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Week At A Glance: Transits: February 16-23 Rahu-Jupiter-Mars Planetary War

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Dear Friends: HOW ARE YOU



If you've been following the

Transits you're likely aware that `MANY' planets are in Capricorn right

now. The particular, unique feeling of

this transit is one of extreme `intensity'.


Right now, there are in fact 4

planets in Capricorn. Jupiter, Rahu,

Mars and Mercury are all in Capricorn.

Even, more importantly, is paying close attention to their degrees.


Jupiter and Rahu have been

getting closer and closer together for awhile.

On the 10th of February, they were only 1 degree apart. Then, on the 13th, Rahu &

Jupiter were both at the 15th degree in Capricorn.


Now, today, Feb. 16th,

not only are Rahu & Jupiter both at the 15th degree, but Mars

too has joined the fray and is also at the 15th degree! So, pay attention to this today. Take advantage of this good doing and

achieving energy!


Just don't get too imbalanced,

and especially trample over others, which literally, `feels' like a likely

possibility, if I didn't know better!


See below for some of the most

important `other' transits going on, over the next week.










"Season's of the Stars"

NEW Weekly!


Transit Newsletter:


Week at a Glance!


February 16th – 22nd, 2009




o Moon's Transit – ½

Full-Empty – Waning


in Scorpio today!

o 4 Planets in Capricorn

o Venus, & Mars – Both


o Saturn's Continuing – Leo

o Jupiter – Still in

Debilitated Capricorn

o Favorable, Unfavorable

& Mixed Days



Experiencing the Transits – Around the



Lots of Intensity Going On This Week, too!



Moon's Transit

February 9th (9-15th)



Moon's still waning and

moved to its ½ Full, or especially, ½ empty waning stage starting today. Also, note that the Moon's entered into its

least happy sign of Scorpio. So, watch

your internal fire and disposition today, and if you find yourself getting

angry or upset, irritable than recognize that this is why.


are, however, `good' days to focus on what is important for your self. Reflect on what is important and what you

hold most dear. Entertain your beliefs

and convictions, just don't get angry or mad at yourself or others during these





4 Planets in Capricorn


I remember when I was first thinking of this time coming up and what it would

really be like. It's so cool, now, to be

in the middle of what the Transits `saw' ahead and now, actually living it!

I think that's what I love

the most about looking into each day, through the ideas or lens of the day's

transits. You really can see why the

transits, literally, fit that day, and yet, you also can experience what's even

especially relevant for your self, because each one of us experiences the stars


This, of course, is due to

the fact that we're all different and living our charts which are unique to

each one of us.

Don't forget you can watch the exact degrees in my new book: Seasons of

the Stars. See, website at www..com

for details. Book is available both as a printed and e-book version.


As of

February 16th:

Rahu 15:08 degrees Capricorn

Jupiter 15:51 degrees Capricorn

Mars 15:14 degrees Capricorn

Mercury 08:03 degrees Capricorn


Wow, look how

close Mars, Rahu and Jupiter are. Pay

special attention to these, now. And, if

you feel particularly `intense' than take a few more minutes to generate more

internal calmness!


Venus & Mars – Exalted – Now!


Mars and Venus are continuing in their profound, states of Exaltation this

week. See, if you can feel the new shift

into way to close proximity with Rahu, Jupiter and Mars. Venus is continuing and powerful in its

Exalted status, though Mars' powerful transit is marred a little bit being so

close to Rahu.

Look for any potential

tension or malefic ness going on and if you `feel', any, then move to remedies.



Saturn's in Leo



still continuing in Leo at the 25th degree, and if you've been

following the news, this present Saturn `recession' we're all in is starting to

have a negative influence on even the Japanese economy. In the news today was this flash about Japan.


"Japan's economy

contracted in the fourth quarter at the fastest pace in 35 years as a collapse

in global demand continues to drain the life from the world's second-largest



More `good' Saturn news while Saturn

continues in Leo, now, is retrograde and still acting negatively. Though keep in mind, these are good things,

that Saturn is doing, through at the time, they obviously don't feel like it.



Jupiter's in its 12th year

Transition into Capricorn.




moved into (Its

Sign of Debilitation) On

December 10th!


Into Aquarius – Temporarily on May 1, 2009!



you noticed any obvious `signs' of Jupiter's debilitation in Capricorn,

yet? Hint: Look for tensions or dilemmas

between spiritual and material choices.




Favorable, Unfavorable & Mixed


One of the most profound of benefits of watching the `Transits' each day, week

and month is that one can know ahead of times which days will be Favorable,

Mixed, and especially, Unfavorable! Venus and Mars are still both Exalted

so that creates an extremely positive vibration. However, many planets in too close proximity in

Capricorn reflects an intense `negative' which together create a kind of

`Mixed' ratings. Over this next week

notice these days are likely to be: From

new book-Transits Calendar: Seasons of

the Stars



16th Unfavorable: Moon

into Debilitate Scorpio

17th Unfavorable: Mars-Rahu-Jupiter-Too Close

18th Unfavorable: One more day-Moon-Scorpio

19th Mixed:

Moon–Moves-Sagittarius-Better Sign

20th Mixed:


21st Unfavorable:

5 Planets in Capricorn - Now

22nd Unfavorable:

Moon's that 5th Planet!


In Conclusion:



Period of `extremes' right now.

Both, Venus & Mars are Exalted, so pay attention and Utilize these

strengths more!

Also, many, many planets simultaneously moving through Capricorn represents an

over-all INTENSITY that you should watch.

This week may be a bit of an intense and

uncomfortable week, especially if the planetary war in Capricorn shakes

you. Pay special attention for too much

Mars fire and deal appropriately.


Jai Guru!



Mark Kincaid





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