Guest guest Posted April 4, 2007 Report Share Posted April 4, 2007 Jyotish Sale 50% off on All Jyotish Charts, Readings & Courses Now through May 13th, 2007! Dear Friends/Subscribers: I’m very happy to announce a special sale, 50% off all Jyotish readings, charts and courses over the next 6 weeks while I’m finishing my new book: “The Stars Within”. The Exalted Sun in Aries time is Coming so take advantage of this next entire Month!, beginning April 14th…..! Contents, below: 1) Order New Book “The Stars Within” 2) Readings Specially Discounted 3) New Jyotish Course Coming up: April 22nd “Development of the Self” 4) New Transits Calendar: 365 days * April 14th 2007 – May 13th , 2008. 5) New Auspicious & Inauspicious Days of Each Month 6) World’s First Jyotish Dictionary 7) Jyotish E-Remedies, now available… I’m so happy to have found this great knowledge. I’m really happy to be involved with sharing all this with you all. May we all continue to be blessed and fortunate to receive these gifts of all-mighty Guru! Jai Guru! Sincerely, Mark Kincaid o Pre-order “The Stars Within” Cost: Still time to order now and save 10$! Off….cost of book. I’m trying to raise money so that I can finish my book so, if you’ve been wanting to have a Jyotish reading this may be the time for you as well. 50% Off all Readings, charts and Jyotish courses, if you sign up within these next 4 weeks! See all Readings and charts that I do at: Under “Chart Services”. Main Readings are: o Main Birth-Life Reading 1 ½ hours of Pure Jyotish; will help you know how your chart fits you and what your Benefices & Malefics are. This reading will also give you Jyotish remedies and remedial measures to strengthen any weak or undeveloped malefic planet. This reading will also look at your future and predict what your up-coming Dasas nature will be like. Cost: $ 100.00 – Special discounted price today at 50% off = $50.00 o Deluxe - Jyotish Reading: I’ve found that people benefit most by two back to back readings. Most people have their charts read so infrequently I find that 2, 1 ½ hour readings back to back within a few weeks of each other is ideal. Not only do you get a good initial reading but then while the reading is still fresh within your mind you can follow it up by a 2nd reading in which good questions are asked and more in-debth appreciation results. Cost: $ 225.00 – Special discounted price today at 50% off = $108.00 Other special readings include Relationship and Marriage counseling as well as parenting and health readings. There are also special readings that can be done for career and learning how to attract more money in life. o Next Jyotish course too coming up starting April 22nd, 2007! “How to Fulfill All Desires in Life”….. This course will start when the Sun’s Exalted, Venus will be in Taurus, and Mars in Aquarius, and will be an ideal time to focus on “How to Fulfill All Desires” through Jyotish. The Sun teaches us about the I, the Self, the self-confidence and the self-will. When the Sun is Exalted, is an ideal time to reflect and grow within our own self-power and ability to will and create success in life. This course will teach us how to literally enliven the Sun’s power within us. First we’ll study how strong our Sun’s are in our Charts and if there are any negative or malefic influences that are holding us back. Then, we’ll learn how to literally enliven and strength our Sun’s! This will be a great course to usher in a new Vedic year starting on April 14th as the Sun enters Exalted Aries! Go to this web address to read more about this course and to sign up: http://health.DevelopFullPotentialofSelf/ Other Services Becoming available This Month: By April 14th…. o New Transits Calendar: 365 days of the Transits for 2007 & 2008 from April 14th 2007 to April 13th, 2008! Receive a wonderful Transits calendar of each day including the most Auspicious and Inauspicious Days of the entire year. Each day’s Transit will be discussed in depth and labeled as Auspicious, Neutral or Inauspicious. Knowing what’s going to be happening next week, next month or in 6 months is an extremely powerful tool. Cost: $ 10.00 Order through using my username: kincaidmark o Auspicious & Inauspicious Days of the Year; April 14th 2007 – May 15th 2008. There are likewise, 5-10 days of each month which are both Auspicious or Inauspicious. If you pay attention and plan important events, meetings and projects around these days your life will be incredibly more powerful, easy and progressive. One of my customers one time (about 10 years ago when I was running my construction business) said to me: “Mark, why is it that each time I see you it’s like a….. blessed event!” I laughed and said: “I’d love to take credit for this…he he. However, I’ll tell you my secret. I’ve learned to find