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2-Phyllis & ...Bob re. Understanding conflict through Jyotish...

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Hi Phyllis:Nice hearing from

you! See below...


Hello Mark and Bob,


May I stick my nose in here?No

problem...I've been wishing that people would but in MORE often!



When I read Bob that you had dealt with anger and frustration I

immediately decided you had Mars as your atmakaraka, so had to cast the

chart to find out. I was right, your Mars is your atmakaraka so learning

to deal with anger will be an issue for you. Having Rahu conjoined it as

well will make this lesson a bit challenging. One way you can deal with

this energy will be to remain conscious of your thought patterns.What I love the absolutely most about

Jyotish is it's ability to see the real reason whywe all are going

through what we're going through. See below for personal



Take care,Phyllis Hi Mark, I thought I gave you this info

before: born August 1, 1947, 1:09'50 " pm (time given in baby book =

1:10 pm and I've rectified it to 10 " earlier),

Philadelphia. Lot of angular planets but

Saturn and Pluto conjunct sun, and indeed that is a good description of my

life (lots of frustration and anger - raised in a very wealthy but

dysfunctional family ). Yes, you're

right. There is a very important message for us whenever Saturn's

found influencing the Sun, Moon or really any planets. And, in Bob's

chart, havingthem in Cancer has some added importance for us.The sort gist of Saturn' meaning...is " lessons of " ....

So, when Saturn is with important planets like your Sun or Venus... then

there's an importance to try andfigure out what this means...Generally, that means...Saturn needs to be understood

better....Saturn....represents balance or imbalance...

and when it's acting malefically like this....then, there's

important lessons for us...here....I had Saturn with my Moon

in my 12th house... and that's....been a huge Saturnlesson for me

too...But each day that I've grown to understand Saturn

better... my Saturn has improved...Sincerely,Mark Kincaid HI

Bob: Came across this old email today and thought I'd get back with

you. Sorry, I missed your original letter. Do you know

your Jyotish chart yet? I'd love to talk to you about it

sometime. Am finishing my Jyotish book, and want to talk about

how people experience the different kinds of Astrology that are out

there. I started studying astrology in 1970 when I met a fabulous astrologer

in Oakland named Flora Urquhart. She was then 85

years old and had been studying astrology for 60 years, and she really

blew my mind - made many predictions far into the (then) future which came

true right on the nose. To this day I don't understand how she made some

of her most outstanding predictions (I haven't figured out what techniques

she was using to pull those dates out). My basic schtick is

traditional Greek astrology - I call it " Morin de Villefranche by way

of Marc Edmund Jones " Best of luck, Bob Hope you've been fine. Sincerely,

Mark Kinciad

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