affecting us and our charts. For

example traditionally there are two ways in which the Transits can be

found to influence us. #1 you can look at your chart’s Rising

Sign. The second way in which you'll hear about the Transits is in

terms of one's Moon Sign.

Personally, I have found the Rising Sign more accurate so my

Transit newsletters and reports are based on the Rising Sign. In

terms of the Rising sign, there was a constellation or set of stars on the

horizon at the exact moment of our births.

That constellation is called the Rising Sign.

It represents the sign that was literally rising on the East

horizon at the exact time of our birth. That

rising sign then, reflects our personality, what we’re like, and how

we come across to people. Find the Rising sign

in your chart and see if you don’t feel like an Aries, Taurus,

Gemini, etc.

That Rising sign, then, sets up your whole chart. Divide the sky into 12 slices of a pie and the

rising sign is one of the 12 classic Astrological Signs of our

Zodiac. So, if you have a Gemini Rising on the

horizon that is your Rising Sign. That Rising

Sign is also called the First House.




Is the





The Rising sign being in the first house means the qualities and

characteristics of that Sign are coming to us and flowing through our

self, personality, body and even, how we’re coming across to other

people. All these qualities of personality,

body and self are the unique characteristics of the First


Once you determine what your First House, Rising sign is then all

the other ‘Signs’ of our Zodiac will be found in the other

Houses. So, if you have the #3 Sign Gemini in

your 1st House, then the #4 Sign Cancer would be in your

2nd Also, in the next house, the

Third House, the #5 Sign Leo would be next. In

your Fourth House, the #6 Sign Virgo would be there.


Make a drawing. Take a piece of

paper. Make a big circle on that paper. Then, put a dot in the middle of that circle. Through that ‘dot’ make 12 equal slices

of a pie. These will stand for both the 12

Houses of your chart, and the 12 Signs of your chart!

Find a slice that’s on the East side of the page. Let’s say the top part is the Northern

direction and the bottom is the South. The

East side will be on the right while the West will be in the


On the day we were born the Sign that was on that Eastern horizon

was your Rising Sign. It’s also called

the Ascendant and reflects those classic characteristics of the First

House, personality and body.




Within the 12


Of our



First thing is to put our unique Astrological Rising sign in one of

those slices on the right. Put a roman numeral

One there. That stands for your Rising Sign or

your 1st House. Now, put the other roman numeral numbers 2-12 in the

other slices. Put the #2 in the slice directly

below the Rising Sign one. Then, put a #3 in

the next slice, four in the next house, five, six and all the way around

the drawing.

There should be a number in each of the 12 slices. Also, go clock wise. In

other words the second number should be below the first one. The next sign should be below that, moving clock

wise. Also, these descending slices should be

in the southern direction. If you’re

putting them, in the slices ‘above’ your Rising sign,

you’re putting them in the wrong slices.

Once you have the roman numberal numbers in all the twelve slices

then put the Signs in those slices. So, if you

have the Sign Gemini in your first slice, or House; then put the next Sign

Cancer in the next slice. It should be in the

slice or House that has the #2 roman numberal in it too. The next slice should have Leo, then Virgo is next.


After Virgo comes Libra, then Scorpio, Sagittarius and then

Capricorn and Aquarius. The final slice should

then have Pisces and all the 12 slices now, have one of the 12 classic

Signs of our Zodiac.





You know have the 12 slices of your chart!

These slices, called Houses represent the different aspects of the

life. First House stands for personality, body

and how we come across to others.

The Sign that’s in your 1st house has to do with

the all-important qualities and characteristics of your personality. You can find the literal energy of your personality

by understanding the energy of your first house Rising sign. Of all the slices or houses, this one is probably

the most important.





The Second House stands for food, how we speak and certain aspects

of our family life karma and even wealth.

The Sign in the second house has to do with the quality, energy

that underlies how you eat, speak and move towards the attainment of







Third House has to do primarily with younger siblings, brothers and

sisters. The Third House also is called the

House of communications. How well we

communicate depends upon the Third House.

Also, performing arts and music are looked at in the third


The 3rd house Sign has to do with the climate underneath

your intimate relationship with younger siblings.

Learn to feel the nature and meaning of the different sign energies

in all the different slices and houses of your chart and life.





In the 4th House is a declaration of our peace of

mind. Therefore classic fourth house

symbolisms include the Mind, emotions, home and especially one’s

relationship to one’s Mother.

The Sign in your 4th house is crucial because it

represents the basic undertone of how you create peace of mind. The sign in your 4th is the basic

quality or vibration that you ‘are’ at home and in emotional

relationship with others.