the 5-10 days of each month that are especially positive, energetic or Auspicious.” My friend knew something about Jyotish so I continued. “You know, Jyotish has that part called the Transits, right?” “Yea,…I’ve heard of those.” “Well, within each month there are a number of days that are especially smooth, full of good energy and generally very positive. However, there are also at least 5-10 days of each month that should be avoided.” “Hey, don’t I know that!” “Well, I’ve been studying the Transits for over 9 years and I’ve learned to identify which days are good and which one’s dicey. So, each time when we met I first picked a really good day.” “Wow, well, I’ll tell you it really works!” Cost: $ 5.00 Like this you too can look ahead for the entire year and know which days are going to be especially promising and which one’s difficult! o Jyotish Dictionary: I’m finishing the worlds’ first comprehensive Jyotish, Astrological Dictionary. This book can be extremely helpful for you in your Jyotish study. I’ll include a sample, below of say ‘A’ which is already done. See below for sample of " A " . Cost: $ 10.00 There is no discount on these three products right now, Years's Transits, Auspicious & Inauspicious or Dictionary. o Jyotish E-Remedies: I’m in the process of creating e-remedies for each of the Planets. We can improve any of the negative or malefic functioning planets by acts of will and a number of Vedic remedies and remedial measures. In all my 19 years of studying Jyotish and 36 years of meditating, and over 24 years of studying Ayurveda, I’m happy to say that improving our Planets is definitely possible! So, far I’ve created e-remedies for the Moon and Saturn. You can order them for only $ 5.00/each. However, over this next month I’m planning on finishing the e-remedies for all the rest as well. These will include The Sun, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Rahu & Ketu. The Cost for all 9 will be $ 20.00 if you order them all at once. You can order those now, too if you’d prefer. Though they won’t be available probably till May 1st, 2007. Here are some reactions from some members who recently received either my Saturn or Moon remedy or both. The Saturn treatise is over 42 pages long. The Moon remedy is about 20. Mark... Thank you for sending me the E-remedy attachment It is indeed comprehensive and well written...with practical tips. MR Ohio And from DEP: I highly recommend Mark’s recent offering: ‘E-Article, Saturn Remedies’. It is brilliantly presented, and I would venture to say that whoever you are, you are bound to ‘see’ yourself somewhere in that presentation. US And finally: Your insights about negative functioning of planets have been really helpful. I have learnt to respect Saturn so much more after reading your enlightening article. SS And finally, here’s my sample “A” in my Jyotish Dictionary. Enjoy Mark Kincaid PS… I wanted to take this moment to thank all of you for participating with me in this development and unfoldment of Jyotish, today. We are all so blessed to be exposed to this great knowledge. We’re also extremely fortunate because for the first time in perhaps hundreds of years; the full potential of Jyotish is becoming available for the world! Available May 1st 2007 World’s First Jyotish Dictionary When I was first studying Astrology I wished that I had had a nice and comprehensive Astrological dictionary. This dictionary will describe the various Astrological Planets, Houses or meanings associated with the most important human situations and all the words of the alphabet! One can use this Dictionary to study the Astrological meanings of all the Astrological Planets, Houses, Signs of the many Astrological components. One can also use this Dictionary to look up the Astrological meaning of any number of important human words, qualities, characteristics or situations. Here’s a sample of the dictionary. Feel free to look over all the many words beginning with ‘A’. A Abnormal Means out of balance, and the Astrological concept for abnormal comes from the word: “malefic”. When something’s out of balance, weak, undeveloped or abnormal it is called being malefic. Absolute 12th House’s ‘Highest’ value is ‘absolute’ and therefore stands for Enlightenment and represents the end, fulfillment and the Absolute Being. All other Houses refer predominantly to the Relative existence. Abstinence Abstinence relates to Celibacy, Sexual Planets include Mars & Venus representing the two main planets of sexuality. Rahu too is related to sex including perversions. Abundance Abundance is a positive or Benefic quality. Jupiter is the primary planet of expansion, progress and abundance. When Moon is Full too it represents a time of Moon, emotional abundance, and fullness. Abuse Abuse is often related to