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2-All re. Day Before the New Moon today! 5/4/08

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Dear Friends: Day

before the New Moon today! Can you feel it? Can you feel that

intense inward-ness?I find the Moon cycle such a

fascinating and important astrological reality.Every month the

Moon churns up and then down. Watching the Moon is one ofthe

most important of astrological cycles.Jyotish says the Moon

represents where the " mind " is at. In a chart it

representswhere the individual's life focus is supposed to be.

So, we look at the sign andhouse to try and determine where our

mental focus is in this life.Which is interesting because it's

almost always different then where our Sun, soulinfluence is.During each day's Moon transit the collective mind of everyone on

earth is stronglybeing affected by the Moon.Today, the

Moon's in Aries. As of right now the Moon's about 5 degrees

Aries.The Sun's running at the 20th degree of Aries so Moon

and Sun won't be collidingtill late tomorrow.Hence, the

day before the New Moon. If you woke up this morning

full of body ache, tiredness, worry or even slight depression this

is why.The Moon cycle represents the basic Rest and Activity

of the month. The Moonwaxes and wanes and during the waxing

part we feel good, outward, dynamic andbusy.However, when the

Moon starts waning we feel sad, listless, lack of energy andoften

times rough, irritable and even sick.As a result traditional

Jyotish ascribes benefic status to the waxing Moon and awful malefic

status to the waning Moon. How sad. Because in

truth the waning cycle is just the waning time of the month.And in

waning is inherently resting. So, we rest during this time.Immediately when the Moon begins to wane notice that the torrent of 2

weeks ofwaxing activities starts to wane as well.This of

course, is always frustrating for business concerns. We think what's

goingwrong?Why is everything taking so long? What's

going on?If we only knew that life is cyclical and thrives on

smooth integration of rest andactivity then we'd truly get the Moon

cycle!Now, during the height of the resting cycle we still

don't like it.Most people don't like going to bed.Most people don't like or enjoy the rest cycles of life.As a

result, Saturn stays malefic in life.Saturn is the rest cycle of

life.If we're resting deeply each day then our energy is good

and life is bright and moving forward.If we miss even 1

or 2 night's sleep then immediately we feel rough, tired, irritableand out of sorts.Of course it is Saturn that we blame!

Oh, Moon and Saturn are colliding rightnow. Oh, Saturn is

aspecting the Moon, whatever.The Moon's waning cycle is

another kind of rest cycle so it is intimately connectedwith our

Saturn's. Depending upon how integrated we are with our Saturn's

weeither enjoy this inward, quiet, peaceful time of the month.Or we regret it, resent the fact that we can't be more busy and

active.Having been born with Saturn in my 12th house I noticed

at some point how muchI disliked going to bed, taking rest and being

still.Actually, I didn't even notice till I took my first

meditation course and they wereall about teaching us the virtue of

rest and activity. " Rest is the basis of activity " they said. What a strange concept, I thought.No one

ever told me that. I remember my mother trying to get me to bed but

Ijust thought it was one of those things parents tell kids.

They, on the other handused that time to then stay up and watch

Johnny Carson on TV.So, I stayed up, listening to them,

listening to Johnny Carson. I couldn't figure outwhy I was so

tired most of my high school career. Then, I went to college and stumbled into that first meditation course and when they said:

" Oh, by the wayrest is the basis of activity " , I thought

how strange, " I thought Johnny Carson wasthe basis of

activity. " Then, Jyotish came along (1987) and I stumbled

into the Moon cycle. I'd already been meditating for about 17 years

so I was fairly familiar now with the concept ofrest and

activity. I then, started to pay attention to that Moon cycle and I

immediately began experiencing that the waning cycle didn't feel

inauspicious or evil but just inward.Now, I understand 12

months X 20 years of studying Jyotish that this waning cycleis the

rest cycle of the entire month.And, though it may seem strange

to talk about the rest cycle of the whole month,the Moon is the rest

and activity astrological force for the whole planet.So, allow

yourself to rest and recuperate on these days. After tomorrow, the

waxing Moon starts and see if you can feel that natural swing of the Moon

into more dynamic activities.After so many months the Moon

feels like a pendulum. It swings this way, bong,it swings that

way, bong. When the Moon's swinging up it feels great, dynamicand full of energy. When it swings down, allow yourself to go with

