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Doing Great Astrology!



Dear Friends:


When I think of what is the most important about astrology I think

of this idea: “Doing Great

Astrology”. Each day, we’re all in

the middle of our own, personal astrological life.

Each one of us is living some fascinating and yet, specific part of

our astrological chart.

For some we’re in a Mars Dasa and we’re all about that

part of our charts. I have a friend

who’s in her Mars period. Her Mars is in

the 12th house and rules her 4th and

9th For her, she’s building a

house. She’s building a house and for

her it’s about her relationship with God.

It’s been so fun for me to watch.

She’s in that Dasa and that colors and influences everything

that she thinks and is going through. Then,

there are the effects of each day’s transits.

The Sun and Moon and planets of our solar system; they all

influence us each day as well. My friend, like

many, is also strongly influenced by the waxing and waning Moon. Over this last year I helped her see this and

she’s already adjusted very profoundly to allowing what the Moon

wants to do, to play out in her every day life as well.

Each one of us is living a very unique and specific astrological

moment and yet we don’t often know what that is.


Doing Great Astrology!


One of the best ways I can describe for literally, doing great

astrology each day is to #1 Identify the nature of that astrological

moment that you’re in the middle of.


What is that moment about? Figure out

what is going on in your life; right now? #1

write down how you’re feeling!





#2 write down what is going on in your mind right

now? In other words, what are you thinking






#3 Identify the 2 or 3 most important other things

that are going on.


A) I’m feeling

good, low, happy, worried, anxious, blissful, fearful, full of excitement,

What is it?






When you identify especially how you’re

feeling, these feelings are indicative of how well your Moon and other

planets are doing.


This is a very significant part of your every day

astrological life and doing great Astrology!


Because, the Moon is described as that part of us

where our conscious mind or attention is focusing in this life. So, we should become aware of our feelings or



Is it happy, is it calm, is it nervous, worried,

upset, or still and peaceful?


These are all the various moods of the

Moon-mind. These are all significant because

how we feel in turn, determines how successful we will be today, and

tomorrow and the next day.


It’s well known that the Moon, feeling mind,

picks something from our environment to justify its feelings.


If we’re worried or concerned we naturally

think: “I’m worried because of

this or that. I’m worried because I

don’t have enough money, or because work is uncertain. Or, I’m worried because my love life is no



Whatever is the worry, we blame outer circumstances

for that! The greatest, #1 think I’ve

learned, however, about the Moon is that we feel based entirely on what

our Moon's are doing!


In other words, we feel based on how balanced we

are with our Moon’s!


If our Moon’s are balanced and well rested

then the more positive thoughts and ideas occur to us. If the Moon’s waxing, like now, all of a

sudden everything seems clear and promising.


Contrast this to say, this last week, when the Moon

was waning and getting smaller and smaller each day!

For a number of years when I was first studying astrology I

couldn’t help but feel I was doomed to a life-time of miserable

thoughts and emotions whenever the waning Moon was happening!


Then, I realized the Moon must have a purpose to

its gyrations! Now, I realize that purpose is

to create a cycle of rest and activity. Each

day, and every moment we’re intimately involved in some aspect of

rest or activity.


Right now, I am typing.

If I try and type too fast, my fingers begin to make mistakes and

get stressed. But, if I take a reasonable

amount of time to type slowly, easily, in a non-stressed fashion, then a

lot of typing can go on without stress.


In between each motion is a natural rest one as



We take a step, but first we have to rest a



Before we can move ahead, first we had to plant

that other foot to push off from.


We often forget that resting foot.


If we didn’t take a very stable or secure

first foot, if we’re sliding around, slipping or falling, our future

steps are uncertain and insecure.


So, we settle ourselves, we plant our feet and we

begin again.


Walking is fine, is great even, if we alternate our

rest and active feet in a systematic and balanced way!


In the same way, each day we sleep, we go to the

rest phase of an entire night’s sleep.


In fact, how successful we are the next day;

depends completely on how well we slept the night before.


We already know this, well



Unfortunately, we often don’t remember this

and plunge ahead, staying up too late and the next day we’re tired

and unclear.


So, remember “Rest is the Basis of

Activity” and what we accomplish the night before has everything to

do with how successful our next day will be!


The Moon’s Rest &




The Moon is another rest and activity cycle.

Every day the Moon is either waxing or waning.

When it’s waxing we feel good. We

feel dynamic, we have a lot of energy, we feel very motivated to do and


But, the moment that the Moon begins to wane, immediately, whoosh,

the air begins to swoosh out of the balloon!

Immediately, we begin to wane ourselves.

We feel more listless, tired, worried, and that empty


Why? Because the Moon’s

waning? No, because we’re not flowing

well with that change. If we were to go asleep

at night when we first start to wane we’d have a better sleep. Instead we ignore those feelings. We push through that natural inclination. We think:

“I’d rather stay up”.

