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Dar Mark , do you use LAhiri for your fixed Star wheel?Jacesandra ugalde smolcz <chandra_ugalde wrote: markkincaid (AT) (DOT) com escribió: Dear Mark, holaI do have questions, I would like to understand better how to interpret this transits, so I have made some questions below, in same parts of your text if you could check, also want to tell you that your newsletter is just great!!!thank you Today’s Transits for February 22, 2007 (23rd in the East) New Transits Newsletter Now

Available! 1st Philosophy The Transits are one of the most important and significant aspects of Astrology. What the Stars are doing today or tomorrow and the next day are the focus and study of the Transits. The Transits affect us like the weather. They come to us from the outside. They shine from the outside and affect us, as if, through our bodies. This is different then the Dasas which seem to come to us as if through the body or our emotions. However you experience the Transits and Dasas each person needs to discover what is coming to me from the Transits and what is coming to me from our Dasas. The Dasas are especially different than the Transits because where the Transits are fairly similar for everyone, the Dasas are unique to each one of us. One of us may be in a Jupiter, Venus, Rahu while another is in a Saturn, Sun, Rahu period. The Dasas, also, need to be looked at in light of the over all strength of those planets in our birth charts. If our Jupiter and Rahu are benefic or positive then those flavors will come during Jupiter, Venus, Rahu. However, if Venus is malefic then difficulties with relationships can come to us during this time. The Transits are what’s happening to the ‘real’ Stars out there in the Heavens. How they radiate to the Earth, what their vibration is, is the special characteristic and wisdom of the Transits. The Sun and rain shines on all the same. How the Stars influence us, depends upon our Dasas and charts. Also, look at the impact of the Transits depending upon your Rising Sign. Find the constellation or Rising sign in your birth chart and that will determine what ‘Houses’ the Transits will be flowing through. So, if you have an Aries Rising then Cancer will be in your 4th House. The present day transit of Saturn through Cancer will be affecting the Aries rising person differently then the Leo Rising person who has their Cancer in their 12th House. The Aries individual will be experiencing the effects of Saturn in the heart, home and hearth. The Leo Rising individual’s transit of Saturn/Cancer will reflect financial losses and more debt during this period.OK mark one question this means the flavors of saturn influence the aspect of 12th, but this flavors and their intensities will depend on

how is your saturn in your chart or is independent to that, I mean if you have a strong saturn the good things of shani will aspect the 12th??? Think of this Transit Newsletter like a ‘Cosmic’ weather report. Everyone wants to know what tomorrow will bring. We read our daily newspapers. We consult the news television stations.

We even check the weather channel to figure out what’s going to be happening. Modern day meteorologists however, can only look a week to 10 days ahead. Beyond that, their power of prediction is limited. However, Jyotish understands the nature of the Transiting Stars for weeks, months, even years in advance. Therefore, use this great Jyotish service to see what’s going to be happening in your World! These Transit Reports will come out each night, the day before and will include a description of the next day’s Transits. These Daily reports will also have a Weekly component to them. We’ll talk about what will be happening for the complete week. We’ll also talk about the Month Ahead transits. What the most important transits over this next month will be good to know. Finally, we’ll reflect on the nature of the most significant transits over this entire next year! Find the Rising Sign in your Chart to know what house or area of the life these transits will be playing out their dramas. We’ll also describe which of the Transits are positive or Auspicious and which one’s negative or Inauspicious. If you have any questions feel free to email me anytime. markkincaid (AT) (DOT) com. Sincerely, Mark Kincaid To receive this Transit report each day, the night before, join us at:

TodaysDailyWeeklyMonthlyYearlyStarsTransits/ If you still want to receive these transits there will be a small charge for this 365 Day Transits Newsletter. Cost: $ 20.00/year. Payments: See below Ratings: A: Good,

Great B: Good, but…could be better C: Medium D: Not so good F: Negative Today’s Transits For February 22nd (23rd in the East) Rating: B Today, the Moon’s in Aries. The Moon is Waxing and getting bigger, which is very good. Don’t be surprised if you have the feeling to do, to act and to accomplish. Moon/Aries, along with a ½ Full Waxing Moon is the reason why! However, today also, Moon/Aries is being fully complicated by 3 of the major Malefics. Saturn, Mars and Ketu all influence Aries, this month and year, so this normally more positive transit might feel mixed or confused. Find the #1 Aries in your chart. This will explain ‘where’ today’s Transits will be going on. OK if I have aries in 1st how is mars ketu and shani aspecting???? Tomorrow’s Transits For February 23rd (24th - In the East) Rating: A Tomorrow, the Moon moves into Exalted Taurus. The Moon continues Waxing or getting bigger as well. The Moon also moves out of the direct line of negative influence of the malefics. NO malefic influence today means very, very positive couple of days. Good for most everything! Find the #2 or Taurus in your chart for the exact House or area of your life where this nice two day

