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When Should We Be Doing More Astrology? by Mark Kincaid

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When Should We Be Doing More





It often occurs to me, when should we be putting more attention on our

astrology? It’s never going to be a situation that everyone

becomes a professional astrologer. Most people will just want to

utilize this great knowledge to help themselves be more successful in


We can use this knowledge to pick our right field of education. We

can even use this great knowledge to help us figure out what our ideal

career or dharmic occupation should be.

We can even use this knowledge to pick our compatible marriage

partner. For every area of life from parenting, to health, career,

making money and finding God; our star charts are there to give us

guidance, knowledge and wisdom.


Once we understand the broad strokes of our lives; we can apply to the on

going, day to day affairs of our lives.


There is a simple formula that we each can follow to maximize our

astrology for every day concerns and situations.


In Jyotish terminology it’s related to

what’s called Prashna.

Prashna means at the very moment that you ask a question, the actual

“solution” to that same problem is there,

contained within the stars!


We want to know whether we should go to the ocean or skiing for our winter

vacation and the very moment that question arises: MAKE A CHART FOR THAT



We want to know if we should invest in this or that stock, and the very

moment that question arises: MAKE A CHART FOR THAT VERY



Contained within every moment in life; is the intelligence, knowledge and

wisdom to solve all problems in life!


There’s also another good rule of thumb to know WHEN TO DO ASTROLOGY



At every moment Nature is already telling us how we’re doing in our

personal life. We wake up some morning with a scratchy throat and

nature is telling us that we’re coming down with a cold, sore throat

or flu.


So, what do we do? Well, we either ignore this natural

‘sign’ from Almighty Nature or we pay attention to it.

Acknowledging this as a true astrological sign and putting attention on

this malefic functioning happening is indeed, DOING GREAT



When should we be doing Astrology?


Whenever we’re experiencing ANY negative or malefic functioning or

signs of the planets, this is when we should act!


The very moment that nature is sending a malefic sign this is EXACTLY WHEN

we should stop what we are doing and start doing MORE



The very moment we sense a sore throat coming, we should stop and

take some vitamin C, or have some fresh fruit, or get some more



We have to figure out what to do, what remedies or remedial measures works

best for us; but Nature is telling us WHEN we need to stop and start doing

something differently!


The negative or malefic signs of the Planets are nature’s way of

telling us when we need to stop what we’ve been



Any time that we’re experiencing any of the negative or malefic

signs of any of the planets; this is Almighty Nature saying:

“Not this way, or NOT this time.”


When we heed this natural warning and put attention on creating more

benefic ness in our life, we will immediately feel a shift, a flow and a

nature support; Nature telling us NOW, you're in the



Conversely, whenever things are going well, we’re experiencing

spontaneously positive, benefic or life-supporting experiences; these are

Nature’s ‘signs’ of right action!


During such moments we don’t, generally think: “Oh,

what’s wrong? Or what should I be doing differently?” In

such instances we don't need to do anything! Well done, keep



On the other hand, another important way to think about these malefic

signs or malefic moments is to understand what Nature is saying:




In Western Psychology there is the notion of

‘sabotaging’. Where we’ve been abused, mistreated

or picked up wrong and unhealthy mental, emotional or behavioral patterns;

this is going to give rise to unhappy and unsuccessful patterns, ways of

doing things and experiences in life!


In the East or in Vedic Psychology there is something called “Pragya

Parad”. Pragya parad means ‘mistake of

intellect’. In its broadest sense this means wherever or

whenever we’ve become out of balance or out of tune with our cosmic

or full potential nature; this is where we’re going to make



If we’re not getting enough rest in life, maybe we watched our

parents being workaholics or were told in our early life:

" You’ve got to burn the midnight oil to get

ahead " . This is an example of an unseen, subliminal or

unconscious tendency or pattern that’s been created from our


In terms of our Jyotish or charts whenever any planet is found acting

negatively or malefically, we'll be doing wrong action. Take the

example of Saturn. If Saturn is found acting malefically,

we’ll find ourselves NOT utilizing the healthy or balanced Saturn

reality and as a result we’ll be literally creating future misery

for ourselves even if we have the best intentions.


Parent’s who work night and day for their children are often

surprised that they don’t get more nature support! This is

because nature only knows by our actual actions. Nature doesn't go

by our intentions but by our actions.


We DO any action in a non-balanced or unhealthy fashion and nature will

only give us unhealthy and un-positive consequences



Why? So, we learn! Every negative, or what Jyotish calls

malefic sign is a sign from Almighty Nature that we’re being out of

tune or imbalanced with one of our planets or a part of



And, the really interesting thing is each specific planetary sign has its

own language and unique symbolism.


In other words we’ll be able to hear from each planet when

we’re acting out of tune with that planet and creating negative or

un-life supporting results even if we don’t realize



Therefore, the simple formula to follow each day when you want to know

whether you should be doing more Astrology is: Listen for the

negative or malefic signs of each planet!


