Guest guest Posted May 27, 2008 Report Share Posted May 27, 2008 To all Nature's Astrology members; see below an article I just created for the Jyotish course we've been doing over these last few weeks. It includes also, a good Introduction to the Transits and an analysis of the stars for today, that I thought you'd enjoy.Sincerely,Mark Kincaid The 3 Pillars of Astrology Charts, Dasas And Transits Transits Newsletter #1 May 27, 2008 Dear Friends: We’ve gotten through enough people’s charts that we can now begin studying the Transits too. See, in astrology there are 3 main areas of our astrology that we’ll all living every day. #1 Our Charts! #1 is our Charts. Our charts represent our very human nature, psychology and physiology, our strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, it’s very vital that we come to understand all the various issues and situations in our charts. Then, in the context of the course we’ll very soon begin a discussion as to “How we can better utilize our Benefic Strengths and also heal or improve our Malefic weaknesses” as well. The other areas of our charts that we’re also simultaneously experiencing are #2 our Dasas and #3 the so-called Transits. #2 & #3 Transits & Dasas These other two most fundamental of astrological realities represents how the stars, out there influence each one of us each day: (The Transits) and the Dasas, which represent how our chart’s various karmas come to us during all the basic periods of our lives. Transits Every day the stars in the actual sky radiate down to us their various different influences. And, though these star emanations are also representative of what the nature and purpose of each new soul will be like being born at each moment; however, these same Transits can be looked at in terms of ‘effects’ for all the rest of us who are already here. Weather & Transits For example when you watch the Transits more and more you’ll begin to realize that our Earth’s weather itself is directly caused by these same Transits. It’s already well known by modern science that the Sun and Moon are the two main astronomical forces that interact with our Earth to literally create all our various weather patterns. However, under close scrutiny of each day’s transits I have to say that also the Moon and all the other planets especially interacting with the Moon go together to create all the various states of weather, as well. Transits & Our Every Day Lives From direct experience it can be discovered how vividly the different day’s transits affect each one of us. WATCH THE TRANSITS for 2 months and see if you find a direct correlation between your life and these Star movements. Moon as the #1 Element Of the Transits I highly recommend a close examination of the Moon and its daily movements to help you understand and experience the Transits. The Moon each day can be found either Waxing or Waning. This natural movement of the Moon has the most powerful of effects upon us all. Already there are much wive’s tales about how the Moon creates unique human repercussions at particular times. The Full Moon The full Moon is already widely thought to be a harbinger of weird and tramatic experiences which sometimes even makes people go beserk and do strange and sometimes terrible things. However, also, under close examination it’s very apparent that the New Moon has an equally and perhaps even more profound of influence. Therefore, WATCH THE MOON! Watch how you feel each day as the Moon waxes and wanes. See, if you don’t find a direct correlation between what’s happening out there with the Big Moon and what you’re feeling with your Inward Moon. Keep a Daily Journal If you haven’t started one for the course yet, begin a daily JOURNAL. This journal can be lengthy or short 1 or 2 sentences each night. Just write down your different thoughts and every day experiences; rating #10 for superb vs. #1 for poor. I’m also giving each one of you a number of very personal and important REMEDIES and I’d like you all to record for the course and for my book your experiences with these. When you see on black and white paper how profoundly these various and yet highly personalized remedies effect and improve your life; then, you’ll come to truly understand the true significance of Astrology! #1 Moon’s Waxing & Waning Cycles The Moon waxes and wanes each day. The ‘waxing’ means getting bigger while ‘waning’ means getting smaller. And, though traditional astrology sometimes doesn’t have much positive to say about the waning Moon I’ve found it to be one of the most important astrological cycles. Think of the Daily Rest cycle. Every day we have to rest. In fact, depending upon how well we sleep at night determines exactly how well we feel and even how successful we will be the next day. When I finished my first mediation course many years ago my meditation teacher said these words to us: “And, don’t forget, that rest is the basis of activity.” What a strange idea that seemed to me way back when. I never thought of this. Instead I thought what you did was listen to your parent’s listening to TV as the basis of activity. I was the oldest of 6 in a large family and after watching my parents get us all to bed then I’d watch as they would retire to their room so they could watch TV every night. Back then, in the 1950’s and 60’s TV of course was a fairly exciting and amazing phenomena and parent’s from all over the were enamored by such late nite talk show hosts like Jack Paar and Johnny Carson. So, when I heard: “Don’t forget, rest is the basis of activity”, I thought how strange, “I thought Johnny Carson was the basis of activity.” Each day I went to school then with that Johnny Carson mentality, each day I was exhausted, full of lack of sleep and didn’t have a clue as to why? In fact, it took me years later, and this new orientation for me to finally realize such a basic important human reality that “rest indeed, is the basis of activity.” The Moon, too is the 2nd most important of natural rest cycles. Each day, the whole planet rests with the Sun’s disappearance from our sky, but each month, the Moon, too creates for us another REST CYCLE. The Moon’s Waning Cycle Watch the Moon for 2 months and see if you don’t find that the Waning Moon, too is a unique and powerful REST CYCLE. If we watch how we feel, you’ll find that the body, mind and emotions, do feel strangely inward and resting during especially the later and later days, closer and closer to the New Moon. As you watch this