I have Capricorn in my 4th house.

I didn’t understand the significance of this energy for me

until I realized I am Capricorn ambitious for how I achieve peace of






The 5th House has to do with education. How well we do in education is a great reflection

of the Astrological realities, strengths and so-called tension within our

5th House. Also, such things as

children, intelligence and even romance or especially pre-marital

relationships is looked at due to the fifth house.

The Sign in your 5th house represents the flavor of your

fifth house of education and children.

Therefore, if you’re in school still seek to understand the

unique qualities of your 5th house sign.

If you have children, how you parent and the climate in which you

are raising your children will be a reflection of the Sign energy in your

5th house.





The 6th House has to do with health. Therefore, how health one is, one’s

tendencies to get sick, one’s strength of recuperation is looked at

by the sixth house. Sixth house is also the

house of ‘enemies’ so karmas with daily work are looked at by

the 6th house.

The Sign that’s in your 6th house has to do with

the overall tendency or characteristic of your 6th house of

health. This is extremely important because

this ‘sign’ energy has a lot to do with how you stay


For example, in my chart I have Pisces in my 6th

house. I’ve noticed over time, that the

Pisces energy of freedom is very important to me.

In fact, when my freedom is diminished or I can’t get enough

of that I notice that seems to affect my health negatively.






The 7th House is called the house of Partnerships. Therefore, the classic partnership of marriage is

looked at through the seventh house in one’s chart. Though, in fact, all partnerships are looked at

through the seventh.

Therefore, the 7th is also the house of Business

partnerships and even business administration.

The seventh house is also opposite to one’s first house. So, it shouldn’t be a surprise that the

spouse house is a mirror to our own life or self.

Many people experience their marriages this way.

The spouse seems to reflect back to us many, many things about

ourselves. Knowing this helps us understand

the nature and the purpose of our partnerships.


The Sign that’s in your 7th house represents the

overall quality and background in your married life.

If you have Gemini there, you may have two distinct Geminish

qualities or vibrations. It may be important

for you to realize this about yourself and especially for your spouse to

realize you have a kind of dual nature or vibration here.





The 8th House has to do with longevity. Therefore, how long we will live is a reflection of

our 8th house. The eighth house is

also called the House of life-span. How long

will our life-span be and the Knowledge and Wisdom for expanding our

length of life is looked at in the 8th house.

Therefore, the eighth house is also called the House of

Transformations. Life transformations are the

key to longevity or life-span. How well we

rest, how well we transform ourselves from one state to another is an

important ingredient of length of life.

The 8th House is also the house of addictions. If the 8th House is weak or challenged

then we may have the transformative qualities of compulsions, obsessions

and addictions. The Sign that’s in

one’s 8th house represents the vibration of the entire

qualities and realities of the eighth house.


If you have Cancer there then the classic Cancer qualities of

careing, feeling and compassion are the energy within one’s

8th house.





The 9th House is the house of God.

All spirituality is then, looked at through the all-important ninth

house. God, and one’s relationship with

authority is looked at in the 9th house.

One’s path of spirituality then, is greatly reflected in the

Astrological realities within one’s 9th house.

The Sign that’s in one’s 9th house

represents the basic energy that’s the back drop or tone of

one’s entire spiritual life. How we

progress in and achieve our spiritual goals depends first of all on the

Sign energy that’s there in the 9th






The 10th House is the classic house of career. All karmas and characteristics of our work,

profession and career are looked at in the 10th house or slice in our charts.

How successful we will be, the specific careers that truly fit us

are a reflection of our 10th house.

Whether you are an independent person, and especially how well you

get along with others in the work mode depends upon your tenth


The Sign that’s in your 10th represents the

overall flavor of your ideal career energy.

That Sign in your 10th represents how you feel and how

you like to be, how you like to flow in career.

If you can’t be that flavor that you are, there, then that

will negatively affect your work.

For example, some people who have Aquarius in their 10th

houses often times don’t quite know how to integrate that special

vibration with the nature of their career life.

Aquarians, by their very nature love being different. They also are very creative and

non-traditional. Therefore when Aquarius is

there they end up being different then others at work. Sometimes this doesn’t go over


Therefore, knowing why we like thinking differently, you may have

heard of that expression, “thinking out of the box”. This is a

classic Aquarian description.

Sometimes, we can be that way at work.

Sometimes, certain work environments don’t appreciate or

aren’t conducive for allowing us to be this way.





The 11th House is called the House of Gain. Therefore, how we gain, how we gain financially is

looked at in the eleventh house. All manners

of financial gain are understood by looking in the nature of the

11th house.

