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Spring is Coming! 3/12/07

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Spring is




Dear Friends & Members:


I thought you might enjoy hearing about the basic Astrology of the spring

that is now coming. This article is one that comes from my new book

that I’ve been working on. Enjoy!




Mark Kincaid






“Ahhh! Can you feel it! In these last few days here, where

I’m living we had a couple of days of REAL Spring weather!

What a relief even 1 or 2 days of spring is! In spring coming,

it’s like the light after a long time of winter darkness.

However, if you rested deeply within this most recent Saturn moment called

‘winter’! then you will be well prepared to rush into all the

realities of spring and summer.

If it’s true that Saturn is winter, then it’s equally true

that spring and summer are ruled by Jupiter. Saturn is the planet of

contraction, of hibernating, of resting; rejuvenating and

‘stop’ while Jupiter is the planet of go, of expansion,

progress and prosperity.

Either planet alone is not enough. To truly prosper in life we need

to have a good balance between rest and activity. Each moment has a

quality of doing and expanding and yet at the same time we’ll need

to rest. I’m typing now, enjoying waves of activity. However

after each key stroke my muscles need to rest.


Cycles of Rest &



All these actions are rooted in the depth of rest that I experienced

last night. If I hadn’t slept so well last night then

today’s actions would be full of tiredness and lack of clarity with

little energy.

Every moment too is one stage of either the rest or activity cycle.

I take a step forward. That’s definitely a Jupiter

‘expansive’ step. But, that same step is made possible

by first planting a Saturn ‘stop’ step. First I planeted

one foot and based on the security and balance of that step then the next

Jupiter step comes forth!

If we don’t take seriously the importance of first planting that

Saturn step, try and move ahead without it! We want to go ahead, to

move, to dance, to enjoy without the regular solidifying influences of

Saturn and we’ll quickly fall upon our face!

Therefore find yourself in the eternal cycle of rest and activity.

Are you in the activity mode? Are you in the rest mode? Do you

enjoy each equally? Do you appreciate the importance of


If you do, then you’ll experience none of the grief or negative

functionally malefic signs of Saturn! If you are, however,

experiencing any of the typically unhappy or malefic consequences of

Saturn then be warned! This is Saturn speaking to you!

He’s trying to get your attention. “You’re not

clear enough with me!” We may continue to ignore his special

messages to us, but if we do, that nagging cough or tiredness or fatigue

we’ve been ignoring quickly slips into full blown sickness.


If we’re trying to rush ahead to work and we’re pushing and

pushing even though we’re getting some clear signs of resistance or

dealy ten boom, we have an accident!

Why God! Why Lord? Why are you doing this to me? Nature

however is not trying to punish us. Nature, in fact, seems to have

one only one rule. We can do whatever we want. This is the

free will aspect of life. However, contained within that eternal

freedom is a catch!

Yes, we’re going to be held responsible for the consequences of our

actions. That of course is the law of karma or in the West we say

‘as you sow, so shall you reap’. Even modern science is

beginning to understand karma when they say: “for every action

there’s an equal and opposite reaction.”

Unfortunately, they’ve only conceived of this as a Physics law or a

law that applies to the governing and functioning of sub-atomic particles

or atoms. I remember the very first time I heard of this Physics

law. “Wow, this is that as you sow, so shall you reap

thing! I quickly learned, however, that modern science doesn’t

take it in this way.

Why didn’t modern day Psychology jump on this Physics insight?

If it’s true for atoms and particles why wouldn’t it be true

for human beings as well? Primarily, because karma is so very

difficult to see in the myriad of details of our individual


But, this may be one of the main reasons why I’ve loved

Jyotish/Astrology so much. Our charts not only describe how our

lives are an innocent, precise reflection of our planets but our charts

are also precise and perfect declarations of the law of karma.

We’ve come in with certain karmic patterns. We have strengths

and we have weaknesses. These Benefices and Malefics are

Astrology’s way of telling us how well we’re starting out with

these various planets. Where we have our Benefices we’re

already in-tune with that Planet. If it’s the Moon we’re

already cheerful and have some degree of emotional stability and even

intuition. Where our Moon’s are at all malefic or weak we

encounter emotional challenges, weakness and the subsequent


Why? Remember that earlier principle. Life has one rule.

Life has been letting us do what we want. Now, we’re born with

a new life. Exactly what the qualities and characteristics of that

life entail are exactly in our charts! However, there’s a

reason, there’s a meaning, there’s a deeper purpose to being

born with our various benefic strengths and malefic weaknesses!

