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Take The Saturn Test! How in-tune are you with Saturn, today?

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Take The Saturn



How are You Doing With

Your Saturn!



Every day is a Saturn moment. At every

moment we can sense how we’re doing with our Saturn’s. Are we happy, balanced, at ease or troubled? Are we healthy, vital and energetic or sad, down

and lethargic?


Are we full of inner bliss, wise and mature or are we uncertain,

struggling and unhappy?


They call Jupiter the King of all the Planets, and rightly he is,

but Saturn is his brother!


They’re both the same size and I believe are the 2 engines of

all progress and prosperity in life.


If we’re in-tune with both our Jupiter and Saturn then life

is good, fully, and progressing quite nicely.


If we’re not in-tune with Saturn then, any number of negative

or malefic signs of Saturn will result.


Last night we all came under one of Saturn’s monthly



Last night the Moon was in Aquarius, traveling across those degrees

where Saturn in Leo was directly aspecting!


In other words, the Moon was for a time being directly aspected by



That was a Saturn moment!


During that time, Saturn and Moon together were teaching us how

in-tune we were with Saturn!


I had this huge headache come over me, growing throughout the day

and especially into the evening. I finally

broke down and took some aspirin with at least the peace of mind; knowing

that this was a Saturn moment!


This morning when the Moon had already moved to the other side of

Saturn’s direct influence; immediately I felt better!


How often have I been amazed each day, each month and each year;

just how exactly we’re all living in an astrological universe.


This morning I awoke and realized I’ve been working too



I’ve been writing feverishly, I’ve been staining my

home in the pm hours and on and on. Waxing

Moon is a great time to do and accomplish, but if we’re being too

busy, and not getting enough rest; during Saturn moments we’ll

experience the negative side of Saturn!


Oh, drat! I got myself out of tune with



But, there’s a great hope that next time, next time we

experience another Saturn moment, I’ll be better prepared!








Every day has one major, special Saturn moment!


Every day we rest at night. In fact

depending upon how well we’ve rested; our whole next day



So, if we’re struggling in any way, during the day, then

resolve to get more Saturn rest at night!





Every month there are a number of other Saturn moments.


Essentially, every time the Moon is found in close proximity with

Saturn, this is a definite Moon-Saturn moment!


Last night when the Moon was directly opposite Saturn, this was a

Saturn moment.


Next, the Moon will move around until it gets to the Sign which is

10 Houses away from Saturn.


That will be the next Saturn moment.


Then, the Moon will end up in Leo again in about 2 weeks. That will be the next Saturn moment, the

Moon-Saturn conjunction!


Then, the Moon will move into Libra, which coincidently is 3 Houses

away from Saturn. That, then, will be the

final Moon, Saturn moment of the month.


So, Moon with Saturn.

Moon 3 houses away from Saturn.

Moon 7 houses away,….

And finally Moon 10 houses away; from wherever Saturn is!


These are all the 4 classic Saturn-Moon moments every month!


Multiply by 2 ½ days that the Moon travels through each sign

and basically; there are 10 days of every month that are intense, dynamic

Saturn days for you!


Watch now, over the next 30 days, and find out how consistently

in-tune you are with your Saturn!


You’ll find a direct correlation between your struggles and

your attunement with your Saturn!


Therefore, if you’re ever out of tune and are struggling in

any way; then, resolve!

To become more and more

in-tune with Saturn.


Having been in Saturn now for over 17 years; I’ve learned to

make my balance with Saturn the #1 goal of each day!


When I can do this; then, everything is smooth and effortless flow

and progress.




The Yearly

Saturn Moments



In addition to the daily and yearly Saturn moments, every year a

number of other planets get into close association and proximity to



Recently, the Sun and Mercury, Venus and Mars all moved across the

bow, so to speak of Saturn.


Saturn’s been in Leo but during the last 2 months the Sun

went through Leo too, colliding with Saturn.


Also, Venus and Mercury went through Saturn and on particular days

were very close to Saturn’s direct, most intense influence.


Also, Mars and Saturn collided in Leo for a time.


