Guest guest Posted April 4, 2007 Report Share Posted April 4, 2007 “The Importance of Saturn” Like most people, Saturn was a functioning malefic in my birth chart many years ago now. My Jupiter technically was better and so I had a strong philosophical and even spiritual thirst only no appreciation for the practicalities of life. They say that early life is ruled by Mars and from 35 on, Saturn kicks in. Well, believe me, when I first began appreciating Saturn my life dramatically improved! Today, my first goal of each day is to grow within Saturn’s nature. Because Saturn is such an important planet. We us it everyday! If we don’t have enough of ‘it’ then any number of its classic negative qualities come our way. If we don’t run to work in an integrated enough way we can have an accident! If we’re impatient we can miss that call which we were waiting so desparetly for. If we feel frustrated with the slow development of life we are literally creating frustration which is in fact, pushing the fulfillment of desire away longer! Ever watch the water draining out of the tub or sink? Watch it some time. It spirals down in a beautiful, orderly and timely way. If you get impatient and want to speed it along the natural inclination is to push the water towards the rain. But, what happens is that extra push actually slows down the rapid pace of the water down the drain! Life and Saturn is like that. We created our actions. We’ve performed all our actions and now we’re waiting for that natural return. One of my Gurus used to say: “We only have control over action alone, not over its fruit. All our actions go out and strike the entire universe and they’re returning at their own pace. We don’t have control over when they come back. Therefore put attention on better actions each moment. That alone will be the best thing to create maximum best returns.” I have thought of this constantly over the years. Even before I heard about Saturn I was beginning to appreciate this important idea. In the West we have a similar phrase. “The watched kettle never boils.” In other words when you’re being impatient and hanging over that boiling pot it seems to take forever to boil! Why because we’re pushing that natural time that is necessary. If you ever want to speed up that boiling, just put your attention on something else, and boom that pot is found boiling and you hardly noticed the time go by. I have the same experience with my computer opening up every morning. It takes about 5 minutes and when I’m eager to get back on-line and start communicating again with my Jyotish students, (a very good goal one might think, he he) however, when I sit there waiting hungrily for that waking up, it seems to go and take forever. I’ve learned however, if I go and do something else for those few minutes instead of hovering over my boiling pot of a computer; immediately I find those 5 minutes rushed by and the computer is ready. In this article I thought it might be helpful to discuss more theoretically the full potential and nature of Saturn. Because most of us are not understanding the importance and every minute place of Saturn in our lives and as a result of this mis-understanding we’re literally creating all the negative Saturn consequences that we certainly don’t want! For example, in addition to impatience or frustration some other classic negative or malefic ‘signs’ of Saturn include tiredness, even pain in the body. Other Saturn signs are stress, anxiety, dis-ease, nervousness, worry, fear, and disease and pre-mature death. Yes, we could be increasing even our life span if we learn how to enliven Saturn’s more healthy, benefic and positive side! Other classic negative Saturn signs include disappointments, losses, grief and all sufferings. So, how can we get out of any or all of these negative Saturn qualities? By learning how to find Saturn’s sweet, healthy and benefic qualities! In other word Saturn represents “lessons of”. So, wherever it is, whatever it’s doing it’s already trying to help us learn some of our lessons. But, where is it going? We can learn from Vedic or Yoga philosophy for example, what the positive nature of Saturn is. Ever hear the expression “Silence is Golden”. I remember when I first heard this growing up. What a strange idea I thought, at the time. Now, I understand more, the deep, powerful importance of developing inner silence. With silence comes the Saturn ability to fulfill all desires. Silence, in fact, is just as crucial in fulfilling our desires as the desire or Mars action that we generally think is necessary. For example, ever have that experience: “Where are my glasses?” We’re looking and looking, looking hear and looking there. For the life of us, we can’t find our glasses. Then, the moment we throw our hands up in the air, and give up, we pass by a mirror in the house, and lo and behold we find our glasses’ stuck on top of our head! Like that, every moment we’re either living spontaneously enough Saturn inner silence or we’re not. If we are then we have our desires and they naturally pop up into our conscious thinking level and easily find a way to their fulfillment. However, most of the time, we find ourselves having our desires and yet it’s taking forever for them to become fulfilled. What does this mean? It means we acting, we’re desiring, we’re moving towards our desires and goals only we’re not moving with enough inner quietness and that lack of inner silence is literally the reason why we’re not getting what we want! In the ancient Yoga philosophy one of the greatest teachers was a man named Patanjali. In fact he was the one credited as the original founding father of yoga itself. Yoga means union and as we create union or oneness within we gain the ability to fulfill all desires. There’s even something in the field of Yoga called Sidhis or mental powers were are described as possible to develop with the development of yoga. Some of these classic sidhis include “the power to become as small as an atom”. Others include the ability to become as big as mountain, or as weightless as the air. Others still include the ability to control all of one’s senses and have unhampered will. I