We’re born to learn. We’re born to understand where

we’re at and we’re meant to #1 take advantage and enjoy our

strengths while #2 figure out how to strengthen and improve our


If we’re the kind of person that dreads winter the main reason quite

often is because we’re not clear with Saturn! If we understood

the purpose of Saturn better we wouldn’t regret the time that Nature

takes to stay in the Saturn Winter mode. All the species, plants,

eco systems and animals all follow Nature. They all hibernate and

rest during the winter. Heck, even squirrels hide away their acorns

for the spring and summer days that are coming.

So, now we’re here and the Jupiter expansive spring is about to

begin. Remember, how well we rested these last few weeks will help

us understand how dynamic and energetic we’re going to be this new

spring a coming! There are a number of rest and activity cycles that

we need to be aware of in addition to the classic winter and summer



Main Cycles of Rest &



In addition to the very broad winter rest cycle there’s the Daily

Rest cycle. Rest is the Basis of activity is most easily noticeable

in each day’s rest and activity. How successful our today is

depends directly on how well we rested the night before. Ayurveda,

for example, understands this principle so well that it even identifies

there are specific times within the nights rest cycle that are optimum for

resting and rejuvenation.

There is a Pitta cycle between 10pm

and 2am, for example

which is the ideal time to be asleep! During this time the body

takes the maximum amount of rejuvenating rest! If you only have time

to sleep 4 hours a night, these then, would be the best hours! When

I’m able to catch this ‘angel train’ my friends call it,

he he, I feel the most renewed.

I may go to bed at 12 midnight and still get the same volume of rest but if I went to sleep by

10pm I feel

infinitely more rested! So, this is the daily rest cycle. I

remember when I finished my first meditation course. My teacher

said: “Oh, by the way remember, rest is the basis of

activity.” “What a strange idea?” I thought.

“Rest, who would ever have guessed!”

Years later when I began studying Jyotish I remembered this

principle. In life there are enumerable rest and activity

cycles. Every moment we’re in one. We’re typing,

but between each impulse to write, the very next moment our fingers

rest. Those who can’t get enough rest in their momentary

physical actions like these end up getting the now very familiar carpal

tunneling that you may have heard about.

This of course is an example of a recent Saturn dis-ease caused by the

lack of appreciation of the necessary time needed to rest with

Saturn. We’re now finishing with the major rest cycle of the

winter. Well, at least if you're in the Northern Hemisphere.

If you're in the Southern one the winter was last spring.

They’re now moving closer to their upcoming


In addition to the Daily and Yearly rest cycles there’s also the

all-important Monthly rest cycle. Anyone guess what that is?

Yes, you’re right, the Moon. Actually, the Moon has both a

rest and an activity cycle. We call them the Waxing and Waning

cycles of the Moon. How mis-understood are these two cycles!


Jyotish has so forgotten the intrinsic meaning of the Moon that it says if

you’re born with a Waxing Moon you have a superior Moon! In

other words the Waning or small Moon is symbolic of a permanent kind of

problem with your Moon. However, when you watch the Moon you begin

to see a completely different story.

When I first began watching the Transits I became aware of the

Moon’s basic cycle. Each month of each year, the Moon’s

always either waxing or waning. When I first became aware I noticed

a huge difference between these two cycles. Normally, I felt quite

good during the Waxing part, but during much of the Waning cycle I felt

quite rough and uneasy. I remember one time teaching a Jyotish

course and telling my students my experience.

One of them said: “Sounds like you have Cosmic, PMS

Mark!” “Very funny!” But, I heard the

inherent symbolism in that expression. Maybe there’s something

in the Moon’s Waning cycle that I’m not quite getting?

So, I paid more attention, month after month, after month. I quickly

noticed that I felt more outward, more dynamic and even had more energy

during the Waxing part.

During the Waning cycle I felt more tired, I felt more inward and even

needed more sleep at night. Then, I got it. ‘Of course,

the Moon is a rest and activity cycle! It's trying to tell me

something!’ Like the day’s rest cycle the Waning part is

the rest cycle of the month. In fact, depending upon how well we

rest during those last few days of he Moon’s Wanings determines how

well rested and energetic we'll be during the next Moon Waxing


So, life is a process of continual shifting between rest and

activity. Celebrate the glory of both parts. Life is neither

all resting nor all doing. If you have a prejudice or preference for

either one, know that Nature will not accept this. Nature wants us

to be masters of both and if we're feeling out of sorts, stressed or

fatigue this is Nature trying to tell us we need to get more


The very moment I accepted this facet of how life works, immediately I

found myself more tolerant of the Saturn times that nature chooses for the

rest cycle to continue. So, we have our Daily rest cycles. We

even have our Monthly rest cycles. Now, we even can understand the

winter rest cycle better.

