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The 60-Second Star Test - Use this every day!

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Dear Members of Nature's Astrology,

I thought you might be

interested in hearing more about the 60-Second Star Test. This is

something we can each do every day, and it only takes 60 seconds, to

literally keep in touch with each of our planets.





Mark Kincaid


(We're presently using this in a new group, called Doing Great

Astrology, which is a research project we've organized to 'chart' the

benefits of using Jyotish remedies and remedial measures. You can

still join this group. We're starting now, and getting organized in

December, but will be most active in January of the new year, after the



Check it out at:





"Doing Great Astrology"



Research Project




Dear Friends,


In reflecting on this new group, "Doing Great Astrology" I've

thought one of the best things we can all practice is to take advantage

of what I call the 60-Second Star Test.


In other words, regardless of how well you presently know and

understand your chart, one can literally, `practice' this Star test

each day and with a very minimum amount of effort, "60-Seconds" you can

really unfold a lot of profundity in your life!


After years of self-study in Astrology I came to a point where I

realized that the basic thing I do each day, is to look into my planets

and see how they're doing.


Then, regardless of what I needed to do each day, to `make a living' I used this information to work on my planets.


Because I've long `used the planets' to help myself `EVOLVE'. I

quickly realized that this was an extremely simple and yet, profound

technique to really, take maximum advantage of my stars!


Therefore, in this course, we're going to use this Star `test' each day.


While you're filling out your `course' Personality Questionnaire'

and your Remedies `Background' form, I'd like you to read and start

using this 60-Second Star test, every day!


It only takes 60 seconds and there's no technique I've found more

simple and yet, profound, that really gets to the `heart' of what we're

all going through.


Sure, it'll always help, to continue growing in your

self-appreciation of your chart. So, whether you're a Beginner,

Medium, or Advanced student, you're going to want to continue `growing'

in exactly how your chart, "FITS YOU".


But, at the same time as you're doing this, which may take a few

more years; you can still be taking tremendous advantage of the stars,

each day, to work, achieve, and to accomplish in all the areas that

you're presently living.



The 60-Second Star Test




This isn't really, a `test' but I couldn't quite figure out what to

call it. For awhile I had the thought to call it the '60-Second Star

`Mentor' because after all, that's what using the Stars' Feedbacks are

all about.


When you discover, that Almighty Nature is right now, giving you

the most intimate and yet, profound feedback as to how you're literally

`doing' in this life, you'll realize this is coming from the greatest

mind, the greatest intelligence, or the greatest Mentor in Existence!


Realize that Almighty Nature has set up this Universe, for each one of us and our maximum advantage.


We've each been born, to live a certain life, which is exactly what we `choose' before we came to this Earth.


Our `charts' are the complete understanding as to exactly whom we are and what we've come to do!


If you know your charts, so far, you'll have discovered already which of your planets are positive and which one's negative.


This is of the utmost importance because Astrology has discovered

that where our Benefic `good' and positive planets are, we're already

doing and accomplishing the intended results of our actions!


In other words, if we have a good and strong Sun, we have naturally

strong and healthy self-confidence. Where some people have a very

`good' and healthy Moon in their charts, they're spontaneously living

all the positive and life-affirming results of having a happy,

interior, emotional life.


So, it's good to know one's strengths, because `they' will tell you

where your personality "POWERE CENTERS" are. I've learned to take

greater advantage of my astrological strengths and as a result feel a

greater sense of power and self-accomplishment as a result.


On the other, hand, EVERY human being, also, has a number of weaker

planets, called Malefics which are those planets that are less well

developed, imbalanced, or dysfunctional in some important ways.


The result of our Malefics, is that we're spontaneously undermining

ourselves in these particular ways, and quite often we don't even

realize it!


Let's say we have a poorer Sun, in our original `star' make-up.

And, as a result, we lack a certain, internal self strength. We may

know that we lack self-confidence, but it's not something generally,

that glares out at you like an eye that twitches, or a back ache, pain.


But, the results are just as real and significant.


Those that lack Sun self-confidence have an undercurrent of

`defeatism' that literally, pervades every aspect of their lives.


Even modern day Psychology, understands that one's self-confidence is crucial for success in life.


So, realizing what one's malefic weaknesses are is crucial in life.



However, in might take us 3-5 years of intense self-study to come

to realize which of one's planets are Benefic and which one's Malefic.



But, there is a simple formula that we can each use to put us in touch, literally, with our benefic and malefic planets!





The 60-Second Star Test



OKAY, let's do it!


It'll only take 60-seconds!


The Sun



Because the Sun, self-confidence is the most important part of our

`existence' I always check out my Sun first. A simple interior

`reflection' will quickly tell you how self-confident you are! Right,

now, look within and answer this question:


I am _____ Full, brimming with Self-confidence.

I am _____ Mediumly full of self-confidence Or

I am _____ definitely lacking in some important kind of self-confidence.







#2, okay, quick, How are `we' doing emotionally? We're either:


A: _____ experiencing tremendous interior emotional even ness, and happiness, or

B: _____ experiencing a medium type of emotional

satisfaction, with a certain amount or worries, anxieties or emotional

concerns, or

C: _____ experiencing a lot of emotional turmoil, anxiety, phobias or even depression.