Do you remember that time? I was

working very hard this summer. I was writing,

had two construction projects I was doing, and pushing myself like



I even fell sick, one of the worst sicknesses I’ve had in

years. I was so surprised, as strong as I am

with the clarity of the stars.


But, later I realized I got out of balance with my Mars activity

nature as Mars and Saturn collided. I lost my

clarity of mind associated with activity and silence.


Coincidently, it’s the normal Jyotish observation that

whenever someone has Mars and Saturn in the same house, they often have

issues and challenges between their Mars activity and Saturn resting



30 Year

Saturn Cycles


Finally, every 2 ½ years Saturn goes into a different

sign. A couple of years ago, Saturn was going

through Cancer, the home of the Moon and water!

I remember Jyotishees from sending out emails warning that their

would be trials and tribulations of water and emotion during the up-coming

Saturn in Cancer transit.


And lo, and behold, that’s what happened! We had the most intense, wild and emotionally

draining tsunami’s and hurricanes during those years!


Then, Saturn moved into Leo. The

prediction now, is that Saturn transition would be coming to our Leo

selves, I, self, and even governments.


And, that’s too exactly what’s happening. All our governmental agencies are being shaken to

their very cores!


And, why? Because Saturn is the voice

of God for balance and being in-tune with the universe.


In fact, whenever Saturn is influencing or aspecting, this is the

time that almighty nature is trying to bring to us more of Saturn’s

divine, benefic grace and power.


Saturn does this through obstruction and transcendence!


Saturn can appear as either a boulder or a portal of divine



The choice is up to us!


If we’re being out of tune, we’ll feel like a boulder

of resistance, of hindrance has moved into our lives.


If we’re more in-tune, then that same boulder will become a

portal of silence or bliss!


I’ll never forget when Saturn first moved into my

10th House of Cancer about 3 ½ , 4 years ago, now.


Because I’ve been watching Saturn every day for over 20 years

I have to say I was keenly aware of it’s emergence into my



It had been going through Gemini and then suddenly burst into my

10th house where my Cancer is.


My first experience of it was it was a big boulder moving across my

highway of a 10th house of career.

I could see it. It was right

there. I remember running all around it,

laughing and exclaiming: “Ahhhh, there

it is Saturn, wow!”


Later I realized I felt like the hare in the old tortoise and the

hare story. At times the hare would rush ahead

laughing because the tortoise was progressing sooooo slowly.


He’s laugh, and exclaim, only finally to burst ahead down the

road. If you know the end of that story,

eventually he got so distracted and out of tune that he lost the

race. It was the slowly, methodically,

tortoise that finally, won the race!


Now, I know why my soul, so loved that story growing up.


I had a very poorly Saturn when I was born so that was good news

for me to hear!


Then, that boulder of Saturn went retrograde and slid back into

Gemini. I felt a divine opportunity. I remember thinking; I’ve had the boulder

Saturn, I wonder if I can surrender more to it and transform it into a

higher vibration or balanced Saturn?


So, I made a conscious effort to be more still, to be more silent,

and then watched as Saturn inched it’s way, again, back into my

10th house of Cancer.


But, this time, it was different. I

looked for that boulder, fully expecting it again, and this time as I

looked right at Saturn; I noticed, ‘it’ had become a

portal. It was a big black hole, kind of like

in the movies, and as I looked more closely I saw that it was a portal

into God’s, divine silence.


“Oh, my God”, I thought.

Saturn is a divine opportunity of silence.

Saturn, as it moves through the sky, is nature’s way of

helping us bring more Saturn depth, stillness and balance to each and

every part of our lives!


Therefore, find out if you’re presently being in-tune with

Saturn, or not!


Take the Saturn test today!


Ask yourself this one question?


Am, I experiencing the positive or negative ‘signs’ of



Once you answer this question, you will know whether you’re

in-tune or not!


If you are in-tune, notice that things progress nicely.


If you’re not being in-tune, notice some specific and

dramatic struggles and frustrations are the result!


Delays, disappointments, frustrations and struggles; don’t

come to us from the outside!


They come to us from the inside!


And, the sooner we all learn this, that Saturn peace, balance or

chaos are totally under our control; the sooner we’ll become in-tune

and eventually Masters of Saturn!



Jai Sani!



Mark Kincaid






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