negative or malefic Mars influences or affects. This Mars abuse can be of a Self or self-worth nature, physical or 1st House characteristic or a sexual or 8th House nature. Accident Accidents, too, are one of Mars’ most typical effects. When Mars is found acting negatively or malefically, then accidents are the result. Especially when Mars is either in the 1st , 4th, 7th and 10th Houses, sometimes an accident prone nature is the result. Accidents are the chief sign of Mars being out of balance. The chief symbolism here is to realize that one is using Mars’ inappropriately and what Nature is trying to show us is that we need to improve our Mars’. Accurate Accurate is often a Virgo word. The Planet Mercury is in it’s best place or Exalted in Virgo. Quite often people with Mercury or even other planets in Virgo enjoy an accurate nature or characteristic. Accused Mars is the primary planet of being accused or accusing others. Mars is the primary planet of ‘blame’. Whether one is guilty or not depends often also on the quality and situation of one’s righteousness, spirituality or Jupiter. Mars blame is one of Mars’ most chief and yet confusing symbolisms because when we’re accused, blamed and especially victimized then we tend blame others. However, because of the law of karma, even being blamed is our own creation. Acid Having acidic remarks is often a Virgo quality. Especially if Venus or Moon are found in Virgo and also associated with Mars, then an acidic tongue can result. Acquire, Acquisition Acquire is both a Mars and a Jupiter word. Jupiter is the primary planet of expansion, progress, and acquiring. Also the 11th House is the House of gain and acquiring or fulfilling. Finally, Mars is the planet that desires, moves and seeks to acquire or achieve. Depending upon how strong one’s Mars is, one gets what one wants. Though, there is one other aspect to ‘acquiring’ and that is our Saturn. We desire and acquire through our Mars and Jupiter’s but how deeply anchored we are within, in our Saturn’s is also an important ingredient. Active Mars is the primary symbolism of being active. If one has a strong or dominant Mars somewhere in one’s chart, then one enjoys being active. Also, if Saturn is weak or undeveloped then activity tends to dominate. Adaptable Moon is one of the chief planets of adaptability. If one has a ‘good’ or strong Moon then one is more empathetic, understanding and adabtable. Addict The chief planet associated with addiction is Rahu. Rahu’s chief symbolisms are obsessions, compulsions and addictions. If Rahu is strongly or negatively aspecting any planets or the 1st House then one can have addictive tendencies. Adjust See ‘adaptable’. Moon is the primary planet of adjusting. Administration Administration is the quality of organizing. Both qualities are due to a strong Mars’. Admire Admire or admiration is a Venus characteristic. Adore Adoring too is a Venus benefit. Adult Planets in their later degrees often are called adult or mature. Also, strong mature or adult characteristics are due to a balanced or developed Saturn. Adultery Adultery is often a Rahu negative aspect. Also a number of negative planetary influences upon either the 7th House of partnerships or the relationship planets Mars and Venus can result in the tendency to choose adultery. Often too, some challenge with Jupiter righteousness results in adultery. Advance Advance is a Jupiter expansive, progressive quality. Adventurer Adventure is a definite Mars characteristic. Adversary Adversary is also a Mars condition. The word adversary like competitor are Mars adjectives. Also, the 6th House of conflict, law and legal disputes may also result. Advice Jupiter is the primary planet of advice and counsel. Advise Jupiter is the planet that advises. Advocate Mars is the primary planet of those who are crusaders, entrepreneurs and advocates. To advocate is to stand up for oneself, to crusade or advocate. Affable 1 : being pleasant and at ease in talking to others <an affable host> 2 : characterized by ease and friendliness <an affable manner> Quotes from website dictionary: Once you know what the meaning is for any word, you can begin to hear the Astrological planet that’s involved. In this case: ‘being pleasant and ease in talking, and friendlienss’ are all good Moon qualities. If some one has a good and positive Moon in their chart’s then one of the signs of that will be an ‘AFFABLE’ nature! Affection Affection is a definite Venus quality. Those with good Venus’ are naturally affectionate. Moon is the primary planet of giving and emotion while Venus is how we express our feelings. Affectionate Someone who’s affectionate often has a positive or benefic Venus. Afflicted Means negative in some way. Word to connotate that the natural strength of any planet