cycle, ALLOW YOURSELF to be more IN-TUNE with this basic vibration. If you feel this is going on in your own life; then understand that this is one of the true purposes of the Moon and be MORE IN-TUNE with it! As you feel this basic cycle and allow yourself to be more restful and inward during these times; you will feel amazingly different, more rested and renewed in a very powerful way! The Moon’s Waxing Cycle Find too, that during the Moon’s natural waxing or getting bigger cycle that this is the natural OUTWARD time of the month. Like the day after the evening night’s sleep, find that the entire outward Waxing Moon cycle is the natural activity cycle of the Moon! As you watch these two cycles, see if you don’t also find a direct correlation between how well you ‘rest’ during the waning time, and how well you feel during the waxing time! The waxing cycle is to the waning cycle like the day’s activities are to the health and effectiveness of the day’s evening rest cycle. After becoming keenly aware of this cycle we’ll then discuss what the significance of the Moon is about as it moves through all the 12 signs of the zodiac each month. In other words, the Moon each month goes through all the 12 different constellations from Aries, to Taurus, to Gemini, Cancer, etc. and in fact spend 2 ½ days in each sign. We will discuss, during the course, what the possible effects might be as the Moon goes through the different signs each 2 ½ days. Watch the Moon in terms Of your Rising Sign One of the most important ways of watching the effects of the Transits upon each one of us in terms of our various, different Rising Signs. For example, let’s say you have an Aries rising. That means the #1 sign of Aries is in your 1st house of body, appearance and personality. That then means that the #2 sign of Taurus is in your 2nd house, Gemini in the 3rd, Cancer in the 4th and al the way around. Each day’s transits involve the Sun, Moon and planets going through these same 12 signs. For example, today, the Moon and Jupiter are together in the 9th sign of Sagittarius. Find the House that your #9 Sagittarius is in and today will show you what area of life this Moon-Jupiter conjunction are blessing! Today’s Transits: Right now the Sun, Moon and all the planets are in different various signs. As each day moves ahead these configurations change. These changing realities of the stars are literally the Transits and have unique effects on each one of us. Now, I’m going to list and describe briefly each of these and you can look at these different dramas in terms of your individual charts and rising signs and houses. The Sun The Sun represents the very ‘soul’ of us. It stands for our Selves, our Self, I, ego and self-confidence and self-worth. Each month the Sun moves through a different Sun Sign. Last month from April 13 to May 13th the Sun was in Aries. Now, it’s begun it’s movement into the Sign of Taurus. Find the Rising sign of your chart and that’ll help you determine where the #2 or Taurus is in your chart. The Sun’s movement is a monthly affair so you may not notice the shift except after the Sun’s made a few big transits. I think it took me a number of months before I could really feel that shift. Probably this is because the Sun represents a very deep and in some ways subtle or unmanifest part of us. We often relate to all the various Sign descriptions of our Sun but don’t necessarily know how to experience that on a day to day basis. However, as you watch more and more closely you’ll begin to feel that subtle shift of the Sun going through the 12 different signs. The Moon on the other hand is very quick and moves into a new sign each 2 ½ days. Most people can therefore ‘feel’ that Moon shift more easily. See, the below section for the Moon. May 27th Sun’s at the 12th degree of Taurus The Moon The Moon is very quick and therefore more noticeable. The Moon moves through a new sign every 2 ½ days so in 1 month it goes through all 12 signs. Watch the Moon to really make a profound study of the different flavors of each Sun Sign. I think I’ve learned more about astrology by watching the day’s Transits more than anything else. Nature is LIVING ASTROLOGY in the transits! Each day nature herself is living the transits and nature herself is the expression of that. Each day, then, is a concrete example of all the rules, principles and laws of astrology. For example the Moon’s in the sign of Aquarius. There are no planets in Aquarius this month but there are a number of astrological ‘aspects’ going on upon Aquarius. In addition to understanding the nature of the Moon or planets and cycles then you need to study the different ASPECTS OF THE PLANETS. Each planet influences or aspects the House in which it is. So, if you have an Aquarius rising, then the Moon’s movement into Aquarius will be benefiting your 1st House. However, if you have a Pisces rising then the transition of Moon through Aquarius will be in your 12th House of loss. As a result each month you may feel some slight emotional loss during these days. You may also just feel slightly inward. These are great things to discover. Each planet also influences the opposite House and Sign. So, this year Saturn is in the opposite sign of Aquarius in Leo. Note that the Moon at the 5th degree is very close to the 8th degree of the opposite sign of Saturn in Leo. You’ll more likely feel that inward, delaying and especially depressive side of Saturn. Today, the rains full of sadness. You can feel it. But, we all know sometimes we are upset by the weather and other times not. So, our inner happiness can be effected by the weather or we can be shining within like the Sun itself! If you find yourself especially being negatively effected by any of the Transits then, KNOW THIS and then, adjust. Right now the Moon’s in Aquarius. That’s the #11 sign. The Sun’s going through Taurus, #2 so the Moon’s only a few signs or houses away from the Sun. Actually, the Moon’s equally between the Full Moon and New Moon. This means the Moon’s waning and becoming as if weaker and weaker. If that’s your experience, then be sure to begin seeing this time of the month as a deeply important rest and recuperation cycle. In my own experience, we’re in the middle of this great course. But, at the same time everything’s slowing down. My first reaction is “Oh, things are falling apart.” Or “Things are taking too long?” But, when I remember this Moon cycle I remember “Ah, this is the time to rest, to recuperate