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2-Lhynn: ....birthdata and Saturn question

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This is for the Saturn group,

altho i do not know how to get there lol

Lhynn nevarez


Sacramento, Calif



Shows me in Saturn Dasa and sub

dasa jupiter

Saturn and Rahu in the 8th in


Thanks Mark for this




Lhynn: You either go to the group itself and click on the icon on

the left called " post " or you set up your membership so

you receive emails from the group.Under " edit membership "

you'll find 3 categories. 1) to receive separately each email from

the group, 2) receive daily digests in 1 daily email of the whole day's

activities or 3) do not receive emails to your web address.Also, I know the email address of each group. And, can add that

too. For example, the email address of the Saturn group is:SurrenderingToSaturn Oops... just noticed

I hadn't finished your registration yet. Now, you can writethrough the group.Sincerely,Mark KincaidPS:... In addition to listing your date of birth information also

include a descriptionof all your planets. This is because many

members will not have the software to look up people's charts.For

example like this:

Lhynn nevarez


Sacramento, Calif

11-28-1944Then:Sun ScorpioMoon AriesRising Sign Scorpio First HouseVenus SagittariusMercury SagittariusJupiter Virgo Mars ScorpioSaturn GeminiRahu GeminiKetu Sagittarius


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