So, we strain against that natural rhythm and don't go to bed early

enough and then we feel tired!


If we could only come to appreciate the role of rest in life; we'd

do much better.

Fortunately, there is this planet called Saturn which is the main

reminder of our rest or balance needs. Saturn

is called the ‘lesson giver’ and gives us all the lessons that

we need.

One of the most important one’s is balance and integration of

rest and activity. One great Indian Vedic

scholar said once: “Let’s stop

calling Saturn the planet of grief. Instead

let’s call it the planet of rest.”


I heard this years ago and realize today how wise this



Therefore, try this experiment. Next

time you feel any of the negative signs of Saturn:

Tiredness, fatigue, stress, worry, anxiety, imbalance, dis-ease,

etc. STOP!


Realize “aha” this is one of those Saturn



And, instead of ignoring, or pushing ahead in another direction,

stop! And react differently.


This time, stop and adjust paying attention to that Saturn



If fatigue or aches and pains in the body; stop and give attention

to your body!

Lie down, take some rest. Do some yoga,

have a massage, take a nice warm tub bath!

Whatever, only give to that body for a change.


And, see what happens!


When you give into the needs of the body,

mind, emotions, etc. and figure out what brings peace and release to that

body, mind or emotions then you will be doing GREAT ASTROLOGY with



Each moment is an astrological moment!

Which planets are speaking to you, right now!


Is your Moon speaking to you?


Is your Sun, wondering about the very purpose of your life,

speaking to you?


Are you confused or uncertain? These

often are Mercury moments trying to break through?



you feeling unclear spiritually? Do you wonder

whether you’re living the spiritual life that you were meant to



This is a good Jupiter moment. Listen

to that, figure out what Jupiter’s trying to say to you. Look at the Jupiter in your chart. Listen to the present day Jupiter/Sagittarius to

hear what Jupiter has to say to you!

It will be profound and revealing!


Or, are you in a Mars moment? Are you

feeling angry, resentful, mad, betrayed, jealous or irritable? If you’re in any of Mars’ negative or

malefic signs then heal these negatives as well.

I find a good douse of intellectual clarity gives me the ammunition

I need to dissipate any negative Mars emotion or tribulation!


When I’m feeling angry or upset or irritable I immediately

look to the transits. What’s going

on? Where is Mars?

Is Mars aspecting the Moon, anywhere?



Mars issues are very fascinating. I

find there tends to be a lack of spiritual clarity whenever I’m

feeling angry or upset. I remind myself that

everything is karmic. That reminds me that I

am the creator of my life.

It’s been said: that “no

one brings to us, anything, that isn’t our good or poor

karma.” In other words,

‘Don’t shoot the messenger’!

In other words, why be angry at ourselves!

If we created this karma, don’t get angry, get


Oops, or maybe getting even, means getting balanced!

If we can create resentment, anger, strife with spouse, family,

friends or work, then we can create harmony and lack of Mars



We have to first desire this and then create it!


So, how do we create a lack of angry Mars content? We look to our Venus’!


Venus is the planet of love, of friendship, or reconciliation,

harmony and happiness!


If we want to hold on to being right, or just or opinionated then

Venus may not get a chance to come in. If

however, we’re tired of doing it that way, we can experiment and try

it Nature’s Way!


Venus is the planet of appreciation so appreciate the good that is around

you. Through appreciation and clarity of karma we can dissipate Mars



Nature is trying to show us at every moment, the better



Every malefic moment is nature showing us where we’re out of

tune with some planet and in the middle of a negative or unhealthy



Every malefic sign is a sign from nature or God, that we’re

the problem!


Every malefic moment is nature showing us where we need to adjust

or change our ways!


The very moment we try this, adjust and surrender to the positive

side of each planet we will be rewarded by the cessation or complete

elimination of that and any negative malefic moment!


If it’s our Sun’s that are feeling Self grief,

unworthiness, loathsome qualities, lack of self-confidence etc. the very

moment that we identify this and give in, strengthen our Sun’s or

bring Sun remedies to ourselves; immediately we’ll feel



If it’s our Moon’s that are feeling bad, sad,

worrisome, upset, anxious, paranoid, or on and on; the very moment that we

identify this as a Moon moment and give in to the positive side of the

Moon; immediately we will feel better!

This is a very satisfying aha!


This very moment, that we are feeling low or sad, stop


Instead think of something positive, do something warm and

enjoyable! Give to yourself emotionally, sooth

that aching heart, call a friend, give, be more compassionate, the very

next moment our Moon mind’s can change!


If we’re even too tired to bounce back, then lie down and

rest. Let yourself go, nap, snooze, have a

blessed moment of retiring. You will feel



If the emotional or mental stresses are deeper, and dis-stress or

chronic stress is going on, then, allow yourself that it may take more


It took us years of imbalance to get stressed out! So, give yourself some time to re-create


Every step in this direction will be rewarded by some relief and

increasing inner happiness!