and take stock of what we’ve been learning and prepare for the next Waxing cycle which will be in about a week!” In a week the Moon will have traveled all the way around through the different signs and will arrive in Taurus on June 3rd. The Sun and Moon will both be at the same 19th degrees of Taurus and that will be the New Moon. Watch the Moon now and over the next few days to see if you feel that unmistakable vibration of the Waning Moon culminating on the New Moon on June 3rd. Because the Moon represents how the feelings or emotions watch how you ‘feel’ as the Moon moves all around. In this way the Moon’s feeling nature is more easy to experience then even the Sun. Today: March 27th Moon’s at the 5th degree of Aquarius Venus Venus is the planet of love, affections and appreciation. As a result it rules our relationships, friendships, romantic relationships and all partnerships. Watch Venus moving around the sky for all the unique qualities and characteristics of Venus as well as the karmas associated with the heart. If the Moon is the interior heart, how we feel, then the Venus is the outer expression of the heart and how we appreciate. Right now Venus is has just moved into its very happy sign of Taurus as well. Venus is in its Own Sign in Taurus so this recent Taurus predicts many wonderful things to happen in all our heart felt relationships during this time. This is a wonderful time for the heart whereas immediately when Venus moves into the intellectual sign of Gemini in a few weeks you’ll really feel that difference. Venus first went into Taurus on May 20th and will remain in Taurus till June 13th. Venus takes about 3 to 4 weeks to move through each sign. Right now Venus is about 1/3 away through Taurus about the 9th degree. Take very great advantage of anything and everything to do with the heart during this time because of this very important transit! Today: May 27th Venus is at the 9th degree of It’s Own Sign Taurus. Mercury Where the Moon represents the feeling mind, the planet Mercury represents the intellectual mind. Therefore Mercury rules intellect, all left brain activities or a linear and logical quality. Also, Mercury rules all communications and intellectual understandings, ideas and reasoning. The Moon on the other hand rules the Right brain which rules such things as feelings, intuition, subjective and holistic observations. Mercury therefore rules analytic intelligence. So, when someone takes an IQ test they’re really looking at the Mercury in their charts. It’s interesting today that modern science has also come up with the idea of emotional intelligence. They call it EQ for emotional quotient which is probably an attempt at understanding how bright people’s Moon’s are! Today, Mercury is in the Venus sign of Taurus. This is a more feeling intellect and see if you notice that your logic and reasoning is dominated more by a kind of feeling side during these days. There’ll be a big difference when Mercury moves into Gemini later in the summer. Today: May 27th Mercury’s at the 27th degree of Taurus Jupiter If Sun, Moon, Venus and Mercury rule the inner life then Jupiter, Mars and Saturn rule the outer life. For example, Jupiter rules the expansive quality of life. All of us have a life that’s seeking to expand and progress. Jupiter therefore rules how progressive, expansive and growth oriented we are. If Jupiter is strong in our charts then we are naturally progressive and forward thinking. However, if Jupiter is compromised in some way then our ability to grow, to expand may be hampered. Each year Jupiter moves into a new sign. Whereas the Sun moves into a new Sign each month, Jupiter moves into a new sign each year, approximately. This year Jupiter’s been in the very happy sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is one of the Signs ruled by Jupiter, so this year is supposed to be one of the 3 best years that Jupiter goes through. Take advantage of this. Put attention on ‘Knowledge, Study, Spirituality & Wisdom’ this year since these are the main qualities of Jupiter. Today, May 27th Jupiter’s at the 27th degree of Sagittarius Mars Mars is the planet of activity and dynamism. How dynamic and proficient we are in the entire field of activity is ruled by Mars. Mars represents aggression, all the natural areas of ‘fire’ in our lives including passion, enthusiasm, sex, and even digestion. This month Mars has moved into its Sign of Debilitation Cancer. So, supposedly Mars is weaker now during this month. When you watch the Transits each day and month, each year Mars goes through Cancer at some time of the year. Watch this time and see how it affects you. Find the #4 or Cancer in your chart and see if you can ‘feel’ or experience it’s effects. Of course, the effect of Mars or any planet for that matter depends on two other factors. If Mars is Exalted or strong in one’s chart then even period’s of debilitation will not be so bad. However, if Mars was weak or even debilitated during one’s birth chart then weak period’s of Mars will be more noticeable. And, finally, if one is in the Dasa period of that planet then the effects will be even stronger. Chart’s, Dasas & Transits These are the three main aspects of astrology. These are the three main aspects of our every day experience. When you know your chart well enough you’ll find each day these three simultaneous realities going on. Do the Astrological Test! Take the Astrological Test. Ask yourself how you’re doing? What are you going through? Write that down. For example: I’m doing: Great __________ Medium ________ Poorly _________ After first declaring overall how one is doing, then go into some detail as to what is exactly going on. I’m feeling: Under Great: Happy Joyful Successful Optimistic Dynamic Under Medium, I’m feeling: Some aches and pains. Some worry Some anxiety Some concerns etc. ______________ Once you identify What you’re experiencing THEN FIND THAT PART OF YOUR CHART THAT IS EXPRESSIVE OF THAT. So, if you’re feeling worried, tired, stressed or concerned, NEXT identify how long has this been going on. I’ve been feeling this way for: 1 Day 1 Week This last month This last year For the last 2-3 years For my whole life. The Time Periods Are the Dasas In our Charts Once you identify how long you’ve been feeling the way you have, this will help you focus on either the Dasa or Transit time period that may be responsible for it. Obviously, if you’ve been feeling ‘something’ for your whole life there’s a