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2-All: re. Up-Coming 12 Months of Transits Project Starting May 5th

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Dear Friends:Saturn goes direct today!If you've been feeling chaotic or

uncertain over the last few weeks that may have had something to do with

it.Though you may not notice the important shift for a couple

of days as the Moon isfinishing with it's Waning cycle right now

too.New Moon's on the 5th, so after that you'll notice an

amazing shift.Over the next couple of weeks Saturn will

continue back being direct, the Moonwill be waxing and Sani will be

moving farther and farther away from Ketu whichhas also been going

on.New Project:After the New Moon on May 5th I'm

going to be starting a new Jyotish Project.


Stars & the 12 Signs of Astrology

As many of

you know the Transits have a very powerful and important influence onour lives. I thought we might use especially the Sun's monthly

transit through the 12main Signs as a great opportunity to

" study " those 12 Signs.Every month the Sun moves

through the different Signs. That gives us a very real,opportunity to experience up close the true nature of the Signs.


The Nature

of the 12 Signs

The 12 Signs

represent the 12 flavors of consciousness. In other words, as ourminds or consciousness are born we exist within a framework of

consciousnessnature which is quite adequately understandable by

appreciating the nature of oneof the 12 Signs.What this

means is that life itself, Being, God, Nature or whatever you want to call

it; exists in different states. Consciousness in it's pure God form

is unbounded, eternal and containing all possibilities. When

the individual mind transcends and gets to that unbounded pure potential

it experiences the purity of Being.But, when the mind returns

to the world, to our individuality it comes back to a Sun flavor of

consciousness.Our Sun signs represent a flavor of Divine

intelligence that is powerfully vibrating in the nature of our Sun Sol at

each moment. So, the soul's being born during eachday of the

month have imbibed in their consciousness something to do with thenature of the Sign that the Sun is in, that month.Right now,

the Sun's in Exalted Aries. So, all the individuals being born right

now,and since April 13, 2008 will all have that Aries nature

permeating their very souls,egos and consciousnesses.Each month the Sun moves into a new Sign and we all get a chance to

experiencethat in the daily Transits. Each day, then, is a

wonderful opportunity to feel and therefore to come to know better,

the astrological nature of life.Find the Rising Sign in your

chart, and then find the particular Sign that the Sun is in. Right

now, find the #1 or Aries in your chart. That will show you where or

what House the Sun is directly influencing in your chart, during this

month.Signs, and Houses, these are the two primary influences

of the transiting Stars.For me, I've got a #7 Libra rising so

Aries is always in my 7th house. For 20 years now, as I've watched

each day's transits I've noticed a very predictable influence when the

Sun's been found moving through it's Exalted Aries Sign each year between

April 13 to May 13th.For me, I always have a tremendous

month. Regardless of what's going on in mylife, but the moment

the Sun moves into Aries and starts to flow through my 7th House and

especially because the Sun's supposed to be in its highest, most powerful

" place " I have a tremendous month!This makes sense

astrologically, because Libra rising people have the Sun ruling the Leo

which is the predominant energy that's in their 11th house of gain.

So, I gain tremendously every year during this month especially in

relationships and partnerships which is because of the Sun's passage

through my 7th house.This year, however, I've noticed that

power and potential for good slightly diminished because of Saturn's

simultaneous influence going through the Sign of Leo, which Sani is doing

right now.Add on top of that the present momentary planetary

war between Saturn and Ketu which are both in Leo and you get the present


Over the

Next 12 Months

What I'd

like to do over the next 12 months is to not only comment upon the Sun and

other transits through the 12 signs but also hear from all our members as

to how " YOU ALL " are experiencing these changes.So,

if you want to participate in this 12 Month " study " or research;

let me know.We'll do it through this group, but when you hear

from the different Rising Signs how 'they' are experiencing the same

transits you'll develop a more profound appreciation of all the realities

of the Transits and how they influence us each day.We'll also

compare these Transits to our individual charts as well as Dasa shifts

that are also going on at the same time.


Dasas & Transits....

These are

the 3 main aspects of our astrology that we're experiencing each day!When we come to understand exactly how to interpret better each of

these three then we will find ourselves being more successful in life.


