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2-Neetu Singh:......about professional life from Mark Kincaid

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Neetu Singh’s question about professional




" meet_20052002 " <meet_20052002 wrote: > > Dear Sir First of all thank you very much for answer me. plz. tell

> me about my professional life presently I am working in Pvt.

Ltd. > Company and looking my bright future ahead. plz. tell me

how far i will > be success in my professional life. My name is

:Neetu Singh > Place of Birth :

Delhi > date of Birth

: 16 august 1984 > Time: 1:00

pm (Thursday) Neetu singh Dear Neetu Singh: Your's is a very good way of asking

questions from Jyotish. First of all, you need to know what your

true dharma is. For example, in everyone's chart there is a

higher purpose than just making a living. In other words what

kind of work is best for us is indicative of our 10th House.

However, the best way of making money is looked at by our 11th House. Now, in your chart, you have a Scorpio rising,

yes? How accurate too is your rising sign? When someone

says they were born at 1pm it's

very rare that someone was really born right at that exact

time. Really, it would be 1:05 or 12:55 or


Also, have you ever had a rectification done to verify your rising

sign? Assuming that your rising sign is correct, at the exact

moment of your birth, you were born in the early degrees of Scorpio

rising. This means you also need to understand your bhava

chart too. But, even with Scorpio rising, Leo is in your 10th

house of career. This is the chart, (Scorpio rising people)

where people need to be in some way the Leo rulers of their

work. In other words, do you enjoy being the boss or leading

in some way in your work? The secondary influence is to look

at your Sun, ruler of your 10th house of career. Your Sun's

in Cancer in the 9th house. Whenever, anyone has their 10th

house lord in Cancer it means they're meant to do something

compassionate, caring and even motherly with their career. In other

words, do you recognize that you like to nourish, take care, and be

giving in your work? Also, your Sun in Cancer is in the 9th

house, which is a very rare and special kind of career, because it

says you're meant to be Cancer caring but in a deeply spiritual way.

(Due to 10th house lord being in the 9th house of God.) Do,

you feel a strong spiritual nature and calling? Your Jupiter

by the way is in it's Own Sign, Sagittarius in the 2nd house of

wealth. So, you should be able to make money doing something

spiritual! Jupiter also aspects the 10th house of career from

it's place in the 2nd house. This is all potentially

very important because people rarely go after some kind of spiritual

career. It just doesn't occur to them. But, in your

chart, your highest dharma is to do something great, spiritually

with your life. Does any of this make sense to you? Do you related to any of these ideas? Your chart should

really feel like you! You should get some personal resonance

or aha with any and all the details of your chart.

Depending upon how well you now, know your chart, you can desire to

live your life and chart more fully! Oh, yes I should also

say you've got the other spiritual planet; Saturn Exalted in your

12th house, of moksha or liberation. And, 2 planets, Mercury

and Venus in your 10th house. Your Mercury or 11th house lord

in the 10th means you can make money in your Leo career. Venus is your 12th house lord in the 10th, which means too,

something about your transcendental 12th house, is coming to you in

your work as well. For such a unique chart and dharma, you

need to resonate with it more fully! Your future won't

really just unfold without any clarity and resolve from your

side. Though it's true we're all living our charts, unless we

come to understand this, and learn to utilize our strengths and

transform our malefic weaknesses, we may not truly manifest the

truest purpose of our births! Finally, looking at your

malefics you really have just one, basically. Ketu's in the

1st house which affects the 9th house where your Sun is.

Ketu's aspect upon one's Sun, sometimes brings a certain kind of

lack of self-confidence, (Sun being the planet of self-confidence)

Do you have that sometimes? Anyway, understand and

embrace your chart more fully. Do special remedies for Ketu, or

strengthening your Sun, which will help your 10th house lord, and

desire....! Desire, your ideal career come to you! I like to have people play the " career or dharma " game.

" If you had all the time or money in the world, what would you

do! " Just innocently answer this. Your

answer, is your true dharma! And, you should desire this, and

do whatever you can do to usher in this unique dharma!

Hope this has been helpful. Jai Guru! Mark Kincaid Founder Nature's Astrology

www..com (presently under re-construction)

markkincaid New Book Just Out:

" Seasons of the Stars: A 2009 Transits Calendar " 15

Month calendar - appointment book, for studying the transits and

one's stars!

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