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The Transits are a Living Scripture, YOUR Bible, each day!

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The "Transits" Are A Bible,

The Living Scripture

Of the Stars!




One day a friend of mine said: "Mark, I love the Transits, they're

like the `Bible'. I cringed as she said this. "Eh, let's not call the

Transits, a bible, ... let's,….. let's call `them' a living Scripture."


If you're like me, you don't necessarily like `anyone' telling you,

what to do! What I love, especially about the Stars, is that every day

they are telling us something. But, they're not preaching, and they're

not condemning, chastising, or putting us down.

They're especially, not ANYTHING man made. They're the Living

Scripture of God. Or if you'd prefer, the living scripture of the

universe! They're sill, so something soft, subtle, and refined, that

we have to seek out the `meaning' of those Stars' movements.


The entire science of Astrology is based on self-reflection. The

`Stars' will be affecting us all, equally alike. However, exactly how

each person will be experiencing those stars, depends upon us!

Depending upon our charts, the dasa periods that we're going

through and especially our free will!, this is how we're each going to

be experiencing each days star movements.


Now, I realize, the Stars are a Bible! They're the `best' of the

universe, the living presence of God, flowing to us, innocently, and

softly, behind the scenes, showing us the `way' to our salvation, to

our success and to our liberation!


The Stars first spoke to us, on the exact moment of our births!

Those first stars flowed into us, and we `became' their nature. The

Sun was somewhere, shining down upon us. He became the soul, the I,

the self of this present incarnation.

Now, people are beginning to realize that the Sun, Self, soul type

that we are is one of 12 main Streams of consciousness, types!


What Sun type are you!


You're living that. You should know it better, more intimately.

Reflect on your Sun, soul, I, ego, self, consciousness nature today,

and you'll receive a `hit', a `message' an aha, from nature.


Nature is constantly reflecting back to us, this delicious Mirror, we call Astrology.


And, contained within our stars is a literally, list of do's and

don'ts that we can use for our advantage! Why does Astrology say that

Mars is malefic in the first house? Or, why does Jyotish say that

Saturn in the 6th, 8th or 12th houses tends to be malefic?

Because it is the truth. And, when we look within, and discover

one of our `Malefic' patterns, these are NOT there to condemn or put us





These patterns, these reflections are here, to help us. Because

where we have our malefics these are where we're creating challenges,

problems and ultimately suffereing in our lives, even if we don't know



If our Saturn is malefic functioning and inclining us to stay up

too late, to work too hard, and not to take the rest that we need, we

SHOULD recognize that this is something we could benefit from, in

understanding ourselves better!


We don't get mad at Jyotish or Astrology for giving us `her' value

judgments. Instead we bow down and thank our Lucky Stars, for this

knowledge and wisdom.


Like that, we can find the Living Scripture inside of our stars!


As you discover what's right and wrong, within your chart! You will

receive such a blessing from almighty God, that's almost unparalleled

in this entire world!


When you learn to `read' the Living Scripture that's inside of you,

you will receive such a blessing from life, that you will find yourself

happily and gracefully, moving in the direction of your highest good!


The Benefices in our charts, is already where we're in-tune, with

the universe! Where we have our benefic strengths, we're already

thinking, feeling and behaving correctly! I use the word `correctly'

because the consequences of all of our benefic actions will be

uplifting, progressive and bring us all `good' in life.


However, where we have our malefics we are creating our life's misery, even if we don't realize it.


I came across this statement, in the Gita one day, as I was researching the Self, as Sun, I, and the `will'.



"Until a seeker of truth, gets tired

of doing it his own way,

knowledge never comes."





Of course, we can continue doing everything our own way, but

eventually, we'll get tired of hitting our heads on the wall, or

straining, and creating misery in our lives.


The experience of pain, of dis-stress, of misery, of any form, is just a Saturn, `sign' of wrong action!


We eat the wrong food and we get a belly ache!


We don't get mad at our bellys for giving us these feedbacks. We

don't get mad at God, for not allowing us to eat the wrong type of

foods. We should bow down and thank almighty God for setting up all

these `sign' posts, along the way, so that we can proceed the most

smoothly and effortlessly, in life.


Once we get tired of doing `it' our own way, then, truly, knowledge

does come. And, we will forever be changed, as a result.


I remember when I was in college. I was suffering a lot. I was

alone for the first time in my life. I was unhappy, missing my family,

and basically, feeling lost in the universe. I just silently prayed to

God to help me, to lead me into anything more happy and immediately he



I stumbled into this poster on my college campus. "Unfold your

Full Potential Through Transcendental Meditation." And, like a God

send, I immediately latched onto this next step of my evoluton.


At every moment, when we learn how to `read' the stars, we can hear

the silent musings of the almighty speaking into our ears, giving us

love and counsel, to help us along our way!


Once we become experienced enough in `reading' our stars, both

within and without, in the universe, we'll have all we need to

continually progress in life.


Let this be our resolution, as another wonderful year comes to an end.


How was your year, in 2009?


Was it happy, full of progress and increasing joy and happiness!


Or was it full of problems, struggles, frustrations and difficulties?


If you experienced `any' challenge in this last year, let your New

Year's resolution include the question: "Lord, what more can I

understand, that'll help me avoid, those problems, ever again!"


"Please help me see the light, of knowledge and wisdom, that will

serve to light my way, into a brighter future of all joy, smooth

sailing, success, and bliss!"



Happy New Year, to all, and may this next year, be your best, ever!




Jai Guru





Mark Kincaid




Receive your daily, 'word' Transits Scripture each day by contacting us at:


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