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2-Dr. Prasad: re. health & Saturn problems & 2009 Transits Calendar

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Thanks Mark !.This is my own chart.I have had it very BAD so long.It

included a massive heart attack & hospitalisation.I knew it was Saturn

conflicting with Jupiter in Sun's house.What more can one ask for to have

one's cup of sorrow brimful & overflowing.?.Hopefully after 9/9/09

when saturn moves into Virgo,things may improve.Am I right ?Dear Dr. Prasad: I see. Well,

for many people these last 4 years of Saturn moving through bothCancer and Leo have been extremely hard.This is because

we're all not living a life in-tune enough with our Saturns!Saturn means balance and silence and so very few people get enough rest

and know how to livetheir lives, in such a way that they don't pick

up stress!When you mention massive heart attack, this is

obviously due to extreme years of pushing,of working too hard.It's in Saturn periods where we can no longer get away with our

abuses of ourselves, our bodiesor nervous systems.Even

minor 2 day Moon periods where Saturn and Moon collide each month is a

reminder of how we're doing with Saturn!Things will improve to

some extent when Saturn moves into Virgo; but the question is all

wrong.Things will improve for oneself and the world when we

all learn to stop abusing ourselves and ourrelationship with Nature,

Saturn, God, however you want to think of it.We all need to

stop thinking of future times coming and realize that right now, Saturn is

beckoning us to be more in-tune, now!I'm coming up to my 19th

year of my Saturn Mahadasa and after many wonderful years of Jupiter, I

was so perplexed how to deal with this.But, Saturn teaches us

when and where we need to surrender! And, surrender has been mypath these many years now.And, as a result of learning to

adjust, to living my life everyday with the idea; " HOW CAN I BE MORE

IN-TUNE WITH SATURN, TODAY! " my life has steadily improved each of

these years now.When you have a major sickness like you

mentioned, obviously, health is very important to you!Your

illness, sickness is calling out to you; work on your health!Everything in life is a sign for how we're doing, and even Saturn

periods are NOT curses, or things to wait patiently to pass, but divine

opportunities to focus on our health, RIGHT NOW!Therefore, all

this time where you're waiting for Saturn to improve, you should right

now, do anything and everything you can do to improve your health!Now, is the time to meditate more, to practice Ayurveda, to heal

and through self-healing get yourself back in shape.As a

culture we need to start valuing those times which are healing and

self-development periods!We now, only value when we can be

busy, make money and be outward!In the future, as Saturn

continues to show us; life needs to be spent in regular periods of rest as

well as activity.Did you hear about my 2009 Transits Calendar

I'm writing?It'll go into each day's transits, (365) for 2009

with not only what each day's transits will be,but what the major

lessons will be and what we should do to turn any negative transit, into

apositive one.I'll be announcing soon, when the Calendar

will be ready. It'll be coming out as a physicaldaily calendar with

space for people to make appointments and serve as a daytimer.This will allow one to integrate one's transits into one's daily

life.It'll be available as both a physical book and an

e-calendar format.If you're interested let me know.The cost will be about $ 19.95 for the book version and 10$ for the

e-calendar.It'll have about 250 pages.Hope this

helps, our conversation here!Sincerely,Mark


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