The first thing I like to look at is the back ground

‘Sign’ energy that’s in the 11th house. That tells me what’s the ideal vibration of

how one attracts or makes money.

For me, I have Leo in the 11th house. Ever since I was young I’ve loved my

independence and have been in business for myself.

This is often the quality for people with Leo there.

Therefore find the energy in your 11th house. Because how we make money is such an important

house this basic ‘sign’ backdrop energy is crucial for your

eleventh house of wealth.





The final house, called the 12th house is the end of the

chart. Therefore it’s the house of

endings, finalities, and fulfillment. What we

can do to bring the very purpose of our lives to fulfillment is gleamed by

the 12th house.

This 12th house is also called the house of

enlightenment and represents the final, ultimate reality. Funnily enough the 12th house is also

called the house of Loss. Because when one

goes to the end, one ends up transcending or going beyond. That flavor of beyond is a gain of spiritual life

but a loss of relative existence.

Therefore the 12th house is both a house of inner

enlightenment but also a house of outer loss.

The twelfth house in mundane terms is called the house of

expenditures. How we spend, how well or how

balance our spendings are is a reflection of our 12th


The Sign that’s in our 12th house has a lot to do

with the overall quality of our inner and spiritual life. Also, how well we save depends on the qualities in

our 12th house.


Major Benefits of the






major benefit is to know what the nature and characteristic of the

environment will be for any future period.

Knowing what the quality of the future will be like is a priceless

advantage of knowing the Transits.




The practical qualities of the future can be identified as being

specifically positive or negative.

Therefore, the most Auspicious and Inauspicious of any future time

can be discovered.



The Transits can be known for their personal relevance for us and

our charts as well. In other words, we need to

know how the Transits will be affecting us!

Therefore, watch the Transits for 2 months and you’ll have a

mucn better feeling for the Transits relevance.



Sometimes, the Transits are important for us to know. As I said this happens quite often when the Moon is

delicate or fragile in a person’s chart.

However, for those with relatively bigger Moon’s the Transits

may not be quite so important.

However, even for those persons, knowing what the majority of other

people will be feeling and receptive to will be crucial. For example, once you discover what the nature of

the future transits will be like you’ll have an inside track for

what most other people in the World will be feeling.



Transits are used especially for personal predictions. If one sees that the sometimes negative

acting Saturn is going to be moving through one’s 6th

House of health over the next 2 ½ years this can be a very

important fact! Not only can the positive and

negative forces be seen in life, in general, but these same influences can

be seen in terms of the details of our specific birth charts. Therefore, find out how much the Transits are

affecting YOU!

Then, pay attention to the Transits to determine what will be going

on with other people.


One day I was meeting with one of my customers. Before I did Astrology I had a small construction

business. One day I was meeting with one of my

customers. He said to me:

“Mark, ah, why is it that every time we meet

together….it’s….like a kind of blessed


I was of course, startled by his comment.

“Ahhh, I’d love to take credit for what you’re

saying, hehe. However, I’ll tell you my

secret!” I proceeded to explain the

concept of the Transits and how I’d learned to discover which are

the most auspicious and which the most inauspicious days of each


“You know there are probably 5-10 really good days in each

month. Also, there are 5-10 days which are

relatively inauspicious or difficult days.

I’ve just learned to stay away from those that tend to be

problematic and emphasize those days that are supposed to be


“Well, I have to say you seem to have done a good job at

it. Cuz every day our interactions have been

smooth, easy and always successful.”

“Well, I’m sure you and your chart have something to do

with it too. But, it is possible to know ahead

of time what the future will be life.”


You know modern day Meteorology has discovered how to predict the

future. By studying the various weather

patterns today, they’re pretty good at predicting at least about 7

days ahead. Imagine if you could predict a

whole month ahead.

Imagine if you could predict 6 month, even a year in advance. I now know what the various flavors will be for the

entire rest of my life! It’s an amazing

experience to know.

Once we know what the weather may be like coming up we can plan

better our events, our picnics, and especially crucial and significant

plans, projects and endeavors.

However, there is another aspect of Astrology which also impacts

greatly this understanding of the Transits.


Life is a State of




Once we know how the World’s environments may be affecting

us, we can still do something about it. For

example, let’s say we’re one of those people who are strongly

affected by the Winter’s overcast sky’s?

We may find that every Winter we feel marginally depressed after 2,

3 even 4 months of cloudy sky’s. So, the

ability is there to be able to predict and to know that ‘cloudy

days’ may be negative for us.