mention these because if it’s possible to fulfill these most powerful of life ambitions through developing the inner power of silence then this gives us great hope that silence will help us all develop our own ability to fulfill our desires. In fact at every moment there’s already an intimate relationship between silence and action. In Yoga philosophy it’s said: “Rest is the basis of activity.” What this means is our day’s activities literally depend on how well rested we became last nite! So, if we want to improve our day’s goals and activities the first thing we should do is go to bed earlier the night before! If we want to be more of a success in our daily desires, we should learn how to have a more powerful and successful sleep the night before. For example, Ayurveda says the most important hours of sleep each night are the hours between 10pm and 2am. (See Google search: under Ayurvedic cycles of sleep: for more information. Even during our daily hours each step of progress is first preceded by a Saturn step. Try and take a step without first planting one. It’s impossible. First we plant one foot and then based on that stable foot our first expansion foot goes forth. Then, we have to plant another foot and then, the opposite foot expands forward. Each step alternating between resting and activity represents the two stages of Saturn and Jupiter. We first plant our foot with Saturn and then our next expansive foot happens due to Jupiter. Saturn and Jupiter, alternating steps of expansion and contraction of resting and then expanding are the two steps of all progress and prosperity to life. We only have to look to these two cycles to see why we’re not getting on to our natural fulfillment of desires! If we’re experiencing any frustration at moving toward the fulfillment of our dreams and goals then we should first look to see how deeply planted are our Saturn’s! Saturn represents that ‘silence which is golden’. Silence, inner mental, emotional, and psychic or consciousness silence is the key to fulfilling all desires in life. Even the philosophy of Yoga confirms that the key to fulfilling any desire depends on first having an enlivened inner silent quality. This is why the technique of meditation is so crucial in the yoga field. We each should be meditating even for a few minutes each day. Meditation sets the mental clock to be silent and yet awake. When you wake up in the morning and you’re not completely refreshed from the night before, then sit back down, for a few minutes and allow the mind to go within. This technique of enlivening mental inner peace is a priceless Saturn technique for developing inner silence. Even 20 minutes in the morning before your day’s activities will improve the inner wakefulness and bring more clarity of mind into your every day. We are today in the midst of a huge revival of this ancient science and art of meditation. There are millions of people today who are each discovering the importance and practicality in first enlivening oneself inside. The net result will be more mastery over your outer life! Inner and outer, they’re both intimately related. Saturn is the link between the two. If we’re not more awake to Saturn’s positive value then the outer expression of life will be full of Saturn problems. The existence of any Saturn frustrations or negativities is a literal Saturn sign that we need to be more with our inner Saturn silence. How far can this go? We only have to look to nature herself to see. Nature is the quintessential process of expansion! There is no project in our entire world that is as profound and amazing as this infinite pace of expansion of the universe. The galaxies are rushing ahead expanding at a ferocious pace! How is this possible? Because, Nature herself is anchored in eternal Saturn silence. Deep within nature exists a field of limitless silence. This state, called the vacuum state or the Unified field of quantum physics is now recognized as the true source of all atoms and molecules in the universe. Modern physics has found that all atoms are created literally out of the Unified Field. They are created from there, have a life here, and then break down and return to that limitless field. The Mathematics of Physics has shown that the energy of the quantum field is literally infinite. All time and space in fact, comes from that state. Unfortunately, modern Physics has no concept of how we might access that state. We can’t by the way try to get to that. Any excitation of life is a movement away from that. Any thought, any action only takes us away. Therefore, if it’s going to be possible to experience that field it has to be through a natural lessening of mental and physical effort. In meditation, for example, lies a technique for reversing and minimizing activity until the mind arrives at the source of thought itself, which as it turns out, is that literal infinite field of pure silence. One of my Gurus used to say: “If you want to build a 20 story building you first have to develop a 4 story basement.” If you don’t understand the principle of building and you see the builders first going inwards you might be confused and even yell at them: ‘Hey what are you doing? Aren’t you supposed to be going up!’ That’s what it’s like in life with all of us scurrying about trying to build this or that. All our buildings, representative of all our goals, dreams and life aspirations are due first to how deeply we’ve developed our inner basements! If our buildings are shaky or not developing rapidly enough, there’s a good chance we haven’t enlivened our inner enough! However, the solution is very simple. First, each day put attention on the development of your inner consciousness and then take more and more inner composure to your day’s whirlwind of activities. Each day I first desire to accomplish more Saturn integration of silence. As a result my every next day is more and more powerful. In addition to the each day’s rest and activity cycles, there’s also a monthly Saturn cycle as well as a Winter Saturn cycle of rest. Each day we need to rest. Each day our day’s activities depend upon our previous Saturn rest. However, each month during the Waning