Identify What You're Going Through

Are you

feeling grand? Are you feeling anxious? Are you feeling

uncertainty, clarity or confusion? Then, find the astrological

reason for that flavor of consciousness or life. You'll find your

answer either in your chart, dasas or transits.Once you've

found the astrological reason then you'll know better what to do.For example " right now " many of the emails I've been getting

people have been feeling chaotic and anxious. Chaos and anxiety of

course are related to Saturn and the Moon. So, it's not surprising

to me to find that many people are feeling especially rough right now due

to both the deeply Waning Moon and the presentmomentary collision of

Saturn and Ketu.So, join us in a grand yearly research

project.As well as discovering exactly " why " we go

through what we go through; we'll also focus on practical remedies,

remedial measures or things we can do to get along better, especially with

any potential challenges in the future.This of course is one

of astrology's greatest benefits. To be able to help us get along

better with ourselves or life is a great benefit of learning to master the

Transiting stars!Good Luck and God bless.Sincerely,Mark KincaidPS

If you want to participate in this project, please write in through the

group.Include your Date of Birth information and description

of your chart's details eachtime you right in so others can benefit

from the discussions.Also, include what you hope to get out of

this study and begin a daily Transits journal to help you keep track.For example, something like this when you write in.Mark KincaidSept 4,1951Libra Rising #7Sun in

Leo 11th HouseMoon's in Virgo - 12 HouseVenus in Leo -

11thMercury in Leo - 11thJupiter in Pisces - 6th HouseMars in Cancer - 10th HouseSaturn in Virgo - 12th HouseRahu

in Aquarius - 5th HouseKetu in Leo - 11th HouseThen,

write about your experiences, questions and comments. That way we

all can better benefit from our discussions, study and learnings.Sincerely,Mark KincaidPS: Though we're already more then 1/2 way through the Sun in

Aries, we'll stillbegin with the final days of Aries.In

addition, we'll start after the New Moon ends on May 5th and now that

Saturn's returning to it's Direct Motion we should find things

improving!Jai Guru!













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hi everyone!

all i do is watch transits!

and imagine i was away from home between the 26th april and 1st of may.


i did have a very anxious time which i remedied with the EFT and flower energies and switchwords.

there was fear and a feeling of wanting to just get back home.

all said and done, i was safe and secure.

when yu are a moon+saturn person by birth, life can be tough.thanks to the remedial measures i did well.

wanted to share this with all of you.

also to combat fear, use the switchword BLUFF

try it and see how it works for you.

watching as i go.....LOVE...PEACE..LIGHT

rhoda--- On Sat, 5/3/08, markkincaid <markkincaid wrote:

markkincaid <markkincaid 2-All: re. Up-Coming 12 Months of Transits Project Starting May 5th Cc: HowToStudyAstrology Date: Saturday, May 3, 2008, 5:14 PM



Dear Friends:Saturn goes direct today!If you've been feeling chaotic or uncertain over the last few weeks that may have had something to do with it.Though you may not notice the important shift for a couple of days as the Moon isfinishing with it's Waning cycle right now too.New Moon's on the 5th, so after that you'll notice an amazing shift.Over the next couple of weeks Saturn will continue back being direct, the Moonwill be waxing and Sani will be moving farther and farther away from Ketu whichhas also been going on.New Project:After the New Moon on May 5th I'm going to be starting a new Jyotish Project.

Transiting Stars & the 12 Signs of Astrology

As many of you know the Transits have a very powerful and important influence onour lives. I thought we might use especially the Sun's monthly transit through the 12main Signs as a great opportunity to "study" those 12 Signs.Every month the Sun moves through the different Signs. That gives us a very real,opportunity to experience up close the true nature of the Signs.

The Nature of the 12 Signs

The 12 Signs represent the 12 flavors of consciousness. In other words, as ourminds or consciousness are born we exist within a framework of consciousnessnature which is quite adequately understandable by appreciating the nature of oneof the 12 Signs.What this means is that life itself, Being, God, Nature or whatever you want to call it; exists in different states. Consciousness in it's pure God form is unbounded, eternal and containing all possibilities. When the individual mind transcends and gets to that unbounded pure potential it experiences the purity of Being.But, when the mind returns to the world, to our individuality it comes back to a Sun flavor of consciousness.Our Sun signs represent a flavor of Divine intelligence that is powerfully vibrating in the nature of our Sun Sol at each moment. So, the soul's being born during

eachday of the month have imbibed in their consciousness something to do with thenature of the Sign that the Sun is in, that month.Right now, the Sun's in Exalted Aries. So, all the individuals being born right now,and since April 13, 2008 will all have that Aries nature permeating their very souls,egos and consciousnesses.Each month the Sun moves into a new Sign and we all get a chance to experiencethat in the daily Transits. Each day, then, is a wonderful opportunity to feel and therefore to come to know better, the astrological nature of life.Find the Rising Sign in your chart, and then find the particular Sign that the Sun is in. Right now, find the #1 or Aries in your chart. That will show you where or what House the Sun is directly influencing in your chart, during this month.Signs, and Houses, these are the two primary influences of the transiting Stars.For