Transit will be. Also, Jupiter fully aspects Taurus from the opposite Sign of Scorpio. These next two days then represent good opportunities for spiritual insight and development. Good days, also to receive grace and good luck! Transits of the Week February 23rd to 28th Generally Good A This week is influenced the most by the Waxing Moon. Whenever the Moon’s getting bigger represents a very good time to do, to act and to accomplish. Moon represents emotions, mind and intuition and gives especially positive results during its Waxing cycle.

This ‘week’ Venus & Mars have both moved into their Signs of Exaltation. Find the #12 for Venus/Pisces and the #10 for Mars/Capricorn for the place in your chart for these Exalted planets. H¡I have 12 in pisces and 10th in capricorn, how this will afect me????? Everything to do with the Venus heart and Mars dynamism will be highlighted during this Exalted time. (See below for the dates of their Exaltation.) Month’s Transits Mostly Positive A This is an extremely interesting month this year. Sun’s now in Aquarius till March 14th, so notice that all kinds of unconventional and non-traditional solutions are possible during this Sun/Aquarius month! Secondly, Mars & Venus are moving through their mutual Signs of Exaltation over the next 3 weeks. Venus is Exalted for the entire week. Mars is Exalted for the whole week. Year’s Most Important Trends & Transits The two most important ‘yearly’ Planets are Jupiter and Saturn. This is because they move so slowly. This year Jupiter is in the Sign of Scorpio, (#8) and Saturn’s in Cancer #4 in your chart. Jupiter represents expansion and for the first time in about

5 years has moved far enough ahead of Saturn that progress and prosperity are highlighted this entire year. The special flavor of Jupiter/Scorpio means ‘Knowledge & Wisdom’ of Scorpio. Scorpio represents one’s convictions and beliefs and during a Jupiter time this highlights your own personal ideals. Saturn, on the other hand is the planet of contraction. Saturn, therefore, rules the winter, retardation, rest, and recuperation. This of course, is the basic symbolism of

the winter. Everything rests and prepares for the dynamic period of the spring time! This year Saturn went retrograde on December 6, 2006 and went from Saturn/Leo back into Cancer on January 10th 2007. Saturn will continue in Cancer till it moves back into Leo on July 16, 2007. Therefore, if you’ve been feeling that Saturn/Cancer roughness since approximately this time, this represents a good time to start putting more attention on your emotions and fine feeling level. Saturn is the planet of lessons and in Cancer represents lessons of balance, compassion, nourishment and giving. Saturn in Cancer people have the lesson of over-giving quite often and not enough giving to oneself. Therefore pay more attention to your self during this Saturn/Cancer year! Jupiter makes its move into its very happy sign Sagittarius during this year on November 22nd, 2007. This represents one of the most positive transits and trends of Jupiter. Jupiter is in its Own Sign in Sagittarius and Pisces so look for this being an extremely positive next year. However, even Jupiter moving closer to Sagittarius in September and October will bode well for everything to do with progress and prosperity. Enjoy! Mark Kincaid Founder Nature's Astrology www..com Most Important Highlights, Now. Venus is Exalted from February 16th through March 12th. Mars is Exalted from February 18th through March 28th. Next Full Moon: March 3rd, 2007 & Eclipse Mercury is Retrograde now, until March 8th, 2007. Saturn goes back into Leo on: July 16th, 2007. Jupiter goes into its Own Sign Sagittarius on November 22nd, 2007. Payment: You can make payment at either paypal.com or snail mail. If you do paypal, please go to paypal.com Join, (takes only 1, 2 minutes.) Click on “send money”. Then, insert my username: kincaidmark Be sure to use only this email name/address. For snail mail, please send to: Mark Kincaid 305 S. 6th Street Fairfield, Iowa 52556 US Correo Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ¡gratis! Regístrate ya - http://correo.espanol./ To JoinOurForum:Subscribe: http://finance.tradingharmonically/

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