is dimished in some way. The natural ‘aspects’ of Astrology indicate not only how the planets are aspected or influenced, but when negative, especially, how afflicted, (or diminished.) Affluent Affluence is definitely a Jupiter characteristic. Where poverty is a Saturn quality affluence is a Jupiter one. Agile Agility is definitely a good Mars’ characteristic. Those with good Mars’ are dynamic, with good coordination and agility. Agnostic Being an Agnostic is related to one’s spirituality. If Jupiter or Saturn are weak a lack of faith or agnostic tendencies can result. Also, the 9th House is the primary house of God, religion or spirituality. If either the primary spiritual planets or houses are weak or undeveloped then being agnostic can result. Agreeable Agreeable is often a positive Libra characteristic. Libra stands for harmony and balance and being agreeable can be the result. Also, strong Venus tendencies can make one positive or agreeable. The opposite quality of being disagreeable is due to Mars. Agriculture Saturn is the primary planet of agriculture. Also, people with strong Taurus tendencies can enjoy being out of doors and being in the agriculture. AIDS Breakdown body’s human immune system Disease is ruled by Saturn, and the 6th and 8th Houses. Specific diseases of the immune or nervous system are related to the specific planets or rulers of your health houses. Alcoholism One of the primary symbolisms of Alcoholism is Rahu. Alcoholism is often related to the 2nd House of food and inhaling. Alertness There are two primary qualities of alertness. Intellectual alertness is due to a good, strong or positive Mercury. Also, a strong or ‘large’ Moon in one’s chart is indicative of alertness. Allergy Allergy is related to dis-ease, disease, Saturn and such symbolisms of immune system. Alliance Alliance is a strong Libra characteristic. Libra seeks harmony, balance and allegiance. Some good Planets in Libra can give the ability to appreciate alliances. Also, the partnership Planets including Venus and Moon can also be responsible for seeking out alliance. Almighty God, almighty, eternal, invincible are all good characteristics of Jupiter or the 9th House. Alone Aloneness is a definite Saturn characteristic. Those with strong Saturn’s, aspecting any number of situations, Houses or Planets will have a alone nature of shyness. Aloof Aloof is a feeling a state of mind. Sometimes Planets in Aquarius are described in ‘aloof’ terms. There are a variety of Planetary configurations that can be described in this way. Altar Altar is the place of worship. Altar is obviously a spiritual quality so look to a good Jupiter or strong 9th House of Spirit, Religion and Spirituality. Altercation Altercation is another Mars adjective. The Malefic or Benefic nature of the ‘altercation’ will help us know who might be at fault and who is to blame. Angel Angel is an instrument of the Divine. Angel is a good Jupiter quality. Someone who has a strong, healthy or developed Jupiter will act like an angel. Anger Anger is an excess of Mars energy. When Mars is out of balance or acting malefically ‘anger’ is one of the results. Therefore, Anger is one of the Astrological Signs that Mars is out of balance. Try to see the difference between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ anger. Anger that is accompanied by deep silence may be good. Anger, which overshadows us, and causes more anger, animosity may be due to a Malefic functioning Mars. Try to see the difference between the Mars intensity that stands up for ourselves and the Mars intensity that feels rage, animosity, blame and anger. Animosity See ‘anger’ above. Animosity has a slightly more Philosophical Marsish quality. Sometimes when one feels right in one’s anger, that anger can be described in terms of animosity. Antagonistic Antagonistic has a slightly malefic connotation to it. Look, therefore for a functioning Malefic Mars to help one discover if one is right or wrong in that quality. Also, a Marish or Scorpio crusading nature can make one slightly antagonistic. Again, look to see whether one has a righteous Marsish role in life or whether a Malefic functioning Mars is at fault. Anxiety Anxiety is obviously a mental or emotional state of mind. Anxiety is often a word associated with states of mental or emotional Moon problems. When one is out of tune with one’s Moon, or one’s Moon is small and often times Waning, (or getting smaller), one is prone to worrying or states of anxiety. Anxious Anxious is the condition of anxiety. Sometimes one has a shorter period of anxiety and one is only lightly distressed or anxious. Again, it tends to be a negative Moon sign. Therefore, next time you find yourself worrying or anxious, perceive this as a reflection of one’s Moon, mind instead of