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Life is a Living Scripture of Every Moment of Every Day

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Life is a LivingScripture,Every Day The world loves scriptures. We've got our Bible, we've got the Koran, we've even got a lot of Vedic or Hindu scriptures. You've got your Gita, you've got your Puranas, your Mahabharatta and on and on. But, there is another way of understanding Scripture. Scripture is the every day, sense, of knowingness, of right and wrong. Every day, we're experiencing the universe, and at every moment, the almighty universe is telling us what is Right and what is Wrong! What is `right' in life, is that which leads to more life. What is right is that which gives us more joy, more ease, more clarity of mind, and more enlightenment! What is `wrong' is that which leads us away from our evolution. We experience these truths, right and wrong, good and bad, each and every day. In fact we experience these on a regular, moment by moment basis. This is because the universe is a Living Scripture. It's built in, into the very nature of life. It's in our cells. It's in our DNA. That which is `right' is that which supports, that unfolds and that which helps us evolve. In Astrology, `that' which is right is that which is called Benefic. That which is not right or that which is wrong is that which is called Malefic. Where we've been right, good, or in the right direction, has created our Benefices, in the first place. Where we came in, with our ignorance, our short comings, our mistaken notions, immature qualities, dysfunctional or undeveloped parts, these are literally, our Malefics! Learning to distinguish between the Benefic `good' and the Malefic `bad' is one of the greatest benefits of Astrology. Astrology has its opinions about what is right and wrong. But, we get a chance to discover for ourselves what is good and bad, every day, within ourselves. We will know which direction is good, because we'll feel more joy, more clarity and more happiness. We eat the right food and our body feels wonderful. We eat the wrong food and immediately we get a tummy ache, indigestion or gas! So, how can discover what is right and wrong for ourselves? There's a simple 60-Second Star test, that will immediately put you in touch with whether your planets are in-tune and functioning in healthy or `good' ways or whether they're temporarily acting malefically and creating mischief, challenges and problems for ourselves. The `rub' is that we may not even know which is which. Sure, in some ways, some of our more obvious malefic patterns are clearly something that we can be aware of. Then, it becomes a matter, not so much to discover whether something's acting malefically, but HOW to correct those. For the more subtle functioning malefics, what Vedic knowledge calls our Pragya parades, (Mistakes of Intellect) or that which is causing us harm, and we don't even know it, we only need to discover which of our planets are wrapped around, any, malefic ness. So, take the 60-Second star test and discover what your living Scripture, your nervous system is saying to you!The 60-Second Star Test!The Sun – Self-Confidence In one moment you can discover if you're in-tune with your Sun. Am I experiencing a good deal of self-confidence? A quick glance within and asking your self this question will immediately make you aware of the answer. Either, A, you're experiencing a lot of self-confidence. Or, B, we're experiencing only a medium amount of self-worth. Or, C, I seem to have a chronic lack of self-confidence, self-worth and even lack of strength of will! These are the 3 main qualities or signs of Sun, Self-confidence. If you said B or C, then, know that the Sun, is one of your `planets' so to speak that you can benefit from strengthening, or heeding your living scripture, and improving! Put even 5 minutes upon strengthening your Sun, today, and you WILL experience some self-improvement!The Moon – Emotional Happiness In another moment you can discover if you're in-tune with your Moon or not. Am I experiencing a lot of emotional happiness, inner joy, emotional evenness, intuition or ease, on an inner feeling level? A quick glance within and looking into your inner feeling level will give you your answer. Either, A, you're experiencing a lot of emotional happiness. Or, B, you're experiencing only a medium amount of inner, feeling bliss. Or, C, I seem to have a chronic lack of emotional evenness, joy or stability.These are the 3 main qualities or signs of Moon Happiness and they include: evenness of feelings, intuition and bliss! If you said B or C, then, know that the Moon is likely to be one of your planets that you can benefit from strengthening. Put even 10-15 minutes upon strengthening your Moon today, and you WILL experience some Moon, self-improvement!Mercury – Clarity of Mind The Moon relates to our inner feelings, what modern science calls the Right-brain part of us. On the other hand, the Left-brain, intellectual, reasoning, logical and analytic part of us, is that which is called Mercury. Ask yourself this simple question: Am I experiencing a lot of intellectual clarity? Do I feel certain about myself and my place in this universe? Or am I confused, befuddled, or unclear in any way? A quick glance within and looking into your conscious thinking level will give you your answer to this question! Either, A, you're experiencing a lot of intellectual clarity of mind. Or, B, you're experiencing only a medium amount of logic, analytic clarity. Or, C, You seem to be suffering from some chronic lack of intellectual brilliance.These are the 3 main qualities or signs of Mercury power of Benefic ness. They include: a startling light in your intellectual mind, a certainty or conviction of mind! If you said B or C, then, know that Mercury is probably one of your planets that you can benefit from strengthening. Put even 5 minutes upon strengthening your Mercury today, and you WILL experience some dramatic Mercury, self-improvement!Venus – Loving Happiness If the Moon represents how we `feel' on the inside, our Venus' represent how loving and well loved we are. We quickly, can look within and detect if we're experiencing a lot of self-love and loving appreciation of and for others. Either, A, I'm experiencing a lot of interior self-loving qualities. Or, B, I'm experiencing only a medium amount of inner, self love or love from others. Or, C, I seem to have a strong lack of interior self-love or success in my loving relationships with others.These are the 3 main qualities or signs of Venus power and Happiness and they include: This unmistakable quality of cascading bliss, trickling into the heart and mind from it's source, the unbounded field or pure intelligence and what the Ved calls Ananda, and second, inner loving contentment, and 3) a