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Transits & SNOW...coming in April! ....Springtime...

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That Wisdom that is The





Midwestern US!



Dear Friends/Subscribers:


Of all the different aspects of Astrology I have to say I’ve

gotten the most out of watching the Transits.

Take the weather for example. Each day

something new is happening. Even modern day

Meteorology has the ability to look ahead and predict what will be

happening about 7-10 days.

That itself is a marvel. They’ve

watched the weather and the subsequent weather patterns for so long that

they now can predict with a certain degree of accuracy what will be

happening today, tomorrow and for a few days.

This is pure Astrology!

Unfortunately, modern meteorology does not understand what the

Astrological forces are underneath that are literally causing our

World’s weather patterns. When I heard

yesterday that the weather people were going to be predicting snow

tomorrow I just laughed! How is that


I mean, it’s April 11th already, usually the early

flowers are coming up. In fact you can see

them already trying to stick their heads up. So, what could possibly be causing this unusual


I look out of my window this morning and see traces of snow on the

group and it just makes me laugh! Because

having watched the Transits now for over almost 20 years, there’s a

tremendous amount of wisdom that comes.

I’d really like to suggest that each one of you either get

your own Jyotish software of many a point of looking up the Transits for

each up-coming day. Then, watch how that day


You’ll learn more real Jyotish then studying any book

that’s been read. Why? Because “Nature lives the

Transits”. Their every day reality

literally causes our weather patterns which then very dramatically

influence each one of us.

Of course everyone knows that we’re supposed to be happy,

within, in spite of what’s happening with the outside weather. We know we’re supposed to be happy and even

no matter what’s going on the outside.

But, it’s already well documented that for many, the weather

has a severe affect on our emotional and mental life.

Take the example of those who have been diagnosed with that new

fangled disease called “SAD”. SAD

means seasonal adjustment disorder. During the

winter months, especially, when the sky is cloudy for weeks and sometimes

even months at a time some people literally freak out.

Modern day science has found for approximately 2% of the people,

that there is a severe result of the deprivation of the Sun’s light

during the Winter months. One solution has

been to give the person at least 30-45 minutes of bright Sun light each

day during these Winter months.

Other classic examples of the ‘Transits’ affecting us

are the regular emotional extremes of both the Full and New Moon. This too affects enough people severely especially

for those who work in such areas as hospitals and police and fire


Recently, too people have begun seeing a dramatic correlation

between clarity of mind and decision makings during the regular Mercury

retrograde periods that happen regularly 2-3 times a year.

The firs thing to determine is whether you are one of those people

who get ‘freaked out’ by any of the regular transits or

movements of the stars. If you are, then its

especially important for you to watch and know when the worst of these

days will be going on. The second reason for watching the Transits is to

know when others are likely to be in difficult emotional states due to the


Because we all deal with the public, with sales clients,

co-workers, etc. we all need to know when the future days will be

especially troubling and debilitating.


Take this present situation of snow coming to my mid-western in

the middle of April. This is a very unusual

weather pattern. So, my habit is to look into

the Transits to try and get a clue. What I see

is that Saturn, one of the most powerful ingredients of our weather is

back into Cancer. Ever since Saturn has been

transiting there have been a number of unusual weather


I’ll never forget when I got this email about 3 years ago

from Jyotishees in warning that the up-coming 30 year transit of Saturn

through Cancer would be very hard on people’s emotions,

relationships with Mothers and anything to do with hurricanes or

calamities in the water.

Then, I watched as the World had some of the worst hurricanes,

first in 2004 and then in 2005 when Katrina struck

New Orleans on August

23rd of 2005. On that day Saturn

was at the 10th degree of Cancer which according to Jyotish

philosophy represents a fairly strong Saturn.

The following year, in 2006, when most people were predicting again

that the Hurrrican season between June 1st to November

1st each year in the Atlantic ocean

would again be very troublesome. Many, of

course were shocked to find that the 2006 season was very mild. Of course when you check the Transits of August and

September of 2006 already Saturn’s found to be moving at the end of

Cancer between the 23rd to 26th degree.

The weather patterns today are fairly interesting again.

Saturn’s back in Cancer and retrograde which seems to bring

some strange patterns. Saturn too represents

cold and this has been an especially cold Spring time. The other major aspect of the Transits right now is

the planetary war of collision of Mars and Rahu. This

doesn't happen very often but whenever these two powerful Malefics find

themselves in the same sign and colliding you can feel that as


When you watch the Transits and weather long enough you’ll be

surprised to find that Mars too is an important part of many storm


For example, almost all storms can be found to be correlated with 2

or more malefics aspecting the Moon. And,

whenever any of those malefic forces just happen to be Mars one will

experience turbulent storms, lightning and thunder.

So, if the Transits are a good tool at helping us understanding our

external weather, then perhaps the Transits can also be a good indication

of what our internal mental and emotional weather patterns will be


And, of course, this is exactly what happens.


It’s such a marvel to be able to look ahead for any period of

time, a week, month or year and know which days are going to be smooth and

easy and which other one’s turbulent and rough!


Fun talking with you all today.









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