The Moon teaches us how to be happy!


The Moon shows us each day and each month how to evolve through

alternating steps of rest and activity. The

rest/activity cycle of the Moon, however, is monthly.

Unlike the daily rest/activity cycle, the Moon’s is 4 weeks



Watch the Moon and you will discover the Moon’s



Once you know this truth you will never be the same!


Forever, in the future you’ll find yourself in another Moon

stage and you’ll know you’re meant either to be active or

inactive or this time.


If you find yourself in a future waxing or activity cycle and still

feeling tired or listless; remember, to get more rest, the next time, the

Moon goes through its NEXT waxing cycle!


I find most people have an unbelievable prejudice against



I find most people don’t value it at all!


I know, because this has been one of my biggest problems or

malefics as well. Having Saturn in my

12th house of loss I was at lost to the naturally positive or

healthy aspects of Saturn!


The very moment I began to realize the true nature of Saturn I

realized the importance of such things as rest and activity.

I remember when I took my first meditation course

I heard my meditation teacher say:

“Oh, by the way, rest is the basis of


What a strange concept, I thought. No

one ever taught me this before!


Thus, began my beginning study of the realities of rest and

activity and of Saturn.


At every moment in life we find ourselves in either a moment of

activity or a moment of rest. We’re

driving to our destination. The cars are going

sooooo slowly. The lights are sooooo


We’re in a Saturn moment of delay, frustration and

disappointment. Why?

Because we’re not allowing for the natural time it’s

supposed to take to move from A to B. The very

moment we let go of our mind-set as to how long it’s supposed to

take, all of a sudden the light turns green, and free sailing



Saturn is the greatest of friends!


He is here to teach us the greatest of lessons! He’s a great soul, who gives us our crap and

nuisance just so that we awaken! How many

times have we gotten grief, loss or the rug’s been pulled out from

beneath us; only to awaken on the other side, appreciative and thankful

for something!


Saturn is that planet which helps us wake up through



Jupiter is that planet which helps us awaken through pure

knowledge, wisdom and learning.


The choice is ours whether we listen to Jupiter or Saturn or



Funnily enough, Saturn and Jupiter together represent the two

different stages of rest and activity. First

we rest and then we move ahead. First we rest

with Saturn and then we can expand with Jupiter!


Identify the astrological moment you are in.


Am I happy?


Am I joyful?


Am I worried, sad?


Am I upset, angry, anxious?


Am I ……?



Then, put an astrological label to it.


I am happy. That means

our Moon’s are doing great!


I am joyful. That means

our Moon’s are doing fine!


I’m worried, or sad.

These mean our Moon’s are out of balance, weak or


If it’s a recent phenomenon then we can look to the present

transits. But, if we’ve been feeling

‘bad’ for awhile, second look at the larger Dasa periods or to

our charts.

Once we’ve found the time Dasa or Transit reason then

we’ll know what we have to do! If

we’re in this most recent New Moon stage and feeling bad again, this

is nature saying to us: “Adjust and get

more rest next month!”


If we’re upset or angry this may be due to our Mars’

being out of balance. So, we look to

strengthen or grow with Mars’ more healthy or positive side. First, we correct any Mars misblame! Mars loves to blame others for our anger and upset


The very moment when we accept everything, immediately we will feel

Mars relief!


Let’s say we’re in middle of some huge Saturn

grief. Maybe we’re sick or feeling

strife or stress. These, of course, are more

chronic signs of misuse. So, be patient with

the time that it will take to re-correct balance.

It’s not surprising then, that surrender is one of the

positive adjectives or techniques of Saturn!

Since, surrender is a way of getting us out of our way, we are

encouraged to let go, to give in, to surrender, to life, to God, to

Nature, to our Star’s; whatever.


Doing great astrology is the purpose of life!



The very purpose of life is to progress and find more and more

success and happiness! The flow of life; the

path of life is a path of astrology. Once we

identify each and every stage of that path; and then learn how to be more

in-tune with each stage; immediately we will feel better!

Immediately we’ll feel more balance, and immediately any and

all of the negatives signs will disappear!

As your planetary malefic signs dissipate and disappear this then,

will be nature showing you that you’ve done it and you’ve

achieved more health and balance with your so-called malefic



Malefic ness is just nature’s way of showing us where we need

attention, growth and more knowledge and wisdom!


The very moment that we achieve more planetary balance, immediately

all negatives will give way to positive joy, success and



How much more fun live is when we’re flowing through our



We want to create a life of all light, love and easy and natural

progress. When we do, immediately our life

becomes purposeful, with rapid movement towards the very goals of our



Jai Guru!







Mark Kincaid








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