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2-All: re. Saturn is Winter! part 2

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Winter is Saturn Dear Friends/Subscribers: As many of you are experiencing this is the time of winter. Well, this is true at least if you’re living in the Northern Hemisphere. Winter is cold, overcast,

hard ships and extremely too long. Winter is contracting, intense and frustrating! No wonder we have so much trouble generally with winter. We want to go, to do, to plant and to harvest! But, all of nature rests during the winter months. Winter is like Saturn. It’s really the time of rest, rejuvenation, recuperation and of healing. Those that don’t allow themselves enough time of rest feel

stressed, irritable, unsuccessful and unhappy. No wonder Saturn is such an important planet! We need to look at Saturn like the winter. We don’t go out there and try and dig in the field and plant our seeds for this year’s crops! We don’t try and tend the fields or kill the weeds. We certainly don’t try and harvest the results. We can learn a lot from the dynamics and realities of winter. Winter

teaches us that there is an important time for rest and rejuvenation. Nature of course just follows the will of God. However, for us who have free will we can stay up late, not squirrel enough acorns away and end up going hungry. In fact, almost all Saturn problems in life can be seen due to a lack of Saturn planning. When we loose our jobs or money problems come our way those who’ve squirreled away money are less likely to suffer. The misnomer is that Saturn is causing us our problems. So, if we have financial hardships or lose our jobs those are caused, literally by Saturn. So, we look for the Dasa or Transit period we’re in to see if we can find the reason. The real reason, however, is in a lack of Saturn planning. I had Saturn in the 12th house in my birth chart. I remember my dad trying to teach me the importance of saving money but I thought he was naïve. I remember thinking "That’s so materialistic!" Well, year’s

later 2 marriages, 2 divorces and 2 bankruptcies later, convinced me that it was my thinking that was the problem. So, I went to the library and took out all these books and videos about the rules of “Financesâ€. You know what they all said? “You should have a minimum of a 6 month emergency fund of your expenditures!†That means if your monthly expenses are 700$/month then you should have a minimum of 4200$! I remember thinking, “I don’t have

even 6 weeks. Maybe, yes I have at least 6 days!†I recently read an e-article where the normal person in the world is only 2 or 3 months from being homeless on the street. Also, a recent study concluded that there is a 73 year low in family savings going on today. NO Wonder we’re all suffering Saturn’s wrath! So, I resolved to improve my savings. What could it hurt? I’d tried it ‘my

way’! After about 6 months I finally scraped together about 1,000$. “Wow that took a lot of effort.†But, from that very moment I noticed that all of my financial experiences were different. Bills would come in, even unexpected expenditures would pop up, but for the first time in my life I noticed not freaking out about! “Wow, could it be that easy?†I then set up a goal to continue saving. A year later I finally achieved my 6 months of expenditures saved! For me it turned out to be about 6,000$ At that point I not only felt

immune to the daily, weekly and monthly expenses that are always popping up but now I almost felt wealthy! I even experienced that business was easier. Before I was an Astrologer I ran a small construction business. Regularly I had to meet with potential customers and sell them on my company. When I finally learned to save I noticed that I felt like I didn’t need their business so much. Previously, I’d think; “Wow, I don’t have any work after next

week. I’d better give them a good deal!†After I learned to save I found myself not being so anxious about the work. As a result I felt more self-confidence and more people ended up hiring me! I also ended up making a better profit. This was all because I’d learned to save money and not be so anxious or worried. For each one of us there is a Saturn scenario that’s staring us right in the face. Only we don’t realize that the Sign of Saturn that’s hitting us is only the sign of Saturn’s imbalance. When we learn to balance, strengthen or learn that

unique Saturn lesson that's in our charts we'll immediately begin to experience the opposite positive qualities of Saturn. For me learning to save; (i.e. Saturn in my 12th), I immediately felt calmer and less worried. I even attracted better business and more of it. Now, I realize this was a direct result of mastering more, the unique specific Saturn lesson in my chart. Finally, I noticed that future Saturn periods were less hard on me then before.

Every day, every week, every month, and during certain periods through out the year; we all experience so-called negative Saturn periods or moments. I call these “Saturn Momentsâ€. Whether they’re the Saturn rest period of each night or the Saturn Sade Sat period of each month there are innumerable Saturn periods we need to be ready for. If we feel we can’t sleep and need to stay working we don’t get enough Saturn rest and the next day feels miserable. We’re tired, unclear and make mistake after mistake. During each month there are a number of specific

Saturn days that need to be followed. Each month around the New Moon and the entire last quarter of the Waning Moon are Saturn periods. Those who stay too busy and don’t get enough rest suffer during much of the next Waxing Moon period, coming up. Then, there are the Sade Sat periods of each month. Ever hear of Sade Sat? It represents the 7 ½ years when Saturn is transiting around the Signs where our Moon’s were at in our birth chart. So, if you have Moon in Gemini, Cancer or Leo in your birth chart; right now Saturn’s present transit in Cancer means that you’re in Sade Sat! Typically this is described as the negative karmic time of Saturn. During such times all kinds of financial and personal Saturn losses can come to us. Sickness, financial troubles, worries, loss of work or un-employement all these are filled with typical Saturn challenges and hardships. Now, let’s accept for a moment that there are some negative consequences coming to us during future Saturn periods. Indeed, during many Saturn periods we’re apt to experience some of a number of negative, unhappy Saturn consequences. So, what do we do? Well, most Astrologers or books don’t have much encouraging words to say for Sade Sat. Mostly it just has to be weathered. “Oh, I’m sorry, much grief during Sade Sat†is the atypical remark. However, imagine for a moment that you could guess ahead when you were going to be making less money. It happens. Business is cyclical. Times are