definite appreciative quality going on inside! If you said B or C, then, know that the Venus is likely to be one of your planets that you can benefit from strengthening. Put even 5 minutes upon strengthening your Venus today, and you WILL experience some powerful Venus, self-improvement!Mars – Passion & Positive Power If Venus represents how we `love', then, Mars represents how we fight! A quick look inside will tell us if we're in-tune with our Mars, or not. If we're balanced or developed with our Mars, we feel tremendous Mars virility, inner strength, energy, passion, enthusiasm and conviction! On the other hand, if we feel timid, slightly afraid of asserting or standing up for ourselves, then Mars may be acting maleficially in us. Either, A, you're experiencing a lot of powerful Mars strength. Or, B, you're experiencing only a medium amount of inner, Mars, energy or power. Or, C, you seem to have a chronic lack of Mars strength, energy or determinism.These are the 3 main qualities or signs of Mars power and they include: pure physical energy, passion and convictions! If you said B or C, then, you now know that Mars is likely to be one of your planets that you can benefit from strengthening. Put even 5 minutes upon strengthening your Mars today, and you WILL experience some definite Mars, self-development! Jupiter – Expansive - Spirituality Where the questions so far had to deal, primarily with the interior part of us, now we're going to enquire into the health or positive Benefic functioning of our Jupiter's and Saturn's. Jupiter stands for how we expand. So, either we're wide awake with the progressive, evolutionary and expanding nature of the universe or we're feeling sluggish, out of sync and definitely like we could benefit from getting more in-tune with Jupiter's special qualities. Either, A, you're experiencing a lot of Jupiter's unique bliss, knowledge and wisdom. Or, B, you're experiencing a definite, limited or only medium amount of Jupiter support. Or, C, you seem to be under a chronic lack of special Jupiter luck, Divine guidance or spiritual clarity.These are the 3 main qualities or signs of Jupiter's nature are: 1) great clarity of knowledge and wisdom, 2) powerful support from nature and 3) ease and effortless, moving ahead and progress. If you said B or C, then, probably you can benefit from enlivening more Jupiter, in your life. Spend even 5 minutes enlivening your Jupiter today, and you, too WILL experience a definite Jupiter improvement!Saturn – Stability – Support & Balance Where Jupiter rules how we expand, Saturn rules how we contract! Therefore, Saturn is the main planet of rest, or healing, rejuvenation, recuperation, and transformation. A quick look inside will tell you whether you're in-tune with Saturn or not. Either, A, you're experiencing a lot of deep Saturn bliss, presence of mind, patience, silence and stillness. Or, B, you're experiencing only a medium amount of Saturn patience and inner joy. Or, C, you seem to be under a Saturn fog of delays, frustrations, disappointments, ill-health, or grief in many ways These are the 3 main qualities or signs of Saturn's unique qualities that show us innocently how in-tune we are with Saturn: 1) we're experiencing a lot of inner calmness. Or, 2) we have automatic patience and maturity or 3) we get our desires fulfilled without much fuss or commotion. If you said B or C, then, know that Saturn is very likely to be one of your malefic functioning planets and one that you could benefit from strengthening. Put even 5-15 minutes each day upon strengthening your Saturn, and you WILL experience such an improvement that you will be quite startled.Rahu/Ketu – Freedom of Desire And, finally we come to Rahu & Ketu. These are the two parts of our astrological nature that have to do with how `well' we use our desires. Either we're having desires and we're in control of them, or they are abusing, pushing or controlling us! We call these out of tune desires, compulsions, obsessions and addictions. Either, A, you're experiencing a lot of freedom from any addictive tendencies. Or, B, you're experiencing only a medium amount of inner freedom in the area of desires. Or, C, you're experiencing quite a bit of `slavery' to your desires, and obsessive habits, patterns or tendencies. These are the 3 main qualities or signs of Rahu/Ketu that will help us see, immediately, if we're in-tune or not. 1) we have our desires and we're the One who's in control of them. Or, 2) we have our desires but we feel driven, compelled, literally, in some fashion. Or, 3) we definitely feel moved this way and that, by our desires, wishes, appetites or patterns. If you said B or C, then, know that the Rahu/Ketu are likely to be one of those planets that you can benefit from strengthening. Put even a few minutes strengthening your Rahu/Ketu nature today, and you WILL experience a great relief in this area. Ayurveda says it's in the memory, how healthy or unhealthy or mental and emotional patterns are. We therefore, only need to change the memory that's there, and we can change, literally anything! Okay, admittedly we spent more than 60 seconds doing this first 60-Second Star test. But, next time you do this, it'll go much more quickly. And each day, especially as you understand your astrological nature, more and more, you too, will find your self only spending a minute going through the `pulse' of your astrological nature. Ayurveda, has the pulse to diagnose dis-ease and imbalance on any and all levels. In Astrology, we have our planets to help us immediately see if we're experiencing the positive or negative side of their natural functioning. Then, it's simply a matter of tweaking or refining how we use our planets and quickly, very quickly you'll find yourself answering B and A, to each of these questions! When you finally, can say A, to each of your planets, you'll find yourself living such a refined and progressive part of your self, that you'll be truly amazed and delighted, to be so in-tune. Then, the use of the automatic Living Scripture of life will be automatic, extremely profound, and immediately fulfilling. God seems to have, but one rule! We can do whatever we want. We were in heaven, coming to the earth and we were told: "Go ahead, take any chart that you would like. Do literally anything…." And, before we can get the whole story, we're jumping up and down, exclaiming, yea! We sometimes, miss, then, the second half of our instructions as we're running out the door. "Wait, wait, yes, you can do anything, only don't forget you're going to be held accountable for every consequences of all those actions!" And, that's the essence and the rub of life. Figuring out what we want to do that's all good, with as little bad as possible. Jai Guru Mark Kincaid www..com kincaidmark

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