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2-Rjain: re. Joining How To Study Astrology group

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Dear Rohit:Very nice to meet you and welcome to our astrology groups. Please

remember to join this otherNature's Astrology I

mentioned as that is our largest and most active.Also, feel

free to check out my website at www..com for a clear

descriptionof my Jyotish. I was in India in 1987

attending an Ayurvedic course just south of Delhi. I was with 450

otherpeople from over 25 countries from all over the world.We had a marvelous 45 day Ayurvedic course until the subject of Jyotish

was introduced.One of the Vedic scholars said:

" Jyotish, yes, they must know Jyotish. Ayurveda and Jyotishgo hand in hand! " We had a very unexpected but deeply

appreciated 5 days of Jyotish which were to change my life!I

came back to the states innocently studying Jyotish and so much good has

come from that,now, 22 years later!Oh, yes, when you

check out our website, it's temporarily under some repairs, so if you

clickon the underlined icon called " chart services " then

all the other links work and you can read upon Nature's

Astrology.I like to think of Nature's Astrology as the 'best

of the west and east'.I started out studying western in 1970

and enjoyed that immensely.However, nothing I ever studied

prepared me for the huge 'aha's' that I encountered the momentI

started studying Jyotish in 87.Later, I began to realize that

there is NO 2 astrology's in the world. There is only one Nature's

Astrology and that astrology is far superior than west or east.Both systems have many problems with them. The western system has

slipped away from the proper or accurate mathematics to calculate the

astrology chart. Jyotish, on the other hand issteeped on so

much fatalism that it misses the true point of astrology.Astrology is a knowledge, even a wisdom that defines for each one of us,

exactly why we've come to this earth; what we would be like, even

what our strengths and weaknesses will be like!So, far this is

no different than even western astrology believes in this, that our charts

fit us.However, contained within the very purpose of our

births, is a growth and an advancement in our very souls that is the true

purpose of our lives!I'm writing a book right now in terms of

Astrology and one of the chapters is: " Purpose of Life is Soul

Growth! " Jyotish's ability to help people understand the

difference between our benefices and malefics ishowever, a very

profound part of Jyotish and of life.We're all born with

tendencies, abilities, characteristics that are positive producing, our

benefices and negative producing or malefic.Learning to see

the difference between the two is one of Astrology's greatest gifts to

us!Because once we discover what our benefices vs. malefics

are; then we can be about changing, healing and developing our malefics

also, into strengths!In life, our weaknesses, draw our

attention to strengthen and improve!So, why wouldn't it be

that our malefics are supposed to be improved as well!Jyotish

almost has remembered this.The subject of remedies and

remedial measures speaks to the possiblity of malefic transformation!Unfortunately, this is not utilized nearly enough in Jyotish

today.In fact, when I first started studying Jyotish 22 years

ago now, there was almost no mentionof remedies or things one could

do for one's malefics.That notion has been completely

re-enlivened today, over the last 20 years; in part, due a lot towestern people's inherent belief and interest in self-development.We are attracted to the east NOT because of its fatalism, but

because of its possibilities of self-developmemnt and self-improvement.We're attracted to Yoga, meditation, Ayurveda and even Jyotish

because of the techniques ofself-development and growth towards

self-actualization or Enlightenment!Unfortunately, for a long

time; Jyotish had forgotten that.If you went to an Ayurvedic

doctor he'd feel your pulse, analyze your curent state of health or

ill-health, diagnose your pitta, vata or kapha disorder and immediatley

launch into a number of Ayurvedic, health remedies to eliminate the

imbalances and re-create health!Jyotish should and could do

the same thing!Even a quick glance at anyone's chart will

reveal the malefics or imbalances in the person.A 5-10 minute

conversation will suffice to confirm exactly which planets are out of

balance,or undeveloped!Astrologer's or Jyotishees

should, like Ayurvdic doctors, immediately launch into any numberof

remedies for creating balance with one's malefic planets and as soon as

possible; even enliventhe intelligence or unfold the unusued natural

potential of every malefic, as well!What I've done in my

so-called Nature's Astrology is take Jyotish, and just re-connect it to

itstrue purpose; which is to be a bridge to its naturally

self-developming, self-improving remedies and remedial measures.Today, also, for the first time in perhaps centuries the field of

Vedic remedies and remedial measures, the field of Yoga, meditation and

Ayurveda recently have been completely re-ENLIVENED!What this

means is that #1) the technique of meditation has been revived, (to be

effortless, naturaland extremely affective now).Previously, meditation was thought to be very difficult, needing many

years of severe practice,even tapas or hard work.Today,

however, for the first time in hundreds of years; meditation is now being

taught and experienced by millions of people in it's more effortless

and effective form!This literal transformation, in the field

of consciousness is begininning to have a powerfulaffect on all the

other areas of Vedic knowledge as well.Where millions of young

people have turned away from their Vedic roots, today, millions ofother people are discovering the power and the potential of Vedic

wisdom! " The purpose of life is to grow! " some wise

Vedic seer recently said!And that being said, means the

purpose of our malefics is just to show us those areas where we'remeant to grow, too!If we have Mars malefic, this means we're

meant to improve and refine our Mars! Very much, by the way to

a severely pitta imbalanced person, who's pitta is off the charts!If someone has a malefic functioning Saturn, this means they're

meant to enliven and improvetheir own internal Saturn!Even 5 or 10 minutes doing this will begin to eliminate the many

negative signs of Saturn whichinclude such things as tiredness,

dullness, fatigue and stress in the body, mind or heart. Evensuch negative malefic Saturn signs like dis-ease, even disease can be

completely eliminated ifwe learn how to apply powerful Saturn

remedies!So, I hope this gives you a little sense of what

we're all about here at Nature's Astrology.Again, very nice to

meet you.Write in any time and share your experiences

and knowledge of Jyotish as well.Sincerely,Mark KincaidPS.... Oh, yes, please feel free to

include your date of birth info. when writing in.I always

include mine for those who would like to truly know what I'm like, hehe,

too.My dob: Sept. 4,1951 11:17am

Kansas City, Missouri, US(Libra Jyotish rising sign)And finally, don't forget to join our other

Nature's Astrology group especially since the oneyou tried to join

is not accepting any other members at this time./Dear Sir,


I am into my

family business. I am exploring vedic astrology for past few years at my

own. I am more into exploring various vedic poojas as remedies

for various planets. I follow vismotari dasha pattern of parashar and

die hard fan of K.N.Rao ji researches. I am having possession of

almost all books written edited by him. My birth detail

01/11/1975 04:43 A.M. Agra , India (27N09 78E00). My wife detail

22/11/1977 06:30 A.M. Aligarh (27N54 78E04). I am having 2 children elder

Vikraminder his detail 10/06/2002 14:17 P.M. New Delhi ( 28N39

77E13) my daughter Anoushka her detail 20/12/2005 at 21:01 P.M New Delhi (

28N39 77E13). I am posting my children horoscope for 2 reasons. Me and my

both children are having mars in 10th house . Secondly in my son horoscope

5 planets in 9th house.


I am also

planning to write a quite different book on astrology answering the

questions that are not generally found in present availble books. As at

present I am running rahu mahadasha. I am not reaching to some solid

strategy to finish it up. in 2011 when my jupiter mahadasha will start I

will definatley finish it up.


I was out of

city that why I am writing this mail quite late.






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