me, I've got a #7 Libra rising so Aries is always in my 7th house. For 20 years now, as I've watched each day's transits I've noticed a very predictable influence when the Sun's been found moving through it's Exalted Aries Sign each year between April 13 to May 13th.For me, I always have a tremendous month. Regardless of what's going on in mylife, but the moment the Sun moves into Aries and starts to flow through my 7th House and especially because the Sun's supposed to be in its highest, most powerful "place" I have a tremendous month!This makes sense astrologically, because Libra rising people have the Sun ruling the Leo which is the predominant energy that's in their 11th house of gain. So, I gain tremendously every year during this month especially in relationships and partnerships which is because of the Sun's passage through my 7th house.This year, however, I've noticed that power and potential for

good slightly diminished because of Saturn's simultaneous influence going through the Sign of Leo, which Sani is doing right now.Add on top of that the present momentary planetary war between Saturn and Ketu which are both in Leo and you get the present moment.

Over the Next 12 Months

What I'd like to do over the next 12 months is to not only comment upon the Sun and other transits through the 12 signs but also hear from all our members as to how "YOU ALL" are experiencing these changes.So, if you want to participate in this 12 Month "study" or research; let me know.We'll do it through this group, but when you hear from the different Rising Signs how 'they' are experiencing the same transits you'll develop a more profound appreciation of all the realities of the Transits and how they influence us each day.We'll also compare these Transits to our individual charts as well as Dasa shifts that are also going on at the same time.

Charts, Dasas & Transits....

These are the 3 main aspects of our astrology that we're experiencing each day!When we come to understand exactly how to interpret better each of these three then we will find ourselves being more successful in life.

#1 Identify What You're Going Through

Are you feeling grand? Are you feeling anxious? Are you feeling uncertainty, clarity or confusion? Then, find the astrological reason for that flavor of consciousness or life. You'll find your answer either in your chart, dasas or transits.Once you've found the astrological reason then you'll know better what to do.For example "right now" many of the emails I've been getting people have been feeling chaotic and anxious. Chaos and anxiety of course are related to Saturn and the Moon. So, it's not surprising to me to find that many people are feeling especially rough right now due to both the deeply Waning Moon and the presentmomentary collision of Saturn and Ketu.So, join us in a grand yearly research project.As well as discovering exactly "why" we go through what we go through; we'll also focus on practical remedies, remedial

measures or things we can do to get along better, especially with any potential challenges in the future.This of course is one of astrology's greatest benefits. To be able to help us get along better with ourselves or life is a great benefit of learning to master the Transiting stars!Good Luck and God bless.Sincerely,Mark KincaidPS If you want to participate in this project, please write in through the group.Include your Date of Birth information and description of your chart's details eachtime you right in so others can benefit from the discussions.Also, include what you hope to get out of this study and begin a daily Transits journal to help you keep track.For example, something like this when you write in.Mark KincaidSept 4,1951Libra Rising #7Sun in Leo 11th HouseMoon's in Virgo - 12 HouseVenus in Leo -

11thMercury in Leo - 11thJupiter in Pisces - 6th HouseMars in Cancer - 10th HouseSaturn in Virgo - 12th HouseRahu in Aquarius - 5th HouseKetu in Leo - 11th HouseThen, write about your experiences, questions and comments. That way we all can better benefit from our discussions, study and learnings.Sincerely,Mark KincaidPS: Though we're already more then 1/2 way through the Sun in Aries, we'll stillbegin with the final days of Aries.In addition, we'll start after the New Moon ends on May 5th and now that Saturn's returning to it's Direct Motion we should find things improving!Jai Guru!



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Hi All,


Am chiming in here..was here a few years back but since that time I

have taken alot of classes btw this is a south indian chart.


Lhynn Nevarez

Nov, 28, 1944

Scorpio rising 1st house

Sun Scorpio 1st house

Mars scorpio 1st house

venus sag in 2nd

ketu sag in 2nd

Mercury sag in 2nd

Moon in aries in 6th

Saturn Gemini in 8th

Rahu Gemini in 8th

Jupiter in virgo in 11th house


I am in a Saturn dasa and got a chronic disease..now I am slow moving

like saturn is interesting how that happens..have been having alot of

difficulty with career and health and love last 3 years.

Since the end of Jan 08, things are up and down on a daily basis.

This past week more downward with the moon.

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