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Announcement: New Research Project Dec. 14, 2008

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Still Time To Order For Christmas! Dearest

Friends:It is with the greatest happiness and

satisfaction that I'm writing to let you know of my 1st Jyotish

book!For over 20 years I've been thinking,

" someday I may write a new Jyotish book! " For these

last 5 years, every day I've been working towards this day!This first Jyotish book, called " Seasons of the

Stars - A 15 Month Transits Calendar - Appointment Book "

is a detailed interpretation and description of the next 15 months

of the Stars Transits starting in January, 2009.I've

include a few sample pages from it attached in this email as a pdf

file.Page 1: Picture of Front Cover Page 1:

Sample page including Week in Review along with one day's Transits,

(January 5th) Page 3: Sample of the accompanying

Appointment Book pages, which are opposite to the Transits

descriptions. Page 4: Sample pages of Jan. 6th & 7th

Page 5 Appointment book pages, for transits of Jan. 6,7.

If you have any questions, feel free to

email me directly. Sincerely,Mark KincaidEvery day the stars are moving

about!Every day the stars are affecting us at every

moment! Some days these rays influence us in positive or

benefic ways. Too often, however, we also experience

the negatives or so-called malefic function- ing of the

plants! We've all had days where there is an incredible

roughness or lethargy 'in the air'! This world's 1st

Jyotish or Eastern Astrol- ogy Transits & Appointment Book

calendar is a wonderful opportunity to help you discover what

the future will hold! Discover what the Auspicious or

Favorable days of the entire year will be like! Also,

discover which days in the future will likely be malefic or

unfavorable as well! Astrology is here to help us take

maximum advantage of the good, or positive and to steer

around and predict " the dangers on the horizon. " This book is also a Remedies, self-improve- ment book and

contains chapters on import- ant remedies and remedial measures

that one can practice all year, along with one's Transits. Discover how the stars truly affect you every day!

Once you know which planets are presently acting malefically

or negatively; than you can adopt a self-development program to literally strengthen any and all of your chart's malefic

planets! As you do this, with each step that you take

in improving your planets and self; you will find that the cycles,

periods, transits and days which were malefic; suddenly cease to

be! We can change our stars! And, Jyotish can

help us figure out how! Here's hoping that 2009 for you, is

the most fabulous and successful year ever! Join me in

using this great astrological tool to help you become the person

that you were born to be and live the success and happiness

which is your true life purpose! Sincerely, Mark Kincaid In a week or so, the

book will be available to order through my website:

www..com Until then, you can order it directly from

me. #1 2009 Transits Calendar $ 19.95

(Plus shipping and handling) #2 2009

E-calendar $

10.00 Payments can be made through paypal. (My

username: kincaidmark) Also, this

January we will have a special Video Internet All-day workshop on

how to use this book. This will be followed by a month

long course as well! Look for the announcement of that.

1st 100 People Who

Order, Will receive a free 15 minute Jyotish

consultation. Order Now, for Christmas Present!

(The book will ship in January, but all orders will receive

an e-calendar version by Christmas if need be.)

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