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2-Dr. Prasad: re. health & Saturn problems & 2009 Transits Calendar

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Thanks Mark for yr reply.As you know,I am a

CANCER subject both by Rasi (MOON) & Ascendant (LAGNA).I had

very hard times (when saturn was in my 12th house of Gemini with Mars

& Venus ) from sept 2002 to April 2005 but money was flowing enough

for my needs.Hi Dr. Prasad: We're

all learning to really follow Saturn's lead, direction and guidance in

life.So few of us have an adequate amount of Saturn silence

and inner development so Saturn'smovements are deemed malefic!

This is why I love so much the examples of those few peoplewho have

very benefic Saturn's in their charts.They're an inspiration

to us all because for some reason they're NOT expreriencing the

negativesof Saturn like most other people!That's how I came to realize that Saturn is not in essence

a really bad planet! Instead,.now I know that he's the left

hand of God! If Jupiter's the right hand of God reaching down and

pickingus up, Saturn's the left hand that knocks us down!The truth is that neither are caused by God. They are only God's

instruments of karma, whichmeans we create our good and bad, left

and right handed karmas due to our actions!(see below)Then when saturn moved into Cancer in May 2005,the mind was always

worried due to peculiar unheard problems over those 2 1/2 years.I love listening to people's exact words because

we can hear in your innocent expressions notonly the nature of the

transit, in this case; but the remedy and thing that the transit is all

about.You said: " was always worried due to peculiar

and unheard problems. " To me that makes methink,

obviously of the Moon. So, during sade sat this is the time where

we're supposed to grow, emotionally!Our worrying is so

that we realize... " aahhhh, theat is where I need to grow "

The place wheremalefics are happening will be felt through the very

planet that needs to grow more within Sani'sdivine grace and

power!Sade Sat is actually about bringing more Divine Silence

into the very nature of the Moon, heartand mind! (see

below)And flow of money became a trickle.Finally

when saturn moved into Leo where my jupiter is placed,money flow started

drying up,health suffered badly & relationships got strained a lot

with kith & kin and others.Very stressful indeed !And this shows the next place where we were supposed to

bring more deep Saturn adjustmentsilence and power. I remember

when I watch Saturn first move into my Cancer, 3 1/2 years agonow.It literally looked like this big smouldering, boulder

that was inching its way across the bow of my 10th house. I

even said: " Wow, look at that! That's my Saturn! In

the beginning it wasn'tso obstructive, and I kind of laughed about

it. Then, it went retrograde back into Gemini andmy 9th house

and I thought: " Eh oh! that's going to be a very harsh

transit if it continues beinga huge boulder like that!So, I thought, what more can I do? I mean I've been meditating all

these years. I've been studying Jyotish and Saturn too, hey, Saturn:

" What more can I do? " And, you know what hesaid? " ....more silence..... more silence.... " Okay I thought I'll do it. See every moment we can be

instilling and moving with more and more silence or in a direction that

diminishes our energy, and centeredness.Then, a few weeks

later I watched as Saturn again went direct and back into my 10th

house.This time that smouldering boulder had become a

portal. And, as I looked closer at it, it waslike a black

hole... Deep and mysterious a portal into what? Another

realm... ahhh, into theDivine abode of pure being and silence!Wow, I exclaimed.... And from that very moment I realized Saturn

was really an opportunityto either experience it's negative or

positive side!Despite my best efforts to cool off

& rest !Well here is the rub, so to

speak. It's NOT through effort that we appease Saturn. The

'way' through Satun is through stillness. That's why

everything dries up during Saturn. The flowof money dries

up. The flolw of joy, of energy, it all seems to disappear.Why? So, that we learn to flow through silence. I remember

when I was in Jupiter so many years ago now. It was wonderful,

always expanding and I really thought my whole life wouldbe like

that!I studied Jytish for other reasons and thought I was

prepared for my transition into Saturn in 91but believe me I was no

way ready!Satni in my 12th brought me losses of money! I

couldn't find any work. Had to borrow moneyto get out of town,

moved to another location to find work. Over the next few years, my

wifeand I lost a baby that we had, (4 month old pregnancy died), we

separated and got divorced. Then, my dad died! That was

it,... " Saturn, I thought I was in-tune with you! " You

know what he said? He just laughed. He laughed and laughed and

laughed. It must havegone on for 2 or 3 full minutes!

