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7th Weekly Newsletter Report 4-11 to 4-17, 2007 Out today!

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New Weekly Astrology Newsletter

– Report For Transits, Charts & Dasas:

New Moon Coming Next


7th Weekly Newsletter Transits for

- April 11th – 17th,


Sun Moves into Exalted Aries on April




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The Tranists have moved!



This is the

7th of our New Weekly ‘Transits’


Been interesting

the last few days as Mars and Rahu begin to move ever closer and closer

together; both in Aquarius now. They say Rahu

acts like Saturn so this present Transit is like going to feel a lot like

Saturn & Mars colliding in the same house.

Watch these exact days for important heads-up details!

Sun moves into its

Exalted status in Aries this week!

Enjoy, and let me

know how you’re doing!


Mark Kincaid


Watch the Rahu

& Mars Alert this week:

4/11/07 Mars 9th degree

Rahu 21st degree, both in





… April 11th –



(Thursday April 12th

– 18th)…. In the East


New Moon April 17th ….!!


Moon’s Last Quarter of Waxing cycle –

This week!




New Jyotish Projects:

“Doing Great Astrology & Solution to All

Problems”, “Solution to All Problems”, &

“Jyotish Experiment” projects all going on


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Jyotish Remedies now available for Moon &


This next month, all 9 e-remedies for the Sun, Moon

and planets will be available. So, far

I’ve been making the Moon and Saturn e-remedies available for

5$/each. Soon, you can receive all 9 for

the special bundle price of $ 20.00

“Mark... Thank you for sending the E-remedy

attachment It is indeed comprehensive and well written...with practical

tips.” MR Ohio

And from DEP: “I highly recommend Mark's recent offering:

'E-Article,.Saturn Remedies'. It is brilliantly presented, and I

would venture to say that whoever you are, you

are bound to 'see' yourself somewhere in that presentation.”


And finally: “Your insights about negative functioning

of planets have been really helpful. “I have learnt to

respect Saturn so much more after reading your enlightening

articles.” SS From

New “How to Study Jyotish-Astrology

Tips” Coming Soon

These will include

special descriptions of all the wonderful ways in which you can gain

maximum from your own study of Astrology. Will

come out on April 19th.


Philosophy......of the


Nature is Living the


Learn to

experience how strong the Transits affect you!






Highlights of this Week:


Moon’s New

Moon deepest Waning – Coming this week…. April


Mars is in

Aquarius and moving on a collision course with Rahu,



moving into its Exalted Sun in Aries status this week! April 14th

Venus moves into

Taurus now. Already at the 5th

degree, on today, 4/11th

Look for the #2 or Taurus for the main area of Venus benefit this


Jupiter’s still in Scorpio where

it’s still fully aspecting the Sun

in Pisces! Well at least for 3 more days. This influence may feel strongest now, because the

Sun’s at the end of Pisces in terms of degrees, which is where

Jupiter is too. This means the Jupiter power

is stronger “RIGHT NOW!”

Jupiter & Venus in Opposite Signs this

month. As Venus has recently entered

Taurus, because Taurus is opposite to Scorpio where Jupiter is this month

and year; see if you don’t notice an ‘axis’ of

‘GOOD’ this month!

Mercury moved

back into Pisces last week. Did you feel it?

I felt it already. It’s soooo

helpful noticing especially Mercury’s Retrograde or transit through

it’s sign of debilitation. This means

Mercury is weaker during this Debilitated time.

However, this can be alleviated by allowing yourself the extra time

that may be needed to think things through right



This Week’s



Ratings -


A: Means the best, stellar, most Auspicious


B: Means less brilliant but generally good

possibility as well

C: Means a mixture of positive and negative forces

going on

D: Means especially delicate or Inauspicious



April 11th –

17th Transits:


Starting – April




April 11th -

Moon’s in Capricorn at the 6th degree



normally pretty happy in Capricorn. However,

this month because Saturn’s in the opposite sign, notice that these

next 2 days will be slightly more intense then the last few. (Saturn’s at the 24th degree,

Retrograde, so it’s most intense glance won’t be till


Good days,

however, to work on your Self, healing and taking a short break, catching

your breath, pausing and re-grouping.



April 12th – Moon very close to Saturn’s

direct influence today!


starts off today at the 20th degree of Capricorn today.

Because Saturn’s at the 24th degree in the opposite sign

of Cancer, you may notice the special affect of Saturn most today! This will be stronger this month because of the

Waning status of the Moon as well.