pretty good chance that you’re identifying one of the deep tapes or patterns of your chart. If you identify the experience you’re going through as only being of this last week, then first look at the transits and then the Dasas. The Moon’s Cycle For short experiences of happiness, up or down, look to the Moon’s monthly cycles to see if you can find out why. If you watch the Moon for 2 or 3 consecutive months you will discover what kind of effect the Moon has on you. If you’re an emotional person or notice regularly ups and downs in terms of the Moon then there’s a good chance the Moon may be one of your malefic functioning planets and needs your attention. Today, May 27th Mars is at the 15th degree of Cancer. Saturn Saturn is probably the most important of all the planets for most people in our world today. This is because we live in a time where the natural power, and positive dignity of Saturn is the least understood. We live in a time where people don’t rest enough, don’t value silence and as a result create enumerable miseries, disappointments and unhappiness. We could have a sub-Saturn test as well. The question might be something like: How balanced am I? I am very happy, integrated and smooth. I have a medium amount of ups and downs, worries and concerns. I am always worried, have too many losses and disappointments and struggles. Once you determine where you’re at in terms of your Saturn, then, look into your chart. See if you can find the astrological reason for why you’re the way you are. Then, once you identify the classic, traditional astrological reason then you’ll know whether any planet is acting as a Benefic or Malefic force in your life. Today, May 27th Saturn’s at the 8th degree of Leo. Planets: Benefic or Malefic? Once you determine whether your planets are acting beneficially or malefically this is the 2nd Most Important Goal of Astrology. #1 we want to discover exactly how our Charts Fit Us. 1 to 1 Correspondence Between Our Lives & Our Charts At every moment in your life, when you reflect on any aspect of your personality, nature or relationships you should be able to find the astrological reasons why? For over 21 years now, the most fun activity I’ve done for all this time is ask the simple question: WHERE IS THAT IN MY CHART? Or, WHERE IS THAT IN THEIR CHART? Once we can answer that question we will have developed a tremendous power of astrology! The next question then is: Is this influence or planet or part of my chart acting positively or negatively? In other words, are our planets acting benefically or Malefically? Once we can answer this question then we can begin to focus on what really needs to happen in our lives. If we’re ever experiencing ANY NEGATIVITY! this is an astrological sign that we’re doing something WRONG, SOMEWHERE! If we’re experiencing any unhappiness, sadness, worry, anxiety or depression this is the Moon speaking to us. The Moon is telling us we need to develop our Moon’s! Those with big Moon’s in their charts, with Moon’s in good signs have natural ease, calmness and inner happiness and freedom from worry, anxieties, etc. So, next time you find yourself ‘worrying’ make the aha that “Oh, this is my Moon speaking to me!” Then, instead of worrying about that, put attention on strengthening your Moon! If you’re experiencing any imbalance, delays, disappointments, losses, frustrations, sickness, illness, stress, dis-ease, or disease these are ALL Saturn negative, or malefic SIGNS! Once you identify this then instead of thinking you’re feeling this because of this or that outside of yourself say to your self: “Oh, I’m experiencing one of Saturn’s negative or malefic Signs! And, This is a sign that Saturn is acting malefically and I need to put more attention on my Saturn! The True Purpose of Astrology And Life The true purpose of life is to grow. We were all born with certain things we came to do and accomplish. The #1 thing we came to do was grow in terms of our human nature or potential. The planets show us how strong and developed we are with each planet! Once we identify which are our good or strong planets (benefic) and which ones are our weak or undeveloped, (malefic) then we’ll know exactly what our true purpose of life is! Once you start putting attention on strengthening your weak, undeveloped or malefic functioning planets you will being to experience such joy, inner happiness and outer success! If you ignore or don’t develop these malefic functioning planets then you will continue experiencing disappointment, frustrations, grief, lack of success and unhappiness. The choice is up to us. But, the very moment we make even one step towards understanding any of our malefics better, immediately we’ll feel the difference! Jai Guru! Sincerely, Mark Kincaid Today: May 23rd Sun’s at the 8th degree of Taurus Moon’s at the 18th degree of Sagittarius Venus is at the 4th degree of It’s Own Sign Taurus. Mercury’s at the 27th degree of Taurus Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 28, 2008 Report Share Posted May 28, 2008 , markkincaid wrote: > > Thats really good ! How about the Rahu and Ketu ? Regards George > > > > To all Nature's Astrology members; see below an article I just created > for the Jyotish course we've been doing over these last few weeks. > It includes also, a good Introduction to the Transits and an analysis of > the stars for today, that I > thought you'd enjoy. > > Sincerely, > > > Mark Kincaid > > > > > The 3 Pillars of Astrology > Charts, > Dasas > And > Transits > > > Transits Newsletter > #1 > May 27, 2008 > > Dear > Friends: > > > We & rsquo;ve gotten through enough people & rsquo;s charts that we can > now begin studying the Transits too. See, in > astrology there are 3 main areas of our astrology that we & rsquo;ll all > living every day. > > #1 Our Charts! > > > #1 is our Charts. Our charts represent > our very human nature, psychology and physiology, our strengths and > weaknesses. Therefore, it & rsquo;s very vital > that we come to understand all the various issues and situations in our > charts. > > Then, in the context of the course we & rsquo;ll very soon begin a > discussion as to & ldquo;How we can better utilize our Benefic Strengths > and also heal or improve our Malefic weaknesses & rdquo; as well. > > The other areas of our charts that we & rsquo;re also simultaneously > experiencing are #2 our Dasas and #3 the so-called Transits. > > #2 & #3 > Transits & Dasas > > > These other two most fundamental of