that slow.Living one's life around the incessant swings of the

Moon is one of the most powerful Jyotish or astrological remedies

you can do!The Moon itself gets strengthened by being more

in-tune with the Moon.One's career naturally gets enlivened

when one's Moon-mind is stronger.One's Saturn, too, naturally

gets strengthened.This is because one becomes more and more in-tune

with one of life's most important rest cycles and because Saturn is

all about rest, Sani too gets improved!So, enjoy these last 2

days of the waning Moon.If you have to go out or be busy, be

as less busy as you can. Let go of worries,concerns and

important ideas or projects.Be light, have some fun and enjoy!With the New Moon coming as it is in the sign of Aries you'll

probably find youenjoy doing more. However, your stamina will

not be so great or endurance andif you're not careful will get real

exhausted today!Take this time to reflect, too, on the meaning

and great significance of this lastfew week's of dynamic activities

and then wanings.This is the last chance to rest before the

dynamic swing of the waxing Moon whichwill propel us into the next

2-weeks.Enjoy!Sincerely,Mark Kincaidmeditating at

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dear mark,

i just love what you write!

it is so true and so exact!

i did wake up with a stiff body feel, then had to correct it with EFT and some SWITCHWORDS!!


thanks a lot for your time and energy


rhoda--- On Sun, 5/4/08, markkincaid <markkincaid wrote:

markkincaid <markkincaid 2-All re. Day Before the New Moon today! 5/4/08 Cc: HowToStudyAstrology Date: Sunday, May 4, 2008, 5:29 PM



Dear Friends:Day before the New Moon today! Can you feel it? Can you feel that intense inward-ness?I find the Moon cycle such a fascinating and important astrological reality.Every month the Moon churns up and then down. Watching the Moon is one ofthe most important of astrological cycles.Jyotish says the Moon represents where the "mind" is at. In a chart it representswhere the individual's life focus is supposed to be. So, we look at the sign andhouse to try and determine where our mental focus is in this life.Which is interesting because it's almost always different then where our Sun, soulinfluence is.During each day's Moon transit the collective mind of everyone on earth is stronglybeing affected by the Moon.Today,

the Moon's in Aries. As of right now the Moon's about 5 degrees Aries.The Sun's running at the 20th degree of Aries so Moon and Sun won't be collidingtill late tomorrow.Hence, the day before the New Moon. If you woke up this morning full of body ache, tiredness, worry or even slight depression this is why.The Moon cycle represents the basic Rest and Activity of the month. The Moonwaxes and wanes and during the waxing part we feel good, outward, dynamic andbusy.However, when the Moon starts waning we feel sad, listless, lack of energy andoften times rough, irritable and even sick.As a result traditional Jyotish ascribes benefic status to the waxing Moon and awful malefic status to the waning Moon. How sad. Because in truth the waning cycle is just the waning time of the month.And in waning is inherently resting. So, we rest during this

time.Immediately when the Moon begins to wane notice that the torrent of 2 weeks ofwaxing activities starts to wane as well.This of course, is always frustrating for business concerns. We think what's goingwrong?Why is everything taking so long? What's going on?If we only knew that life is cyclical and thrives on smooth integration of rest andactivity then we'd truly get the Moon cycle!Now, during the height of the resting cycle we still don't like it.Most people don't like going to bed.Most people don't like or enjoy the rest cycles of life.As a result, Saturn stays malefic in life.Saturn is the rest cycle of life.If we're resting deeply each day then our energy is good and life is bright and moving forward.If we miss even 1 or 2 night's sleep then immediately we feel rough, tired, irritableand out of sorts.Of course it is Saturn that

we blame! Oh, Moon and Saturn are colliding rightnow. Oh, Saturn is aspecting the Moon, whatever.The Moon's waning cycle is another kind of rest cycle so it is intimately connectedwith our Saturn's. Depending upon how integrated we are with our Saturn's weeither enjoy this inward, quiet, peaceful time of the month.Or we regret it, resent the fact that we can't be more busy and active.Having been born with Saturn in my 12th house I noticed at some point how muchI disliked going to bed, taking rest and being still.Actually, I didn't even notice till I took my first meditation course and they wereall about teaching us the virtue of rest and activity. "Rest is the basis of activity"they said. What a strange concept, I thought.No one ever told me that. I remember my mother trying to get me to bed but Ijust thought it was one of those things parents tell