This is really a

day to take off, or certainly take it as easy as you can.

I always look at

tomorrow’s Transits the night before!

It’s always a wonderful reminder of how many will be

experiencing the day, ahead!

Jupiter &

Venus are opposite this month which will be a very nice Transit coming


Sun, deliciously

close to Aries today! You may already be

feeling it’s up-coming shift into it’s happiest place of the


3)B-C Friday

April 13th - Moon moves into Aquarius,

today, 5th degree.

I give today, an

important ‘Warning’ Sign because the Moon is with 2 powerful

malefic acting planets Rahu & Mars which are both in Aquarius,

now. You may really feel or encounter some

intense emotional days today or tomorrow.

Very appropriate

Friday the 13th ! Moon crosses the

path of Mars today. Don’t buy into that

added fieryness happening right now! Use to

get something important done, but not to be irritated or angry, though

that may be how you feel! Go punch a punching

bag! hehe

4)A-B-C Saturday

April 14th - Moon’s at the

18th degree starting today.

Lots of Mixed

values today. Sun begins its movement into

Exalted Aries today. However, Moon is fast,

tightly between Rahu & Mars today as well.

Right now, the Moon’s at the 18th degree while

Rahu’s at the 21st and Mars is at the

12th Don’t jump off a

Aquarian bridge today! degree, all in


Venus already has

moved to the 8th degree in its Own Sign of Taurus. Jupiter, at the 25th degree means their

simultaneous 7th house aspect upon each other will represent a

powerful loving Venus blessed by the Divine Jupiter.

This means, take advantage of spiritual thoughts and ideas now,

especially with any affairs of the heart or relationships, now!



April 15th Moon’s moved into and at

the 3rd degree of Pisces, today

Already, today

you’ll notice that unique shift when the Moon moves to the

‘other’ side of any Malefic acting planet. This happens all the time whenever Moon collides

with the Sun, Saturn, Mars, Rahu or Ketu.

You’d think

with all these opportunities there’d be a real purpose to blessings

in disguise! Today, Moon & Mercury like

being together.


Mercury’s strange acting in so-called debilitated transit through

Pisces. Debilitated is such a harsh word, and

one Sanskrit scholar told me one time the actual meaning of the words

Exalted means ‘shining’ and Debilitated is


I like this one,

because like the New Moon, that planet is not acting up to its normal


See, if you notice

the New Moon approaching now. These last few

days are more noticeable now.


Sunday April 16th - Moon starts off the day at the

18th degree of Pisces, now.


pretty happy in Pisces as it enjoys the freedom aspect of Pisces. However, this month because the Sun’s so

close in Aries, you may feel some conflict to wanting to go out and be

busy but, on a day when the Moon is Waning into it’s unshining


7)A & C


April 17th

– New Moon in Aries, today!

Moon collides as

if with the Sun early today about 7am. Sun’s moved

into Aries, already about the 3rd degree so Moon’s also

at the 3rd degree of Aries ‘now’. 7am is the

time for me, CST, in mid-western . Adjust for

your own time zone and longitude and latitude.

Moon quickly moves

past the Sun today, so see if you notice that natural shift into the

Waning Mode!

If you took

natural advantage of the rest opportunity of the last few days, this day

and next week will feel stronger!

Next, Coming up!

See, if you notice

this New Moon with the Sun in Exalted Aries is somehow stronger then other

New Moon’s we experience.

However, any

negativity will often be because we don’t pause or rest or take the

time to recuperate on such days.


hopeing you can this month! Enjoy this next

week, as one of the most powerful periods of the entire year!

Mars & Rahu



14th degree Aquarius


21st degree Aquarius





After the

17th of April, begins one of the most powerful Waxing Moon

cycles of the entire year. The next 7-14 days

will be some of the most Auspicious days of the year.

This starts with

the Waxing Moon cycle on the 18th.

Then, when the Moon moves into it’s own Exalted Sign, Taurus

2 ½ days from the 17th, notice that both the Sun and

Moon are both Exalted during these next few days.

This is described

in the Vedic literature as some of the most important days of the

year! Be sure to take advantage of these


PS… Hope you were able to rest, or take

advantage of this last quarter of the Moon’s Waning cycle this last

week. I find the Moon’s Wanings very

much like taking advantage of a better nights sleep.


As a result, the whole next time is sublime! Like that the entire new Waxing Moon cycle will be

brighter and more successful.





And, God



Jai Guru!





Founder Nature’s









PS….If you want to get

connected with me via Personal Instant Messenger, go to

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