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Dear Friends,


I thought you might be interested in an article I recently wrote about

Virgo. This is especially 'timely' since even today, there

are 4 planets going through Virgo. However, it'll also be important to

reflect about since Saturn's going to be transiting Virgo,

until November of 2011!


Also, Virgo is an interesting topic for people who are interested in the complete Natural Astrology of life.


It's especially important to realize how the negatives of Virgo can be transformed.







Mark Kincaid





`Perfection' that is Truly Virgo"



Virgo is

often called the `sign' that seeks perfection! And, this is a good way of thinking

about Virgo. Every person who has a

little Virgo in their charts, or every month when the Moon or other planets

move through Virgo, you can literally `feel' some sense of perfectionism.


For some it's

always been this nagging frustration that things aren't shinier. Maybe you're sitting at your breakfast table

and today, the water marks really stand out to you. "Drat, look at those", we think quietly to


Or, maybe you

feel like commenting on your spouse's hair or frustrating habits. "Eh, sweetheart, why are you focusing on

`that' today'?


"Eh,… I don't

know. For some reason it's just jumping

out at me."


"Well, honey

you'd better check your Transit calendar.

Maybe there's some Virgo thing happening today?"


And, lo and

behold, we look up the Transits, and `boom' Moon has just moved into Virgo!


Like that, we

are all experiencing at various times the positives and the negatives of Virgo.


Yes, Virgo is

`that' which seeks PERFECTION!



because most of the time we don't look in the `right' area, we end up feeling

frustrated, and when frustrated, our feelings, thoughts and behavior becomes

critical, fault finding or judgemental.


Today, we're

going to focus on the `TRUE' meaning and message of Virgo. We're also going to talk about both the

positive and negative sides of Virgo.

And, finally, we'll end with a discussion about how we can learn to

transmute or transform any of the `negative' sort into a more `perfect'



Personally, I

was born with 2 planets in Virgo, (Moon & Saturn) so I've had ample time to

reflect on both the good and the bad of Virgo.

My earliest memory of my own Virgo ness comes when I was a small

boy. My mother, in fact, loves to tell

this story. "You know I used to always

believe more in the power of nurturing my children rather than nature. You know, the old nurture vs. nature

debate? Anyway, when Mark and Laura, (my

sister) were very young I put them both in the sandbox to play.

I'll never

forget when little Mark, walked back into the house, in just a few minutes, pushing

his little fingers up for me to see, saying: "dirty, dirty". I looked down and couldn't find any dirt on

his fingers which he was showing me.

I forgot, about the

instance, until about an hour passed by and I thought again about Laura. `mmm, I wonder where she is, Oh, I'd better

go check'.

And, there

she was, still in the sandbox. She looked

up at me and with the biggest smile, even though she was literally covered from

head to toe in `real' dirt! I laughed so

hard. And, when I pulled her out of the

sandbox, she wiggled and exclaimed, "NO, I don't want to go!"

From that

moment, I realized that there was a fundamental difference between my children,

regardless about how hard I tried to nurture and mold them."


Later, I was

to have my own conscious experience of `my' Virgo ness. This time, I was in high school and one of my

friends came up to me. I took one look

at him and exclaimed, "Hey, who dressed you?" as I systematically started

straightening his clothes. His remark

startled me: "Hey, who are you, my

Mother?" What a curious expression I


It would be

years before I'd realize why I had this experience.


Later, when I

read about my Moon in Virgo, I thought, "Oh, my God, I was being his Virgo mom!


It would be

awhile before I developed any real appreciation about what Virgo was all

about. A few years later I heard a renown

Vedic teacher say: "We don't seek pefection,

in the relative, it does not exist.

Instead seek true perfection, inside, in the absolute."


What a

strange expression, I thought. Can it be

that simple? Are we all experiencing the

frustrating and slightly negative aspects of Virgo, only because we're using

Virgo in the wrong way?


Because of my

own Virgo planets I began a rather lengthy reflection on Virgo, perfection, and

nauseating Virgo traits and experiences.


When I

thought about my self I also realized I liked using my Virgo at work. In my own chart, my Moon in Virgo, isn't just

a mothering thing, but my Moon is also the ruler of my 10th

House. And, for over 30 years, that I've

had a small construction business, I've enjoyed looking into people's homes and

seeing, their `cracks'!