kids. They, on the other handused that time to then stay up and watch Johnny Carson on TV.So, I stayed up, listening to them, listening to Johnny Carson. I couldn't figure outwhy I was so tired most of my high school career. Then, I went to college and stumbled into that first meditation course and when they said: "Oh, by the wayrest is the basis of activity", I thought how strange, "I thought Johnny Carson wasthe basis of activity."Then, Jyotish came along (1987) and I stumbled into the Moon cycle. I'd already been meditating for about 17 years so I was fairly familiar now with the concept ofrest and activity. I then, started to pay attention to that Moon cycle and I immediately began experiencing that the waning cycle didn't feel inauspicious or evil but just inward.Now, I understand 12 months X 20 years of studying Jyotish that this waning cycleis the rest cycle

of the entire month.And, though it may seem strange to talk about the rest cycle of the whole month,the Moon is the rest and activity astrological force for the whole planet.So, allow yourself to rest and recuperate on these days. After tomorrow, the waxing Moon starts and see if you can feel that natural swing of the Moon into more dynamic activities.After so many months the Moon feels like a pendulum. It swings this way, bong,it swings that way, bong. When the Moon's swinging up it feels great, dynamicand full of energy. When it swings down, allow yourself to go with that slow.Living one's life around the incessant swings of the Moon is one of the most powerful Jyotish or astrological remedies you can do!The Moon itself gets strengthened by being more in-tune with the Moon.One's career naturally gets enlivened when one's Moon-mind is stronger.One's Saturn,

too, naturally gets strengthened.This is because one becomes more and more in-tune with one of life's most important rest cycles and because Saturn is all about rest, Sani too gets improved!So, enjoy these last 2 days of the waning Moon.If you have to go out or be busy, be as less busy as you can. Let go of worries,concerns and important ideas or projects.Be light, have some fun and enjoy!With the New Moon coming as it is in the sign of Aries you'll probably find youenjoy doing more. However, your stamina will not be so great or endurance andif you're not careful will get real exhausted today!Take this time to reflect, too, on the meaning and great significance of this lastfew week's of dynamic activities and then wanings.This is the last chance to rest before the dynamic swing of the waxing Moon whichwill propel us into the next

2-weeks.Enjoy!Sincerely,Mark Kincaidmeditating at

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, markkincaid wrote:


> Interesting about that moon..I took a 3 hr nap today and for the

last week not feeling great or energetic..so Interesting!!






> Dear Friends:


> Day

> before the New Moon today!  Can you feel it?  Can you feel that

> intense inward-

> ness?


> I find the Moon cycle such a

> fascinating and important astrological reality.


> Every month the

> Moon churns up and then down.  Watching the Moon is one of

> the

> most important of astrological cycles.


> Jyotish says the Moon

> represents where the " mind " is at.  In a chart it

> represents

> where the individual's life focus is supposed to be. 

> So, we look at the sign and

> house to try and determine where our

> mental focus is in this life.


> Which is interesting because it's

> almost always different then where our Sun, soul

> influence is.


> During each day's Moon transit the collective mind of everyone on

> earth is strongly

> being affected by the Moon.


> Today, the

> Moon's in Aries.  As of right now the Moon's about 5 degrees

> Aries.


> The Sun's running at the 20th degree of Aries so Moon

> and Sun won't be colliding

> till late tomorrow.


> Hence, the

> day before the New Moon. 


> If you woke up this morning

> full of body ache, tiredness, worry or even slight

> depression this

> is why.


> The Moon cycle represents the basic Rest and Activity

> of the month.  The Moon

> waxes and wanes and during the waxing

> part we feel good, outward, dynamic and

> busy.

> However, when the

> Moon starts waning we feel sad, listless, lack of energy and

> often

> times rough, irritable and even sick.


> As a result traditional

> Jyotish ascribes benefic status to the waxing Moon and

> awful malefic

> status to the waning Moon. 


> How sad.  Because in

> truth the waning cycle is just the waning time of the month.

> And in

> waning is inherently resting.  So, we rest during this time.


> Immediately when the Moon begins to wane notice that the torrent of


> weeks of

> waxing activities starts to wane as well.