good sometimes, other times less so. But, imagine that instead you could put more squirrel acorns aside for a ‘rainy day’ during the good periods. What would happen then? During the typical down times or periods if we had more reserves, we’d fair much better! In fact this is exactly what happens with wealthy people. They may loose money like the rest of us during recessions but ever notice that it’s the wealthy that end up buying up all the down stocks when they’ve hit rock bottom? What happens next? Eventually, the stocks or markets go up again and they’ve made a killing! Why? Because, they weren’t so desperate. They, in fact had enough financial reserves so that they could even take advantage of the down periods! We all need to be more like that. In addition to the 7 ½ years of Sade Sat there are 7 ½ days of Sade Sat each month. These are the days when the Moon moves to and through the Sign where Saturn is in any month. Right

now Saturn’s in Cancer. So, when the Moon is found in Gemini, Cancer or Leo in the monthly Transits that represents 7 ½ days of Sade Sat. Likewise there are the Saturn Dasa periods which could last 19 years for the Maha Dasa and 3 years for an Antar Dasa period. There are also 1-3 month long Saturn Bhukti periods which are the shortest. If we’re going to have Saturn down periods during these periods; we should be ready for them! Look ahead and see if you have any Saturn negative

periods coming up! Now, is your chance to plan ahead so the next time won’t be so stressful! Right now is the Saturn period of the entire Northern Hemisphere. It’s cold, contractive, retarded and non-progressive. And yet, if we need to be making more money or accomplishing and doing like we typically do during the spring or summer; this may be the real reason why we’re suffering. In 1984 I moved to a small town in Iowa. I brought my construction business with me from Chicago. Here in this town

every other winter there would be like no work. It was a very small town so not only would the business be less like a typical winter; but here every so often there was literally no work! That was particularly devastating for me. I went through 3 or 4 years of that. Then, in 1988 I began learning about Jyotish. I learned about Saturn and I learned about particularly my Saturn in the 12th House. Now, I began looking differently at my work year. All of a sudden I thought maybe I should try and make and save more money during the spring and summer months. I then began

working Saturday’s and often times worked slighty longer hours. It wasn’t too hard. In fact during the spring and summer the sun’s high in the sky and one feels more like working. I also discovered saving and for the first time in my entire life I had enough saved. I even began to notice that I could get through my whole winter without worrying about work. For the first time in my entire adult life I stopped suffering financially. The first couple

of years I noticed feeling more of relaxed. After awhile I realized I could even take off the winters and do Jyotish! Thus began my Jyotish career. I’d work construction during the spring and summer’s and in the winters, study and do Jyotish. Two years ago I made enough from construction that I could take off the entire next year and do Jyotish full-time. During this year I almost completed my new book. I’d been working on this book for about 5 years. During this financial worry-free period the whole thing finally came together. Realize that Saturn is the great time and opportunity to grow in Saturn balance and understanding. If any Saturn period is rough, debilitating, and financially destructive or full of grief; realize that there is an important lesson there for us! It may not be possible to see the light when we’re unemployed and struggling financially during these negative Saturn periods. But, even these periods

have a purpose if they can be connected with the resolve to do things differently the next time! All financial woes can motivate us to be better prepared next time! Today, Jupiter is finally moving ahead again such that more financial progress is happening in the world. In 1999 and 2000 Jupiter and Saturn collided in the Transits and the whole world fell into a mini-recession. Millions of people lost their jobs and trillions of dollars were lost in all the world’s stock markets. Over the last 5 years Jupiter and Saturn have continued negatively interacting. Jupiter moves faster but in 2003 Jupiter even though Jupiter finally moved ahead of Saturn into Cancer; Saturn was in Taurus where it was still fully aspecting Jupiter due to its 3rd House away aspect. In early 2004 Jupiter moved ahead into Leo, but still Saturn continued nagging because it had moved into Gemini where it also aspected Jupiter due to it’s 3rd House aspect. Then in the later months of 2004 when Jupiter moved into Virgo, Saturn continued nagging Jupiter because Saturn had moved into Cancer. Finally, in the early months of 2005 Saturn went retrograding back into Gemini while Jupiter continued progressing ahead into Virgo. For the first time in 5 years Saturn stopped negatively affecting Jupiter! What a long time to be under Saturn’s duress. In 2006 when Saturn went direct and back into Cancer, Jupiter had moved ahead into Libra where for the first time in years stopped being negatively held back by Saturn!

Now, on March 3rd 2007, Jupiter’s at the 24th degree of Scorpio while Saturn’s back at the 26th degree of Cancer. This means that Jupiter and Saturn will not collide again until December of 2020 when they both end up together in the early degrees of Capricorn. So, know that Saturn is only a sign of our balance with life. If we’re balanced within and prepared without then the ups and downs of life don’t affect us so adversely. Saturn is both the sign of our imbalances and the sign when we’re in-tune. There are a couple of famous Saturn books that will help you understand the true nature of Saturn. “Saturn: Friend of Foe?†and “The Greatness of Saturn†are both capable of helping you understand Saturn better. Sincerely, Mark Kincaid PS: Recently I created a 42 e-article remedy on Saturn. I’ve made it available for a very inexpensive $ 5.00 for all those who’d like to understand their Saturn’s better and strengthen Saturn! Contact me if you’re interested. Enjoy!Jai Guru!

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