When we’re out of tune with our Sun’s we’ll experience

any of these negative or malefic signs:






3) Lack of


4) self-doubting,

5) Lack

of self-will


When we’re being out of tune with our Moon’s these are the

Moon’s malefic or imbalanced





2) Anxiety



4) Phobias,

5) All emotional






Whenever you experience any emotional or mental imbalance or instability;

these all are the malefic signs of the Moon that are telling us:

“Do some astrology on strengthening the Moon, RIGHT



And, how long should we be doing Moon or any planetary remedies and

remedial measures? Until all the negative or malefic signs have

disappeared! Then, you’ll notice that only the positive or

benefic signs of your planets are there!

When you’re out of sorts worried or upset and someone says:

“Get a good night’s rest and everything will be better in the

morning!” and, lo and behold you do this and you miraculously



Why? Because you paid attention to the malefic signs or warnings

from nature or in this case the Moon! And, because you stirred the

all important remedies and remedial measures of life you now are moving

into the benefic light!



Each planet has a simple formula that will allow you to know when you need

to be practicing more Astrology!




For the Sun look for self-confidence or especially lack of





For the Moon, look for emotional evenness or inner, emotional

happiness. Wherever there is worry, anxiety or a lack of emotional

bliss, this is the Moon saying: “COME HERE” and enliven





Mercury, too, has its own unique malefic signs. Whenever we feel a

lack of intellectual clarity or understanding in life; we will benefit

from enlivening our Mercury's!




Venus too, has its own unique signs. Whenever we feel any lack of

love, lovingness or appreciation in life; this is Venus saying:

“Come here” and enliven me!

The very moment that you do this, immediately you’ll feel

better. Even other people will love you more, when you enliven your

own Venus, within!




Mars’ unique malefic signs include: anger, resentment,

betrayal, cheating, fighting, disharmony, all criminal behavior and

blame! We’re in the middle of Venus-Mars grade right

now. Literally, billions of people are in the middle of Mars-Venus

scenarios, trials and tribulations! Why? Because we've come to

enliven the positive or benefic side of these two





Saturn has some of the most well understood of all the negative or malefic

signatures or signs of any planet. Whenever we feel: 1)

tired, 2) stressed, 3) unhealthy, 4) sick, 5)

dis-ease or 6) disease, 7) delays, 8) disappointments,

9) losses, 10) grief, 11) or suffering in any way;

all these are Saturn’s natural malefic signs!


All we have to do to convince ourselves of this astrological perspective

is to stop, adjust and practice any of Saturn's remedies.

Immediately, that Saturn negative or malefic sign or symptom will

diminish or go away.


Just the other day I was rushing down the street. As it happens

sometimes I felt late and slightly irritated that things were taking too



In fact, I noticed a number of cars, from different directions, suddenly

move into my lane! " What’s going on! " I said

to God: “Hey, don’t you know I’m

late!” Then, I caught myself. God knows what’s

going on. In fact, he even sent some Saturn signs or angels to show

me the error of my ways!

Immediately, when I let go and started driving in a more relaxed way, not

only did my mental irritability vanish but then I somehow found myself at

my goal within the right time!


Like that, find yourself in every Saturn malaise situation, stop and

adjust, apply some remedy and see if you don’t immediately feel





Jupiter, on the other hand has a slightly more subtle kind of malefic

signature. When we need to be putting more attention on improving

our Jupiter’s we may experience some of these negative or malefic

Jupiter signs.

If we ever experience any lack of spiritual content, inner bliss, Godly or

Holiness, spiritual clarity or spiritual experiences; these are

Jupiter’s signs for us.


Jupiter, in addition to ruling spiritual concerns also rules physical or

materialistic progress and prosperity in life. Sometimes,

we’ll need more Jupiter benefic ness even to become more successful

in our outer life.

Again, the solution is to try and identify the planet that’s trying

to speak to us; and then, stop and practice some specific planetary

remedies, and then look for the growing positivity or benefic signs that

we’re now doing RIGHT!




The final planetary sign we want to pay attention to is the one of

“compulsions, obsessions and addictions”. Rahu stands

for our desires! When our desires are ruling us, driving, out of

control they’ll assume the malefic shape of compulsions, obsessions

or addictions!

When our desires are balanced and we’re the one in control then the

Rahu signs will be smooth, natural, effortless flow of desires without




Now, you know the positive or benefic and negative or malefic signs of

each planet.


Next time you wonder whether you should be doing more Astrology; just take

the 60-second star test! Take 60 seconds right now, look through

each planet within; and ask yourself this one question: “Am I

experiencing the positive or negative or each



If you’re experiencing only the positive of each planet; then

eureka! You’ve done it, and you don’t need any more



But, if you’re like most, nature is right now telling you where to

grow, improve and make some changes!


Do these before it becomes too late. We will experience varying

degrees of malefic ness. Instead of waiting till we’re sick as

a dog and flat on our back, adjust earlier and make some changes until

malefic ness completely disappears!






Mark Kincaid



Excerpts from new Jyotish-Astrology




“Map of



Discover Your stars



Become the Person of Your



Available soon.




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