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2-Lhynn: re. question about classic Saturn challenges...

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Hi All, Am chiming in here..was here a few years back but

since that time I have taken alot of classes btw this is a south

indian chart. Lhynn Nevarez Nov, 28, 1944 Scorpio

rising 1st house Sun Scorpio 1st house Mars scorpio 1st

house venus sag in 2nd ketu sag in 2nd Mercury sag in

2nd Moon in aries in 6th Saturn Gemini in 8th Rahu

Gemini in 8th Jupiter in virgo in 11th house I am in a

Saturn dasa and got a chronic disease..now I am slow moving like

saturn is interesting how that happens..have been having alot of

difficulty with career and health and love last 3 years. Since the

end of Jan 08, things are up and down on a daily basis. This past

week more downward with the moon.Dear

Lhynn:Nice to hear from you. Listen to your

words. " I am in Saturn... andam slowing

down... " " chronic disease " is a definite Saturn

warning! " difficulties with career and health and love... all

classic Saturndescriptions.. " Up and down " another Saturn

description...So, right away study Saturn!Seek to

be more in-tune with Saturn....!Saturn means balance...Saturn means knowledge and wisdom of rest!Every day, heck, every

minute we're resting and acting...I'm typing, and if I don't take

the time to rest between motions,I'll make mistakes, and create

karpal tunneling!So, each motion is to be followed by a

resting next motion...We take a step forward..... and right away, we

need to Saturnplant the next foot. Then, based on that

stability, the next footswings forward and then we plant another.When we're going through life and we fall prey, to illness and

dis-ease,these are classic signs that we have not been resting

deeply and thoroughlyenough!So, make a resolution to do

that! and your life will improve...immediately!Hope this helps..Sincerely,Mark

KincaidPS... also you can join our Saturn group at:SurrenderingToSaturn/too..

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Thanks mark Just joined The Saturn one. And yes that is so right what you said........rest. Lhynnmarkkincaid wrote: Hi All,Am chiming in here..was here a few years back but since that time I have taken alot of classes btw this is a south indian chart.Lhynn NevarezNov, 28, 1944Scorpio rising 1st houseSun Scorpio 1st

houseMars scorpio 1st housevenus sag in 2ndketu sag in 2ndMercury sag in 2ndMoon in aries in 6thSaturn Gemini in 8thRahu Gemini in 8thJupiter in virgo in 11th houseI am in a Saturn dasa and got a chronic disease..now I am slow movinglike saturn is interesting how that happens..have been having alot of difficulty with career and health and love last 3 years.Since the end of Jan 08, things are up and down on a daily basis.This past week more downward with the moon.Dear Lhynn:Nice to hear from you. Listen to your words. "I am in Saturn... andam slowing down..." "chronic disease" is a definite Saturn warning!"difficulties with career and health and love... all classic Saturndescriptions.. "Up and down" another Saturn description...So, right away study Saturn!Seek to be more in-tune with Saturn....!Saturn means

balance...Saturn means knowledge and wisdom of rest!Every day, heck, every minute we're resting and acting...I'm typing, and if I don't take the time to rest between motions,I'll make mistakes, and create karpal tunneling!So, each motion is to be followed by a resting next motion...We take a step forward..... and right away, we need to Saturnplant the next foot. Then, based on that stability, the next footswings forward and then we plant another.When we're going through life and we fall prey, to illness and dis-ease,these are classic signs that we have not been resting deeply and thoroughlyenough!So, make a resolution to do that! and your life will improve...immediately!Hope this helps..Sincerely,Mark KincaidPS... also you can join our Saturn group

at:SurrenderingToSaturn/too..To bring anything into your life....Imagine that it is already there!

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