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Dear Friends,


I thought you might be interested in this 'excerpt' from my new book

coming out for Christmas, "Season's of the Stars - II - 2010-2012"

This excerpt is from the chapter on the "Future of Astrology" and I

think it'll really help you appreciate the astrological study that

you're all involved in.







Mark Kincaid










"The Future of






Today, the field of Astrology is

changing more than at any time in its entire history. Today, for the very first time, Astrology

`students' throughout the world have become aware of the two great

`branches' of Astrology, East & West.

As a result of this `awareness', these two great systems of Astrology

have begun changing.


Now, the `future' of Astrology will

be unlike anything that has ever come before.


Astrology is on the precipice of

discovering its Full Potential.


When that happens individuals

throughout the world will get so much knowledge, awareness and enrichment to

their lives, that individual progress, success and prosperity will be immense!


In this chapter we're going to

discuss the `vast' potential that is Astrology.

We're also going to discuss exactly why Astrology has been slightly

dysfunctional so far. You're also going

to hear from practical people how this 'new' knowledge of Astrology has begun changing their

lives, forever.


Previously, say, even as recently as

100 years ago, there were these two separate branches of Astrology, West &

East, and what is that old expression:


"East is East and

West is West

and Never the twain,

shall meet…"

Rudyard Kipling



But, over the last 100 years now,

we've all increasing become aware of the intimate differences of both the West

and East. Then, about 50 years ago, especially

with the onslaught of modern day technology, the world shrank even further. As a result, we each became much more

intimately aware of the inherent values of the West and East.

If we are a so-called `Westerner' we

became aware of the exquisite, unique qualities and traits which have been

predominantly `Eastern'. If we are a

`Easterner' we became much more intimately aware of all the special attributes

and achievements of the `Western' reality.


As a result of this mutual

self-awareness, the people of the West and East, began spontaneously

embracing the "good" that's been hiding and previously unavailable.


For `us' Westerners we became

blessed by such fantastic spiritual traditions like yoga, meditation, and

Jyotish, (Eastern Astrology). If `we'

have been predominantly an Easterner, we became intimately aware of the Western

achievements in business, agriculture, science, etc.

In the `field' of Astrology,

Westerners became aware of this absolutely amazing system of Eastern, Indian or

Vedic Astrology. If we have been an

Easterner we became aware of the absolutely unique `western' astrological

qualities of self-development, progress and self determination, free will and success in the world.



In truth, obviously there is only

`One' Astrology. All we have to do is

look out into the universe and we will only see, one, pure, absolute and

natural Astrology. There are NOT two

laws of nature that flood to us depending upon which part of the globe we live

in. Modern science has undoubtedly shown

that there are these deep, powerful, and `absolute' laws of nature that are

literally, the same for everyone.

The law of gravity exerts its force

upon us, no matter who we are, what race, or country we're from and where we

live. In that same way, the inherent

`laws of nature' that are astrological are also, absolute and the same for



One of the first `net' results that

is coming as a result of this mutual `blending' between East and West, is the

fact that there are these very real and powerful, undeniable laws of Astrology

that are the same for all.


As individuals have become more and

more aware of the special features of both systems of Astrology, what's begun

happening is that literally, `the best' of both the West and East is rising to

the surface.


"The Best of the



In the Eastern system, the

absolutely `best' of its features is a Mathematics that truly fits the `sky'

and an appreciation of the very real, laws of Astrology that are going on at

every moment. When you watch the

"Transits" of Astrology, especially through the Mathematics of the Eastern system, you

can't help but discover that "Nature" herself is following that `script'!

Also, the Eastern system is

intimately connected and `a part' of the vast field of Vedic knowledge which

has the amazing knowledge of our full potential and complete self-development. This means then, if you utilize any number of

the Vedic disciplines like yoga, meditation and Ayurveda, along with your Astrology, you will discover the

true purpose of your life.


"The Best of the



When you look closely at the Western

system, the `best' of the West includes a deep appreciation of the real power

and purpose of Astrology as it is in life which is to help us literally, change and transform

ourselves. This `point' can not be over emphasized because it's been this `feature' of the Eastern system, which has been

so deeply missing and as a result, Indian, even Vedic culture has been full of

problems and suffering.

"Best of East &



Especially, now, over the last 50

years, the literal `best' of both West and East have begun popping up in both

cultures. In the West, a number of

important Western Astrologers became deeply dissatisfied about the Western

(Tropical) system of calculating the astrological chart, and as a result,

created a completely, new system of Astrology called Sidereal Astrology.

Sidereal simply put means "actual

sky" Astrology. Over the years, about

1600 years now, the Tropical Western system became increasingly out of synch

with the "actual sky". This meant that

if the chart of tomorrow said that the Moon was going to be in Leo for all

being born, in truth, when you looked at the actual sky of that tomorrow, you'd

be surprised that the Moon was actually in the sign of Cancer.