do to something outside of yourself. I prescribe often ‘Strengthening the Moon’, for almost all states of anxiety or being anxious. Sometimes even resting can alleviate the personal stress that is popping up as anxiety. Apathetic If optimism and careing are due to Jupiter and the Moon, then being apathetic may be due to a combination of lack of Jupiter strength and Moon. Apathy may result from a number of Malefic Planetary configurations and that exact combination will show what Planets need to be strengthened. Astrology contains a natural value system which interprets all of life’s negatives as due to one combination of malefic forces or another. Apologetic Being apologetic can come from both a positive and a negative place. One can be apologetic just because one has good emotional, Moon empathy. Or one can be too apologetic because of a lack of internal Self-confidence or self-worth. Apologetic also has a humility quality to it, so look to a good Sun or Saturn to give the ability to admit one’s faults. Appease Appease is a mental or emotional quality of reconciliation or to balance some negative situation. One’s ability to appease may be due to good Venus or Moon negotiating skills. Appreciate Appreciate is a purely Venus quality. Those with a naturally good Venus Planet have a naturally good, balanced or Benefic functioning Venus. One may also develop or improve one’s Venus by putting one’s attention on appreciating more. Appreciation or ability to appreciate is the outward expressive quality of Venus. Appreciation can be contrasted to the Moon which feels love and caring and one’s Venus which expresses appreciation. Argue Ability to argue is due to one’s Mars. If one argues in a negative or unhealthy way one’s Mars is found acting malefically. Sometimes one has a good ability to argue due to a strong, positive or Benefic Mars or a combination of Mars and such debating aspects as a Moon combination or Virgo, discriminative quality. Aries First Sign of the Zodiac. Aries is ruled by Mars. Aries means the first, beginnings, self-starting, aggressive and dynamic, or active. Arrogance Arrogance is a purely Sun, imbalanced quality. When one’s Sun is healthy, balanced or functioning positively one can have a ‘good’ ego without arrogance. If one feels superior arrogance can be the quality. In either case a malefic functioning Sun is the real reason. The natural rules of Astrology and value system helps us discover whether one’s ego sense is balanced or imbalanced. Arrogance is an obviously out of balance or negative ego, Self, or Sun quality. Art Art is a reflection of one’s Venus. Those with good or strategically placed Venus’ will be drawn to Art and be involved with art or even artistic. Articulate Articulation is a quality of speech or communication. Those with good Mercury intellects or 2nd Houses of speech or good 3rd House communicative skills are often times described as being articulate. Artistic See ‘Art’ above. Those who have Venus’ with such other planets as the Moon, Sun or Mercury often are artistic. Also if Venus rules the 1st or 10th House of Self or Career one tends to be more artistic. Ascendant Means that Sign that was ‘Ascending’ or rising on the East Horizon at the exact time of birth. Sometimes called ‘Rising Sign’ Asceticism Asceticism is a purely Saturn quality. Those with dominant Saturn’s, or strong 12th House renunciation qualities often are described as being ascetic. Ascetic Someone who has the above Saturn or 12th House qualities dominating in one’s career Astrological configuration may be an ascetic. Ashamed Shame is a kind of unnatural guilt. Shame can be good if it leads one to accept one’s mistakes or areas of improvement. However, most of the time shame is a quality due to some feelings of lack of self-worth or good ego. Being perennially ashamed is often not healthy and may be traced to a number of malefic functioning Moon or guilt astrological configurations. Also, the Sign of Virgo is often associated with those with strong self-incriminating or self-critical or ashamed qualities. In all cases once one has found the Astrological reason why one is ‘ashamed’ one can discover what one can and is supposed to do. Asleep Sleep is one of the 7 states of natural human consciousness. The 12th Dreams too are looked at by the 12th House. House is often times called the House of sleep. Aspects Has to do with the special ways in which the Sun, Moon, and other Planets influence each other. Each planet influences the Planet within 30 degrees of itself. Secondly, each planet influences or aspects the direct opposite Sign or House from where it is in one’s Natal or Birth Chart. In addition, Jyotish says that some planets have special other Aspects. Jupiter aspects or influences 1, 5, 7 & 9 Houses away. So, if