I get invited

to come over and fix or remodel their home.

Whether they're interested in a painting or a reconstruction I've found

I really enjoy seeing the `faults'. But,

instead of commenting upon them, criticizing, or putting down the person

because they've got a lot of cracks in their ceilings, I've gotten hired to



Like that,

Virgo can easily see the faults. Whether

it's a personality flaw, or a ½ empty glass, but it sees that which is imperfect,

imprecise, unflattering, or NOT good enough.


The problem

we all get into with Virgo, however is if we look at the ½ full glass as ½

empty! We'll find ourselves in

difficulties with ourselves or others if we emphasize too much, the negative or

small minded side of Virgo.


Just because

Virgo can see the cracks, doesn't mean it's necessarily polite to mention them!


Just because

I notice the cracks in the walls doesn't mean when I go over to my friends

house, that I have to say anything about it!


That great

Vedic teacher, by the way also had this to say about `critical ness'. "You all don't know enough to be

critical. Instead, be uplifting,

nourishing and encouraging." That too,

meant a lot to me because where I used to point out people's foibles, even

though I was trying to be helpful, I found they responded much better when I

saw their positives.


And, that's

when my Jyotish, my advice, my `help' really began taking off, when I would

speak about some one's positive traits, qualities and characteristics. Just because `we' (and by `we' I mean all of

us with Virgo traits), can see the faults, doesn't mean we have to emphasize


When I do

people's charts, my Virgo sense does give me an ability to see `it all'. But, it's much more effective to bring out people's

positives, first.



invariably, after talking about a person's best planets for 5-10 minutes, they

always then say: "This is great. Thank you so much but, can you also explain

why I have these faults?"


And, when it

comes from their side, oh, boy, is it fun than to point out exactly why they

have any and all of their frustrations!


This is what

I love the most about Jyotish is that it has this Philosophy of Benefics and

Malefics. Jyotish defines all the

positive aspects of our lives due to the positive or benefic planets that we

have. On the other hand, all our

problems, all our sufferings are due to our mistaken, undeveloped or negative,

malefic planets!


In other

words, our imperfections, are our Malefics!


Wow, how cool

is that. But, instead of just pointing

out one's faults, its much more important to try and help the person understand

how they can transform or transmute their malefic `imperfections' into more



Now, when we

reflect on Virgo, itself, we'll have a much better sense of what that energy is

all about in our charts. Whether, you

have your Virgo, in your 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th,

or 12th House, the flavor is the same. Wherever you have your Virgo, look into that

part of your life and see the unmistakable quality of Virgo ness, happening



For me, my

Virgo's in the 12th House and I've always wanted to know about the

highest kind of perfection, God, Being, the Absolute, etc. Coincidently, that's the quality of the 12th

House, the end, that which is beyond the rest, the Transcendent!


Regardless of

where your Virgo is and regardless of what planets you may have in Virgo, right

now, we're all being ASSAULTED with a lot of intense Virgo energies!


Right now,

today, October 16th, 2009,

there are 5 Planets in Virgo. There's

the Sun, which is at the 29th degree of Virgo. Then, there's Mercury which is at the 16th

degree. Then, there's Venus, traveling

at the 8th degree, and finally the Moon (8) and Saturn (4) which are

all in Virgo, too.


Whew, now that's

a lot of Virgo!


So, `now' is

a perfect time to reflect and work on Virgo.


Whether you

have ANY Virgo planets, or just feel a little `ill' due to all these planets

moving through your 2nd House of Virgo, this is THE time to reflect

on all this.


Let's first

start by reflecting on what Virgo is really, all about.


And, the very

moment, that you let go, that you allow yourself to embrace, more fully, that

deeper, inward and special Divine part of you, immediately, your Virgo sense

will settle down.


Right away,

you'll feel some satisfaction, some deeper fulfillment, when you embrace the

true, full potential of Virgo.

Okay, let's

do it. Right now, sit down, close the

eyes and let your mind go. Let it

soar! Let it move towards that place,

that state, that reality which is God.

That part of you which is truly sublime, unbounded, full, eternal and

immortal, is the ONLY true Perfection!