So, what about the other Saturn cycles? For example, each month of

each year the Moon collides with Saturn in the environment or the

Transits. These represent the times in nature where we have another

layer of Saturn pausing or rest going on.

Next time the Moon moves into the same house as Saturn watch how you

feel. Do you feel that natural pausing energy going on?

That’s Saturn! He’s telling us “at this time, rest

more”. Those that do, enjoy the positive side of this

time. Those that don’t and try to do and to achieve, to

execute during these times end up feeling stressed.

So, many people I talk to tell me how rough they feel during such even

short Saturn moments. “Why, Mark?” Because

you’re not understanding the nature of this Saturn/Moon


Then, there are the times when Saturn is influencing other planets.

Last month, the Sun moved across the bow of Saturn’s 7th

House aspect or influence. Saturn’s in Cancer right now and at

about the 26th degree of Cancer. There were about 7 days

between February 4th and February 10th when the Sun

was moving through the 7 degrees right before the 27th degree

of Capricorn.

At that time, on February 10th Saturn was running the

27th degree of Cancer. That meant it would be casting its

most intense glance onto the 27th degree of Capricorn!

So, when the Sun was moving between the 20th to the

27th degrees of Capricorn between February 4th and the

10th it was coming under the most intense glance of


During those days I noticed too that a lot of people were experiencing

many tremendous Saturn delays and frustrations. Some even felt a

distinct Saturn heaviness during those delays, disappointments and even

grief. Why? Well, taking insight from our Monthly 2 ½

day Moon & Saturn collisions really what this time was about was

another deeply restful moment. Saturn moments are the times when

Nature is telling us 'rest more, now'.

During each night there’s a Saturn rest cycle. During each

month, during the Waning and New Moon time, this is the natural Saturn

rest cycle. Also, during each year, during the natural winter cycle

this is the rest cycle of Saturn. Learning to identify and

understand the natural rest times of life is a very crucial and important

insight into the way that Nature works.

If we don’t understand these natural cycles of life then we will

continue to violate the rules and laws of Nature. And, you know what

they say? “It’s not kind to fool Mother

Nature!” In truth we can not fool her. We may ignore

her; we may pretend these rules and principles do not exist. As a

result, we’ll violate her laws and suffer as a


However, the choice is still ours. Life doesn’t now, only by

our best intentions. Life knows and responds to our actual

actions. As we discover the ways in which the Universe works and we

accept and surrender to this Knowledge and Wisdom we’ll gain the

tools and the insight into how to cooperate with Nature and as a result

progress and prosper!

Nature only wants our best success and happiness. In fact the entire

Universe has been created for our benefit! This universe is here for

us to grow and evolve within. However, there are rules. There

are laws. Modern day science has discovered all these amazing rules

and laws about how nature works on the outer life. Why should we be

surprised about the natural laws and principles of our subjective, inner


These rules are here for our benefit! The moment we accept and work

better with them that very moment the sign of that will be the elimination

of any negativity we may have been under. If we’ve been

feeling tired and fatigued the moment we get more rest all that grief goes


We’ve been feeling depressed and uncertain and the very moment that

we get enough deep, healing silence that grief immediately goes

away! Find the Astrological moment that you’re going

through. Look at your chart, look at your Dasas, and even look at

your Transits. Are you experiencing the positive or the negative

side of your planets?

Are you experiencing joy and positive happiness? These are the

natural signs of benefic ness. But, if you’re experiencing any

disappointment, worry or stress these are the natural signs of malefic

ness. Learn to find the 1 to 1 correspondence between happiness and

grief and our Benefices and Malefics.

Then, the solution is very simple. We only need to learn how to

transform or change our Malefics also into strengths and the Maleific

signs will disappear! All we need to do is bring the light of

benefic ness to all our planets and all the negative malefic signs will go



Enjoy this new spring, Jupiter time! It’s the natural time of

expansion and progress in life. If however, you feel at any moment

too much tiredness or lethargy just accept that this is a Saturn sign for

you that you need slightly more rest. Whether it’s in the

Daily, Monthly or other Saturn moments find the great Astrological insight

that’s there for us to determine what we should be doing




Jai Guru!






Mark Kincaid




Excerpt from up-coming new book: “The

Stars Within.”


PS…. Don’t forget if you want to still

be receiving the more detailed Transit reports, they have moved







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