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2-All re. How to Study the Transits

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Dear Friends:Here's a

good introduction to the philosophy of the Transits. Start a daily

journal for your selfand record even 1 sentence a day. That

will give you tremendous insight into how the Transitsare affecting

you each day.From my side I'll be doing the Transits of each

basic 2 1/2 day Moon/Sign sequence.enjoy!Mark


Studying the Transits




There are 3 main areas of our Astrology that we’re each

living each day. #1 of course is our

charts. Our charts represent human nature,

Psychology, Physiology and personality. In

addition there is something called the Dasas and then, these


The Transits are the every day effects of the stars upon our whole

world and us individually. Right now, for

example the Moon is Waxing. That means its

getting bigger and is in fact, almost ½ full.

I use this web address for seeing where the Moon is each day. Check this out or put this as one of your favorites

on your web browser:




You’ll notice that the transits affect you in terms of your

body and feel like they’re coming to you as if from the

outside. Many people experience the effects of

the stars at work. You’ll often hear

people say: “Wow, what’s up with

the stars today?”

Of course, the old wives tale about the Full Moon and all the

crazies that come out is ½ true. Quite

often near or upon the Full Moon you’ll feel that tremendous energy

of Moon fullness. Quite often that’s way

much more energy then people can handle, so they kind of freak out a


Just as common however, is the insanity or Moon grief that comes to

us during the Waning Moon. When the Moon gets

smaller and smaller many people experience that ‘lessening’ as

a kind of emotional loss. Sadness, worry and

even depression are quite common around the New Moon.

So, watch the Moon and see if you find a direct correlation between

how you’re Feeling and what the Moon’s doing. Do this for 2 or 3 months and you’ll be

totally amazed. #2 Then watch how you feel as

the Moon goes through the entire zodiac. The

Moon moves through 1 whole sign in 2 ½ days.


This means in 28 days the Moon has gone through all 12 Signs. This means the Moon will be conjoining or colliding

with each planet. You’ll find a huge

difference in how you feel between the Moon being with Jupiter, for

example then when it’s with Saturn, Mars or Rahu.

For example, yesterday and today the Moon’s been waxing and

going through the very happy sign of Cancer.

Moon is very happy in Cancer as its Own Sign.

However, this month, both Mars and Rahu have moved into Cancer, so

this normally less complicated transit will have slightly more going


One of the things you’ll notice over time is

a direct correlation between what’s happening with the Sun and Moon

and the weather patterns. Often times, when

the Moon collides with 2 or more so-called Malefics, simultaneously, the

weather will cloud over and even rain.

This last year every month when the Moon went

through Gemini the weather often changed like that.

This was partly because of Rahu’s influence upon Gemini. Now, however, Rahu has begun moving into the Sign

of Capricorn while Ketu into Cancer.


This year and a half then, (the time approximately

that Rahu/Ketu remain in a single sign), whenever the Moon returns to its

normally very happy Cancer, you’ll notice something slightly more

complicated. That didn’t happen this

last 1 ½ years when Rahu was in Aquarius and Ketu in


Now, that Rahu/Ketu have moved we’ll begin to

feel its influence there in Cancer as well!


One of the absolutely greatest things I’ve

learned from watching the Transits is each month the Moon’s cycle

shows us all the rules and principles of astrology.

For example astrology talks about what it’s like whenever

planets are in the same House or Sign together.

Sometimes this is called a conjunction.

You’ll experience, therefore each month what

it’s like when the Moon’s with so-called benefices like

Jupiter, Venus and Mercury and what it’s like when the Moon is with

so-called malefics like Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu or the Sun.


Keep a





Keep a journal of each day, even if it’s only

1 sentence. The more regular you are with

reflecting on the day the more you’ll begin to see regular cycles

and patterns.








The most obvious cycle of each month is the

Moon’s waxing and waning. This is such a

powerful cycle as the Moon creates our ocean’s tides each month as

well. Don’t be surprised if you find the

water in your body moving this way or that with the Moon.


All the

Planet’s Cycles


I’ll talk about all the planet’s cycles

as the Moon moves around. See, if you can

experience them, as well.





The Rising






The transits are described as having a direct

impact on each individual through both their Rising Sign and Moon

Sign. If you’re aware of your Rising

Sign this is the Sign that governs your body, appearance and

personality. It’s not surprising then,

that the Moon might have a direct influence upon our bodies.

Watch your chart through your Rising Sign to see if

you can feel the Moon’s effects.

Eventually, you’ll become accustomed to the Moon having

different effects depending upon #1 the Signs that the Moon goes through

and then #2 depending upon your Rising Sign, depending upon the different

Houses that are in your chart.

For example the Moon’s very happy in Cancer,

for everyone. However, if you have a Leo

rising that means your Cancer will be in the 12th House. This will be a very different experience then when

the Moon travels through Cancer for a Libra rising person. Libra rising individuals have their Cancer in their

10th house and that tends to be a happier transit then when

planets are moving through the 12th House.


Have fun and find out how effected you are by the








Mark Kincaid





If we have time we’ll also try and get into the Dasas. The Dasas, commonly called Time Periods represent

all the specific karmas or patterns of our charts coming to us in

time. At any moment, commonly we look at the 3

main simultaneous Dasas.

There’s the main Dasa period which is called the Maha

Dasas. Then, there is the middle period called

Antar Dasa and finally the smallest of the 3, called Bhukti. These 3 Dasas, together, represent the karmas or

consequences that come to us in direct proportion to our


So, if we have a planet in the 6th house of health then

in a sub-period of that planet say for example, Mars or Saturn, we may

find we’re more prone to falling sick.

The other side of the coin is these kinds of time are actually

about health and healing.





I’ll leave you with one last hint.

If you want to know how some future Dasa periods may be for you

first look at previous past Dasas. So, if you

have an upcoming Saturn period coming up, before you assume the worst,

first look at previous Saturn Dasa periods.


Charts, Dasas and Transits; these are the 3 main pillars of

astrology. You get wise to these three levels

of your astrological life and you’ll feel very masterful in your




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