Ever have God laugh at you!It totally disarmed me, so I

sheepishly said: " .......eh....okay, what am I supposed

to do? What do you want from me.....? " He said just

two simple words: " ...... more silence.......more

silence...... " Now, looking back over these last 12 or 13

years I can say this has been my mantra year afteryear,

..... " everything with more silence,...more silence... " As a result of adjusting like this...these years have been the best

years in my life!So, I know Satun can be done!Very survival is at stake now,.you wud'nt believe.!. Now with jupiter

debilitated in Capricorn-my 7th house,things do not look too rosy in the

near future either !.Except surrendering to LORD SATURN & praying very

hard for mercy & help,I have not been able to think of any other

alternative way to help myself.Hope I am on the right track !One last thing. We often don't know what

more we can do. This is because we're not thinkingcosmically

enough. We need to take heart and examples from saints and aspiring

spiritualpeople. We each have an ocean of unboudned awareness

deep inside of us!That 'being', God, essence of Saturn, the

absolute, whatever you want to call it! That beckonsus through

the left-handed motions of a kind-hearted Saturn!We all need

to live our lives with this huge inner development at heart!Yes,I would be interested in your calender.Let me

know more details.I shall talk to some of my friends also.Bye Good, I'll put you down for

a copy! And, yes, tell your friends.... tell everyone!This is going to be one of the best things ever written regarding

Jyotish!22 years of Jyotish study compiled and expressed

through 365 days of transits!Jai GuruMark KincaidFri, 12 Dec 2008 06:27:31 -0500Subject:

2-Dr. Prasad: re. health & Saturn problems & 2009 Transits


drprkprasadCC: Thanks Mark !.This is my own chart.I have had it very BAD so long.It

included a massive heart attack & hospitalisation.I knew it was Saturn

conflicting with Jupiter in Sun's house.What more can one ask for to have

one's cup of sorrow brimful & overflowing.?.Hopefully after 9/9/09

when saturn moves into Virgo,things may improve.Am I right ?Dear Dr. Prasad: I see. Well, for many

people these last 4 years of Saturn moving through bothCancer and

Leo have been extremely hard.This is because we're all not

living a life in-tune enough with our Saturns!Saturn means

balance and silence and so very few people get enough rest and know how to

livetheir lives, in such a way that they don't pick up stress!When you mention massive heart attack, this is obviously due to

extreme years of pushing,of working too hard.It's in

Saturn periods where we can no longer get away with our abuses of

ourselves, our bodiesor nervous systems.Even minor 2 day

Moon periods where Saturn and Moon collide each month is a reminder of how

we're doing with Saturn!Things will improve to some extent

when Saturn moves into Virgo; but the question is all wrong.Things will improve for oneself and the world when we all learn to stop

abusing ourselves and ourrelationship with Nature, Saturn, God,

however you want to think of it.We all need to stop thinking

of future times coming and realize that right now, Saturn is beckoning us

to be more in-tune, now!I'm coming up to my 19th year of my

Saturn Mahadasa and after many wonderful years of Jupiter, I was so

perplexed how to deal with this.But, Saturn teaches us when

and where we need to surrender! And, surrender has been mypath

these many years now.And, as a result of learning to adjust,

to living my life everyday with the idea; " HOW CAN I BE MORE IN-TUNE

WITH SATURN, TODAY! " my life has steadily improved each of these

years now.When you have a major sickness like you mentioned,

obviously, health is very important to you!Your illness,

sickness is calling out to you; work on your health!Everything

in life is a sign for how we're doing, and even Saturn periods are NOT

curses, or things to wait patiently to pass, but divine opportunities to

focus on our health, RIGHT NOW!Therefore, all this time where

you're waiting for Saturn to improve, you should right now, do anything

and everything you can do to improve your health!Now, is the

time to meditate more, to practice Ayurveda, to heal and through

self-healing get yourself back in shape.As a culture we need

to start valuing those times which are healing and self-development

periods!We now, only value when we can be busy, make money and

be outward!In the future, as Saturn continues to show us; life

needs to be spent in regular periods of rest as well as activity.Did you hear about my 2009 Transits Calendar I'm writing?It'll go into each day's transits, (365) for 2009 with not only what

each day's transits will be,but what the major lessons will be and

what we should do to turn any negative transit, into apositive

one.I'll be announcing soon, when the Calendar will be ready.

It'll be coming out as a physicaldaily calendar with space for

people to make appointments and serve as a daytimer.This will

allow one to integrate one's transits into one's daily life.It'll be available as both a physical book and an e-calendar format.If you're interested let me know.The cost will be

about $ 19.95 for the book version and 10$ for the e-calendar.It'll have about 250 pages.Hope this helps, our conversation

here!Sincerely,Mark KincaidKeep up with trends of the thread on MSN Lifestyle.

Fashion is no more a passing phase. Check

it out!

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