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Studying Astrology - Jyotish ... With the Stars!

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Studying Astrology-JyotishWith the Stars! I've often wondered why I enjoy watching the "Transits" so much. I've since realized this is because there's such a `purity' about the Stars themselves that can't be beat! In other words, when you learn to `feel' the every day movement of the Stars, you learn how to `feel' almighty Nature. And, "SHE" is the best teacher of Astrology! At every moment, Nature, herself, is living the Stars. All the rules and principles of Astrology, are being fully EXPRESSED, in each day's movements of the stars. Astrology, is this extraordinary `mirror' which allows us to see ourselves, and the universe. The "Transits", the every day movement of the stars, is that perfect mirror which allows one to `see' the intimate connection between ourselves and the astrological universe. As we get more and more proficient in `seeing the stars' within and without, then, we naturally become more Self-Actualized, in LIFE! And, 'that', after all, is the true purpose of the stars! We all are living in a star-studded, astrological universe. Of course, everyone agrees, we're all living in an astronomical one. All we have to do, is look into any evening sky and we will see such a panorama of stars, pulsating throughout the `infinite' universe in which we live. 100 Million galaxies, each filled with 100's of billions of stars! Oh, my God! What a sight! `That reality, studied by modern day Astronomy now knows how the universe `works'. Well, at least part of the physical reality. We now, know what the Sun is made from. We even have some good ideas about how the internal `fuel' of the Sun gets spent, and as a result, radiates out into our every day play field. We know how the Moon and planets circle that Sun, in ellipses, by the way. We know what they're made out of. What we don't know, however, is WHY! We know the `how', maybe even the `what', what we don't understand is why, Why do they shine? It may seem ridiculous to ask, `why' do the stars shine, but that question is at the very heart of our EXISTENCE! Why are we here? Why do we shine? Or why don't we shine? These are two of the greatest questions we can ask. Astrology defines our `shining' in terms of Benefic or Malefic planets. When a planet is strong, maybe it's in its Own Sign or Exalted, maybe its in a `friend's sign' or maybe well positioned in our chart, but, it's called `shining' because its expressing, 'more' of its purest value. Sometimes, however, when some of our planets are Malefic, they're found NOT shining. A friend of mine, one time, was investigating this whole notion of malefics, by examining the deeper meaning of the Sanskrit meaning. Traditionally, malefics are the great evildoers, the `curses' of our previous lives and karmas, creating mischief, mayhem and misery, in our lives. In his investigation, however, he found the word, 'malefic', actually means, 'Un-shining' (instead of `damaged', or `destroyed, which is the normal connotation. So, if we understand ourselves, in terms of where we shine, and where we don't, then, we can instinctively, come to truly understand the 'real' reasons why we're here! We're here to SHINE! Isn't it fascinating that we call certain people, that we admire, and adulate, "STARS"! It's because they're shining! And, through their shining, they inspire the rest of us to `shine' within our every day lives! How many movies have we all watched over the years? Ever wonder why we have such a deep fascination with movies? It's because `movies' are our modern day folklore. In past ages, people gravitated around the fire, and told stories! Stories that moved and inspired the family or community, to `what'? To evolve! Inspiring stories have always been there in ALL human cultures, because they're an intimate part of the human experience. Even the Veda, identifies the importance of `stories'. They're called the Puranas, and include epic battles, times, places and people, all struggling with the situation, we call life! Today, our modern day Puranas are told by our Stars, and their shining lives, (at least in film) are our examples of Puranic greatness. Our heroes, `stars' play any imaginable characters, and all those stories serve to inspire us to our own GREATNESS! Inside each one of us, however, is a Cosmic story, `chart', map, manual, or `BOOK' that's waiting for us to open. Like the best story, imaginable, we too can come to play the `role' and the person that we were truly meant to be! The `stars' each day, move and cajole us to become that underdeveloped, that unseen, hidden, and frequently, un-tapped, inner reality. But, the very moment that we awaken to our Cosmic 'mirror', there as a tremendous `spur' to help us wake up and evolve. The `Stars' are our friends, and the sooner we realize this, the happier and successful we will be. Each day, the artist, the muse, the writer of the universe, has painted his canvas, in the canopy of the stars! Ahhhhh, such a sweet, presence of God, flowing to us each day through these stars. Astrology is the ancient, knowledge and wisdom of the stars, what they are and what they `mean. We, however, need to understand how they relate and are relevant to us, inside. OUR personal Astrology is a kind of Cosmic mirror, that will help any person, come to SEE themselves more purely! We each need to see ourselves more objectively and when we do, we can do better for ourselves. The biggest problem we all have in life is where we have our Malefics. Malefics mean where we're asleep or un-shining, where our full potential sleeps, and needs to be awakened! Every month, the stars beckon, stir and move us to awaken, in the exact areas of our Malefics! If we don't, the main, malefic ness of `them', increases. If we don't heed, Saturn's call to arms, then, tiredness, fatigue, impatience, and dis-ease, blooms into despair, deep stress, disease, lossses of all kinds, grief, depression and even premature death. No wonder Saturn is called the great Lesson Giver! But, the very moment that we `get' Saturn's real role and reason for being, the very moment that we surrender, a little bit of our malefic ignorance, then, we immediately `AWAKEN' to who we are and what we're supposed to be doing differently. Even modern day Psychology understands that we all undermine and sabotage our lives. Maybe we got neglected or abused when we were young, and that greatly warps our present day life. What modern day Psychology does `not' understand, is that all our unhappy experiences, actually, come from our Malefic planets. Wherever we have a Malefic, we're spontaneously doing `that' which is NOT right for ourselves! If one of our malefics is Saturn, for example, then, we don't get enough rest, or take the time, necessary for `things' to unfold, and as a result, all manner of Saturn difficulties, frustrations and `grief' are our reality. When, finally, we get tired of `doing it our own, malefic way', then, immediately, the knowledge and wisdom of our Malefic pattern, begins to unfold for us. An astrologer can help in this regard. The universe, or transiting stars of each day, are here to help us awaken! We even can look to our inner story teller, our inner voice, the living presence of God, the #1 Guru, or teacher within, to truly understand who we are and where we need to grow. The Purpose of Life is after all…… Soul Growth! And, the very moment that we finally get this, and get about the every day, reality of `growing' than we will finally understand the `true' purpose of our lives. It's really true what they say, "We can't take it with us". What we do take with us, however, is the growth of our consciousness, personalities, or souls. The more we understand `exactly' what our Charts, or pattern of growth is all about, the more easy and natural will our life become. Look, today, into your Cosmic mirror, and what does God have reflected there for you! I use the 60-Second Star test each day to see how I'm doing and where I need, renewed attention. It only takes 60 seconds, and you can make a quick `review' of all your planets and determine which are balanced and which `un-shining'. I then, spend a few minutes each day, (in addition, to all the practical things I'm supposed to do), in the self-development of these sleeping planets. If you do this too, you'll find the real essence of your life, begin to reveal itself and you, too, will find yourself in the lap of God, the lap of life, moving and progressing into new heights, previously, unimaginable! Jai Guru Sincerely, Mark Kincaid Wow, the Moon really is in Sagittarius, today! www..com

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