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4 Major Planets





Friends & Colleagues,


Today, 4 major planets have moved

into Debilitation, their worst signs!




Right now, Jupiter is still in Capricorn (23rd degree),

recently Mars went into Cancer (2nd degree) and finally, Venus has gone

into Virgo, its sign of debilitation as well.



Then, on the 17th of October, the Sun joins these

three by moving into Libra, its sign of debilitation. Debilitation, traditionally, has been

described as `wrecked' or no-good.

People with even 1 debilitated planet suffer all the weaknesses generally

associated with that planet.


So, for Sun in Libra people, they suffer the debilitation of a

chronic lack of self-confidence and self-worth.

Even the `will' is affected by the Sun in Libra, and the person often

times is indecisive because of the Sun's weaknesses there.


Then, you look at Jupiter.

All-mighty Jupiter, the so-called `king' of all the planets, is in its

weakest position in Capricorn. Jupiter

is thought to be weak in Capricorn because Jupiter is spirituality while

Capricorn represents materialism. So,

Jupiter is weakest in Capricorn because the meaning is the person is more lost

to materialistic values than spiritual ones.


Mars, also is weak in Cancer because Mars and Cancer are so

opposite. You'll see that, really, in

all `debilitations'. The planet is

extremely different and un-like the energy of the sign where its supposed to be



The Sun is forthright, dynamic, aggressive, independent, and

self-assertive. Libra is all

compromising, harmonizing and wanting balance.

Some planets when they're in Libra, the person wants `harmony' even at

the loss of their own power, dignity or independence.


Mars is weakest in Cancer because Mars, like the Sun, is hot,

dynamic, outgoing, powerful and aggressive.

Cancer, on the other hand, is soft, loving, caring, compassionate and

motherly. So, when Mars is in Cancer,

the person is timid, not standing up enough for themselves, and generally weak

in all the natural and positive qualities of Mars.


Then, there is Venus.

What is that old expression?

"Love knows no reason!" When

Venus, the planet of love, is in Virgo, the sign of reason, this represents the

deepest weakness or dysfunction of Venus.

People with Venus in Virgo feel with their Mercury `heads' and also

imbibe many of the worst qualities of the sign of Virgo. They can be self-critical, fault finding,

dry, flat, in terms of their hearts, and un-loving or unloved.


Whew! Makes my head

spin just to go through the symbolisms and meanings of each of these planet's

sign of debilitation.


In the past, whenever I've watched the Transits (each day for

the last 22 years) I've noticed all the regular transitions of the planets

through their signs of debilitation.


I remember when I watched Saturn go into Aries, its sign of

debilitation in April of 1998. There was

this unmistakable shift in terms of the internal balance and basic strength

inside. Over those next few years I

watched as many people got themselves tremendously out of balance and suffering

as a result.

Even the US

economy seemed to get more and more out of balance. Though you wouldn't have noticed because the

stock market took off for almost 2 years.


Then, at the very end of Saturn's debilitation, the whole market

came crashing down! At the end of

Saturn's 2 ½ years of Libra, I noticed that the market had shot up and then by

the very end back down to where it had been 2 ½ years earlier!


In other words, in spite of all that effort to progress and

advance, in the final analysis, there was NO real prosperity gained!


Like that, there is tremendous weakness and important

WARNINGS! to be had by watching closely the next few weeks of all these planets



Therefore, #1 if you feel weak in any way over these next few

weeks, there's a very good reason for it.


I've always dreaded the Sun's debilitation through Libra, each

year, because the Sun goes through `my' Libra in the first house. I often feel quite ill physically. Though the last few years have been better as

I learned to understand this transit and take appropriate steps, practicing



Like that, this time directly on the horizon, is an absolutely

wonderful opportunity to work on our inner life or planets!


In other words, when you're sick, laid up in bed and can't

move, what can you do?




So, if you feel any of this unique transiting, dysfunction,

underdeveloped, weakened realities of any of these planets, THEN WORK ON IMPROVING

THEM RIGHT NOW, just because that's one of the inherent meanings of



People are born with debilitated planets, to literally work on

those planets!


I was born with Mars in Cancer, and from the earliest of age,

I knew that I was supposed to get stronger!

I used to love westerns, and cowboy movies. I loved anything to do with battling,

fighting, wars and becoming more courageous!


I thought it was a typical `guy' thing until I learned my

Jyotish and realized that I felt empowered by watching acts of heroism,

courage, crusading and standing up for oneself!




So, see how you're feeling now and each day as the Transits

continue moving around.


Then, if you feel any of the inherent weaknesses of any of

these `debilitations' then, shift your attention from the `lack' to whatever

you can do to strengthen any of these planets!


The inherent Remedies and Remedial Measures are different for

each planet.



So, I'll be putting up on my website, (www..com) soon, the

various remedies I've been perfecting all these years.






Good Luck, and God Bless!


Here's hoping you all fair well during this challenging

Jyotish time!


Use this time, to improve yourself!



Jai Guru



Mark Kincaid







PS: Oh, yes forgot to

mention, pay special attention to October 20th & 21st,

when the Moon also goes through its sign of debilitation, Scorpio for these



During these days, there will be 5 Planets in Debilitation…..





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