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2-Mary from Mark Kincaid, re your Introduction

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Hello Mark:Still feeling overwhelmed but know it will pass. (Hi, Mary,..... Nice to hear back from you!And, yes, just like a clock, the hands of Nature's transiting 'dials' keep moving. I'm sure this iswhy I love the transits so much! I've now done a chart for each day for almost 22 years!The Waning Moon this month, I knew would be a little trying partly because of the holidays, but especiallybecause the Moon is so small while it's going into Scorpio, now with the Sun!)You had asked formore information on myself so here goes:Birth info :Mary Kanz, March 12, 1951, 11:12 PM, Wabasha, Minnesota( I didn't remember you were born in 51. Same as me! No wonder I feel some kinship there.From teh moment I met you I felt something deeply compatible. Now, I know why!We both have similar Jupiter's! Yours is with your Sun, and mines in Pisces, fully aspecting myMoon!)I have been a student of Western Astrology since 1985 when a traumatizingevent changed my life and I was searching for something to help me see life as a meaningful experience. It was always an interest to meeven as a child when I would read the daily horoscope in the newspaper,and my mother even gave me a little "Pisces" book for one of my earlybirthdays. (I know someday we'll stop feeling negatively about the so-called negative or malefic planets.If it wasn't for the natural grief that we get when we're out of balance, we'd probably never change!I think anyone with Jupiter & Sun together in their charts, is going to have an instinctive desireto find more Jupiter meaning in life! And, of course such a 'good' Jupiter gives deep appreciationof Astrology, and really any knowledge.Did you have a philosophical side to you, growing up? That's Jupiter's influence, too.)I consider myself always a student as it is a continuous learning experience, and Ihave found throughout the past 25 years that one learnssomething knew almost every time you read a book or do a chart. (Again, nice Jupiter influence. Learning, studying, teaching, these are all aspects of Juptiter!) I began doing charts in 1988 for friends and family members. This expanded viaword of mouth so that I receive emails from people who know these friendsof family members of mine who desire charts done. ( I find it so fascinating how we all follow our charts, design so perfectly. For you, your focusespecially on family and friends, is so natural with an Exalted Moon in Taurus in your chart.No wonder you have so much 'motherly' compassion for everyone!) Since early 1993 I began to read more about Hindu or Jyotish charts.I always am ready to expand on knowledge and learn more to help perfectcharts that I do. ( I love, so especially, listening to people's exact words, because you'll hear their charts speaking!In all of my books, I'm trying to use a lot of examples of people's exact words, so that peoplewill come to understand that Astrology is not something man-made, but is deep, built into the verynature of life, itself. Your use of the words: "to help perfect the charts that I do" is such a greatSaturn in Virgo expression!) The only part I dislike about Jyotish in comparison to Western is thatthere is not the psychological aspect of the person done by the astrologer,and it seems there is more of a strict judgmental attitude about the person. Ialways give the person examples of how to utilize a more seemingly negative aspectin their chart for the good. ( And, thank almighty God for this! You're absolutely right on here. I had a similar experiencewhen I first started studying Jyotish so many years ago, myself. 22 years ago, literally, ALL,the Jyotish books that were available were heavily, 'negative' and full of fatalism. And, 'that'habit of always finding the good to express, is so much more uplifting and truly natural.This is why I wanted to develop the concept of a new Astrology, one that combines, literally,the 'best' of both the west and east. Have you checked out my website yet?www..com ) I don't think Jyotish does this, but maybe I should not be judgmental here myself!!!Perhaps it is the more 'old school' astrologers that have done this andnot the new astrologers coming through now. Just so the person is notgiven a sort of 'dead end' feeling about him or herself when a readingis done is the point I wanted to make.( This quality of seeing the fault, is NOT due to Jyotish, but is an example of where the subjectivity of the Astrologer, is coming through. I remember when I first heard about Jyotish,I was a student of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and I heard him say: "Get 3 Jyotishreadings done." Back at the time I didn't know why. Later, when I began my own, self-study,I realized when you have a 'few' you will hear some things that are literally, the same in each reading. These are likely to be your chart! But, those things that seem different, between the 3readings, are more likely to be due to the subjectivity of each Astrologer! We need to keepbringing out the positivity of Astrology, and very soon, Jyotish will let go of that negative,pessimistic, fatalistic side!)Jyotish does explain why something happens to a person which Westernastrology shows no major transits in a chart. I do feel that Jyotishcan be more perfect in chart examinations.(I'm really looking forward to doing your chart, because I want so much people to seethe good and bad of both systems and realize that we only need to combine the best ofboth, together. This is another reason why I love the Transits so much. Because theyshow us each day, how almighty God is living the Stars! Nature only wants our own bestinterests to come out! So, anything traumatic is just to get our attention.And, it's not even that Nature makes us suffer. We suffer, do ONLY to the consequences ofour actions.)I am 58 and have been married for almost 40 years. We have two sonsand three grandchildren. I have worked at various jobs over the yearsof our marriage nothing major, no titles or high positions. I focusedon raising our sons and then babysat two of our grandchildren till theywent to school. (Well, I'd think that child rearing would come especially naturally to you, both because of that Exalted Moon but also, due to both the Sun and Juptier being in your 5th house of education!) Thus, I have had much opportunity to study astrologywhich is something I dearly love. Being an avid reader I would preferto pick up an astrological textbook then a novel although I considermyself well read. From junior high school on I loved to studypsychology and oftentimes would study people and figure out why theywere the way they were. I did not come from 'money people' or peoplewho were highly educated although my parents were intelligent I neverfelt I could go on to college and become a psychologist. When astrologybecame my passion, I knew that my early studies were geared towardsthis avenue. I was a shy child who did not have many friends but I do enjoy my alonetime even now. I find peace being by myself and enjoy helping peoplethrough astrology, spiritual guidance through astrology as well asbeing a Reiki Master for the past 7+ years. I find astrology to bea healing instument to use for people as well as myself. ( And, finally, I'd like to say, there is NO malefic influence upon your Moon, so shyness,doesn't come from that! Also, the Moon is fairly big and bright as well as Exalted, so thisis the really good and benefic part of you. I feel, that shyness is more likely to be due toSaturn's influence. Saturn's in the 12th, so you probably do not take as good enough carefor yourself as you should, yes?And, yes, Astrology is definitely meant to be a healing practice. Especially, in your chart, with that Exalted Moon, in the 8th house of transformations and Venus Exalted in the 6thhouse of health and healing, that is something you could do. When we talk, soon, we'llhave to go into more about this.Good luck. Look forward to talking with you, soon.Perhaps, after the Moon starts waxing again!take careMark KincaidThank you, Mark.

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