astrological realities > represents how the stars, out there influence each one of us each day: > (The Transits) and the Dasas, which represent how our chart & rsquo;s > various karmas come to us during all the basic periods of our > lives. > > Transits > > > Every day the stars in the actual sky radiate down to us their > various different influences. And, though > these star emanations are also representative of what the nature and > purpose of each new soul will be like being born at each moment; however, > these same Transits can be looked at in terms of & lsquo;effects & rsquo; for > all the rest of us who are already here. > Weather & Transits > > > For example when you watch the Transits more and more you & rsquo;ll > begin to realize that our Earth & rsquo;s weather itself is directly caused > by these same Transits. It & rsquo;s already > well known by modern science that the Sun and Moon are the two main > astronomical forces that interact with our Earth to literally create all > our various weather patterns. > > However, under close scrutiny of each day & rsquo;s transits I have > to say that also the Moon and all the other planets especially interacting > with the Moon go together to create all the various states of weather, as > well. > > Transits & Our Every Day > Lives > > > From direct experience it can be discovered how vividly the > different day & rsquo;s transits affect each one of us. > WATCH THE TRANSITS for 2 months and see if you find a direct > correlation between your life and these Star movements. > > Moon as the #1 Element > Of the Transits > > > I highly recommend a close examination of the Moon and its daily > movements to help you understand and experience the Transits. The Moon each day can be found either Waxing or > Waning. This natural movement of the Moon has > the most powerful of effects upon us all. > Already there are much wive & rsquo;s tales about how the Moon > creates unique human repercussions at particular times. > > The Full Moon > > > The full Moon is already widely thought to be a harbinger of weird > and tramatic experiences which sometimes even makes people go beserk and > do strange and sometimes terrible things. > However, also, under close examination it & rsquo;s very apparent > that the New Moon has an equally and perhaps even more profound of > influence. > > Therefore, WATCH THE MOON! > > Watch how you feel each day as the Moon waxes and wanes. > > See, if you don & rsquo;t find a direct correlation between > what & rsquo;s happening out there with the Big Moon and what you & rsquo;re > feeling with your Inward Moon. > > Keep a Daily Journal > > > If you haven & rsquo;t started one for the course yet, begin a daily > JOURNAL. This journal can be lengthy or short > 1 or 2 sentences each night. Just write down > your different thoughts and every day experiences; rating #10 for superb > vs. #1 for poor. > > I & rsquo;m also giving each one of you a number of very personal and > important REMEDIES and I & rsquo;d like you all to record for the course and > for my book your experiences with these. > > When you see on black and white paper how profoundly these various > and yet highly personalized remedies effect and improve your life; then, > you & rsquo;ll come to truly understand the true significance of > Astrology! > > #1 Moon & rsquo;s Waxing > & Waning Cycles > > > The Moon waxes and wanes each day. The > & lsquo;waxing & rsquo; means getting bigger while & lsquo;waning & rsquo; means > getting smaller. And, though traditional > astrology sometimes doesn & rsquo;t have much positive to say about the > waning Moon I & rsquo;ve found it to be one of the most important > astrological cycles. > > Think of the Daily Rest cycle. Every > day we have to rest. In fact, depending upon > how well we sleep at night determines exactly how well we feel and even > how successful we will be the next day. When I > finished my first mediation course many years ago my meditation teacher > said these words to us: > > & ldquo;And, don & rsquo;t forget, that rest > is the basis of activity. & rdquo; > > > What a strange idea that seemed to me way back when. I never thought of this. > Instead I thought what you did was listen to your parent & rsquo;s > listening to TV as the basis of activity. I > was the oldest of 6 in a large family and after watching my parents get us > all to bed then I & rsquo;d watch as they would retire to their room so they > could watch TV every night. > > Back then, in the 1950 & rsquo;s and 60 & rsquo;s TV of course was a > fairly exciting and amazing phenomena and parent & rsquo;s from all over the > were enamored by such late nite talk show hosts like Jack Paar and Johnny > Carson. > > So, when I heard: & ldquo;Don & rsquo;t > forget, rest is the basis of activity & rdquo;, I thought how strange, > & ldquo;I thought Johnny Carson was the basis of activity. & rdquo; Each day I went to school then with that Johnny > Carson mentality, each day I was exhausted, full of lack of sleep and > didn & rsquo;t have a clue as to why? > > In fact, it took me years later, and this new orientation for me to > finally realize such a basic important human reality that & ldquo;rest > indeed, is the basis of activity. & rdquo; > > > The Moon, too is the 2nd most important of natural rest > cycles. Each day, the whole planet rests with > the Sun & rsquo;s disappearance from our sky, but each month, the Moon, too > creates for us another REST CYCLE. > > The Moon & rsquo;s Waning Cycle > > > Watch the Moon for 2 months and see if you don & rsquo;t find that > the Waning Moon, too is a unique and powerful REST CYCLE. If we watch how we feel, you & rsquo;ll find that the > body, mind and emotions, do feel strangely inward and resting during > especially the later and later days, closer and closer to the New > Moon. > > As you watch this cycle, ALLOW YOURSELF to be more IN-TUNE with > this basic vibration. If you feel this is > going on in your own life; then understand that this is one of the true > purposes of the Moon and be MORE IN-TUNE with it! > As you feel this basic cycle and > allow yourself to be more restful and inward during these times; you will > feel amazingly different, more rested and renewed in a very powerful > way! > > The Moon & rsquo;s Waxing Cycle > > > Find too, that during the Moon & rsquo;s natural waxing or getting > bigger cycle that this is the natural OUTWARD time of the month. Like the day after the evening night & rsquo;s