Jupiter is in the #2 Sign Taurus, then it’s aspects include the 5th House away, or 6, Virgo, 7th House away, or 8 or Scorpio and 9th House away or 10 or Capricorn. Count the Sign that Jupiter is in as #1 and then add either 5, 7 or 9 Houses away. So, if Jupiter is in the Second Sign Taurus, then the 5th House away would be Taurus, #1, Gemini, #2, Cancer, #3, Leo, #4, and Virgo, #5. Mars influences or Aspects the 1st ,4th , 7th and 8th Houses away. Saturn aspects the 1st, 3rd, 7th, and 10th Houses away. Rahu/ketu are also supposed to have some aspects, though there is so controversy as to exactly what they are. My personal belief is their aspects include the same as Jupiter or the 1st, 5th, 7th & 9th Houses away. Aspirant An aspirant is someone with a good or strongly developed Jupiter, disciple quality. Also someone who’s an ‘aspirant’ is someone who’s aspiring for some kind of Spiritual development. Strong Jupiter or Saturn planets will make one a healthy spiritualist. Assassin Someone who has a strong and powerfully placed Mars can have a warring mental nature or disposition. A professional kind of military person or assassin may find their strong Mars in or associated with the 10th House of career. Again one’s positive or negative aggressive tendencies will be determined by the positive or negatively Astrological placed Mars planets. Assault To assault someone depends upon a strongly placed Mars. Assertive Being assertive is a positive Mars characteristic. One’s ability to stand up for oneself is also due to Mars. Sometimes one’s assertiveness is also related to one’s Sun or self-confidence. Sometimes when one’s Sun or Moon or undeveloped or weak one has a lack of ability to assert or stand up for oneself. If one wants to be more assertive one only has to find the Astrological reason why assertiveness is lacking and then strengthen that weak or malefic functioning Planet. Asthma Asthma is a lung or respiratory problem. In Astrology one’s lungs or respiratory abilities are due to both one’s Jupiter, (primary planet of breath), and one’s 4th House, (the House of lungs). Astrologer Someone who practices the Knowledge and Science of Astrology, professionally. Astute Astute is a mental adjective due to a clear Moon mind or discriminating Mercury. Atheist Atheism is the belief in a lack of God in life. This may be due to a weak Jupiter or Saturn or an undeveloped 9th House of Spirit, religion or God. Knowledge of God will turn any atheist into a believer. Athletic Being athletic is due to a good or strong Mars or 5th House of sports. Atrocity Something of an atrocious nature is due to a combination of Mars qualities and a lack of Jupiter righteousness or spiritual or religious value judgement. Attraction Attraction is due to Venus. Attraction is also a sign of Astrological mental, emotional or physical compatibility. Audacious Someone who is outgoing due to a strong Moon or Sun may be described as audacious. Also, a strong Mars is often found accompanying as well. Authority Someone with a good or powerful Sun or 9th House of God, Spirit, Dharma may be described as being an authority. Aversion Is a word used to describe the state of mind which is repulsed by something else. Aversion is sometimes used when two people are incompatible, or there Planets are adverse to each other. Aversion sometimes is use in Astrology to mean negative. Avert One’s ability to ‘Avert’ the dangers on the horizon is an essential characteristic of Astrology. One’s ability to avert depends first on an ability to see into the future or predict. Once one is able to see, then one can learn to do something so one can change or avert any negative future karma or reality. Ayanamsa Ayanamsa is the Sanskrit term for the longitudinal difference between the tropical or Sayana and sidereal or Nirayana zodiacs. It is defined as the angle by which the sidereal ecliptic longitude of a celestial body is less than its tropical ecliptic longitude. I’m quoting here from this website dictionary: Basically, this means the difference especially, between the Mathematics of the Western and Eastern charts. There’s right now a 23 degrees difference between the two. Awake Being ‘awake’ is a mental, or Moon quality. When one is alert or strongly conscious then one can be described as being awake. Wakefulness also depends upon one’s state of rest or recuperation. Those with good or strong Saturn’s often times appreciate the value of rest more and as a result create more wakefulness or ‘awake’ ness. Awe Awe is a Jupiter quality due to a strong, positive or well placed Jupiter. Those with good or dominant spiritual or Jupiter characteristics often experience ‘awe’ or reverence. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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