> This of

> course, is always frustrating for business concerns.  We think


> going

> wrong?

> Why is everything taking so long?  What's

> going on?


> If we only knew that life is cyclical and thrives on

> smooth integration of rest and

> activity then we'd truly get the Moon

> cycle!


> Now, during the height of the resting cycle we still

> don't like it.


> Most people don't like going to bed.


> Most people don't like or enjoy the rest cycles of life.


> As a

> result, Saturn stays malefic in life.

> Saturn is the rest cycle of

> life.


> If we're resting deeply each day then our energy is good

> and life is bright and

> moving forward.


> If we miss even 1

> or 2 night's sleep then immediately we feel rough, tired, irritable

> and out of sorts.


> Of course it is Saturn that we blame! 

> Oh, Moon and Saturn are colliding right

> now.  Oh, Saturn is

> aspecting the Moon, whatever.


> The Moon's waning cycle is

> another kind of rest cycle so it is intimately connected

> with our

> Saturn's.  Depending upon how integrated we are with our Saturn's

> we

> either enjoy this inward, quiet, peaceful time of the month.


> Or we regret it, resent the fact that we can't be more busy and

> active.


> Having been born with Saturn in my 12th house I noticed

> at some point how much

> I disliked going to bed, taking rest and being

> still.


> Actually, I didn't even notice till I took my first

> meditation course and they were

> all about teaching us the virtue of

> rest and activity.  " Rest is the basis of activity "

> they said.  What a strange concept, I thought.


> No one

> ever told me that.  I remember my mother trying to get me to bed but

> I

> just thought it was one of those things parents tell kids. 

> They, on the other hand

> used that time to then stay up and watch

> Johnny Carson on TV.


> So, I stayed up, listening to them,

> listening to Johnny Carson.  I couldn't figure out

> why I was so

> tired most of my high school career.  Then, I went to college and

> stumbled into that first meditation course and when they said: 

> " Oh, by the way

> rest is the basis of activity " , I thought

> how strange, " I thought Johnny Carson was

> the basis of

> activity. "


> Then, Jyotish came along (1987) and I stumbled

> into the Moon cycle.  I'd already been meditating for about 17 years

> so I was fairly familiar now with the concept of

> rest and

> activity.  I then, started to pay attention to that Moon cycle and I

> immediately began experiencing that the waning cycle didn't feel

> inauspicious or evil but just inward.


> Now, I understand 12

> months X 20 years of studying Jyotish that this waning cycle

> is the

> rest cycle of the entire month.


> And, though it may seem strange

> to talk about the rest cycle of the whole month,

> the Moon is the rest

> and activity astrological force for the whole planet.


> So, allow

> yourself to rest and recuperate on these days.  After tomorrow, the

> waxing Moon starts and see if you can feel that natural swing of

the Moon

> into more dynamic activities.


> After so many months the Moon

> feels like a pendulum.  It swings this way, bong,

> it swings that

> way, bong.  When the Moon's swinging up it feels great, dynamic

> and full of energy.  When it swings down, allow yourself to go with

> that slow.


> Living one's life around the incessant swings of the

> Moon is one of the most

> powerful Jyotish or astrological remedies

> you can do!


> The Moon itself gets strengthened by being more

> in-tune with the Moon.


> One's career naturally gets enlivened

> when one's Moon-mind is stronger.


> One's Saturn, too, naturally

> gets strengthened.

> This is because one becomes more and more in-tune

> with one of life's most

> important rest cycles and because Saturn is

> all about rest, Sani too gets improved!


> So, enjoy these last 2

> days of the waning Moon.


> If you have to go out or be busy, be

> as less busy as you can.  Let go of worries,

> concerns and

> important ideas or projects.

> Be light, have some fun and enjoy!


> With the New Moon coming as it is in the sign of Aries you'll

> probably find you

> enjoy doing more.  However, your stamina will

> not be so great or endurance and

> if you're not careful will get real

> exhausted today!


> Take this time to reflect, too, on the meaning

> and great significance of this last

> few week's of dynamic activities

> and then wanings.


> This is the last chance to rest before the

> dynamic swing of the waxing Moon which

> will propel us into the next

> 2-weeks.


> Enjoy!



> Sincerely,



> Mark Kincaid




> meditating at


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