sleep, > find that the entire outward Waxing Moon cycle is the natural activity > cycle of the Moon! > > As you watch these two cycles, see if you don & rsquo;t also find a > direct correlation between how well you & lsquo;rest & rsquo; during the > waning time, and how well you feel during the waxing time! > > The waxing cycle is to the waning cycle like the day & rsquo;s > activities are to the health and effectiveness of the day & rsquo;s evening > rest cycle. > > > After becoming keenly aware of this cycle we & rsquo;ll then discuss > what the significance of the Moon is about as it moves through all the 12 > signs of the zodiac each month. In other > words, the Moon each month goes through all the 12 different > constellations from Aries, to Taurus, to Gemini, Cancer, etc. and in fact > spend 2 ½ days in each sign. We will > discuss, during the course, what the possible effects might be as the Moon > goes through the different signs each 2 ½ days. > > > Watch the Moon in terms > Of your Rising Sign > > > One of the most important ways of watching the effects of the > Transits upon each one of us in terms of our various, different Rising > Signs. For example, let & rsquo;s say you have > an Aries rising. That means the #1 sign of > Aries is in your 1st house of body, appearance and > personality. That then means that the #2 > sign of Taurus is in your 2nd house, Gemini in the > 3rd, Cancer in the 4th and al the way > around. > > Each day & rsquo;s transits involve the Sun, Moon and planets going > through these same 12 signs. For example, > today, the Moon and Jupiter are together in the 9th sign of > Sagittarius. Find the House that your #9 > Sagittarius is in and today will show you what area of life this > Moon-Jupiter conjunction are blessing! > > > Today & rsquo;s Transits: > > > Right now the Sun, Moon and all the planets are in different > various signs. As each day moves ahead these > configurations change. These changing > realities of the stars are literally the Transits and have unique effects > on each one of us. Now, I & rsquo;m going to > list and describe briefly each of these and you can look at these > different dramas in terms of your individual charts and rising signs and > houses. > > The Sun > > > The Sun represents the very & lsquo;soul & rsquo; of us. It stands for our Selves, our Self, I, ego and > self-confidence and self-worth. Each month the > Sun moves through a different Sun Sign. Last > month from April 13 to May 13th the Sun was in Aries. Now, it & rsquo;s begun it & rsquo;s movement into the > Sign of Taurus. > > Find the Rising sign of your chart and that & rsquo;ll help you > determine where the #2 or Taurus is in your chart. > The Sun & rsquo;s movement is a monthly affair so you may not notice > the shift except after the Sun & rsquo;s made a few big transits. > > I think it took me a number of months before I could really feel > that shift. Probably this is because the Sun > represents a very deep and in some ways subtle or unmanifest part of > us. We often relate to all the various Sign > descriptions of our Sun but don & rsquo;t necessarily know how to experience > that on a day to day basis. > > However, as you watch more and more closely you & rsquo;ll begin to > feel that subtle shift of the Sun going through the 12 different > signs. The Moon on the other hand is very > quick and moves into a new sign each 2 ½ days. > Most people can therefore & lsquo;feel & rsquo; that Moon shift more > easily. See, the below section for the > Moon. > > May 27th > Sun & rsquo;s at the 12th degree of Taurus > > The Moon > > > The Moon is very quick and therefore more noticeable. The Moon moves through a new sign every 2 ½ > days so in 1 month it goes through all 12 signs. > Watch the Moon to really make a profound study of the different > flavors of each Sun Sign. I think I & rsquo;ve > learned more about astrology by watching the day & rsquo;s Transits more > than anything else. > > Nature is LIVING ASTROLOGY in the transits! > Each day nature herself is living the transits and nature herself > is the expression of that. Each day, then, is > a concrete example of all the rules, principles and laws of > astrology. > > For example the Moon & rsquo;s in the sign of Aquarius. There are no planets in Aquarius this month but > there are a number of astrological & lsquo;aspects & rsquo; going on upon > Aquarius. > > In addition to understanding the nature of the Moon or planets and > cycles then you need to study the different ASPECTS OF THE PLANETS. Each planet influences or aspects the House in > which it is. So, if you have an Aquarius > rising, then the Moon & rsquo;s movement into Aquarius will be benefiting > your 1st House. However, if you > have a Pisces rising then the transition of Moon through Aquarius will be > in your 12th House of loss. > > > As a result each month you may feel some slight emotional loss > during these days. You may also just feel > slightly inward. These are great things to > discover. > > Each planet also influences the opposite House and Sign. So, this year Saturn is in the opposite sign of > Aquarius in Leo. Note that the Moon at the > 5th degree is very close to the 8th degree of the > opposite sign of Saturn in Leo. > > You & rsquo;ll more likely feel that inward, delaying and especially > depressive side of Saturn. Today, the rains > full of sadness. You can feel it. > > But, we all know sometimes we are upset by the weather and other > times not. So, our inner happiness can be > effected by the weather or we can be shining within like the Sun > itself! > > If you find yourself especially being negatively effected by any of > the Transits then, KNOW THIS and then, adjust. > > Right now the Moon & rsquo;s in Aquarius. > That & rsquo;s the #11 sign. The > Sun & rsquo;s going through Taurus, #2 so the Moon & rsquo;s only a few signs > or houses away from the Sun. Actually, the > Moon & rsquo;s equally between the Full Moon and New Moon. This means the Moon & rsquo;s waning and becoming as > if weaker and weaker. > > If that & rsquo;s your experience, then be sure to begin seeing this > time of the month as a deeply important rest and recuperation cycle. In my own experience, we & rsquo;re in the middle of > this great course. But, at the same time > everything & rsquo;s slowing down. > > My first reaction is & ldquo;Oh, things are falling apart. & rdquo; Or > & ldquo;Things are taking too long? & rdquo; But, > when I remember this Moon