Rising Sign – Body Type,




One of the chief `significations' of our Rising Sign is that it

relates to the Body and personality. So, right now, look into your

physiology and ask yourself this simple question:


I am:

A: _____ extremely happy, balanced, full of energy, raring to

go, brimming with physical well rested ness, and joy! Or,

B: _____ I'm feeling some lack of rejuvenation, maybe I

didn't get a real good nights sleep, or maybe I'm feeling a tad, tired,

or fatigued. Or,

C: _____ I'm extremely, chronically, stressed, with way too

much pain in the body, a constant source of frustration, worry, and







If the Moon relates to how we feel, or the emotional, intuitive

`mind', the Right-brain part of us, our Mercury's represent how we

think, the logical, reasoning, analytic or Left-brain part. So, how is

your intellectual `mind' doing. Either:


A: I'm _____ Doing great, have tremendous clarity of

mind, certainty as to what I'm doing and what life is all about. Or,

B: I have _____ some confusion, lack of clarity and some

frustrations with either using my mind or communicating adequately with

others. Or,

C: I have _____ a chronic sense of lack of reasoning

brilliance. I am extremely unclear about myself or my life. I'm at a

great loss as to how to proceed, and especially how to communicate

either my needs or wants to others.






If the Moon represents how we `feel' on an interior emotional

level, a quick look into our Venus heart will tell us all about how

`loving' we feel. Venus rules the expressive heart and therefore rules

how loving and well loved we are. So, either, we're:


A: _____ Experiencing a LOT of self-love and love from others. Or,

B: _____ Experiencing only a medium amount of self-love and experiences of love with others. Or,

C: _____ I feel a chronic sense of lack of self-love and deeply wish I was experiencing MORE love from others!







If Venus rules love, than Mars rules our `Passions'. A quick look

into our Mars' will tell us how much energy we have, how much drive,

persistence, and ability to stand up for ourselves! So, either,


A: _____ I'm experiencing a lot of energy and a lot of

internal fire, and intensity in which to get things done and stand up

for myself, Or,

B: _____ I'm feeling some lack of enough energy, a kind of

timid quality as to being able to stand up for either myself, others or

what is right, Or,

C: _____ I'm experiencing a lot of lack of energy, a real

depth of despair as to how to manifest my own desires and accomplish

that which I'd truly like to, in this life.


So, these are the main, interior planets, and even a quick

self-examination here, will help immensely, in getting a clarity as to

how one is doing.


Even, spending 5 or 10 minutes a day on those areas or planets in

which you answered B or C, will give you a great boost, in the real

importance of life, which is living a MORE self-actualized nature!







Mars rules the more concrete level and rules all actions, steps,

and physical behavior. Jupiter, on the other hand, rules the more

abstract quality of self-growth, progress and prosperity in life.

Jupiter rules `Expansion' and how much ease and effortless is our life moving ahead. So, either,


A: _____ I'm really very happy with my growth in life. I'm

feeling a lot of certainty as to my life-mission, my spirituality, and

what I've truly come to accomplish in this life, Or,

B: _____ I'm experiencing only a medium amount of happiness with my life, progress, or spiritual certainty. Or,

C: _____ I feel a real chronic sense of lack of clarity about who I am, my purpose, and spiritual accomplishments.







If Jupiter rules how we `expand' then, Saturn rules how we

`contract' or rest! Therefore a quick look into our Saturn will tell

us how well we've been resting, rejuvenating or transforming. Either,



A: _____ Experiencing a very well rested mind and body, and moving ahead with ease and grace, Or,

B: _____ Experiencing only a medium amount of success with keeping ourselves well rested, stress free or healthy, Or,

C: _____ Experiencing quite a bit of frustration with either

our health, physically, mentally or emotionally, and a lot of confusion

or obstacles along our path in life.







And finally, the last astrological `marker' in our 60-Second Star

Test is the collective `Rahu/Ketu'. For this purpose we're putting

them both together because `collectively' they rule how well we desire.

Either we're very well balanced with our desires, or we're experiencing

some important obsessions, compulsions or challenges with addictions.

Therefore, either we're:


A: _____ Experiencing no confusion or manipulation of our life due to our desires. Or,

B: _____ Experiencing some medium amount of tensions due to some obsessive, compulsive or addictive patterns, Or,

C: _____ Experiencing a LOT of tension due to some obvious addictive challenges or bad habits.



So, there you go!


Okay, maybe this first time took longer than 1 minute!


But, after awhile you'll get it down, literally, to one minute.


And, it's a great tool to be able to use all the time.


I'm constantly only just looking into my experience for a greater `clarity' as to how I'm doing.


And, every moment, our stars, the universe, even God himself, is communicating to us, directly through our Stars' make-up!


Therefore, getting more proficient as to how to REAC this

tremendous God created nervous system, is one of the greatest benefits

of Astrology.



Next, of course, we'll talk about some simple things we can do each

day, to turn any of our B's and C's around, into a more healthy, Mars,

Saturn, Venus, Sun or Moon!



Good luck, and God bless.




Mark Kincaid




PS: FILL OUT THIS 60-SECOND STAR TEST, as a beginning `template' for

this course or group, "Doing Great Astrology" and we will use this to

see how you're doing and charting, how well you're progressing through

this course and life, in general.


Fill this out, and then, send to me.



If you'd like to join our new group, contact us at:





PSS: Oh, yes, in addition to this Daily, 60-Second Star Test every

day, once we find which of our planets are malefic and which one's

benefic, we'll continue with 1) how to Ulitize our Benefics more and 2)

how to literally, Transform, our malefics, also, in to strengths!



And, finally, we'll be discussing how to expand our astrological self-knowledge, regardless of whether you consider yourself a

Beginner, Mediumm or Advanced Student.

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