And, when we

`embrace' that more, than immediately our Virgo sense will find



Even, now when

all these planets are cursing through Virgo, this is the time to truly embrace

that inner beauty.


It's also an

interesting time, because right now, both `the good and the bad' of Virgo are

being expressed. Like every other sign,

some planets are happier and others not so happy in Virgo.


For example,

the Sun's kind of medium in Virgo. When

the person has their Sun in Virgo, the deepest part of their self, ego, I,

soul, is flooded with the qualities and meanings of Virgo ness.

My dad had

his Sun in Virgo in his chart, and he was a strong perfectionist. Fortunately, he also had an Exalted Moon in

his chart, and he mostly was `hardest' upon his (Sun) self! Though when he got tired, he'd get cranky and

could say very critical things even without knowing it.

"Can't you

pick up your toys?" he'd say. And, it

wasn't how loud he said it. He wasn't

even particularly mad. He was just being

dry, fault finding and critical. And,

because it's not necessarily helpful to be put down by the exposure of one's

fault, that's where the pain comes in too often.


Then, there's

Mercury in Virgo. Mercury in Virgo is

the ONLY planet that truly loves being in Virgo. Astrology says, Mercury is in fact, in its

best, possible placement in Virgo.

Mercury, is Exalted in Virgo!

This means that all the best aspects of one's Mercury intellect are

available when Mercury is in Virgo.

And, you'll

see that in people who have their Mercury's in Virgo. They're extremely bright, intelligent, quick

minded, powerful thinkers, communicators, with a high degree of discrimination

and analytical skills.


But, even

Mercury in Virgo people can misuse that energy.

Often times, even though they don't intend to be hurtful, but their dry,

analytic analysis is a little upsetting.

Though they're great people to go to especially if you need any clarity

or have any confusion or mistaken notions.


Then, there

is poor Venus in Virgo. If Mercury's the

`best' in Virgo, Venus is the absolute `worst'!

This is because when the Venus heart is in Virgo, the person is full of

debilitating, frustrating, and agonizing heart challenges, sadness, emptyness

and grief!

In other

words, it's really true what they say, that `love knows no reason'. And, when Venus is in Virgo, the loving part

of us, the appreciative, and caring part gets lost in criticalness. Venus in Virgo people have many, many

frustrations on a romantic or even just heart level. They're constantly complaining that so and so

is no good, and they're not being treated fairly or so and so is un-loving.


listening to a Venus in Virgo person for awhile I'll say to them: "Are you ready to figure out why these

difficult things are coming to you?"

That makes them stop for a moment.

Instead of buying into the `blame' quality of seeing the faults in others,

I attempt to show them, that everything we go through is REALLY, inside of us.


If they're

open, then, I continue. "Oh, yes,

please!" they might say. Then, I can

say: "All these frustrations,

difficulties and unhappiness, on a heart level are due to your Venus in

Virgo. Venus in Virgo is like trying to

find the `reason' for love. Love just

is! We just need to be more loving and

then, everything will be better. "But,

how can I do that. I,… I just see

people's faults and can't help mentioning them!"

"Well, listen

to your expression. Yes, that's

obviously what happens, but, you're also meant to improve that part of

you. You're meant to discover that this

is one of your malefic patterns and you CAN transform it.


We transform

our weaknesses, mistaken notions, patterns or malefic vibrations by a sheer act

of will!


We can right

now, choose to see the glass ½ empty, or we can see the glass as ½ full. The more the Venus in Virgo person learns to

use their Venus energy more `perfectly' the sooner they'll find themselves

`out' of the negative grip of Virgo.

Every moment

that we take the time to point out the good, the positive and the helpful, we

stir that possibility even more, in ourselves, as well as others.


When, I

learned to make a point of seeing the positive and the `good' then, life got a

chance to truly move forward.


Sometimes it

is helpful to examine our faults.

Sometimes we need to really look at our self, exactly where we are,

right now. But, it's extremely more

important to also learn how `to see' ourselves, in our fuller realities, in our

greater potential, because that's really where we're all going, anyway!


This is the

other way in which Virgo can be transformed, by the way.


When we take

the mind out of the world, out of the relative, out of the entire field of

imperfections and allow the mind to experience directly, the unbounded,

unlimited, unblemished field of pure Being within, then, immediately, we find

ourselves transformed!