cycle I remember & ldquo;Ah, this is the time to > rest, to recuperate and take stock of what we & rsquo;ve been learning and > prepare for the next Waxing cycle which will be in about a > week! & rdquo; > > In a week the Moon will have traveled all the way around through > the different signs and will arrive in Taurus on June 3rd. The Sun and Moon will both be at the same > 19th degrees of Taurus and that will be > the New Moon. > > Watch the Moon now and over the next few days to see if you feel > that unmistakable vibration of the Waning Moon culminating on the New Moon > on June 3rd. > > Because the Moon represents how the feelings or emotions watch how > you & lsquo;feel & rsquo; as the Moon moves all around. > In this way the Moon & rsquo;s feeling nature is more easy to > experience then even the Sun. > > Today: March > 27th > Moon & rsquo;s at the 5th degree of Aquarius > > Venus > > > Venus is the planet of love, affections and appreciation. As a result it rules our relationships, > friendships, romantic relationships and all partnerships. Watch Venus moving around the sky for all the > unique qualities and characteristics of Venus as well as the karmas > associated with the heart. > > If the Moon is the interior heart, how we feel, then the Venus is > the outer expression of the heart and how we appreciate. > > Right now Venus is has just moved into its very happy sign of > Taurus as well. Venus is in its Own > Sign in Taurus so this recent Taurus predicts many wonderful things to > happen in all our heart felt relationships during this time. > > This is a wonderful time for the heart whereas immediately when > Venus moves into the intellectual sign of Gemini in a few weeks > you & rsquo;ll really feel that difference. > > Venus first went into Taurus on May 20th and will remain > in Taurus till June 13th. Venus > takes about 3 to 4 weeks to move through each sign. > Right now Venus is about 1/3 away through Taurus about the > 9th degree. > > Take very great advantage of anything and everything to do with the > heart during this time because of this very important transit! > > > Today: > May 27th Venus is at the > 9th degree of It & rsquo;s Own Sign Taurus. > > Mercury > > > Where the Moon represents the feeling mind, the planet Mercury > represents the intellectual mind. Therefore > Mercury rules intellect, all left brain activities or a linear and logical > quality. Also, Mercury rules all > communications and intellectual understandings, ideas and reasoning. The Moon on the other hand rules the Right brain > which rules such things as feelings, intuition, subjective and holistic > observations. > > Mercury therefore rules analytic intelligence. > So, when someone takes an IQ test they & rsquo;re really looking at > the Mercury in their charts. It & rsquo;s > interesting today that modern science has also come up with the idea of > emotional intelligence. They call it EQ for > emotional quotient which is probably an attempt at understanding how > bright people & rsquo;s Moon & rsquo;s are! > > Today, Mercury is in the Venus sign of Taurus. > This is a more feeling intellect and see if you notice that your > logic and reasoning is dominated more by a kind of feeling side during > these days. There & rsquo;ll be a big difference > when Mercury moves into Gemini later in the summer. > > Today: > May 27th > Mercury & rsquo;s at the 27th degree of Taurus > > Jupiter > > > If Sun, Moon, Venus and Mercury rule the inner life then Jupiter, > Mars and Saturn rule the outer life. For > example, Jupiter rules the expansive quality of life. All of us have a life that & rsquo;s seeking to expand > and progress. Jupiter therefore rules how > progressive, expansive and growth oriented we are. > > If Jupiter is strong in our charts then we are naturally > progressive and forward thinking. However, if > Jupiter is compromised in some way then our ability to grow, to expand may > be hampered. > > Each year Jupiter moves into a new sign. > Whereas the Sun moves into a new Sign each month, Jupiter moves > into a new sign each year, approximately. > This year Jupiter & rsquo;s been in the > very happy sign of Sagittarius. > > Sagittarius is one of the Signs ruled by Jupiter, so this year is > supposed to be one of the 3 best years that Jupiter goes > through. > > Take advantage of this. Put attention > on & lsquo;Knowledge, Study, Spirituality & Wisdom & rsquo; this year > since these are the main qualities of Jupiter. > > > Today, May 27th > Jupiter & rsquo;s at the 27th degree of > Sagittarius > > > Mars > > > Mars is the planet of activity and dynamism. > How dynamic and proficient we are in the entire field of activity > is ruled by Mars. Mars represents aggression, > all the natural areas of & lsquo;fire & rsquo; in our lives including > passion, enthusiasm, sex, and even digestion. > This month Mars has moved into its Sign of Debilitation > Cancer. > > So, supposedly Mars is weaker now during this month. When you watch the Transits each day and month, > each year Mars goes through Cancer at some time of the year. Watch this time and see how it affects you. Find the #4 or Cancer in your chart and see if you > can & lsquo;feel & rsquo; or experience it & rsquo;s effects. > > Of course, the effect of Mars or any planet for that matter depends > on two other factors. If Mars is Exalted or strong in one & rsquo;s chart > then even period & rsquo;s of debilitation will not be so bad. However, if Mars was weak or even debilitated > during one & rsquo;s birth chart then weak period & rsquo;s of Mars will be > more noticeable. > > And, finally, if one is in the Dasa period of that planet then the > effects will be even stronger. > > Chart & rsquo;s, Dasas & > Transits > > > These are the three main aspects of astrology. > These are the three main aspects of our every day experience. When you know your chart well enough you & rsquo;ll > find each day these three simultaneous realities going on. > > Do the Astrological Test! > > > Take the Astrological Test. Ask > yourself how you & rsquo;re doing? What are you > going through? Write that down. For example: > > I & rsquo;m doing: > > Great > __________ > Medium > ________ > Poorly > _________ > > After first declaring overall how one is doing, > then go into some detail as to what is exactly going on. > > I & rsquo;m feeling: > > Under Great: > > > Happy > Joyful > Successful > Optimistic > Dynamic > > Under Medium, I & rsquo;m feeling: > > Some aches and