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2-Dr. Prasad: re....Saturn's pains and great benefits.....

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Just when it seemed that I was

making some mileage and getting back on track, the cosmos sets up a few

new snares and psychic roadblocks to forward progress.It seems winter time

in all spheres of life .Is this a saturnine effect ?

Dear Prasad: Exactly! And, in the

Winter, everything gets colder, (Saturn), everything temporarily dies,

(Saturn). What we see from nature is that winter is coming! Everyone knows it. The birds fly south, the squirrel's

sock away their nuts for the long winter's scarcity. Bears

hibernate. With all these signs you'd think we'd know

better. Heck, even 100 years ago, farmers would do similar

things. They'd do the harvest during the growing season and stock

up, canning, preserving all those things that were needed for the

upcoming, Saturn Winter. But, what's happened now, is that

we've become divorced from the seasons. We work all year

round. We don't save, we don't prepare; and when nature goes through

it's natural cycles which it's been doing for thousands and millions

of years; we're surprised that we're not better prepared.

Birds of the sky, species of nature all follow nature's laws. Man is

the only one who's given this so-called freedom of will. What

we do with it is up to us. We suffer, because we've forgotten

how to take care of ourselves. I remember my dad trying to

tell me to be more conservative, practical things. (All Saturnish

by the way, and I remember thinking how conservative, corny and

simple he was. Years later when I suffered much from my less

than wise Saturn, (in the 12th) I came to understand these things

better. I went through many years of stuggling, (again Saturn

in the 12th) until I discovered Jyotish. Then, I read about

one's Saturn placement in the 12th. And, I truly was at loss, to

Saturn's natural wisdom. I resolved through a sheer act of will, to

get better with Saturn. I learned to save! Now,

that was the hardest thing I've ever done. I went to the

library found books on finances, and everything I read said:

" #1 rule for sound finances is to SAVE 6 times your expenses as

an emergency fund. " 6 months I thought, I've never had

6, heck I've never had 2, I don't even think I've every had 6 weeks!

Like most people you get into the space of living pay check to pay

check. Then, we loose our jobs, maybe our work dries up,

(again both Saturn experiences), maybe the whole world goes through

a mini-recession, like now, and literally millions of people are thrown out of work; (Saturn again) and do you think these people are ready for

this? Of course not. So, they suffer!

Then, I began to learn! I resolved to reach my 6-months of expenses

saved and.... And, after 6 months I'd achieved

1,000$/saved. It wasn't a lot. It certainly wasn't my

necessary, 6 months of monthly expenses that I was supposed to have;

but it was something! I learned right away, that even having

1,000$ saved, I felt better. I noticed bills would come in,

and for the first time in my life there was a kind of comfort due to

having that little nest egg. I got inspired to do more.

Over the course of the next 12 months I saved the full

6-months! I think at the time it was only about 6,000$. But,

for me it was like having a million dollars! Everything that

came up, car repairs, unexpected expenses, on and on; for the first time

in my life; suddenly I could handle it well! That was

my first real blessing from Saturn! Saturn taught me to save, though

first he gave me all the grief from years of neglect, coming back to

me. Then, over the next 12 years I did the same thing.

I'd work during the year, spring, summer and fall, (had a small

construction business), and saved up my little nest egg. When

I'd reach that magic 6-months, then I'd take off, retire in the

Winter and do Jyotish full-time. So, we all are not prepared

for life! We don't save enough physical money, we don't rest

enough. Rest by the way, is like to the body, what finances saved is

to the pocket book. When we learn to save money, we are well rested

and candle handle any emergency. If we learn to rest our

consciousness like that, inside, we'll have the mental and emotional

reserves to withstand any stressful situationi! Again, all

good Saturn lessons! Alas, we live in an age where natural

Saturn lessons are either not known or not practiced! And,

now we blame Saturn! Saturn's doing his job, creating ebbs

and flows of cycles. We have spring and we have winter

Both seasons are well understood! Unfortunately, we

are not prepared for either. We don't save enough nuts for our

winters, we don't rest deeply enough in the winters to be better prepared

for the springs! So, what happens, when winter comes, right

now, we're in a world mini-recession which is a Winter, Saturn

cycle; are we prepared for the inevitable ebbing of Saturn? NO! So, we suffer and we blame Saturn! When, we should be

blaming ourselves. Let's all resolve to get more in-tune with

Saturn. We all need to rest and to save, we do just these two

things, we resolve to do it, even if it takes 2 years; and then live

with that greater Saturn balance, and we'll see what happens!

Life becomes a joy! We feel anchored deeper within. We're

prepared to handle any of life's shakes, and ups and downs!

We'll always be different now! Hope this helps!

Mark Kincaid ps... record your experiences each day,

and in a few we'll get together and go over them...

FORGOT TO TELL YOU.... to write through the group, with all your

comments and experiences... Mark K.

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