And, this, by

the way, is much easier to do, than trying NOT to see the faults. The more one's vision spontaneously flows

from that deeper harmony and bliss, from within, than one can't help but see

the `good' more!


Then, there

is the Moon in Virgo, like what's going on today. The Moon, too, is thought to not be so good,

in Virgo. The Moon is much happier in

signs like Cancer and Taurus where it's more positive nature comes out. The Moon in Virgo often times, spontaneously

`feels' the faults, feels the emotional sadness and smallness of seeing things

½ empty.


So, it's

extremely important that the emotional Moon, learn how to find that more

fulfilling and life changing truer Virgo side.



Saturn's in Virgo, too right now. And,

for 2 ½ years Saturn will continue moving through Virgo. We say Saturn is the planet of lessons. It brings trials and tribulations directly

related to the `sign' that it's presently in.


So, over the

last 5 years, for example, Saturn moved through Cancer and Leo. 5 years ago, when Saturn first moved into

Cancer, I remember the Jyotishees from India sending us emails warning us of

the inherent dangers of Saturn's movement into Cancer.

"Beware of

trials of water!" they said. What a strange expression I thought. I mean I understood it. Cancer, after all is related to the Moon,

which is intimately related to watery emotions.

But, it was still shocking seeing that over the next 2 ½ years, the

entire world would go through the debilitating and excruciating frustrations of

the big tsunami's and hurricanes of those years, (Katrina, Rita, to name just a



So, I was

prepared to help people, when I ran into those suffering on an emotional level

due to Saturn going through Cancer.

Later, when Saturn moved into Leo, we received similar emails saying: "Beware of hardships with one Self, with

Fathers, and even governments."

And, how true

that's been now, these last 2 ½ years.

And, where are governments, `hurt' the most? In their pocket books! So, for 2 ½ years we've had one of the worst

recessions in decades.


Saturn has

now moved into Virgo.


Saturn means

lessons of … So, Saturn in Virgo will

really bring to the forefront all the issues, trials, and yet, even purpose of

Virgo. The more we allow ourselves to

focus on the true, full potential of Virgo, than we'll find ourselves not

frustrated by the small aspects.

And, with

each step towards an inner awakening of Virgo perfection, than ALL the negative

realities and experiences of Virgo will slip away!


Already we've

had a month of the Sun's movement through Virgo.


Tomorrow, it

slips out of the Virgo lessons and moves into Libra.


Then, on

October 26th Mercury moves out of Virgo and into the next sign of

Libra. Though I'm going to kind of miss

that transit. These weeks that Mercury

has been cursing through Virgo, have been delightful days of tremendous

intellectual clarity and ahas.


Later, on

November 2nd, Venus too finally will be through the days of its

debilitation in Virgo. In many ways,

this is the worst part of the Virgo times we're going through. The heart, so deeply, hurts in Virgo. The Venus heart, wants only to be full,

loving and fulfilling.


this year, we've already had some wonderful days, weeks and months of Venus in

better signs. For much of early 2009,

Venus was in fact, Exalted in Pisces. I think, because I knew that Venus was

going to be spoiled, later, during the hard times of Virgo, I found myself

really taking advantage of those days.

Now, the

debilitating part is upon us, and we all are getting presented by Nature, the

opportunity to see, what it's like when Venus is misused or not used



Life, is

always, by the way, showing us the good and bad.


Every year,

the planets all go through many of their positive and negative signs. This is how life is. It's constantly moving, going through

different relative values. This is

nature's way of allowing us to play out all the different experiences and

lessons we've come to learn.


Life's a

School, and the planet Earth is our classroom!


So, whether

you're here to experience the lessons of Venus in Virgo or Saturn, these are

the days when the whole world will be going through `it'.


So, next time

you see someone suffering due to not quite understanding all these Virgo,

issues, ask them, if they'd like to hear your thoughts on it.


And, if they

give you, their permission, than share these Virgo ideas with them.


You'll find

even a 5 minute conversation can change someone's life!


Good luck and

God bless.






Mark Kincaid



PS… Feel free to write in and share your

experiences of these Virgo times with everyone.



PSS: Oh, yes, Venus will be out of Virgo on Nov.

2nd while Saturn will remain in Virgo until November of 2011!

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