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2-Spkachru: re..... Step # Three: Practicing good Saturn remedies

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Res. KINCAID ji,


My grateful thanks for your

detailed effort at driving the point and also the way forward to firstly

analyse factfully as to why i feel that Lord SATURN may not be happily

disposed towards me - Dear

Spkachru: Most people have a malefic functioning Saturn in their

charts.The crucial thing to do however, is figure out how to

BE more in-tune with Sani, soit's negative or malefic consequences

STOP coming to us.Consistent hard work resulting into

successful results but invaribaly resulting into DELAYS in receiving

rewards & recognition at workplace For example, when we work hard we either get positive

progress in life or delays,and disappointments....The

positive consequences are nature telling us our work is well done and even

balanced!However, if we experience 'delays' this is a classic

Sani message trying to tell usto act, but act with more balance.Also, delays signifies lack of clarity of patience....from

our side...So, next time you're feeling 'delays'...let go of

your sense of timing....Nature is evolving and progressing in

the right fashion... Only we're not alwaysaware of that, hence Sani

is there to show us the errors of our ways..... & worser, finally the oft repeated DISAPPOINTMENTS in

shape of humiliating recognition or even loss of jobs. You've undoubtebly heard of the expression:

" not my will, but thy will be done... " and

" blessings in disguise " . In my own experience the

degree of the so-called slap,or being held back, or disappointment,

is nature showing us the extent to which we're NOT experiencing the right

thing.We're supposed to act. We're supposed to feel our

thoughts and move ahead, buthow well supported we are by life; is

Saturn's job!Nature shows us all the times whether our

thoughts are in-tune with nature!Sometimes we have thoughts

and they get fulfilled very easily and naturally!In such

instances, Sani is showing us, yes, now, you're being in-tune!But, when nature is not supporting that means our desires are not the

right or healthy ones even if we think they are!That's why

Saturn is the planet of growing humility!Saturn is constantly

showing us nature's way! which is vastly superior and more healthy for

us!The big mystery remaining that success is always

achieved by me & duly acknowledged by the employers but never rewarded

or very poorly rewarded.Once you learn

that people, employers, the outside, is really just the expression of the

inner quality of Saturn then, you'll learn to better interpret nature!Success, or goals are always great to achieve and appreciation by

employers is very important too....but maybe there's something in

the final stage that's still alluding you.Maybe you need to

get back with your employers and go through exactly what yousaid

here to me. " I thought I was achieving the objectives.

You seem to be appreciative of what I've achieved. But, now, I'm

confused because the reward you promised me is NOT coming forth. Can

you please explain? " This way you'll get proper feedback

from them. Maybe there's something you'restill missing.Or maybe they're not being honest.Once you figure out what

it is, then you can better adjust.Maybe you need to take your

work to a better employer. Or maybe there's something still here for

you to learn.Ask them this question and find out what they



Many astrologers have suggested

strengthening my LAGNA lord i.e.., SATURN by wearing BLUE SAPPHIRE yet

many others have opined strongly against it, being posited in 8th. and

lord of 12th. too. Request if you could provide your vauable guidance

towards ' befriending ' Lord SATURN by wearing Blue Sapphire or do you

think i do not require to do so.Anything

and everything that allows you to grow in more Saturn patience, is

good!Blue Sapphire's are good. Exercising more patience,

even better!Meditating....! is #1! best....Getting more

rest.....Taking the time to allow the different timings of nature to

go on is great too.For example, there are natural rest and activity

cycles that are the intimate handiwork of almighty Saturn!Once

you know these cycles and you allow them to go on, like the monthly

Moon'Waning New Moon cycle; then you're actually being more in-tune

with Saturn!


Kind regards


SPKGood luck, and let me know how this helps!Sincerely,Mark Kincaid

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