So, are we doomed to always suffer during these inevitable ups and

downs? No! We also

can learn how to strength those planets that are responsible for the

negative, inauspicious or difficult transiting days!

If we find for example that we’re especially sensitive to the

Moon’s transits, this is not only important for us to know. But, this also is telling us that the Moon is

probably one of the planets that may need to be strengthened or



Life is a State of




In fact all negative transits are telling us two things. #1 they’re telling us of the nature of the

outside World. However, these same transits

are also telling us about the nature of our inner World. Positive transits are telling us about the positive

planets within us while the Negative one’s are also telling us about

our negative, weak or undeveloped planets.

I’m sure you’ve heard the idea that life depends upon

our state of mind. This is most obvious during these long, cloudy Winter

days. They’ve even made up a name for

it. If you’re one of those strongly

affected by the lack of Sun days you may have the dis-ease SAD. SAD stands for seasonal adjustment disorder. Some are finding that the crucial lack of Sun

energy or vitamin D goes down during such days.

I’ve also found that those who are more ‘sad’

during such SAD days have a more vulnerable or smallish Moon in their

charts. In other words, these outer

environmental transiting days depends upon our Moon, minds.

Therefore, if there was some way to improve or strengthen our very

Moon’s within, then we could also change and improve all of our

negative or unhappy Transiting days.


The Real Purpose of the




The real purpose of the Transits then is to not only show us which

of our Planets are positive and which ones negative.

The real purpose is to give us the opportunity so we can see if

what we’re doing is improving our planets!

Therefore, once we’ve determined with the help of the

transits; which are positive and which negative.

Secondly, we can begin a self-improvement strategy to literally

strengthen and develop any of our weaker, so-called malefic functioning


Transits Show Us How We’re




The Transits, then will show us how well we’ve improved our

planets! I remember years ago, now, when I

first began studying the Transits. One cycle I

particularly noticed was the Waning cycle of the Moon. I felt always especially vulnerable and rough

emotionally, during the heighth of the Waning part or the New Moon


At the time it was kind of alarming to me because I thought

“God, I’m going to always be this way.” Later, however, I began to realize there was some

lesson there for me. Later, still I realized

that the Moon’s cycles were a kind of intense Rest & Activity of

the entire month.

Like the Daily rest cycle at night, the Waning period and

especially around the New Moon represented a unique monthly, rest

cycle. After I learned this I realized maybe I

should be more in-tune with that cycle. So, I

rested. I took it more easy. I rested more around the New Moon and learned to

focus more on outward things during the Waxing cycle.

After about 1, year of this I noticed an amazing difference in my

experience. I was no longer feeling so rough

or uneasy emotionally during the New Moon.

This was in spite of a life long habit of feeling uneasy and

delicate emotionally. (My Moon was in the

12th house with the negative functioning Saturn in the

12th as well.)

So, it was quite an amazing ‘aha’ for me to realize not

only can the Transits help me know the future, but also that we’re

supposed to improve ourselves. Then, the

Transits will become a reflection on how well we’re doing with the

overall self-development in our lives!


Hope you’ve enjoyed this wonderful discussion about the Stars

and especially the role of the Transits in our every day



As many of you know I’ve been writing a very extensive

Transits Newsletter now, for over 2 years. As

a result of this many of you have come to understand and appreciate the

importance of the Transits as I have.

However, I cannot keep up the energy on this newsletter unless I

get more financial support. Therefore

I’ve created a new which will be the home of my future

Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly Transits newsletters and


I’m asking for a small $ 20.00 financial contribution so I

can continue this service. If you have enjoyed

and found important and relevant these Transits discussions, please

consider supporting and making sure you’ll continue receiving this

very important knowledge.

In this new group, as more and more people join I’ll be able

to bring more and more attention to this important aspect of

Astrology-Jyotish. In the beginning I will do

monthly and yearly Transit reports. As more

and more people join I’ll do more and more.

Thank you for participating with me in this wonderful aspect of

Jyotish. I hope we continue with it. When I first discovered the Transits, Astrology,

literally came alive to me.

Now, 19 years later, after making a Transit chart of each day, for

over 19 years, I can say with complete certainty, that the Transits have

had the most amazing and powerful effect on my life.

For practical reasons we want to be able to see the


For practical reasons we can see in the Transits a reflection or

verification of all the various rules, principles and laws of Jyotish,

living in the every day realities of the Transits.

Finally, we need to pay attention to the Transits, because they

will show us how well we’re doing with the Self-Improvement or

Self-Development in our life!



To join this new

group please go to:








Good Luck!








Mark Kincaid







Nature’s Astrology


Personal email








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