Moon’s cycle this too is a Saturn period of rest. The Moon expands each month during the Waxing part. Very few people understand however, that the key to that monthly expansion depends literally upon how deeply rested we were during the last few days of the Moon’s Waning cycle. Rest and activity, they are the 2 cycles of life. At every moment we’re always in between these two. Right now, I’m typing on my computer key board. Each finger pressed depends upon first resting those same fingers. Those that can’t rest their fingers enough get what is now being called such things as ‘carpal tunneling’. Carpal tunneling is just the result of not acting, typing, with enough Saturn rest at each moment. Then, there’s the monthly Moon cycle of rest and activity. Finally, there’s the yearly Saturn cycle of winter. All the plants, species and animals of our entire World rest during the winter. Why? Because, rest is the basis of activity. All the plants and species rest and then after literally months of ferocious silence we come out and enjoy the spring time. We’re in the beginning of one such cycle! Well, at least in the Northern hemisphere. However, the principle is the same. In the Southern hemisphere, they’re now just beginning to go into winter. This last winter I wrote a couple of articles on “Winter is Saturn”. All the qualities of winter, cold, retardation, resting, contracting; all these are the characteristics of Saturn! Saturn is cold. Why? Because cold is orderly. Ever go outside on a cool, brisk night and notice how enlivening cold is. Heat, on the other hand is expansive and dissipates energy and drive. Then, there are a number of important Saturn moments during numerous times of each year which are the times when nature is saying: “Be more with Saturn during these times!” For example, this last week, the Moon went through the Signs and aspects of Saturn. This year Saturn is in the sign of Cancer, so each month for 2 ½ days while the Moon is passing through Cancer, this represents an important Saturn moment. Those who are not in-tune with Saturn enough will feel Saturn emotional grief during these days. Why? To show us how in-tune we are with our Saturn’s. Over the last 6 weeks, the Sun, Mars, Mercury and Venus all went through Capricorn. Because Capricorn is directly opposite to Cancer, this year they all were found moving through Capricorn which was being directly influenced by Saturn in the opposite sign of Cancer. Most people in the field of Astrology think these Saturn kinds of moments are just malefic in nature and prediction. This is not true! These represent important and vital Saturn moments which can be seen as opportunities for developing more and more Saturn power. Sade Sat is a classic 7 ½ years of Saturn grief! NO! This time when Saturn moves through the 3 signs all around our natal Moon’s is the time or opportunity for developing more Saturn power! The very moment when Saturn moves to the other side of where your Moon is, you immediately feel more outward and dynamic! This then, will be like the Waxing Moon time, the time when we’re meant to become active and dynamic again. During the heighth of this Saturn/Moon sade sat utilize it like you would a New Moon or rest period at night. The more deeply we prepare and rest at night the more powerful and successful will be our next day and progress in life! In a few days the Sun begins its yearly transit through its Sign of Exaltation in Aries! Normally, this is a very powerful and expansive time of the year! However, this year, Saturn is back in Cancer, after temporarily moving into Leo for a very brief time. From Cancer, Saturn fully aspects all the Signs of Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Aries. These are the main aspects of Saturn. Saturn, like every planet aspects or influences the Sign in which it is in. That’s why every month when the Moon moves through Cancer, now, we can literally feel that intense Saturn affect. Saturn however, has some unique other aspects which Jyotish teaches us about. Saturn is supposed to simultaneously influence or aspect the 3rd, 7th & 10th Houses away from where it is as well. We count the Sign that Saturn is in, as #1, and then moving into the next signs, count, 2, and then 3. So, if Saturn in Cancer is #1, then Leo is #2 and Virgo is #3. This means that Saturn’s 3rd House aspect is also upon Virgo during this Saturn/Cancer transit. Also, Saturn aspects the opposite sign or 7th House away. That’s Capricorn. Saturn also, is supposed to aspect 10 houses away. So, we count Cancer as #1, Leo as 2, Virgo as 3, Libra as 4, Scorpio as 5, Sagittarius as 6 and Capricorn as 7. Then, we move through Aquarius which will be 8 houses away, then, Pisces which is #9 and finally to Aries, which is #10! Therefore, this year, and next month as the Sun moves through it’s Sign of Exaltation in Aries, see if you don’t feel that slight Saturn affect as well. You should feel this immediate Sun swelling of power, drive and will as the Sun moves through Aries. Classically, I’ve found this is one of the most powerful months for me, personally. I feel the most powerful and I accomplish the most during this month each year. However, these last few years when Saturn first began moving through Cancer, I could feel that Saturn influence upon my normally so happy and powerful Sun moving through Aries! This month will be the same. Even if you’re tired of winter, or impatient for spring to begin; still, pay attention to that Saturn flavor and this next month will be good! If you don’t pay enough attention to this or any of the Saturn prompts in your life, then you’ll be destined to suffer the negative results! The choice is up to us. We can choose either to flow with nature or try and swim upstream. Personally, I love swimming with Saturn instead of against. Saturn is that part of nature that teaches us how to live life being more in-tune with the infinite silence and wholeness of life. Sincerely, Mark Kincaid Founder Nature’s Astrology Personal Email: markkincaid Copywrited from New book: " The Stars Within: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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