pains. > Some worry > Some anxiety > Some concerns > etc. > ______________ > > Once you identify What you & rsquo;re experiencing > THEN FIND THAT PART OF YOUR CHART THAT IS EXPRESSIVE OF THAT. > > So, if you & rsquo;re feeling worried, tired, > stressed or concerned, NEXT identify how long has this been going > on. > > I & rsquo;ve been feeling this way for: > > 1 Day > 1 Week > This last month > This last year > For the last 2-3 years > For my whole life. > > The Time Periods > Are the Dasas > In our Charts > > Once you identify how long you & rsquo;ve been > feeling the way you have, this will help you focus on either the Dasa or > Transit time period that may be responsible for it. > > > Obviously, if you & rsquo;ve been feeling & lsquo;something & rsquo; for > your whole life there & rsquo;s a pretty good chance that you & rsquo;re > identifying one of the deep tapes or patterns of your chart. If you identify the experience you & rsquo;re going > through as only being of this last week, then first look at the transits > and then the Dasas. > > The Moon & rsquo;s Cycle > > > For short experiences of happiness, up or down, look to the > Moon & rsquo;s monthly cycles to see if you can find out why. If you watch the Moon for 2 or 3 consecutive months > you will discover what kind of effect the Moon has on you. > > If you & rsquo;re an emotional person or notice regularly ups and > downs in terms of the Moon then there & rsquo;s a good chance the Moon may > be one of your malefic functioning planets and needs your > attention. > > Today, May 27th > Mars is at the 15th degree of Cancer. > > Saturn > > > Saturn is probably the most important of all the planets for most > people in our world today. This is because we > live in a time where the natural power, and positive dignity of Saturn is > the least understood. We live in a time where > people don & rsquo;t rest enough, don & rsquo;t value silence and as a result > create enumerable miseries, disappointments and unhappiness. > > We could have a sub-Saturn test as well. > The question might be something like: > > How balanced am I? > > I am very happy, integrated and smooth. > I have a medium amount of ups and downs, worries > and concerns. > I am always worried, have too many losses and > disappointments and struggles. > > > Once you determine where you & rsquo;re at in terms of your Saturn, > then, look into your chart. See if you can > find the astrological reason for why you & rsquo;re the way you are. Then, once you identify the classic, traditional > astrological reason then you & rsquo;ll know whether any planet is acting as > a Benefic or Malefic force in your life. > > Today, May 27th > Saturn & rsquo;s at the 8th degree of Leo. > > > > Planets: > Benefic or Malefic? > > > Once you determine whether your planets are acting beneficially or > malefically this is the 2nd Most Important Goal of > Astrology. #1 we want to discover exactly how > our Charts Fit Us. > > 1 to 1 Correspondence > Between Our Lives > & > Our Charts > > > At every moment in your life, when you reflect on any aspect of > your personality, nature or relationships you should be able to find the > astrological reasons why? For over 21 years > now, the most fun activity I & rsquo;ve done for all this time is ask the > simple question: WHERE IS THAT IN MY > CHART? > > Or, WHERE IS THAT IN THEIR CHART? > > > Once we can answer that question we will have developed a > tremendous power of astrology! The next > question then is: Is this influence or planet > or part of my chart acting positively or negatively? > > In other words, are our planets acting benefically or > Malefically? > > > Once we can answer this question then we can begin to focus on what > really needs to happen in our lives. > > > If we & rsquo;re ever experiencing ANY NEGATIVITY! this is an > astrological sign that we & rsquo;re doing something WRONG, > SOMEWHERE! > > > If we & rsquo;re experiencing any unhappiness, sadness, worry, > anxiety or depression this is the Moon speaking to us. The Moon is telling us we need to develop our > Moon & rsquo;s! > > Those with big Moon & rsquo;s in their charts, with Moon & rsquo;s in > good signs have natural ease, calmness and inner happiness and freedom > from worry, anxieties, etc. > > So, next time you find yourself & lsquo;worrying & rsquo; make the aha > that & ldquo;Oh, this is my Moon speaking to me! & rdquo; > > Then, instead of worrying about that, put attention on > strengthening your Moon! > > > > If you & rsquo;re experiencing any imbalance, delays, > disappointments, losses, frustrations, sickness, illness, stress, > dis-ease, or disease these are ALL Saturn negative, or malefic SIGNS! Once you identify this then instead of thinking > you & rsquo;re feeling this because of this or that outside of yourself say > to your self: > > > & ldquo;Oh, I & rsquo;m experiencing one of Saturn & rsquo;s negative or > malefic Signs! > > > And, This is a sign that Saturn is > acting malefically and I need to put more attention on my > Saturn! > > The True Purpose of Astrology > And > Life > > > The true purpose of life is to grow. We > were all born with certain things we came to do and accomplish. The #1 thing we came to do was grow in terms of our > human nature or potential. The planets show us > how strong and developed we are with each planet! > Once we identify which are our good or strong planets (benefic) and > which ones are our weak or undeveloped, (malefic) then we & rsquo;ll know > exactly what our true purpose of life is! > > Once you start putting attention on strengthening your weak, > undeveloped or malefic functioning planets you will being to experience > such joy, inner happiness and outer success! > > If you ignore or don & rsquo;t develop these malefic functioning > planets then you will continue experiencing disappointment, frustrations, > grief, lack of success and unhappiness. The > choice is up to us. > > But, the very moment we make even one step towards understanding > any of our malefics better, immediately we & rsquo;ll feel the > difference! > > Jai Guru! > > Sincerely, > > > Mark Kincaid > > > > > > > > > Today: > May 23rd > > Sun & rsquo;s at the 8th degree of > Taurus > Moon & rsquo;s at the 18th degree of > Sagittarius > Venus is at the 4th degree of It & rsquo;s > Own Sign Taurus. > Mercury & rsquo;s at the 27th degree of > Taurus > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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