This is probably the main reason why

practical, modern day scientists have not embraced Western Astrology. Science wants to have something to

study. So, we create beliefs and ideas

related to `reality' but then, we structure a test to verify and validate those


Astrology has never made it into the

field of modern day science primarily because of this problem between

prediction and actual sky.

Now, that Western Astrology has

begun returning to that "actual sky" reality, its going to be increasingly more

possible to unite with science and develop a truly modern day Science of



In the East, the `best' of the

Eastern system includes this very natural and yet profound appreciation of the

actual Mathematics or even we could say, Mathematics of the actual `laws of

nature' of Astrology.

The only `real' problem with Eastern

Astrology has been this very all-pervasive kind of `fatalism' which as it turns

out completely undermines and thwarts life.

For hundreds of years, at least,

much of Eastern `thought' has been dominated by this belief that everything is

predictable and therefore `fated'. The

result of this mental, construct or mind set has been catastrophic. Where the entire `Vedic Knowledge and wisdom

has been there to help any human being literally, become Enlightened, as a

result of this misplaced sentiment, life has remained in ignorance and


The `hope' of Eastern philosophy is

so captivating, but the quality of life in the East is no better really than in

the West. So, something has been deeply

missing in Eastern philosophy in spite of the fact that we find many of its

traditions so fascinating and significant.


This is also, because Indians don't

practice such things as meditation, yoga or Jyotish. That may seem bizarre even to say, but the

majority of Indians are told, even, NOT to study or become aware of their own


And, nothing could be more

disastrous than putting your own life and evolution in the hands of `another'

than Astrology. It's like the recent

habit of putting our life and health in the hands of doctors, instead of

ourselves. Today, personal health is a

tragedy, throughout the world primarily because we're not taught how to become

our own `best' healers!


Now, for the very first time, as a

result of this mutual `blending', literally, the `Best' of both the West and

the East are beginning to `shine' and as a result, we're already beginning to

see a completely new, modern and yet, miraculously profound and even `perfect'

science of Astrology.


Astrology will be `perfect' when it

can #1 predict who and what every individual will be like coming to this Earth. And,

#2 Astrology will become finally become profound when it gives the

kind of knowledge and wisdom that every individual needs to rise up to

their full potential.


It's been the idea and belief of

Astrology for millennium, that our charts fit us, so why hasn't society

embraced this reality? Because, in the

West, the Mathematics of the Western system has increasingly become

inaccurate. Right now, the Tropical

system has raced ahead to about 23 degrees difference than the actual sky. For millions of people, then, they're told

that their Sun, Moon and planets are in specific signs, which were NOT true on

the actual day of their birth.

So, if the Western system does not

fully embrace the perspective and Mathematics of even, say the Sidereal

approach, in another 1600 years, there will be a 46 degree difference between

the Western `chart' and the "actual sky" which will make it completely


Today, millions of people enjoy much

about their Western, Tropical system, charts because there's still a kind of

`overlapping' that goes on. For example,

in my Western chart I'm supposed to have my Sun in Virgo which is completely

different than my Eastern chart which has my Sun being in Leo. Anyone who knows me will attest to that `Leo'

side to me!

However, when I look at my Eastern

system, I still have `Virgo' energy, because my Moon and Saturn are

both in Virgo. In the distant future, if you were to try and

calculate my birth chart, based on that '43 degree' difference

than, my Sun would go into Libra, which is completely different than the way I truly



We only need to have a very open and

yes, `scientific' approach to Astrology and as we `study' either the details of

our individual lives, or the details of the `world' (ie. The Transits) we'll

FIND, literally, all the various truths and realities, or laws of nature of



The Full Potential of



There are two main aspects to our

Astrology that are absolutely vital that we each become aware of. #1 our astrological charts, contain a complete

and accurate `mirror' as to who we are.

This means our charts fit us and gives us a complete understanding as to

why we have the personality we have and what our strengths and weaknesses are.

However, the REAL goal and purpose

of Astrology is to learn that knowledge or wisdom that will help us grow in

especially the areas of our `weaknesses'.

Previously, only principle #1 has been available in Astrology and as a

result the `real' purpose has been missing.

Today, however, as we more deeply, integrate and utilize the vast

remedial measures of Astrology, we have the great possibility of becoming the

"person" that we were truly meant to become.

If we learn how to `do' this then we

can transform any human frailty, inadequacy or weakness, into a strength! The

true purpose of life is to grow and its really our "soul growth" that

is the real purpose of our charts. Our charts are that, perfect manual

as to exactly where we each need to grow.






It's a very exciting time, and for

me, I'm so ecstatic that I'm one of those people who are on the fore-front of

this great `change' in the field of Astrology.


All of you, too, who are in the

process of discovering `exactly' how your chart fits you, are also pioneers in

this great field of endeavor. The `more'

you discover, exactly how your chart fits, and how it contains vast and

important information about your life, you too will find yourself `LIVING' the

life that you were truly meant to live, and a life of all good, progress,

prosperity and happiness.













from new Astrology book, "Season's of the Stars, 2010 – 2012"


by Christmas 2009.







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